Information on Searching Years
The number in parentheses represents the programs for that date. If you do not find a program in a specific date (example: October 20, 1957), make sure to check the entries for the month (October 1957) and year (1957).
If you know the exact date you're looking for, just pick the year, pick the Month and date of the program and click on it. The numbers in parentheses are the number of programs that were broadcast on that date that are in the database. If you know the month and year, enter the year and search each of the days of the month to examine each entry for that date. There will be a maximum of 31 entries for each month that you'll have to search, or just enter the month and year, omitting the day of the month.
The are many entries in this database that have NO date listed, primarily because the date of the broadcast is not known. In that case, you must search by the name of the program or by any of the people who appear on the program.
Example: If you're looking for a program that was broadcast in 1944, but you don't know when, just enter the year 1944. You'll see all the listing with a complete date (such as October 20, 1944) or a partial date (such as January 1944). Written at the top of the list, ahead of January 1, 1944, is just the year indicated "1944" followed by the number of shows known to be from 1944, but with no other information as to "when" in 1944 the show you're looking for was broadcast. In this case, you'll have to look at each 1944 listing individually, they're not in any sequence. Shows with no broadcast date information must be searched in either "Search by Program" or "Search by Artist."