
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

This section is an alphabetical list of every person who received air credit (or should have received air credit) on every program in the archive. Alphabetizing a list of names would be easy if everyone had a first and a last name. But they don't and one has to start making decisions. Alphabetized by first or last name? The "program names" are alphabetized by the actual name of the program, not a person. "The Jack Benny Show" is therefore listed under "Jack" and not "Benny." I ignore "The," "A" and "An" for greater clarity. In the "people" section, I've had to deal with those with three (or more names) like "Adam Clayton Powell," those who usually use only initials ("H.V. Kaltenborn") or a combination (like "J. David Goldin") and other variations. "Benny Goodman and His Orchestra" is filed under "Goodman," as is his trio, his quartet, etc. Caution: many names look like they are spelled incorrectly, but they may not be (then again, some of them probably are). This apparent error may in fact be a reference to someone you never heard of who spells his name differently. Steven Allen is not the same person as Steve Allen, the comedian/ musician/author. John Kennedy was both a NBC announcer in the mid-30s and a president. They were not the same guy.

I've tried to eliminate all titles. Therefore, unless I didn't know the first name, you'll see no "Generals," "Doctors," "Governors," "Bishops" or other honorifics. Hyphenated names, those that end with "Jr." and those with lineage descriptors (John Jones III) were invented just to make life difficult. I couldn't bring myself to list the king of England as "Windsor, George." You will probably agree with some of my decisions and disagree with others. At least I tried to be consistent.

Caballe, Montserrat (5)

Caballero, Luie (1)

Cabana, Bob (1)

Cabazon, John (1)

Cabibbo, Joseph (23)

Cable and His Orchestra, Howard (1)

Cables, George (1)

Cabot and His Orchestra, Chuck (1)

Cabot Octet, The Tony (1)

Cabot, Blake (1)

Cabot, Bruce (7)

Cabot, David S. (1)

Cabot, Lake (1)

Cabot, Sebastian (10)

Cacavas and His Orchestra, John (63)

Cacavas Orchestra and Chorus, John (22)

Cacavas, John (1)

Caceras, Ernie (2)

Caceres, Ernie (65)

Cackle Sisters, The (3)

Cactus Kids, The (1)

Cactus Mack and His Saddle Tramps (2)

Caddigan, James (1)

Caddington, John (1)

Cadeau, Lally (1)

Caden, Martin (1)

Cadenet, Valerie de (1)

Cadeshaw, A. O. (1)

Cadet, Thomas (1)

Cadets, The (23)

Cadiente, David (1)

Cadillac Choral Symphony, The (12)

Cadillacs, The (4)

Cadley, Edward (1)

Cadman, Charles Wakefield (1)

Cadogan, Alexander (1)

Cadrez, Florence (1)

Cadwell, Paul (1)

Cady, Frank (23)

Cady, Jerome (1)

Cady, Jerry (2)

Caen, Herb (1)

Caesar, Adolph (1)

Caesar, Arthur (2)

Caesar, Florence (1)

Caesar, George (6)

Caesar, Irving (18)

Caesar, Jimmy (1)

Caesar, Michelle (1)

Caesar, Richard (1)

Caesar, Sid (21)

Caffery, Jefferson (1)

Cage, John (1)

Cagle, Clarence (1)

Cagney, James (49)

Cagney, Jeanne (29)

Cahill, Horace (1)

Cahill, Jack (14)

Cahill, Lyn (1)

Cahill, Thomas J. (1)

Cahn, Gladys (1)

Cahn, Leonard (1)

Cahn, Sammy (15)

Cahoot Trio, The Hank (2)

Caidin, Martin (1)

Caillou, Alan (7)

Cain, Harry (2)

Cain, Jackie (1)

Cain, James (2)

Cain, James M. (10)

Cain, Mary (1)

Caine, Betty (11)

Caine, Eddie (1)

Caine, Howard (2)

Caine, Melville (1)

Caine, Michael (3)

Caiola, Al (2)

Caire, Audrey (1)

Cairman, Michael (48)

Cairn, Bill (121)

Cairn, Bob (2)

Cairn, Bruce (2)

Cairns, Huntington (1)

Calado, Antonio (1)

Calamaris, Angela (1)

Calcord, Ray (1)

Caldarell, Bart (1)

Calder, Alexander (1)

Calder, Crane (3)

Calder, King (24)

Calderall, Bart (2)

Calderisi, David (7)

Caldwell, Edith (4)

Caldwell, Ernest (2)

Caldwell, Erskine (2)

Caldwell, Grace (12)

Caldwell, Hank (16)

Caldwell, Harry (1)

Caldwell, Hartley (1)

Caldwell, Jack (1)

Caldwell, James (1)

Caldwell, Jay (2)

Caldwell, Millard (2)

Caldwell, Nate (6)

Caldwell, Orville R. (3)

Calender, Red (3)

Calenza, John (1)

Calhern, Louis (28)

Calherne, Louis (4)

Calhoun, Galloway (1)

Calhoun, M. R. (1)

Calhoun, Matt (1)

Calhoun, Phil (1)

Calhoun, Rory (9)

Calhoun, Thonus (1)

Calhoun, William (1)

Cali, John (2)

Cali, Johnny (11)

Calicos, John (1)

Californians, The (3)

Calitri, Rae (1)

Caliver, Ambrose (7)

Calker and His Swing-Phonics, Darrell (2)

Call, Asa V. (1)

Call, Audrey (5)

Call, Fred (1)

Call, John (1)

Call, Mitch (1)

Callaghan, James (2)

Callaghan, Nina (19)

Callahan, Jack (2)

Callahan, Karen (11)

Callahan, Margaret (3)

Callahan, Marie (1)

Callahan, Mushy (1)

Callahan, Robert E. (69)

Callahan, Stephen (2)

Callahan, Stephen R. (1)

Callahan, Steven R. (9)

Callan, Lucille (1)

Callander, Red (3)

Callas and His Orchestra, Carl (1)

Callas, Carl (2)

Callas, Maria (3)

Callaway (1)

Callaway, Howard (1)

Callaway, Howard Bo (1)

Callaway, May Belle (21)

Calleia, Joseph (3)

Callejo, Cecilia (1)

Callen, Bob (1)

Callender Trio, The Red (2)

Callender, Red (3)

Caller, Gloria (1)

Calley, Joe (1)

Calley, Malcolm (1)

Calli, Wendell (1)

Calliman, Ralph (1)

Callison, Peter (1)

Callow, Simon (10)

Calloway and His Cabbaliers, Cab (1)

Calloway and His Cotton Club Orchestra, Cab (4)

Calloway and His Orchestra, Cab (21)

Calloway, Cab (24)

Cally, Edmund (1)

Calmer, Ned (72)

Caluba, Will (2)

Calvelli, Joseph (2)

Calvert, Carol (1)

Calvert, Charles (243)

Calvert, Corrine (1)

Calvert, Maude (1)

Calvert, Patricia (3)

Calvert, William (5)

Calvet, Corinne (2)

Calvin, Harry (2)

Calvin, Henry (6)

Calvin, Joseph (1)

Calvin, Rosemary (5)

Camada, Charles (1)

Camaguay, Van (1)

Camalion, Steven (1)

Camarata, Ed (2)

Camarata, Tutti (1)

Camargo, Felice (2)

Camargo, Ralph (194)

Cambridge, Godfrey (2)

Camden, Barbara (2)

Camden, Bertha (4)

Camden, Horace (4)

Camegys, Kathleen (1)

Camera, Candido (1)

Cameron, Alan (1)

Cameron, Charles (1)

Cameron, Charles S. (18)

Cameron, Cliff (1)

Cameron, Don (3)

Cameron, Donald (1)

Cameron, James (1)

Cameron, Jay (1)

Cameron, Jean (2)

Cameron, John (5)

Cameron, Ken (2)

Cameron, Lehman (19)

Cameron, Louise (1)

Cameron, Pat (2)

Cameron, Phil (1)

Cameron, Robert (6)

Cameron, Rod (32)

Cameron, Silver Donald (1)

Cameron, Van (1)

Camey, Charles (1)

Camillan, Stephen (1)

Caminita, Tony (8)

Camp Kallen Ridge Runners, The (1)

Camp Lee Soldiers Chorus, The (1)

Camp McAllister Bunter Abend, The (1)

Camp Upton Dance Band, The (1)

Camp, Bob Van (2)

Camp, Charles L. (1)

Camp, Dave (2)

Camp, David Lee (1)

Camp, Del (2)

Camp, Harry (2)

Camp, Mike (1)

Camp, Pam (1)

Camp, Ron (1)

Camp, Shawn (1)

Campanella, Frank (3)

Campanella, Joseph (8)

Campanella, Roy (4)

Campaux, Francois (1)

Campbell Jr., John (29)

Campbell, Alan (4)

Campbell, Alexander (2)

Campbell, Allen (1)

Campbell, Anthony (1)

Campbell, Archie (10)

Campbell, Barry (2)

Campbell, Ben Nighthorse (1)

Campbell, Beverly (1)

Campbell, Bill (3)

Campbell, Bob (3)

Campbell, Bruce (5)

Campbell, Burke (2)

Campbell, Catherine (1)

Campbell, Chris (1)

Campbell, Clive (13)

Campbell, Colin (17)

Campbell, Dave (8)

Campbell, Del (1)

Campbell, Dick (3)

Campbell, Don (2)

Campbell, Donald (4)

Campbell, Douglas (5)

Campbell, Edna (1)

Campbell, Ellen (2)

Campbell, Flora (4)

Campbell, Frances (1)

Campbell, George (1)

Campbell, Gerald (3)

Campbell, Giff (1)

Campbell, Glen (1)

Campbell, Guy (2)

Campbell, H. (1)

Campbell, Harry (1)

Campbell, J. B. (1)

Campbell, Jack (4)

Campbell, Jerry (1)

Campbell, Jim (7)

Campbell, Jo (16)

Campbell, Joe (3)

Campbell, John (1)

Campbell, Joseph (1)

Campbell, Kay (2)

Campbell, Leland (1)

Campbell, Levin H. (1)

Campbell, Louise (1)

Campbell, Mairi (1)

Campbell, Malcolm (1)

Campbell, Miami (2)

Campbell, Mrs. E. A. (1)

Campbell, Muryel (2)

Campbell, Naomi (8)

Campbell, Patrick (1)

Campbell, Patsy (13)

Campbell, Paul (4)

Campbell, Pete (1)

Campbell, Peter (2)

Campbell, Rex (1)

Campbell, Rick (1)

Campbell, Ronald (1)

Campbell, Steven (1)

Campbell, Ted (3)

Campbell, Thomas (1)

Campbell, Tom (1)

Campbell, Virginia (1)

Campbell, William (2)

Camper, Mary (1)

Campion, Joy (1)

Campion, Sean (1)

Campion, Thomas (1)

Campione, Jean (1)

Campo, Del (17)

Campo, Vinnie De (1)

Campora, Giuseppe (1)

Campus Freshman, The (1)

Campus Kids, The (2)

Camries, Marvin (1)

Camuca, Richie (1)

Camuda, Edward S. (1)

Canaday, Al (1)

Canaday, Miron (1)

Canal, Gordon (1)

Canal, Jane (1)

Canal, Parker (1)

Canale, Ray (2)

Canaras, Johnny (1)

Canard, Harry (1)

Canard, Stuart (2)

Canby, Edward Tatnall (2)

Canby, Henry (1)

Canby, Henry Sidell (2)

Canby, Linda (2)

Canda, Joseph (1)

Candido, Candy (53)

Candino, Ken (1)

Candiotti, Susan (1)

Candle, Don (1)

Candoli, Conte (22)

Candoli, Pete (4)

Candy and Coco (1)

Candy Chorus, The Clark (1)

Candy Kids, The (2)

Candy, Roy (1)

Cane, Charles (2)

Cane, James M. (1)

Caneely, Billy (1)

Caneely, Marla (1)

Caneely, William (5)

Canel, Arthur J. (1)

Canel, E. B. (1)

Canel, Pat (4)

Canelli, Martin (1)

Canelli, Pielo (1)

Canfield, Alice (1)

Canfield, Cass (1)

Canfield, Homer (21)

Canham, Erwin (2)

Caniff, Frank (4)

Caniff, Milton (177)

Canin, Jeff (1)

Canin, Stuart (4)

Canines, Karlmeyer's Trained (1)

Cannegore, John (1)

Cannegore, Richard (1)

Cannett, Jeffrey (1)

Cannon, Billy (2)

Cannon, Bruce (1)

Cannon, Jack (1)

Cannon, Jimmy (7)

Cannon, John (8)

Cannon, Larry (1)

Cannon, Maureen (1)

Cannon, Robert (1)

Cannon, Sylvester (1)

Cannon, Sylvia (1)

Cannon, Wayne (1)

Cannonball Adderly Quintet, The (1)

Canon, Blanche (7)

Canon, Maureen (1)

Canot, Abram (1)

Canova, Annie (5)

Canova, Judy (81)

Canova, Zeke (5)

Canowin, John (1)

Cansdale, Harry (1)

Cansino, Carmina (1)

Cansino, Susanne (2)

Cantelli, Guido (13)

Canterbury Chorus, The (2)

Canterbury, Archbishop Of (1)

Cantinflas (1)

Cantino, Dick (1)

Canton, Godfrey (1)

Canton, William (1)

Cantor, Bill (1)

Cantor, Charlie (270)

Cantor, Ed (1)

Cantor, Eddie (484)

Cantor, Eric (7)

Cantor, Hal (1)

Cantor, Herman (2)

Cantor, Ida (2)

Cantor, Janet Gari (1)

Cantor, Love (1)

Cantor, Marilyn (2)

Cantor, McKinley (6)

Cantor, Nat (1)

Cantorum, The Chorus Of The Schola (1)

Cantorum, The St. Thomas School Choir and Schola (1)

Cantrell, Frank (1)

Cantrell, Grady (1)

Cantrell, Hadley (1)

Cantrell, Kyle (1)

Cantrell, Lana (1)

Cantwell, John (1)

Cantwell, Maria (2)

Canute, Walter (1)

Canutt, Yakima (2)

Capan, David (1)

Capazzola, Antonio (1)

Capdonne, Betsy (1)

Capecchi, Renato (1)

Capehart, Homer (1)

Capelet, Vince (1)

Capell, Clarence (1)

Capell, Peter (166)

Capell, Waldemar (5)

Capelle, Oliver (5)

Capelli, Bob (1)

Caper, John (2)

Capiello, Sam (6)

Capito, Shelley Moore (2)

Caplan, Jeff (1)

Caplin, Mortimer (2)

Capo, Bobby (1)

Capote, Truman (1)

Capp, Al (17)

Capp, Frank (1)

Cappasella, Fred (1)

Capper, Arthur (1)

Capposella, Fred (4)

Capps, Frank L. (1)

Capps, Jimmy (1)

Capra, Frank (10)

Caprell, Mickey (1)

Capri Sisters, The (1)

Capri, Ahna (1)

Caprio, Al Di (3)

Capris, The (1)

Capron, Naomi (1)

Caps, Gene Vincent and His Blue (1)

Capstaff, Al (20)

Capstaff, Albert (2)

Captain Stubby (1)

Captain Stubby and The Buccaneers (57)

Caradon, Lord (1)

Carasa, Armando (1)

Carbia, Vilma (1)

Carbo, Joseph (1)

Carbone, Nino (1)

Carbonell, Kenny (8)

Carby, Fanny (2)

Card, Andy (1)

Card, Clelland (4)

Card, Jerome (1)

Card, Katherine (3)

Card, Kathryn (5)

Card, Ken (11)

Card, Norman (1)

Cardell, Jim (1)

Cardell, Tony (1)

Carden, Fran (2)

Carden, Huey (1)

Carden, James (24)

Carden, James Knight (1)

Cardenas, Rudy (1)

Cardew, Phil (1)

Cardew, Valerie (1)

Cardin, Benjamin (1)

Cardin, James (13)

Cardin, Joseph (1)

Cardinal, Edward V. (1)

Cardinal, James (2)

Cardinal, Jim (1)

Cardinal, Tim (1)

Cardon, Mary Frances (1)

Cardoni, Tony (4)

Cardoza, Dennis (1)

Cardwell, David (1)

Cardwell, Don (1)

Cardwell, James (1)

Carelli, Gabor (11)

Caresi, Julie (1)

Carew, Helen (5)

Carew, Peter (1)

Carew, Thomas (1)

Carey Jr., Harry (1)

Carey, Alex (1)

Carey, Bud (4)

Carey, Christopher (3)

Carey, Dick (1)

Carey, Ernestine Gilbert (1)

Carey, Ernestine Gilbreth (1)

Carey, Harry (12)

Carey, Harvey (1)

Carey, Hugh (1)

Carey, James (4)

Carey, James B. (3)

Carey, Ken (1)

Carey, MacDonald (41)

Carey, Margaret (2)

Carey, Max (1)

Carey, Mutt (9)

Carey, Norman (1)

Carey, Papa Mutt (1)

Carey, Paul (1)

Carey, Phil (1)

Carey, Richenda (1)

Cargill, Harold (1)

Cargill, Judith (1)

Carhardt, Ruth (2)

Carhart, Ruth (1)

Carhartt, James (3)

Carhartt, James N. (1)

Carideo, Frank (1)

Cariello, Mario (1)

Carignon, Jean (1)

Carillo, Del (1)

Carillo, John (1)

Cariner, Carl (1)

Caring, Wiliam (1)

Carioca, Joe (1)

Carl Sisters, The (1)

Carl, Bill (1)

Carl, Candy (1)

Carl, Frank (1)

Carl, George (1)

Carl, Larry (1)

Carl, Marion (2)

Carla, Victor (1)

Carle and His Orchestra, Frankie (39)

Carle, Frankie (18)

Carle, Marjorie (1)

Carle, Richard (1)

Carleton and His Orchestra, Buddy (1)

Carleton, Bob (9)

Carleton, Carter (2)

Carleton, Catherine (1)

Carleton, Claire (2)

Carleton, Jean (2)

Carleton, Katharine (1)

Carleton, Leonard (1)

Carleton, Tex (1)

Carleton, Torey (18)

Carley, Don (2)

Carley, Paul (5)

Carliff, Dorothy (1)

Carlin and His Orchestra, Tommy (1)

Carlin, Charles (1)

Carlin, Dorothy (3)

Carlin, George (1)

Carlin, Phillips (6)

Carlin, Steve (52)

Carlin, Tom (1)

Carlin, William L. (3)

Carling, Victoria (1)

Carlino, Joseph (1)

Carlisle and His Orchestra, Russ (7)

Carlisle, Betty (1)

Carlisle, Bill (2)

Carlisle, Billy (1)

Carlisle, Charles (3)

Carlisle, Chester (1)

Carlisle, Cliff (1)

Carlisle, Eileen (3)

Carlisle, John S. (1)

Carlisle, Kay (4)

Carlisle, Kitty (10)

Carlisle, Mary (3)

Carlisle, Peter (2)

Carlisle, Russ (6)

Carlisle, Una Mae (2)

Carlisle, William (1)

Carlisles, Jumpin' Bill and All The (1)

Carlisles, The (9)

Carlo, Tom Di (5)

Carlon, Fran (116)

Carlon, Linda (1)

Carlow, Bill (1)

Carls, Emmett (2)

Carlsen, Kurt (2)

Carlson, Arne (1)

Carlson, Carol (1)

Carlson, Dean (1)

Carlson, Diana (1)

Carlson, Dick (3)

Carlson, Edwin (1)

Carlson, Ernest (2)

Carlson, Floyd E. (1)

Carlson, Frank (2)

Carlson, Frankie (3)

Carlson, Harry (4)

Carlson, Jean (1)

Carlson, John Roy (2)

Carlson, Joseph (3)

Carlson, June (1)

Carlson, Kenny (1)

Carlson, Les (1)

Carlson, Lewis (2)

Carlson, Margery (1)

Carlson, Oliver (1)

Carlson, Richard (7)

Carlson, Stanley (2)

Carlson, Tom (1)

Carlson, Wamp (1)

Carlstrom, Skippy (1)

Carlton and His Orchestra, Dick (1)

Carlton and His Orchestra, Maurice (1)

Carlton, Ben (1)

Carlton, Carl (1)

Carlton, Carla (1)

Carlton, Dean (76)

Carlton, Dick (1)

Carlton, Henry Fisk (1)

Carlton, Jean (1)

Carlton, John (1)

Carlton, Katherine (2)

Carlton, Kathryn (1)

Carlton, Leonard (1)

Carlton, Maurice (8)

Carlton, Nina (1)

Carlton, Pierce (1)

Carlton, Sam (9)

Carlton, Timothy (1)

Carlucci, Frank (1)

Carlweiss, Oscar (1)

Carlyle, Aileen (2)

Carlyle, Billie (1)

Carlyle, Louise (26)

Carlyle, Richard (1)

Carlyn and His Orchestra, Tommy (6)

Carman, Eugene (6)

Carman, Harry (1)

Carman, Kathleen (1)

Carmel, Daniel D. (1)

Carmen, Bob (6)

Carmen, Dolores (1)

Carmen, Eugene (2)

Carmen, Lillian (1)

Carmen, Robert (10)

Carmencita (7)

Carmene, Betty (8)

Carmer, Carl (33)

Carmi, Avner (1)

Carmichael, Hoagy (71)

Carmichael, Ian (57)

Carmichael, John (2)

Carmichael, Leonard (1)

Carmichael, Oliver (2)

Carmichael, Ralph (2)

Carmichael, Stokely (1)

Carmichael, William (1)

Carmine (1)

Carmine, Betty (4)

Carmines, Al (1)

Carmo, Teresa (1)

Carmody, John (2)

Carn, Lillian (1)

Carnahan, Jean (3)

Carnahan, Walter H. (1)

Carnation Chorus, The (2)

Carnation Concert Orchestra, The (1)

Carne, Judy (6)

Carnegie Tech Student Symphony Orchestra, The (2)

Carnegie, Dale (5)

Carnegie, Hattie (1)

Carnegie, Peggy (1)

Carnegie, Tom (3)

Carnell, Jane Bennett (2)

Carnell, John (1)

Carnell, William (1)

Carnera, Primo (1)

Carnes, Cecil (1)

Carnes, Milton (1)

Carney, Alan (5)

Carney, Anna (1)

Carney, Art (125)

Carney, B. W. (1)

Carney, Christopher (1)

Carney, Don (14)

Carney, Fred (2)

Carney, Grace (1)

Carney, Harry (33)

Carney, Jack (5)

Carney, Maggie (3)

Carney, Mark (19)

Carney, Otis (1)

Carney, Paul (2)

Carney, Robert (2)

Carney, Stephen (1)

Carney, Thomas (1)

Carnovsky, Morris (6)

Carns, Cecil (1)

Carnstedt, Carl (2)

Caro, Warren (1)

Carol, Curt (1)

Carol, Jack (2)

Carol, Jim (1)

Carol, King (1)

Carol, Lily Ann (19)

Carol, Marsha (1)

Carol, Shirley (1)

Carol, Sue (5)

Caroll, Jean (1)

Carollers, The (4)

Carolyn, Carol (1)

Caron, Leslie (2)

Caron, Sandra (1)

Caron, Susan (1)

Carothers, Isobel (8)

Carothers, Neil (3)

Carouso, Dorothee (1)

Carpenter and His Orchestra, Ike (6)

Carpenter Jr., Walter (1)

Carpenter, Bill (115)

Carpenter, Carleton (1)

Carpenter, Carlton (1)

Carpenter, Clifford (50)

Carpenter, Edward (2)

Carpenter, Edward Charles (1)

Carpenter, Edward Childs (1)

Carpenter, Farrington (1)

Carpenter, Frank (3)

Carpenter, Imogene (1)

Carpenter, Jim (1)

Carpenter, Joel (1)

Carpenter, John (1)

Carpenter, Johnny (1)

Carpenter, Ken (1641)

Carpenter, Laura Mae (1)

Carpenter, Leslie (1)

Carpenter, Margaret (1)

Carpenter, Paul (2)

Carpenter, Scott (4)

Carpenter, Thelma (30)

Carpenter, Wes (1)

Carpenters, The (1)

Carper, Tom (2)

Carr and His Ragtime Band, Joe Fingers (1)

Carr, B.E. (1)

Carr, Bill (3)

Carr, Bob (1)

Carr, Bridget (2)

Carr, Captain (1)

Carr, Carol (2)

Carr, Charlotte (5)

Carr, David (1)

Carr, Francis (2)

Carr, Frank (1)

Carr, Georgianna (1)

Carr, Gerald (2)

Carr, Jack (16)

Carr, Jerome (1)

Carr, Jerry (1)

Carr, Joe Fingers (2)

Carr, Joel (1)

Carr, John Dickson (47)

Carr, Jonathan (1)

Carr, Joseph L. (1)

Carr, Joyce (5)

Carr, Katharine (4)

Carr, Lawrence (1)

Carr, Leon (1)

Carr, Lester (1)

Carr, Lyons T. (1)

Carr, Marian (7)

Carr, Marion (15)

Carr, Mary (2)

Carr, Michell (1)

Carr, Nancy (54)

Carr, Nora L. (1)

Carr, Otis T. (4)

Carr, Phil (1)

Carr, Richard (11)

Carr, Ruth (1)

Carr, Stan (7)

Carr, Stephen (16)

Carr, Thomas (5)

Carr, Tom (1)

Carr, Tommy (18)

Carr, Trem (1)

Carr, Vicki (2)

Carr, William (1)

Carr, William G. (1)

Carradine, John (25)

Carrasco, Carlos (1)

Carrie, Anthony (1)

Carrigan, Bill (1)

Carrigan, Joe (1)

Carrigan, John (1)

Carrigan, Norman (1)

Carrillo, Ines (10)

Carrillo, Inez (1)

Carrillo, Leo (17)

Carrin, Joseph (1)

Carrington, Desmond (1)

Carrington, Elaine (33)

Carrington, Jack (13)

Carrington, Nigel (6)

Carrington, Reginald (7)

Carrol, Jack (2)

Carrol, Laura (1)

Carrol, Mary (1)

Carroll and The Satisfiers, Helen (1)

Carroll Jr., Bob (13)

Carroll Sisters, The (4)

Carroll, Adam (2)

Carroll, Al (1)

Carroll, Barbara (1)

Carroll, Bob (54)

Carroll, Carolyn (20)

Carroll, Carroll (15)

Carroll, Charles (15)

Carroll, Christina (2)

Carroll, Christine (5)

Carroll, D. E. (1)

Carroll, Diahann (5)

Carroll, Dick (1)

Carroll, Earl (2)

Carroll, Elaine (1)

Carroll, Estelle (2)

Carroll, Frances (1)

Carroll, Frank (1)

Carroll, Gene (28)

Carroll, Georgia (38)

Carroll, Gladys Hasty (3)

Carroll, Helen (14)

Carroll, Irene (1)

Carroll, Ivan (1)

Carroll, Jack (64)

Carroll, Jack (1)

Carroll, Janice (1)

Carroll, Jean (15)

Carroll, Jimmy (78)

Carroll, Joan (2)

Carroll, John (7)

Carroll, Johnny (2)

Carroll, Joseph (1)

Carroll, Joy (1)

Carroll, Judy (3)

Carroll, Keith (9)

Carroll, Leo G. (5)

Carroll, Lewis (8)

Carroll, Luke (1)

Carroll, Luke P. (2)

Carroll, Mad (1)

Carroll, Madeleine (73)

Carroll, Marie (2)

Carroll, Marilyn (2)

Carroll, Marvin (5)

Carroll, Michael (1)

Carroll, Mickey (1)

Carroll, Mildred (12)

Carroll, Pat (6)

Carroll, Ray (1)

Carroll, Rene (1)

Carroll, Richard (2)

Carroll, Rita (1)

Carroll, Robert (14)

Carroll, Roger (10)

Carroll, Ruth (3)

Carroll, Sherry (4)

Carroll, Victoria (2)

Carroll, Vincent A. (1)

Carroll, Vinette (2)

Carroll, Virginia (1)

Carroll, Wallace (3)

Carroll, William (1)

Carrolliers, The Four (1)

Carron, Arthur (1)

Carrons, Gene (1)

Carruth, Charles (1)

Carruthers, Bill (1)

Carruthers, Bruce (1)

Carruthers, Earl (1)

Carruthers, George (2)

Carruthers, Joyce (1)

Carruthers, Neil (1)

Carruthers, Steve (1)

Carse, Robert (2)

Carshon, Charles (1)

Carskadon, Thomas R. (1)

Carson, Andre (1)

Carson, Bill (1)

Carson, Bob (2)

Carson, Cathy (4)

Carson, Chuck (1)

Carson, David (1)

Carson, Jack (153)

Carson, Jean (13)

Carson, Jenny Lou (2)

Carson, Jody (1)

Carson, Johnny (143)

Carson, Julia (1)

Carson, Ken (91)

Carson, Kitty (1)

Carson, Lee (10)

Carson, Martha (2)

Carson, Mindy (80)

Carson, Paul (24)

Carson, Rachel (1)

Carson, Ray (1)

Carson, Rita Jean (2)

Carson, Robert (26)

Carson, Robert S. (1)

Carson, Saul (5)

Carson, Shorty (4)

Carson, Stanley (1)

Carson, Stu (1)

Carson, Walter (1)

Carstair, Bill (1)

Carstairs, Betty (1)

Carstensen, Vern (105)

Carston, Lee (1)

Carter and His Orchestra, Benny (20)

Carter and His Orchestra, Ray (1)

Carter Family, The (10)

Carter Jr., Edward (1)

Carter Sisters, The (24)

Carter Trio, The Betty (1)

Carter's All Stars, Benny (1)

Carter, A. P. (1)

Carter, Alan (1)

Carter, Anita (8)

Carter, Ann (9)

Carter, Ben (8)

Carter, Benjamin (1)

Carter, Benny (12)

Carter, Boake (4)

Carter, Bob (14)

Carter, Buddy (1)

Carter, Burnham (2)

Carter, Cassie (1)

Carter, Cathy (2)

Carter, Desmond (1)

Carter, E. E. (1)

Carter, Edward (2)

Carter, Eliot (1)

Carter, Elmer (1)

Carter, Elwin (1)

Carter, Fred (7)

Carter, Gaylord (45)

Carter, Harold (1)

Carter, Helen (8)

Carter, Helena (1)

Carter, Howard (1)

Carter, Jack (13)

Carter, Jane (1)

Carter, Janis (2)

Carter, Jimmy (153)

Carter, Joan (1)

Carter, John (15)

Carter, June (17)

Carter, Louis (1)

Carter, Marion (1)

Carter, Maureen (1)

Carter, Maybelle (2)

Carter, Mother Maybelle (30)

Carter, Nancy (1)

Carter, Nick (1)

Carter, Norman (2)

Carter, Paul (1)

Carter, Paulena (14)

Carter, Paulina (1)

Carter, Ralph (1)

Carter, Ray (3)

Carter, Ron (3)

Carter, Rosalynn (6)

Carter, Russell Gordon (1)

Carter, Sally (1)

Carter, Sam (1)

Carter, Samuel (1)

Carter, Simon (1)

Carter, Tammy (1)

Carter, Van (1)

Carter, Violet Bonhomme (1)

Carter, Vivian (1)

Carter, William (1)

Carter, Willie (1)

Carther, William (1)

Cartier, Walter (1)

Carton, Hal (1)

Carton, Jeff (12)

Cartoun, Alan (1)

Cartwright, Angela (2)

Cartwright, E. M. (2)

Cartwright, Gene (1)

Cartwright, Lowell (3)

Cartwright, Rupert L. (1)

Cartwright, Sam (1)

Cartwright, Veronica (2)

Carty, John (1)

Carus, Clayton (1)

Caruso Jr., Enrico (1)

Caruso, Anthony (7)

Caruso, Barbara (1)

Caruso, Carl (65)

Caruso, Dee (1)

Caruso, Marion (2)

Caruso, Tony (1)

Carvallo, Joseph (1)

Carvel, Elaine (2)

Carvell, Richard (1)

Carven, Billy (1)

Carver, Eddie (4)

Carver, George Washington (2)

Carver, James (1)

Carver, Lynne (4)

Carver, Ray (1)

Carver, Rosemary (1)

Carvette, Gordon (1)

Carvin, Michael (8)

Carvo, Lanny (1)

Cary, Claiborne (1)

Cary, Dick (22)

Caryll, Ivan (1)

Casadesus, Gaby (1)

Casadesus, Robert (22)

Casalis, Jeanne De (1)

Casals Festival Orchestra, The (1)

Casals, Marita (1)

Casals, Pablo (11)

Casals, The Festival Orchestra of Pablo (1)

Casals, The Orchestra Of The Festival (1)

Casani, Kane (1)

Casanova and His Tsagon (1)

Cascales, Jack (1)

Cascales, John (1)

Cascas, Anna (2)

Casden, Ed (1)

Case and His Orchestra, Russ (58)

Case, Anna (1)

Case, Bruce (6)

Case, Carrol (1)

Case, Clifford (1)

Case, Evelyn (8)

Case, Francis (1)

Case, Frank (1)

Case, George (7)

Case, Josephine Young (1)

Case, Nelson (62)

Case, Norman (1)

Case, Ralph (2)

Case, Reina (1)

Case, Richard (1)

Case, Russ (2)

Casei, Nedda (3)

Casel, Nedda (2)

Casell, Arthur (2)

Casella, Albert (1)

Casella, Alberto (1)

Caselon, Jacques (1)

Caselotti, Adriana (7)

Casey, Al (15)

Casey, Angel (1)

Casey, Bob (31)

Casey, Clark (5)

Casey, Clarke (1)

Casey, Claude (1)

Casey, Emmett (2)

Casey, Flo (4)

Casey, Hugh (1)

Casey, Hugh Lind (1)

Casey, John T. (1)

Casey, Joseph (1)

Casey, Les (1)

Casey, Melinda (1)

Casey, Richard (1)

Casey, Robert (2)

Casey, Ruth (2)

Casey, Taggart (1)

Casey, Tom (2)

Casey, Vela (1)

Casey, Velma (1)

Casey,Clark (1)

Cash, Clayton (1)

Cash, Jimmy (113)

Cash, Johnny (4)

Cashlin, Dorothy (1)

Cashlin, Frank (1)

Cashman, Ed (15)

Cashman, Pat (1)

Cashmore, John (8)

Casinians, The Rialto (1)

Casino, Del (2)

Casino, Joe (2)

Casket, Harold (1)

Casman, Ed (1)

Casmeyer, Benjamin (1)

Cason, Bob (6)

Cason, John (2)

Caspary, Vera (6)

Casper, Billy (1)

Casper, Cy (1)

Casper, David (1)

Casper, Diane (1)

Casper, Frank (1)

Casper, Fred (3)

Casper, Robert (2)

Cass County Boys, The (114)

Cass, Maurice (1)

Cass, Peggy (1)

Cass, Raymond (2)

Cass, Terre (1)

Cass, Terri (1)

Cassabon, John (2)

Cassady and His Orchestra, Al (1)

Cassanavee, Don (1)

Cassar, Barbara (8)

Cassarig, Fred (1)

Cassavetes, John (3)

Cassel and His Orchestra, Walter (1)

Cassel, Milton (1)

Cassel, Vincent (1)

Cassel, Walter (16)

Cassell, Clancey (11)

Cassell, Clarence (5)

Cassell, Milt (1)

Cassell, Pete (1)

Cassell, Sally (3)

Cassell, Sid (9)

Cassell, Sidney (1)

Cassell, Walter (2)

Cassella, Alfred (1)

Cassese, John (1)

Cassey Singers, The Chuck (1)

Cassey, Chuck (1)

Cassiday, Henry (1)

Cassidy, Bill (3)

Cassidy, Bruce (2)

Cassidy, Ed (3)

Cassidy, Edward (1)

Cassidy, George (2)

Cassidy, Henry (17)

Cassidy, Henry C. (3)

Cassidy, Howard (1)

Cassidy, Jack (4)

Cassidy, James (11)

Cassidy, Jim (3)

Cassidy, Thomas (1)

Cassidy, Tom (1)

Cassilly, Richard (1)

Cassily, Richard (1)

Cassini, Austine (1)

Cassini, Igor (1)

Cassity, Jimmy (1)

Cast, Edward (1)

Castagna, Bruna (5)

Castagnetta, Grace (2)

Castaneta, Grace (2)

Casteel, Ellamae (1)

Castel, Nico (19)

Castellani, John (1)

Castellano, Laura (1)

Castellaw, Chet (16)

Castellno, Richard (1)

Castellucci, Bruno (1)

Castellucci, Louis (1)

Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario (3)

Castelot, John (1)

Castenaro, Lolita (1)

Castiglione, Pete (1)

Castile, Elaine (1)

Castillians, Walker's Austex (9)

Castillio, Del (9)

Castillo, Carmen (7)

Castillo, Del (208)

Castillo, Tony (1)

Castle and His Orchestra, Lee (1)

Castle and The Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra, Lee (4)

Castle, Adele (1)

Castle, Anita (1)

Castle, Bill (1)

Castle, Carl (6)

Castle, Don (1)

Castle, Elaine (1)

Castle, Gordon (1)

Castle, Irene (2)

Castle, Jimmy (16)

Castle, Joanne (2)

Castle, Lee (9)

Castle, May (1)

Castle, Mike (1)

Castle, Nick (2)

Castle, Peggie (1)

Castle, Peggy (1)

Castle, Peter (2)

Castle, Roy (1)

Castle, William (2)

Castleman, Charles (1)

Castleman, Jeff (1)

Castles Jr., John (3)

Caston, Saul (2)

Castor, Betty (1)

Castro, Fidel (1)

Castro, Juan Jose (1)

Castro, Juana (1)

Casuri, Louis (1)

Casusa, Teresa (1)

Caswell, David (1)

Caswell, Don (1)

Catagna, Bruna (1)

Catalano, Frank (2)

Catalin and His Orchestra, Al (1)

Catalino and His Rhumbas (1)

Catanich, Joseph G. (11)

Catanio, Bobby (1)

Catanya, Claudine (1)

Catching, William (2)

Catell, Clyde (11)

Cates and His Orchestra, George (19)

Cates and His Orchestra, Opie (103)

Cates, Gil (1)

Cates, Joe (1)

Cates, Opie (23)

Cathcart and His Orchestra, Jack (2)

Cathcart, Dick (12)

Cathcart, Jim (2)

Cather, Willa (1)

Cathorn, Edward Everett (1)

Catlaw, Lewis (1)

Catlett, Buddy (1)

Catlett, Sid (29)

Catlett, Turner (1)

Catlett, Walter (30)

Catley, Gwen (1)

Cato, E. Raymond (2)

Caton, Floyd (4)

Caton, Roy (2)

Cats `N Jammers (1)

Cats N' Jammers, The (1)

Cats, Eddie Safranski and The Poll (1)

Cats, Kai's Krazy (1)

Cats, The Alley (1)

Cattalano, Joseph (1)

Catter, Nate (1)

Catterly, Wallace (1)

Catton, Bruce (5)

Catulli, Johnny (1)

Caudle, Roy (2)

Caudle, T. Lamar (2)

Caughron, Eleanor Naylor (16)

Caulder, Beth (4)

Caulder, Richard (1)

Cauldwell, Ernest C. (2)

Caulfield, Betty (3)

Caulfield, C. Harold (1)

Caulfield, Genevieve (1)

Caulfield, Joan (32)

Caulker, Viola (1)

Caulkey, Melitz (1)

Caulwell, Orestes H. (1)

Causier, John (1)

Cauthery, Gunnar (1)

Cava, Joseph La (3)

Cavalcade Orchestra, The (1)

Cavalier, Paul (1)

Cavaliers, The (11)

Cavallaro and His Quartet, Carmen (72)

Cavallaro, Carmen (23)

Cavallaro, Gaylord (2)

Cavallaro, Joseph (1)

Cavallo and The House Rockers, Jimmy (1)

Cavanagh, Jerome (2)

Cavanaugh and His Orchestra, Dave (2)

Cavanaugh Quintet, The Dave (1)

Cavanaugh Trio, The Page (73)

Cavanaugh, Billy (2)

Cavanaugh, Edward (5)

Cavanaugh, James (6)

Cavanaugh, Page (6)

Cavanaugh, Paul (11)

Cavanaugh, Pete (1)

Cavanaugh, Tim (1)

Cavander, Patty (1)

Cavaretta, Phil (2)

Cave, Hugh (2)

Cave, Hugh B. (1)

Cave, Richard (1)

Cavell, Butch (29)

Cavell, Mark (2)

Cavelli, Joe (1)

Caven, Mark (1)

Cavenaugh, John J. (1)

Cavendish, Constance (41)

Cavendish, Constantine (1)

Caveness, Pamela (2)

Cavens, Albert (1)

Cavett, Dick (60)

Cavett, Frank (4)

Cavicchio, Daniel (1)

Cavicchio, Selvie (1)

Caviezel, Jim (1)

Cavillo, Irene (1)

Cavin, David (1)

Cay, Marla (1)

Cayden, Martin (2)

Caygill, Susanne (1)

Cazabon, John (16)

Cazander, Paul (1)

CBC String Orchestra, The (1)

CBC Symphony Orchestra, The (6)

CBS Jump Band, The (1)

CBS Symphony Orchestra, The (9)

CBS Tipica Orchestra, The (1)

Cecil, Chuck (2)

Cecil, Jonathan (1)

Cecil, Lawrence (4)

Cecil, Lawrence H. (26)

Cecil, Mary (1)

Cecil, Sylvia (1)

Cecil, Winifred (1)

Cedar, John (1)

Cedric, Gene (1)

Cedrone, Henry (1)

Cee, David (1)

Cee, Jesaman (1)

Cehanovsky, George (27)

Celanese Orchestra, The (1)

Celavind, Grace (1)

Celebreese, Anthony (1)

Celebrezze, Anthony (1)

Celentano, William (1)

Cell, Dorothy (1)

Cella, Theodore (3)

Celler, Emanuel (18)

Cellini, Renato (1)

Cellucci, Paul (1)

Celsa Vega Boys, The (1)

Celsa Vega Quartet, The (1)

Celsa Vega Quintet, The (1)

Celucci, Paul (1)

Cema, E. H. (1)

Cenedella, Robert (68)

Central High School Orchestra, The (1)

Cerf, Bennett (64)

Cermak, Anton (1)

Cernan, Eugene (9)

Cerut, Eugene (1)

Cerv, Bob (1)

Cesana, Renzo (3)

Cesar (1)

Cesare, Luigi De (1)

Cesbron, Jacques (4)

Cesco, Silvio Francesco (1)

Cesta, Edmund (1)

Cettipani, Frank (5)

Chabay, Leslie (2)

Chabot, Steve (1)

Chace, Frank (1)

Chacksfield and His Orchestra, Frank (1)

Chadwick, Bob (12)

Chadwick, Dionne (1)

Chadwick, Florence (1)

Chadwick, George Whitefield (1)

Chadwick, Lee (1)

Chadwick, Robert (13)

Chadwick, Steven (1)

Chafee Jr., Zaccharia (1)

Chafee, John (3)

Chaffee College Symphonic Choir, The (1)

Chaffee, A. E. (1)

Chaffey, Don (3)

Chafin, Patty (2)

Chafkin, Erwin (6)

Chagall, Marc (2)

Chaikin, Wayne (1)

Chain, Hugh (14)

Chairs, Musical (1)

Chalfont, Arthur (1)

Chalice, Bill (1)

Chalk, O. Roy (1)

Chalker, (1)

Chalker, Curly (4)

Chalker, Harold Lee Curly (9)

Challee, William (7)

Challis, Barbara (1)

Chalmer, Alice (1)

Chalmers, Alice (3)

Chalmers, Helen (2)

Chalmers, Rita (1)

Chalmers, Sandra (3)

Chalmers, Thomas (23)

Chaloff, Serge (3)

Chalton, Syd (1)

Chamaine, Lucien (1)

Chamberlain and His Orchestra, Roy (2)

Chamberlain, Albert (2)

Chamberlain, Crain (1)

Chamberlain, Francis (1)

Chamberlain, Frank (1)

Chamberlain, George Agnew (2)

Chamberlain, George Andrew (2)

Chamberlain, Howard (2)

Chamberlain, John (1)

Chamberlain, Neville (22)

Chamberlain, Pauline (1)

Chamberlain, Pye (1)

Chamberlain, Richard (1)

Chamberlain, Ronny (1)

Chamberlain, Wilt (3)

Chamberlin, Clarence (1)

Chambers, Bill (15)

Chambers, Dickie (1)

Chambers, Dudley (2)

Chambers, Henderson (4)

Chambers, Hugh (3)

Chambers, Jo Ellen (1)

Chambers, John (1)

Chambers, Joyce (1)

Chambers, Lister (2)

Chambers, Madelaine (5)

Chambers, Norma (3)

Chambers, O. R. (1)

Chambers, Paul (1)

Chambers, Phil (4)

Chambers, Ray (2)

Chambers, Robert Williams (1)

Chambers, Roy (7)

Chambers, Shirley (1)

Chambers, Wheaton (6)

Chambers, Whittaker (1)

Chambers, Winifred (1)

Chambliss, Saxby (1)

Chamelion, David (2)

Chamisso, Louis Charles Adlebert (1)

Chamoun, Camille (1)

Champion, B. L. (1)

Champion, D. L. (1)

Champion, Gower (13)

Champion, Marge (14)

Champlain, Charles (1)

Champman, Eric (1)

Champness, Ed (1)

Champs, The Brooklyn Harmonica (1)

Chan, Charles (76)

Chan, Kim (2)

Chan, Sou (1)

Chan, Su (1)

Chance, Al (11)

Chance, Dean (1)

Chance, Floyd (2)

Chance, Lightnin' (1)

Chance, Lightning (2)

Chance, Rupert (1)

Chanceford, John (1)

Chancel, Ludovic (1)

Chancellor, John (48)

Chancer, Charles (1)

Chandlee, Harry (2)

Chandlee, Richard (13)

Chandler Jr., Arthur (2)

Chandler, Chick (5)

Chandler, David (2)

Chandler, Doug (2)

Chandler, Ed (1)

Chandler, Eddie (3)

Chandler, Ellen (1)

Chandler, Freddy (6)

Chandler, Frederica (1)

Chandler, Fredericka (6)

Chandler, Gene (1)

Chandler, George (5)

Chandler, Gloria (33)

Chandler, Happy (14)

Chandler, Helen (4)

Chandler, Howard (3)

Chandler, Irving (1)

Chandler, James (1)

Chandler, Jeff (298)

Chandler, Karen (1)

Chandler, Lane (4)

Chandler, Mimi (3)

Chandler, Norman (3)

Chandler, Otis (1)

Chandler, Peggy (2)

Chandler, Raymond (116)

Chandler, Richard (1)

Chandler, Robin (4)

Chandos, John (1)

Chaney Jr., Lon (2)

Chaney, Frances (27)

Chaney, Francis (3)

Chang, Ellen Sebastian (1)

Chang, H. H. (1)

Chang, Phil (2)

Changing Scene, The (1)

Chankin, Sid (1)

Channels, The (1)

Channing, Carol (21)

Channing, Steven (1)

Chanslor, Ray (2)

Chanslor, Roy (2)

Chantler, David (5)

Chapel Singers, The (3)

Chapel, Henry A. (1)

Chapell, Len (1)

Chapelle, Dorothy (1)

Chapin, Billy (4)

Chapin, Henry (1)

Chapin, Howard (1)

Chapin, Lauren (1)

Chapin, Lou (11)

Chapin, Martha (1)

Chapin, Maurice (1)

Chapin, Michael (15)

Chapin, Patti (3)

Chapin, Schuyler (7)

Chapin, Victor (4)

Chaplain, W. W. (1)

Chaplin, Charlie (5)

Chaplin, Lita Grey (1)

Chaplin, Patty (1)

Chaplin, Saul (1)

Chaplin, Sydney (1)

Chaplin, Vernon (1)

Chaplin, W. W. (52)

Chaplin, W.W. (2)

Chapman, Bill (4)

Chapman, Dick (2)

Chapman, Donald (2)

Chapman, Ed (1)

Chapman, Irv (2)

Chapman, John (78)

Chapman, Lonnie (1)

Chapman, Marguerite (11)

Chapman, Oscar (2)

Chapman, Pattee (33)

Chapman, Paul (3)

Chapman, Wendell (1)

Chapman, William (1)

Chappel, Betty (2)

Chappell, Betty (7)

Chappell, C. R. (1)

Chappell, Ernest (252)

Chappell, Rick (1)

Chappell, Wayne (1)

Chappelle, Dickey (1)

Chappin, Billy (1)

Chardnis, Phillip (1)

Charioteers, The (207)

Charisse, Andre (1)

Charisse, Cyd (3)

Charlebois, Gaetan (1)

Charles Singer, The Ray (1)

Charles Singers, The (1)

Charles Singers, The Ray (73)

Charles, Dan (1)

Charles, Dick (58)

Charles, Ezzard (5)

Charles, George (1)

Charles, Helen Sloan (1)

Charles, Henry (5)

Charles, John (1)

Charles, Joseph (1)

Charles, Lewis (16)

Charles, Maria (1)

Charles, Mary (1)

Charles, Milton (123)

Charles, Preston (1)

Charles, Ray (33)

Charles, Ray (1)

Charles, Robert (3)

Charles, Singers The Ray (1)

Charles,Ray (1)

Charleston Symphony Orchestra, The (1)

Charlesworth, Clifford (2)

Charlesworth, John (1)

Charlesworth, Tom (15)

Charlie and Cedric (1)

Charlie and His Orchestra (3)

Charlie, Eddie and (1)

Charlita (2)

Charlivels, The (1)

Charlop, Moose (1)

Charlot, Andre (1)

Charlotta (1)

Charlotte (3)

Charlotte and Her Cello (1)

Charlton, Dick (1)

Charmley, Gloria (3)

Charmoli, Tony (3)

Charne, Rothford (1)

Charney, Jordan (4)

Charney, Kim (1)

Charo (2)

Charon, Jack (3)

Charone, Irwin (1)

Charpentier, Gustave (1)

Charpentier, Marc-Antoine (1)

Charrington, Ben (4)

Charrit, Irma (1)

Charteris, Leslie (56)

Charters, Spencer (1)

Chartoff, Melanie (1)

Chartok, Melanie (1)

Chase and His Orchestra, Bruce (4)

Chase, Anya Seaton (1)

Chase, Barrie (3)

Chase, Bill (7)

Chase, Bob (1)

Chase, Borden (2)

Chase, Bordon (5)

Chase, Chevy (5)

Chase, Clayton (1)

Chase, Connie (2)

Chase, Eddie (2)

Chase, Everett (1)

Chase, Frank (35)

Chase, Gilbert (21)

Chase, Ilka (19)

Chase, Jack (1)

Chase, John (6)

Chase, Mary Ellen (1)

Chase, Michael (1)

Chase, Milton (1)

Chase, Nancy (1)

Chase, Paul (1)

Chase, Robert W. (1)

Chase, Roger (2)

Chase, Ronnie (1)

Chase, Stanley (1)

Chase, Stephen (13)

Chase, Steven (43)

Chase, Stuart (5)

Chase, Sylvia (1)

Chase, Vicki (2)

Chasen, Alfred (1)

Chasens, Abram (3)

Chasins, Abram (2)

Chasis, Jack (1)

Chassay, Roger (2)

Chater, Geffrey (1)

Chatman, Claire (2)

Chatofsky, Alexis (2)

Chator, Gordon (3)

Chatterton, Larry (26)

Chatterton, Ruth (11)

Chatterton, Vivienne (5)

Chatzinoff, Samuel (2)

Chaucer, Geoffrey (1)

Chauncey, Henry (1)

Chauncey, Jim (1)

Chaury, Elias (1)

Chauveau, Yvonne (1)

Chauvin, Lillian (1)

Chauvinay, Virginia (1)

Chavell, Erik (1)

Chavelle, Ken (3)

Chavez, Carlos (2)

Chavez, Kitty De (1)

Chavez, Leslie (1)

Chavez, Linda (1)

Chavez, Raoul (2)

Chavin, Lucille (1)

Chawla, Kalpana (1)

Chayes, Abram (1)

Chayevsky, Paddy (1)

Cheatham, Doc (6)

Cheatham, Marie (1)

Cheatham, Martha (1)

Cheavens, Martha (3)

Checkov, Michael (2)

Cheek, John (2)

Cheeny, Henry (1)

Cheerio (3)

Cheerleaders, The (9)

Cheerleaders, The Jester (2)

Cheerleaders, The Juster (1)

Cheers, The (1)

Cheever, John (2)

Cheever, Martha (1)

Cheever, Martin (1)

Chef Milani (3)

Chef, Fritzie (2)

Chef, Walter (1)

Chefe, Jack (1)

Cheikes, Mac (3)

Chek, Tommy (1)

Chekhov, Anton (10)

Chelita (1)

Cheloff, Serge (1)

Chen, Joey (2)

Chenault, James (1)

Chenault, John (1)

Chenery, William L. (1)

Cheney, Dick (23)

Cheney, Jack (2)

Cher (1)

Cher, Len (1)

Chermak, Cy (2)

Cherman, Winthrop (1)

Cherne, Gail (1)

Cherne, Leo (10)

Cherne, Roy (1)

Cherney, Guy (1)

Cherrie, P. Norman (2)

Cherrington, Ben M. (1)

Cherry Sisters, The (1)

Cherry, Don (8)

Cherry, Hugh (2)

Cherry, John (1)

Cherry, R. H. (1)

Cherry, Tex (1)

Chertka, Heinrich (1)

Chertok, Jack (21)

Chertok, Paul (1)

Cheryl, Ray (1)

Chesebro, George (2)

Cheshire, Harry (4)

Cheshire, Pappy (12)

Chesire, Harry (1)

Cheskin and His Orchestra, David (6)

Cheskin and The Rhythm Ensemble, Dave (1)

Chesley, Bits (1)

Chesney, Diana (6)

Chesney, Joel (6)

Chessman, Caryl (1)

Chessman, Pritchard (1)

Chester and His Orchestra, Bob (21)

Chester, Alan (4)

Chester, Bob (1)

Chester, C. M. (1)

Chester, Charlie (1)

Chester, Eddie (1)

Chester, Gary (1)

Chester, Mary (2)

Chester, Shorty (2)

Chesterfield Swingerettes, The (4)

Chesterman, Clement (1)

Chesterman, Robert (2)

Chesterton, G. K. (6)

Chestnut, Ike (2)

Chevalier, Maurice (37)

Chevanovsky, George (1)

Chevereaux, Cecile (1)

Chevigny, Hector (27)

Chevillat, Dick (219)

Chevreau, Cecile (3)

Chevrier, Don (3)

Chevron, Don (1)

Chevron, Jon (2)

Cheyevsky, Paddy (1)

Chi, Kwo Ti (1)

Chiang, T. F. (1)

Chiaretti, Albert (1)

Chicago NBC Symphony Orchestra, The (1)

Chicago Opera Company, The (1)

Chicago Swedish Glee Club, The (1)

Chicago Symphony Orchestra, The (7)

Chicago WPA Symphony Orchestra, The (2)

Chicago, The Little Symphony Of (1)

Chicago, The Sisters Choir Of (1)

Chichimara, Antoinette (1)

Chickering, Bill (1)

Chickie, Country Cousin (2)

Chicks, The Hip (1)

Chico and His Orchestra (1)

Chico, Louis (1)

Chiel, Samuel (1)

Chifetz, Sam (1)

Chiffons, The (1)

Chifkin, Israel (1)

Chikushi, Tetsuya (1)

Child, Helen (1)

Child, Julia (1)

Childers, Buddy (23)

Childers, Chuby (1)

Childre, Lew (8)

Children, The Robinson (1)

Childress, Alvin (79)

Childs Jr., Henry (1)

Childs, A. C. (1)

Childs, Bert (1)

Childs, Billy (1)

Childs, Calvin (1)

Childs, Eddie (1)

Childs, Harriet (1)

Childs, John (1)

Childs, Marquis (61)

Childs, Stuart R. (1)

Chiles, George (2)

Chiles, Lawton (4)

Chilius (1)

Chiltern, David (1)

Chilton, Charles (36)

Chimek, Vlachek (1)

Chimento, Carmen (1)

Chimes, Art (1)

Chimes, Michael (2)

Chinelli, Ralph (1)

Ching, William (1)

Chinley, Jeanette (1)

Chipman, Eric (1)

Chiquito (1)

Chirac, Jacques (1)

Chiraco, Eddie (1)

Chirps, The Three (1)

Chisholm, George (8)

Chisholm, Robert (2)

Chisolm, Captain (1)

Chisolm, Jim (1)

Chisolm, Ray (1)

Chisolm, Thomas (1)

Chistiakov, Vladimir (1)

Chitos, Richard (1)

Chitson, Barbara (1)

Chittison Trio, The Herman (7)

Chittison, Herman (70)

Choate, Bill (2)

Choate, Helen (60)

Choate, Pat (6)

Chodorov, Edward (4)

Chodorov, Jerome (2)

Chodos, Daniel (13)

Choicer, Hal (2)

Choir Of Holy Name College, The (1)

Choir Of The Sistine Chapel, The (1)

Choir Of The West (1)

Choir, Dudley Chambers and The (1)

Choir, Herman McCoy's UCLA Swing (1)

Choir, Joe Emerson and His (6)

Choir, La Cantoria (1)

Choir, St. Brendan Boys (4)

Choir, The Apollo Boys (1)

Choir, The Asuza Pacific (1)

Choir, The Balloon Command (1)

Choir, The Baptist Tabernacle (1)

Choir, The Benedictine (1)

Choir, The Blue Jacket (1)

Choir, The Cambrian (1)

Choir, The Carol (1)

Choir, The Cathedral Of St. John The Divine Boys (1)

Choir, The Cecil Mack (1)

Choir, The Chapel (1)

Choir, The Chariot Wheel (1)

Choir, The Chicago A Capella (1)

Choir, The Chicago Tabernacle (1)

Choir, The Concordia Seminary Lutheran Hour (2)

Choir, The Faith Temple (1)

Choir, The Fountain Street Baptist (2)

Choir, The Great Lakes Naval Training Center (3)

Choir, The Hamilton College (2)

Choir, The Hamilton School Sixth Grade (1)

Choir, The Hour Of Decision (2)

Choir, The Instant Maxwell House (1)

Choir, The J. Rosamond-Johnson (1)

Choir, The Jewish Cantor's (1)

Choir, The Kingdom (2)

Choir, The Kraft (1)

Choir, The Los Angeles Negro (1)

Choir, The Midshipman (1)

Choir, The Mitchell Boys (5)

Choir, The Munich Bach Orchestra and (1)

Choir, The Nameless (1)

Choir, The Naval Air Training Command (1)

Choir, The Navy Air Station (1)

Choir, The Navy Bluejackts (1)

Choir, The Navy Midshipman (1)

Choir, The Ray Bloch (1)

Choir, The Rinat (1)

Choir, The Sacred Hearts Boys (1)

Choir, The Samuel Sterner Concert (1)

Choir, The Shiloh (3)

Choir, The St. Branden's Boys (1)

Choir, The St. Brendan Boy's (1)

Choir, The St. Louis A Capella (2)

Choir, The St. Vincent Prayer (1)

Choir, The Texas Boys (1)

Choir, The Ukranian National (1)

Choir, The Verse Speaking (1)

Choir, The West Point (1)

Choir, The West Point Chapel (1)

Choir, The Xavier University Concert (1)

Choler, Lowery (1)

Cholet, Blanche (1)

Chollet, Hillary (1)

Chomel, Mary Louise (1)

Chomsky, David (3)

Chon, Peter Gu (1)

Chong, Peter (4)

Chookasian, Lili (2)

Choralaires, The (8)

Chorale, The Collegiate (4)

Chorale, The Harry Simeon (1)

Chorale, The Welsh (1)

Choralenes, The (1)

Choralettes, The (10)

Choraliers, The (2)

Choraliers, The Minneapolis (2)

Choralites, The (3)

Chordettes, The (20)

Choristers, St. Brenden's (1)

Choristers, The Court (1)

Choristers, The Little Flower (23)

Choristers, The New World (3)

Choristers, The St. Brendan's (1)

Chorlian, Edward (7)

Chorney, Alec (1)

Chorus Of Stars, The (68)

Chorus Of The Great Lakes Naval Training Station, The (1)

Chorus Of The International Ladies Garment Workers Union, The (1)

Chorus Of The Jewish Institute Of Religion, The (2)

Chorus Of The School Of Sacred Music-Hebrew Union College, The (4)

Chorus, Alexander's Swingtime (1)

Chorus, David Broekman and His (1)

Chorus, The American Legion (1)

Chorus, The BBC (1)

Chorus, The Bell Telephone (1)

Chorus, The Ben Carter Recording (1)

Chorus, The Bobby Tucker (1)

Chorus, The Canebrake (1)

Chorus, The Carl Marr (17)

Chorus, The Cleveland Orchestra (1)

Chorus, The Coca Cola (2)

Chorus, The Cotton Club (1)

Chorus, The Crane Calder (1)

Chorus, The David Randolph Chamber (1)

Chorus, The DePauw infantry (1)

Chorus, The Dix Davis (1)

Chorus, The Don Cossack (6)

Chorus, The Don Large (2)

Chorus, The Don Large Youth (2)

Chorus, The Dudley King (1)

Chorus, The DuPont Company (3)

Chorus, The Elgin Male (1)

Chorus, The Fort Dix (1)

Chorus, The General's (1)

Chorus, The Golden Tower (1)

Chorus, The Gramercy Boys Club (1)

Chorus, The Great Lakes Naval Training Center (1)

Chorus, The Greater Los Angeles (1)

Chorus, The Helsinki University (1)

Chorus, The Hollywood Male (1)

Chorus, The Howard Chandler (1)

Chorus, The Joseph Lilley (42)

Chorus, The Joseph Lilley Paramount (1)

Chorus, The Knightsbridge (11)

Chorus, The Kraft (7)

Chorus, The Lion (1)

Chorus, The Male Military (1)

Chorus, The Manhattan (1)

Chorus, The Max Terr (3)

Chorus, The Metropolitan Opera (1)

Chorus, The Motor City Mixed (2)

Chorus, The National Armenian (1)

Chorus, The National Life (2)

Chorus, The Navy School Of Music Band and (1)

Chorus, The New England Conservatory Alumni (1)

Chorus, The Oslo University Academic (1)

Chorus, The P.A.L. (1)

Chorus, The Packard Rhythm (4)

Chorus, The Pan American Gaucho (2)

Chorus, The Ray Block (1)

Chorus, The Reading Male (1)

Chorus, The Reading Men's (1)

Chorus, The Rex Wilder (1)

Chorus, The Soldier's (1)

Chorus, The Sound Off (1)

Chorus, The St. Valpariso University (1)

Chorus, The Sterling Male (49)

Chorus, The Tanglewood Festival (1)

Chorus, The Teen-Time (1)

Chorus, The United States Army (1)

Chorus, The United States Army Field Band and (3)

Chorus, The University Of Stockholm (1)

Chorus, The Warner Brothers Studio (1)

Chorus, The WFBR Employees (1)

Chorus, The WSM (1)

Chotzinoff, Samnuel (1)

Chotzinoff, Samuel (4)

Chou, Fabian (1)

Chow, Brian (1)

Christ, John (2)

Christ, Phil (1)

Christakos, Dean (2)

Christal, Frank (4)

Christensen, Ivar (1)

Christensen, Jon (1)

Christensen, Margaret (2)

Christenson, Reed (5)

Christian, Bobby (24)

Christian, Charlie (9)

Christian, Dick (6)

Christian, Don (1)

Christian, Emil (1)

Christian, George E. (1)

Christian, Helen (32)

Christian, Larry (1)

Christian, Linda (3)

Christian, Mel (1)

Christian, R. W. (1)

Christian, Ralph (3)

Christian, Stephen (1)

Christians, Linda (1)

Christians, Mady (14)

Christiansen, Don (2)

Christiansen, Jens (1)

Christiansen, Margaret (4)

Christiansen, Red (1)

Christianson, Gary (1)

Christianson, George B. (1)

Christianson, Marjorie (1)

Christianson, Neil (1)

Christie, Agatha (17)

Christie, Andrew Audrey (1)

Christie, Audrey (8)

Christie, Doris (7)

Christie, Robert (6)

Christine (1)

Christine, Virginia (70)

Christmas, Eric (2)

Christmas, June Jackson (1)

Christoper, Kay (1)

Christoper, Russell (1)

Christopher, George (1)

Christopher, Herman (1)

Christopher, Joan (2)

Christopher, Joe (1)

Christopher, Karen (5)

Christopher, Kay (6)

Christopher, Russell (18)

Christopher, Warren (7)

Christy Choir, The Ken (2)

Christy Chorus, Ken (2)

Christy Chorus, The Ken (1)

Christy Singers, The Ken (3)

Christy, Bill (3)

Christy, Eileen (2)

Christy, June (32)

Christy, Ken (559)

Christy, Patsy (1)

Christy, Robert (1)

Chrysler, Dick (1)

Chrystall, Belle (1)

Chu, Sam (1)

Chu, Steven (1)

Chubb, William (1)

Chubbies, The (1)

Chuckwagon Gang, The (1)

Chuhaldin, Alexander (1)

Chukin, Phil (2)

Chum, A. L. (1)

Chung, Connie (1)

Chuong, Tran Van (1)

Church In The Wildwood Choir (2)

Church In The Wildwood Choir and Orchestra (1)

Church, Arthur (3)

Church, Choir Of The Holy Name (1)

Church, Francis P. (2)

Church, Frank (4)

Church, James (18)

Church, John (6)

Church, Mary (1)

Church, Ralph (1)

Church, Sandra (1)

Church, Sondra (1)

Church, Stanley (1)

Church, Ted (1)

Church, The Choir Of St. Aloysius (1)

Church, Theodore Welles (4)

Church, Tony (2)

Church, Wells (3)

Churchill, Donald (1)

Churchill, Douglas (1)

Churchill, Douglas W. (1)

Churchill, Frank (1)

Churchill, George (1)

Churchill, Harry (1)

Churchill, Kenneth (24)

Churchill, Mrs. Winston (2)

Churchill, Randolph (2)

Churchill, Sarah (13)

Churchill, Savannah (4)

Churchill, Stuart (268)

Churchill, Velma (1)

Churchill, Winston (106)

Churchman, Andrew (1)

Chute, B. J. (2)

Chuvaduce, Angelina (2)

Chuvaduce, Paulino (2)

Chuvalo, George (1)

Cianelli, Eduardo (1)

Ciannelli, Eduardo (1)

Ciano, Galeazzo (1)

Ciardi, John (1)

Ciatto, John (1)

Ciechanowsky, Jan (2)

Ciechanowsky, Madame (1)

Ciffone, Don (1)

Cigna, Gina (2)

Cillario, Carlo Felice (2)

Cillo, Michael (1)

Cimara, Pietro (1)

Cimarron Kids, The (2)

Cimler, Bill (2)

Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, The (3)

Cinders, Maurice (1)

Cinelli, Anthony (1)

Cines, Eugene (2)

Cinnamon, Jimmy (1)

Cioffi, Lou (10)

Cion, Rose (1)

Cirasa, Robert (1)

Circle A Wranglers, The (33)

Circle, Alan (2)

Cirillo, Lawrence (1)

Cirker, Ira (1)

Cisar, George (55)

Cities Service Band Of America, The (1)

Cities Service Band, The (1)

Cities Service Chorus, The (1)

Cities Service Orchestra, The (38)

Cities Service Singers, The (2)

Citron, Casper (1)

Citron, Samuel J. (1)

City, The Chorus Of The Conservatory Of Mexico (1)

City, The St. Monica Children's Choir Of New York (1)

Claborne, Robert (1)

Clack, Helen (1)

Cladstrup, Don (3)

Claflin Avery (1)

Claiborne, Craig (5)

Clair, Cy St. (2)

Clair, Dick (1)

Clair, Helen (1)

Clair, Lenard St. (1)

Clair, Otto (8)

Clair, Rene (4)

Clairborne, Craig (1)

Claire and McMahon (1)

Claire, Bernice (1)

Claire, Bobby Lane and (1)

Claire, Darwin St. (1)

Claire, Debbie (2)

Claire, Debby (3)

Claire, Dorothy (10)

Claire, Helen (50)

Claire, Ina (2)

Claire, Malcolm (2)

Claire, Marion (62)

Claire, Phyllis (1)

Claire, Sylvie St. (1)

Claire, Willis (2)

Clancey, Gil (1)

Clancey, Jim (2)

Clancey, John (1)

Clancey, Tad (1)

Clancy, Tom (2)

Clandon, Laura (2)

Clane, Dorothy (1)

Claney, Howard (144)

Claney, Tom (1)

Claney,Howard (2)

Clanton, Ralph (5)

Clapp, Tommy (5)

Clapper, Mrs. Raymond (2)

Clapper, Peter (1)

Clapper, Raymond (21)

Clare, Alan (5)

Clare, Curly and (1)

Clare, Cyril (1)

Clare, Dorothy (1)

Clare, Frances (1)

Clare, Otto (1)

Clare, Richard (1)

Claridge and His Orchestra, Gay (9)

Claridge, Norman (6)

Clarinaders, The (4)

Clark and His Orchestra, Garner (2)

Clark and His Orchestra, Jimmy (3)

Clark Five, The Dave (1)

Clark Sisters, The (79)

Clark, Alan (1)

Clark, Alexander (6)

Clark, Angela (3)

Clark, Austin H. (1)

Clark, Barrett H. (16)

Clark, Bennett (1)

Clark, Betty (5)

Clark, Bill (3)

Clark, Blair (4)

Clark, Blake (1)

Clark, Bob (10)

Clark, Bobby (2)

Clark, Buddy (133)

Clark, C. D. (1)

Clark, Carlyn (1)

Clark, Catherine (1)

Clark, Champ (1)

Clark, Charles Darr (1)

Clark, Charles Don (1)

Clark, Chester (1)

Clark, Chet (1)

Clark, Cliff (99)

Clark, Cottonseed (75)

Clark, D. Worth (3)

Clark, Dane (53)

Clark, David (2)

Clark, Delbert (1)

Clark, Dennis (5)

Clark, Dick (11)

Clark, Dina (1)

Clark, Don (183)

Clark, Dorothy (2)

Clark, Dort (2)

Clark, Dwight (2)

Clark, Ed (2)

Clark, Edward (4)

Clark, Elsie (1)

Clark, Eugene (1)

Clark, Evans (2)

Clark, Everett (63)

Clark, Ewan Sudsy (1)

Clark, Frances Elliott (1)

Clark, Frank (5)

Clark, Frank J. (1)

Clark, Fred (56)

Clark, Fred G. (177)

Clark, Gene (9)

Clark, Gene Emmet (6)

Clark, George (3)

Clark, Gordon (1)

Clark, Harold (1)

Clark, Harry (16)

Clark, Herbert M. (45)

Clark, Howard (1)

Clark, Imogene Lynn (2)

Clark, J. J. (1)

Clark, James (2)

Clark, Jay (3)

Clark, Jeff (8)

Clark, Jim (1)

Clark, Jimmy (3)

Clark, Joe (2)

Clark, John (4)

Clark, John L. (2)

Clark, Johnny (1)

Clark, Joseph (4)

Clark, Kate Vinci Sandra (1)

Clark, Katharine (1)

Clark, Katherine (1)

Clark, Ken (3)

Clark, Kenneth (1)

Clark, Kenny (1)

Clark, Kid (4)

Clark, Laurel (1)

Clark, Lillian (5)

Clark, Lon (599)

Clark, Lynn (1)

Clark, Mack (1)

Clark, Marguerite (2)

Clark, Marian (70)

Clark, Marilyn (1)

Clark, Marion Bruce (1)

Clark, Marjorie (7)

Clark, Mark (7)

Clark, Mary Higgins (2)

Clark, Michelle (1)

Clark, Mike (4)

Clark, Mrs. Mark (1)

Clark, Myra (1)

Clark, Nick (5)

Clark, Nikki (1)

Clark, Olin (1)

Clark, Pete (1)

Clark, Petula (7)

Clark, Phil (1)

Clark, Ramsey (2)

Clark, Robert (5)

Clark, Roy (4)

Clark, Ruth (3)

Clark, Sean (1)

Clark, Sheldon (1)

Clark, Sondra (2)

Clark, Sonny (1)

Clark, Steve (5)

Clark, Steven (2)

Clark, Sylvia (2)

Clark, Ted (2)

Clark, Thomas (3)

Clark, Tom (5)

Clark, Tony (1)

Clark, Vernon (2)

Clark, Virginia (5)

Clark, W. Kenneth (4)

Clark, Wallis (5)

Clark, Walter Van Tilberg (1)

Clark, Warren (1)

Clark, Wesley (5)

Clark, William (4)

Clark, William Pendle (1)

Clark-Carr, Archibald (1)

Clark-Smith, Douglas (1)

Clarke, Arthur C. (9)

Clarke, Bruce (1)

Clarke, Gage (3)

Clarke, Gary (1)

Clarke, Gordon (2)

Clarke, Hope (1)

Clarke, Ida (1)

Clarke, John (2)

Clarke, Ken (1)

Clarke, Kendall (1)

Clarke, Kenny (2)

Clarke, Les (1)

Clarke, Lloyd (1)

Clarke, Mae (15)

Clarke, Marie (2)

Clarke, Nick (3)

Clarke, Phillip (64)

Clarke, Robert (17)

Clarke, Tom (2)

Clarke, William Kendall (17)

Clarkin, Greg (3)

Clarnet, Phillip (1)

Clary, Robert (9)

Clasan, Jane (1)

Classen, Ben (3)

Classeti, Ben (1)

Classon, Ben (1)

Claudea, Robert (1)

Claughton, Peter (2)

Clausen, Connie (1)

Clauson, Zeke (1)

Clavoon, Elmer (1)

Claw, Barbara (1)

Clawton, Peter (1)

Claxton, Alan (1)

Claxton, Elaine (6)

Claxton, William (1)

Clay, Bob (1)

Clay, Edwin (1)

Clay, George (1)

Clay, Jack (2)

Clay, Jeffrey (4)

Clay, Keith van der (1)

Clay, Lucius (7)

Clay, Nicholas (1)

Clay, Rowena (2)

Clay, Tony (20)

Clayberger, Katherine (1)

Clayborne, Bill (1)

Claybourne, Phil (1)

Clayfeld, Hannah (1)

Clayton, Bernard (1)

Clayton, Bob (3)

Clayton, Buck (19)

Clayton, Claudia (1)

Clayton, Cyril (1)

Clayton, Dick (1)

Clayton, Gloria (1)

Clayton, Jan (3)

Clayton, John (23)

Clayton, Kay (1)

Clayton, Lou (2)

Clayton, Mary (1)

Clayton, Merle (2)

Clayton, Nancy (1)

Clayton, Norman (1)

Clayton, Patty (20)

Clayton, Peter (1)

Clayton, Ruth (2)

Clayton, Tubby (1)

Clayton, William L. (2)

Cleary, Don (1)

Cleary, Jack (3)

Cleary, John (33)

Cleary, John T. (1)

Cleary, Len (1)

Cleary, Leo (254)

Cleave, Mary (1)

Cleaver, Zelda (11)

Clebanoff and The Ensemble, Herman (1)

Clebanoff, Herman (13)

Cleese, John (4)

Cleffs, Clifford (1)

Clefs, The Five (1)

Cleftones, The (4)

Clegg, Billy Joe (1)

Cleland, Max (2)

Clem (1)

Clem, Bill (4)

Clemens, Ailene (1)

Clemens, Carleton (1)

Clemens, Hans (3)

Clemens, LeRoy (1)

Clemens, Loretta (2)

Clement, David (1)

Clement, Frank (3)

Clement, Jack (1)

Clement, Jane (1)

Clement, Rufus (1)

Clemente, Elvita (1)

Clemente, Roberto (1)

Clemento, Barney (1)

Clements, Colin (4)

Clements, Earl (2)

Clements, Frank (1)

Clements, Michael (1)

Clements, Stanley (4)

Clements, Zeke (1)

Cleminger, James (23)

Clemme, Emperor (1)

Clemons, Larry (2)

Clendenen, Richard (1)

Clerman, Richard (2)

Clerq, Tanaquil Le (1)

Clete, Edward Van (1)

Cletro, Eddie (2)

Cleva, Fausto (24)

Cleve and His Orchestra, Van (1)

Cleve, Van (1)

Cleveland Symphony Orchestra, The (16)

Cleveland, Charles (2)

Cleveland, Gerald (1)

Cleveland, Harlan (1)

Cleveland, Jimmy (1)

Cleveland, Madge (1)

Cleveland, Marion (1)

Cleveland, Nancy (13)

Cleveland, Nancy J. (1)

Clevelandaires, The (9)

Cliburn, Van (6)

Click, Mary (1)

Clicquot Club Eskimos, The (3)

Cliff, Alice Cooper (1)

Cliff, H. Cooper (3)

Cliff, Harry Cooper (1)

Cliff, John (7)

Cliff, Oliver (5)

Cliff, Tony (8)

Cliffe, Harry Cooper (2)

Clifford and His Orchestra, Bill (5)

Clifford, Clark (2)

Clifford, Jack (1)

Clifford, June (1)

Clifford, Maurice (1)

Clifford, Mike (1)

Clifford, Nelson (1)

Clift, Montgomery (7)

Clifton, Bill (6)

Clifton, Ethel (1)

Clifton, Jane (1)

Clifton, Mark (3)

Climson, Roger (1)

Clinard, Val (1)

Clinch Mountain Clan, The (2)

Clinchy, Everett (2)

Cline, Cynthia (4)

Cline, Mattie (1)

Cline, Patsy (4)

Cline, Richard (7)

Clinger, William (1)

Clink, Al (1)

Clinker, Zeno (60)

Clinton and His Orchestra, Larry (15)

Clinton, Bill (553)

Clinton, Chelsea (1)

Clinton, Dudley (1)

Clinton, Hillary Rodham (22)

Clinton, Larry (2)

Clinton, Michelle (4)

Clinton, Mildred (26)

Clipper, P. M. (1)

Clive, Colin (1)

Clive, Madeline (1)

Cloche, Maurice (1)

Clodhoppers, The Georgia (2)

Clooney, Betty (9)

Clooney, George (1)

Clooney, Nick (4)

Clooney, Rosemary (360)

Close, Glenn (1)

Close, Joseph (1)

Close, Stan (1)

Close, Upton (45)

Close, Virginia (1)

Close, Woody (19)

Clothier, Robert (1)

Clotier and His Orchestra, Norman (2)

Clotsky, Burma (1)

Cloud, Red (1)

Clough, Wilson (1)

Cloutier and His Orchestra, Norman (12)

Cloutier, Norman (4)

Cloutier, Suzanne (1)

Clovers, The (3)

Clown, Toto The (1)

Club, The Bina Mossman Glee (1)

Club, The Brooklyn Post Office Glee (1)

Club, The Coast Guard Glee (1)

Club, The Colgate University Glee (1)

Club, The Corona Glee (1)

Club, The Mutual Of Omaha Glee (1)

Club, The National Championship Glee (1)

Club, The New York City Fire Department Glee (5)

Club, The New York City Police Band and Glee (1)

Club, The New York City Police Department Band and Glee (1)

Club, The New York City Police Department Glee (8)

Club, The Notre Dame Glee (1)

Club, The NYU Glee (1)

Club, The Penn State Glee (1)

Club, The Purdue Glee (1)

Club, The RCA Victor Glee (1)

Club, The U. S. C. Glee (1)

Club, The University Glee (1)

Club, The Victor Glee (1)

Club, The West Point Glee (2)

Club, The Women Of The Mendelssohn (1)

Club, The Yale University Glee (2)

Clubbers, The Four City (2)

Clubmen, The (1)

Clubs, The All-City High School Chorus and Glee (1)

Clucas, Richard (1)

Cluff, Jean (1)

Clune, Frank (1)

Cluney, Clark (3)

Clunis, Tom (68)

Clure, Peter (1)

Clurman, Howard (1)

Clurman, Richard (1)

Clute, Chester (14)

Clute, Peter (1)

Clute, Sidney (2)

Clyburn, James (3)

Clyde, Andy (69)

Clyde, Gordon (4)

Clyde, Jayne (1)

Clyde, Jeremy (1)

Coakley and His Orchestra, Jack (2)

Coakley and His Orchestra, Tom (2)

Coapstick, Bob (4)

Coast Artillery Swing Five, The (1)

Coast Guard Cutters Dance Band, The (14)

Coates, Alan (1)

Coates, Eric (1)

Coates, Josephine (1)

Coates, Joyce (1)

Coates, Mike (2)

Coates, Paul (2)

Coates, Phyllis (25)

Coates, Robert (1)

Coates, Shirley (1)

Coats, Albert (1)

Coats, Dan (2)

Coats, Daniel (2)

Coats, Don (3)

Cobb (1)

Cobb Septet, Arnette (1)

Cobb, Arnett (1)

Cobb, Arnette (1)

Cobb, Buff (4)

Cobb, Cora (1)

Cobb, Dave (1)

Cobb, David (30)

Cobb, Dick (1)

Cobb, Edmund (7)

Cobb, Hubbard (2)

Cobb, Irvin S. (19)

Cobb, Lee J. (12)

Cobb, Robert (1)

Cobb, Tex (1)

Cobb, Ty (6)

Cobble, Elaine (1)

Cobbs, Susan Parker (1)

Cober, Billy (1)

Cobert, Anita (1)

Cobert, Jean (1)

Coblin, Kent (1)

Coburn, Abbott (1)

Coburn, Bill (1)

Coburn, Charles (31)

Coburn, James (1)

Coburn, Jim (1)

Coburn, Paul (2)

Coburn, Tom (4)

Coby, Fred (2)

Coca, Imogene (15)

Cochise, Nino (1)

Cochran, Bill (1)

Cochran, D. L. (1)

Cochran, Dorothy (1)

Cochran, Ed (1)

Cochran, Freddy (1)

Cochran, Hamilton (1)

Cochran, Jacqueline (1)

Cochran, John (12)

Cochran, Johnny (1)

Cochran, Joseph (18)

Cochran, Mickey (2)

Cochran, Mike (1)

Cochran, Robert (1)

Cochran, Ron (8)

Cochran, Steve (7)

Cochran, Thad (3)

Cochran, William (1)

Cochrane, Frank (1)

Cochrane, John (1)

Cochrane, Micahel (1)

Cochrane, Mickey (1)

Cockburn, Francis Card (1)

Cockerell, Lolly (1)

Cockrell, Frank (2)

Cockrell, Marian (2)

Cocks, Dorothy (1)

Coco, James (1)

Cocolla, Lydia (1)

Cocomalts, The (1)

Cocteau, Jean (3)

Codec, Frank (1)

Codee, Ann (1)

Codelco, Ted (1)

Codin, Ron (2)

Codmore, William (2)

Codrescu, Andrei (1)

Cody, Bill (1)

Cody, Iron Eyes (3)

Cody, Lew (2)

Cody, Pop (1)

Coe, Don (1)

Coe, Donald (29)

Coe, Fred (27)

Coe, George (6)

Coe, Harry (1)

Coe, Jerry (1)

Coe, June (1)

Coe, Ralph (1)

Coe, Robert (1)

Coe, Robert L. (1)

Coe, Socker (2)

Coe, Ted (1)

Coelho, Tony (5)

Coffee, John (4)

Coffee, Lenore (7)

Coffee, Lenore J. (1)

Coffer, Jerry (12)

Coffey, Carol (1)

Coffey, Frank (1)

Coffin Jr., William Sloane (1)

Coffin, Eva (1)

Coffin, Fred (15)

Coffin, Grace (2)

Coffin, Haskell (7)

Coffin, Robert P. Tristram (1)

Coffin, Tris (45)

Coffin, Tristram (18)

Coffin, Vincent (1)

Coffin, William Sloan (1)

Cogan and His Orchestra, Harry (2)

Coghlan Jr., Frank (9)

Coghlan, Kathleen (1)

Coghlan, Phyllis (8)

Coghlin, Phyllis (1)

Cogill, Marcus (1)

Cogle, Christine (1)

Cohan Jr., George M. (1)

Cohan, E. K. (1)

Cohan, George M. (21)

Cohan, Harold (2)

Cohan, Phil (29)

Cohatchen, Armand (1)

Cohen, Aaron (1)

Cohen, Al (2)

Cohen, Albert J. (1)

Cohen, Alexander (1)

Cohen, Armand (1)

Cohen, Arnold (1)

Cohen, Art (2)

Cohen, Barbara (2)

Cohen, Benjamin (8)

Cohen, Bill (1)

Cohen, Burton (1)

Cohen, Chic (1)

Cohen, George (1)

Cohen, Geulah (1)

Cohen, Gus (1)

Cohen, Harry (1)

Cohen, Henry (1)

Cohen, Herb (1)

Cohen, Herman (1)

Cohen, J. X. (1)

Cohen, Jack (1)

Cohen, Jacob (2)

Cohen, Joel (1)

Cohen, Karen Lee (5)

Cohen, Lester (2)

Cohen, M. Charles (1)

Cohen, Michelle (3)

Cohen, Mickey (2)

Cohen, Morris (2)

Cohen, Mortimer (1)

Cohen, Mrs. Frank (1)

Cohen, Myron (3)

Cohen, Octavus Roy (3)

Cohen, Phil (5)

Cohen, Phillip (11)

Cohen, Robert (5)

Cohen, Roy (1)

Cohen, Ruth Kolko (1)

Cohen, S. Joshua (1)

Cohen, Sam (1)

Cohen, Samuel (2)

Cohen, Seymour (1)

Cohen, Wilbur (1)

Cohen, William (6)

Cohen, Willie (1)

Cohens, The Three (1)

Cohn, Al (4)

Cohn, Alan (2)

Cohn, Art (1)

Cohn, Roy (24)

Coins, The Four (1)

Cokay, Frances (2)

Coke, Dallas (1)

Coke, Judith (2)

Coke, Peter (26)

Cokely, Andy (1)

Coker, Henry (11)

Cola, Felix de (10)

Colavito, Rocky (1)

Colbay, Susanne (1)

Colbert, Claire (1)

Colbert, Claudette (78)

Colbert, Jean (6)

Colbert, Regina (2)

Colby, Anita (1)

Colby, Bainbridge (3)

Colby, Frank (1)

Colby, Gene (1)

Colby, Jean (1)

Colby, Julius (1)

Colby, Marion (3)

Colby, Pat (3)

Colby, William (1)

Colder, Richard (1)

Coldwell, Sam (1)

Cole and His Men, Buddy (3)

Cole and His Orchestra, Buddy (23)

Cole Jr., Frank (1)

Cole Jr., Marshall (1)

Cole Trio, The Nat King (53)

Cole Trio, The Ronnie (1)

Cole, Albert (1)

Cole, Alonzo Deen (130)

Cole, Ann (2)

Cole, Barbara (1)

Cole, Barney (1)

Cole, Beatrice (2)

Cole, Benjamin (1)

Cole, Betty (1)

Cole, Bob (7)

Cole, Buddy (71)

Cole, Buff (1)

Cole, David (2)

Cole, Dennis (1)

Cole, Dewey (9)

Cole, Donald (1)

Cole, Dorothea (1)

Cole, Eddie (1)

Cole, Fred (38)

Cole, Gary (1)

Cole, George (3)

Cole, Grady (2)

Cole, Hank (1)

Cole, Idaho (1)

Cole, James (2)

Cole, John (128)

Cole, Johnny (2)

Cole, Jonathan (1)

Cole, Lester (2)

Cole, Marilyn (1)

Cole, Marti (2)

Cole, Max (1)

Cole, Mrs. Francis (2)

Cole, Nat King (97)

Cole, Owen (1)

Cole, Patty (1)

Cole, Phil (1)

Cole, Polly (2)

Cole, Robert (22)

Cole, Rupert (1)

Cole, Sloan (1)

Cole, Smokey (1)

Cole, Sylvia (2)

Cole, Ted (2)

Cole, Walter (1)

Cole, William Sterling (1)

Colean, Miles L. (1)

Colebrook, Coral (7)

Colebrook, Edward (1)

Colehagen, Fritzi (1)

Coleman and His Orchestra, Emil (5)

Coleman and His Society Dance Orchestra, Emil (1)

Coleman, Bill (1)

Coleman, Booth (2)

Coleman, Bryan (5)

Coleman, Carol (19)

Coleman, Cole (5)

Coleman, Cy (6)

Coleman, Denardo (1)

Coleman, Emil (1)

Coleman, Gary (1)

Coleman, Guy (2)

Coleman, H. W. (2)

Coleman, Herbert (2)

Coleman, Herman (2)

Coleman, Howard (1)

Coleman, Jack (7)

Coleman, James (2)

Coleman, Jerry (5)

Coleman, John (4)

Coleman, Keith (2)

Coleman, Leo (1)

Coleman, Nancy (1)

Coleman, Ornet (1)

Coleman, Robert (1)

Coleman, Ron (2)

Coleman, Rosemary (1)

Coleman, Tom (1)

Coleman, Warren (2)

Coleman, William (1)

Coleman, William A. (1)

Coleridge, Kate (1)

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (2)

Coleridge, Sylvia (1)

Coleridge-McInnes, Hugh J. (1)

Coles, Bob (1)

Coles, Fred (1)

Coles, Sandra (12)

Coles, Stedman (39)

Coleson, John (1)

Coley, Jack (1)

Colgan, Michael (2)

Colin, Larry (2)

Colin, Matt (1)

Colin-Duff (12)

Colina, Rafael de la (1)

Colis, J. M. (2)

Colla-Negri, Adelyn (1)

Colladoy, Raymond (1)

Collandra, Robert (1)

Collay, Jerry (1)

Collechi, Johnny (1)

Colleen, Madeline (3)

College and His Orchestra, Carl (2)

Collegians, The (2)

Collegiate Four, The (1)

Colleran, Bill (3)

Collerman. Bill (1)

Collidi, Carlo (1)

Collie, Biff (1)

Collier, Bob (5)

Collier, Constance (2)

Collier, Elstance (1)

Collier, Greg (1)

Collier, John (15)

Collier, Lois (41)

Collier, Louis (1)

Collier, Marian (1)

Collier, Ralph (4)

Collin, Edward (2)

Collinge, Patricia (1)

Collings, Pierre (1)

Collingwood, Charles (116)

Collins and Ames, Craig (1)

Collins Jr., Ovid (1)

Collins, Addison (2)

Collins, Al (4)

Collins, Al Jazzbeaux (16)

Collins, Anthony (2)

Collins, Avis (1)

Collins, Beryl V. (1)

Collins, Bill (1)

Collins, Burt (1)

Collins, Cardiss (1)

Collins, Carlene (1)

Collins, Carol (15)

Collins, Charles Elster (1)

Collins, Charles M. (1)

Collins, Charlotte (1)

Collins, Chuck (1)

Collins, Claude (1)

Collins, Colleen (50)

Collins, Cooley (1)

Collins, Cora Sue (1)

Collins, Curley (2)

Collins, Daphne (1)

Collins, Don (1)

Collins, Dorothy (159)

Collins, Doug (1)

Collins, Eddie (4)

Collins, Eileen (1)

Collins, Elliott (1)

Collins, Frank (1)

Collins, Frankie (1)

Collins, Fred (609)

Collins, Frederick (2)

Collins, Frederick L. (48)

Collins, Geoffrey (2)

Collins, Governor (1)

Collins, Hal (5)

Collins, Hal H. (3)

Collins, Howard (5)

Collins, J. Lawton (4)

Collins, Jack (2)

Collins, James L. (1)

Collins, Joan (1)

Collins, John (5)

Collins, Joseph Lawton (2)

Collins, Jud (35)

Collins, Judd (2)

Collins, Judy (1)

Collins, Larry (3)

Collins, Leighton (1)

Collins, Leroy (5)

Collins, Linda (1)

Collins, Marion (1)

Collins, Mary (1)

Collins, Michael (6)

Collins, Monty (1)

Collins, Mrs. Eddie (1)

Collins, Nancy (1)

Collins, Neil (1)

Collins, Oliver (1)

Collins, Pamela (1)

Collins, Pat (2)

Collins, Patricia (6)

Collins, Paul (1)

Collins, Pete (1)

Collins, Peter (5)

Collins, Phillip (1)

Collins, Pierre (1)

Collins, Ray (163)

Collins, Reid (11)

Collins, Ripper (1)

Collins, Russell (7)

Collins, Sam (1)

Collins, Sayborn (4)

Collins, Sid (5)

Collins, Sidney (1)

Collins, Susan (7)

Collins, Ted (66)

Collins, Thomas (2)

Collins, Tim (1)

Collins, Tina (3)

Collins, Tom (285)

Collins, Wilkie (21)

Collins, William (1)

Collins,Ted (1)

Collison, John (1)

Collison, Wilson (2)

Collodi, Carlo (2)

Collyer, Bill (1)

Collyer, Bud (1417)

Collyer, Chick (6)

Collyer, June (1)

Collyer, Robert (1)

Collyer, Shirley (1)

Colman, Bill (1)

Colman, Nancy (8)

Colman, Ronald (256)

Colmans, Edward (6)

Colon, Frank (1)

Colon, Miriam (1)

Colonari, Buddy (2)

Colonel Jack and Shorty's Hillbillies (1)

Colonial Club Orchestra, The (1)

Colonials, The (1)

Colonna (1)

Colonna, Jerry (228)

Colorado Hillbillies, The (1)

Colson, Eleanor (1)

Colson, Lee (1)

Colston, Warren (3)

Colt, Ethel Barrymore (1)

Colt, John Drew (1)

Colten, Frances (1)

Colter, Beth (2)

Colter, John Lee (1)

Colter, Thomas (1)

Colton, Kingsley (40)

Colton, Norman (3)

Coltrane Quartet, The John (2)

Coltrane, John (1)

Coltrane, Suzy (4)

Coluccio, Rocky (1)

Columbia Band, The (3)

Columbia Concert Orchestra, The (16)

Columbia Ensemble, The (1)

Columbia Orchestra, The (3)

Columbia Pictures Orchestra (1)

Columbia String Orchestra, The (37)

Columbia Symphony Orchestra, The (6)

Columbo, Lee (7)

Columbo, Russ (12)

Columbus Boy Choir, The (1)

Columbus Philharmonic Orchestra, The (1)

Columbus, Chris (1)

Colurus, Vern (1)

Colvig, Pinto (47)

Colvig, Vance (11)

Colwell, Frances (1)

Colzani, Anselmo (2)

Comacho, Manuel Avila (2)

Comadettes, Billy Smith's (1)

Comages, Cathleen (4)

Coman, Howard (1)

Combe, Jacob (1)

Comber, Henry (1)

Combo, Jack McVea and His (1)

Combo, The AFRS (1)

Combo, The AFRS Swing (2)

Combo, The Eddie Heywood (1)

Combo, The Phil Moore (1)

Combs, Fuzzy (2)

Combs, George Hamilton (6)

Combs, Thomas (1)

Comden, Betty (15)

Comegys, Kathleen (4)

Comeneck, Rich (7)

Comer, Adila (6)

Comer, Twyler (2)

Comfort, Ron (1)

Comigees, Kathleen (1)

Comingore, Dorothy (4)

Cominsky, Joe (1)

Comiskey, Joe (2)

Commack, Leo (1)

Commager, Henry Steele (1)

Command, The 370th Band Of The San Bernardino Air Service (1)

Command, The American Band Of The Supreme Allied (1)

Commanders Orchestra, The (13)

Commanders, Irving Aaronson and His (1)

Commer, Eloise (8)

Commice, Rufe (1)

Comming, Terrence (1)

Commoner, Barry (1)

Commonwealth Symphony and State Chorus Of Boston (1)

Como Perry (1)

Como, Perry (236)

Como, Perry, (2)

Como, Ronald (1)

Como, Rosselle (1)

Company, The Old Vic (1)

Company, The Ovaltine Light Opera (1)

Company, The Royal Shakespeare (1)

Company, The Victor Light Opera (2)

Compo, Carlos (1)

Comprubi, Jose (1)

Compson, Betty (2)

Compton, Ann (3)

Compton, Arthur Holly (1)

Compton, Carl (2)

Compton, Francis (8)

Compton, Lewis (1)

Compton, Palmer (1)

Compton, Pat (1)

Compton, Roger (1)

Compton, Walter (47)

Compton, Wilson (1)

Comroff, Manuel (2)

Comstock and His Orchestra, Frank (2)

Comstock, Bill (22)

Comstock, Frank (1)

Comte, Dewitt (2)

Comyn, John (1)

Conan, Westin (1)

Conant, James (2)

Conant, James B. (5)

Conant, Wes (3)

Conaty, James (1)

Conaway, Mike (1)

Conboy, John (1)

Concepcion, Cesar (27)

Concept, Cal (2)

Concert Hall Orchestra, The (22)

Concertgebouw Orchestra Of Amsterdam, The (3)

Concords, The (2)

Conde, Richard P. (1)

Conde, Robert (1)

Conderthatch, John (1)

Condoli, Pete (10)

Condon and His Orchestra, Eddie (2)

Condon's Jazz Concert Orchestra, Eddie (1)

Condon, Eddie (101)

Condon, Edward (1)

Condon, Eva (6)

Condon, Maurie (2)

Condon, Michael (1)

Cone, John (1)

Coneybear, Rodney (1)

Confer, Jimmy (3)

Confers, Jimmy (1)

Confrey, Zez (1)

Confurious, Marty (1)

Conga, Gwen (1)

Congden, Barney (1)

Congden, Lee (1)

Conger, Clinton (1)

Conger, Clinton B. (1)

Conger, Juli (2)

Conger, Julie (1)

Congreve, William (1)

Coniff and His Orchestra and Chorus, Ray (1)

Coniff and His Orchestra, Ray (6)

Coniff, Frank (1)

Coniff, Ray (4)

Conigliaro, Tony (1)

Conkel, E. P. (1)

Conkle, E. P. (3)

Conklin, Drew (1)

Conklin, Gene (145)

Conklin, Grace (1)

Conklin, Hal (1)

Conklin, Heinie (1)

Conklin, Larry (1)

Conklin, Peggy (19)

Conklin, Russ (2)

Conkling, George (6)

Conkway, Francis (1)

Conlan, Dave (1)

Conlan, Paul (27)

Conlan, Robert (3)

Conlee, John (1)

Conley, Don (1)

Conley, Dud (1)

Conley, Eugene (9)

Conley, Gene (2)

Conley, Harry (1)

Conley, J. B. (1)

Conley, Jack (1)

Conley, James (1)

Conley, Joseph (6)

Conley, Pat (1)

Conley, Robert (1)

Conley, Tom (1)

Conley, Truman W. (1)

Conlin, Bob (1)

Conlin, Jimmy (4)

Conlon and The Rhythmaires, Jud (1)

Conlon Choristers, The Jud (7)

Conlon Singers, The Jud (3)

Conlon's Chorus, Jud (1)

Conlon's Rhythmaires, Jud (141)

Conlon, Bob (11)

Conlon, Jud (13)

Conlon, Marcella (1)

Conlon, Margaret (1)

Conlon, Pat (3)

Conlon, Patrick (1)

Conlon, Patrick Owen (80)

Conlon, Sheila (2)

Conlon, Thomas (1)

Conn and His Orchestra, Lenny (10)

Conn, Al J. (10)

Conn, Alex (1)

Conn, Billy (8)

Conn, E. J. (1)

Conn, Harry (2)

Conn, Jackie (1)

Conn, Jimmy (1)

Conn, Joe (1)

Conn, Lanny (2)

Conn, Len (1)

Conn, Lenny (1)

Conn, Marv (2)

Connally, John (2)

Connally, Thomas (2)

Connally, Tom (5)

Connard, Tom (1)

Connecticut Yankees, The (2)

Connel, Arthur (1)

Connel, Dennis (1)

Connel, Leon (1)

Connell, Dell (1)

Connell, Gordon (1)

Connell, John (1)

Connell, Miranda (1)

Connell, Polly (3)

Connell, Richard (11)

Connelly, Joe (198)

Connelly, Joseph (1)

Connelly, Kenneth Howard (1)

Connelly, Marc (31)

Connelly, Matthew (1)

Connelly, Vince (11)

Conner, Nadine (47)

Conner, Patricia (1)

Conners, Barry (2)

Connery, George (1)

Connery, John (6)

Connery, Sean (2)

Connie, Gretchen (1)

Connolly, Donald H. (2)

Connolly, Emett (1)

Connolly, James (4)

Connolly, Joe (1)

Connolly, John (10)

Connolly, Miles (1)

Connolly, Myles (3)

Connolly, Tom (1)

Connolly, Vincent (7)

Connolly, Walter (59)

Connolly. Walter (1)

Connor Trio, The Jack (1)

Connor, Cass (1)

Connor, Charles (1)

Connor, Chris (16)

Connor, David (1)

Connor, Dennis (1)

Connor, Edward D. (1)

Connor, Frederick (1)

Connor, Helen (1)

Connor, Herbert (3)

Connor, John T. (1)

Connor, Kenneth (4)

Connor, Whitfield (165)

Connors, Chuck (15)

Connors, Donald F. (1)

Connors, Frankie (4)

Connors, Katherine (1)

Connors, Mike (1)

Connors, Ruth (1)

Connors, Tim (1)

Conover, Harry (2)

Conover, Hugh (42)

Conover, Willis (26)

Conrad, Allen (1)

Conrad, Con (2)

Conrad, Eugene (1)

Conrad, Frank (3)

Conrad, Hal (2)

Conrad, Harold (2)

Conrad, Jack (2)

Conrad, John (23)

Conrad, Joseph (18)

Conrad, Kent (5)

Conrad, Michael (1)

Conrad, Mrs. Frank (1)

Conrad, Paul (39)

Conrad, Pete (7)

Conrad, Victor (1)

Conrad, William (1231)

Conrey, Bart (1)

Conried, Hans (830)

Conroy, Frank (1)

Conroy, John (1)

Conry, Bob (2)

Consdale, Harry (1)

Consentino, Nicholas (1)

Conser, Daryl (1)

Considine, Bob (31)

Considine, John (13)

Consolo, Betina (1)

Constable, Stuart (1)

Constance, Hector (3)

Constance, Joan (1)

Constance, Yvonne (1)

Constant, Yvonne (2)

Constantine, Michael (1)

Constanzo, Jack (2)

Constiner, Merle (1)

Conte, John (350)

Conte, Nicolas (1)

Conte, Richard (21)

Conte, Ruth (2)

Conteiguglia, John (1)

Conteiguglia, Richard (1)

Conti, Vera (1)

Continental Trio, The (3)

Continentals Quartet and Chorus, The (1)

Continentals, The (2)

Contino, Dick (7)

Converse, Ann (1)

Converse, Curt (1)

Convey, Robert T. (1)

Conway, Brian (1)

Conway, Catherine (1)

Conway, Cleve (1)

Conway, Delson (1)

Conway, Dick (3)

Conway, Jack (2)

Conway, Jim (2)

Conway, Jimmy (1)

Conway, John (1)

Conway, Joseph (5)

Conway, Julie (9)

Conway, Kurt (2)

Conway, Russ (4)

Conway, Shirl (1)

Conway, Steve (1)

Conway, Stuart (4)

Conway, Tim (1)

Conway, Tom (53)

Conway, Vincent (1)

Conwell, John (1)

Conwell, Virginia (1)

Conwill, Allan (1)

Conyers, John (2)

Conyers, Teddy (1)

Coo, Frederick (1)

Coo, Wellington (1)

Cooch, Arthur T. Quiller (1)

Coogan, Dale (1)

Coogan, Jackie (12)

Coogan, Richard (23)

Cook Painter Boys, The (1)

Cook, Alden (2)

Cook, Alice (1)

Cook, Alton (3)

Cook, Amelia Ehrhardt (1)

Cook, Arthur (1)

Cook, Barbara (2)

Cook, Beatrice (1)

Cook, Billy (4)

Cook, Bob (1)

Cook, Burr (1)

Cook, Carol (1)

Cook, Carole (1)

Cook, Charles L. (8)

Cook, Christopher (5)

Cook, Don (1)

Cook, Donald (17)

Cook, Dwight (5)

Cook, Fielder (1)

Cook, Frank (1)

Cook, Fred (1)

Cook, Georgiana (6)

Cook, Gerald (1)

Cook, Harold (1)

Cook, Henry (14)

Cook, Ida (1)

Cook, Ileen (1)

Cook, Ira (1)

Cook, J. Douglas (1)

Cook, Jay (6)

Cook, Joe (26)

Cook, John (1)

Cook, Joseph (1)

Cook, Juan (1)

Cook, Julius (2)

Cook, Lou (21)

Cook, Louise (1)

Cook, Lynn (8)

Cook, Mark (1)

Cook, Mary Lou (1)

Cook, Merrill (1)

Cook, Perry (4)

Cook, Peter (2)

Cook, Phil (5)

Cook, Richard (1)

Cook, Robert (1)

Cook, Robert Croft (1)

Cook, Ronald (1)

Cook, Rose (1)

Cook, Rupert Croft (3)

Cook, Shorty (2)

Cook, Sidney (2)

Cook, Tommy (217)

Cook, Tony (1)

Cook, Vernon (2)

Cook, Virginia (16)

Cook, Virginia Marie (3)

Cook, Whitfield (3)

Cook, Willie (3)

Cooke, Aistair (1)

Cooke, Alistair (625)

Cooke, Alistaire (4)

Cooke, Dwight (14)

Cooke, Harry (4)

Cooke, Harry M. (1)

Cooke, Hope (1)

Cooke, Peter (1)

Cooke, S. Beach (1)

Cooke, T. Coffin (4)

Cooke, Terrence (1)

Cooke, Thomas (1)

Cooke, Thomas Coffin (36)

Cooklan, Shirley (1)

Cooklin, Shirley (4)

Cooks, George (3)

Cooks, Naomi (25)

Cooksie, Curtis (1)

Cookson, Barry (1)

Cookson, Peter (1)

Cool and His Velvet Rhythm, Danny (1)

Cool, Cal (1)

Cool, Gomer (91)

Cool, Harry (11)

Cool, Mary (1)

Cooley, Carleton (3)

Cooley, Carlton (2)

Cooley, Frank (1)

Cooley, Harold (2)

Cooley, Howard (6)

Cooley, Lee (2)

Cooley, Phillip (2)

Cooley, Spade (26)

Cooley, Wayne (2)

Cooley, William (1)

Coolidge, Calvin (9)

Coolidge, Phil (3)

Coolidge, Phillip (2)

Coolidge, William (1)

Coolie, John (1)

Coomb, Frederick (1)

Coombs, George (2)

Coombs, Philip (1)

Coombs, Reginald G. (1)

Coombs, Robert (1)

Coon Creek Girls, The (4)

Coon, Carleton (1)

Coon, Fran (1)

Coon-Sanders Nighthawks, The (1)

Coonaraswamy, Ananda (1)

Cooney, George (6)

Cooney, Marjorie (53)

Coons, Jackie (3)

Coons, Johnny (73)

Cooper and His Orchestra, Mel (1)

Cooper, Alan (1)

Cooper, Alex (11)

Cooper, Alfred Duff (3)

Cooper, Alice (1)

Cooper, Alva (1)

Cooper, Anita (1)

Cooper, Anthony Campbell (3)

Cooper, Art (1)

Cooper, Basil (1)

Cooper, Ben (51)

Cooper, Bob (7)

Cooper, Brian (1)

Cooper, Buster (2)

Cooper, Carol Lee (2)

Cooper, Charles (2)

Cooper, Clancey (1)

Cooper, Clancy (3)

Cooper, Clifford (1)

Cooper, Courtney Riley (3)

Cooper, Curt (1)

Cooper, Dennis (3)

Cooper, Ed (7)

Cooper, Edward (3)

Cooper, Edwin (25)

Cooper, Frank (15)

Cooper, Gary (59)

Cooper, George (1)

Cooper, Giles (1)

Cooper, Gladys (1)

Cooper, Gordon (1)

Cooper, Irving Ben (1)

Cooper, Irving Van (2)

Cooper, Jack (1)

Cooper, Jackie (44)

Cooper, James Fenimore (63)

Cooper, Jean (1)

Cooper, Jerry (17)

Cooper, Jim (1)

Cooper, Joan (1)

Cooper, Joe (1)

Cooper, Joel (2)

Cooper, John (3)

Cooper, John Sherman (2)

Cooper, Justin (1)

Cooper, Kemball (2)

Cooper, Ken (1)

Cooper, Kent (4)

Cooper, Lou (2)

Cooper, Marilyn (3)

Cooper, Marion C. (1)

Cooper, Matt (1)

Cooper, Maxine (1)

Cooper, Melville (6)

Cooper, Nathaniel (1)

Cooper, Patrick Ashley (1)

Cooper, Prentice (1)

Cooper, Rachel (1)

Cooper, Ralph (5)

Cooper, Robert L. (1)

Cooper, Stoney (4)

Cooper, Tamar (2)

Cooper, Walker (1)

Cooper, Wilma Lee (5)

Cooper, Wyatt (1)

Cooper, Wyllis (158)

Cooperman, Mort (3)

Coopersmith, Harry (1)

Coopman, Jean Pierre (1)

Coote, Robert (2)

Coots, J. Fred (1)

Coots, James (1)

Copas, Cowboy (2)

Copasetics, The (1)

Cope, Gary (1)

Cope, Kenneth (2)

Copeland, Aaron (2)

Copeland, Alan (5)

Copeland, Ed (2)

Copeland, Elizabeth (1)

Copeland, Grace (1)

Copeland, Harry (5)

Copeland, Joan (73)

Copeland, Martha (1)

Copeland, Mary Jo (1)

Copeland, Maurice (83)

Copeland, Neal (1)

Copeland, Nick (1)

Copeland, Roy (1)

Copeland, Royal (4)

Copeland, Royal S. (2)

Copeland, Thomas (1)

Copeland, Virginia (1)

Copen, Grace (6)

Copinger, John M. (1)

Copland, Aaron (5)

Copland, Francis (1)

Copland, John (1)

Copley, Andy (1)

Copley, Betty (1)

Copley, Peter (1)

Coppel, Alex (1)

Coppel, Lester (1)

Coppola, Bill (1)

Coppola, Carmine (1)

Coppolla, Vido (1)

Copulos, Aristedes (1)

Copy, Harley (1)

Coral, Tito (1)

Coran, Armando (1)

Coratilla, Gwen (1)

Coray, Suzanne (1)

Corb, Morty (1)

Corbalis, Bill (1)

Corbell, Richard (1)

Corbeth, Mrs. William (1)

Corbett, Clare (1)

Corbett, Harvey Wiley (1)

Corbett, John (1)

Corbett, Leonora (2)

Corbett, Lois (137)

Corbett, Susannah (2)

Corbin, Gayza (1)

Corbin, Lou (2)

Corbin, Mrs. Clyde (1)

Corbin, Virginia (1)

Corby, Ellen (1)

Corcoran, Bob (21)

Corcoran, Corky (26)

Corcoran, Donna (1)

Corcoran, Ed (2)

Corcoran, James (1)

Corcoran, John (2)

Corcoran, Joseph (1)

Corcoran, Nadine (1)

Corcoran, Noreen (1)

Corcoran, Red (3)

Corcoran, Thomas (2)

Corcoran, Thomas J. (1)

Cord Jr., Meyer (1)

Corday, Don (1)

Corday, Marcelle (1)

Corday, Rita (1)

Corday, Sandra (1)

Corday, Ted (15)

Cordell, Cathleen (62)

Cordell, Cleo (1)

Cordell, Malcolm McCaw (1)

Cordell, Roy (7)

Corden, Harry (1)

Corden, Henry (4)

Corder, Hugh (1)

Cordes, Robert (1)

Cordic, Rege (12)

Cordier, Andrew (3)

Cordiner, Blaine (1)

Cording, Harry (2)

Cordner, Blaine (5)

Cordner, Ralph (1)

Cordon, Bert (5)

Cordon, Norman (11)

Cordova, Frederick De (80)

Cordova, George (1)

Cordova, Victoria (3)

Cordovan, Kathy (1)

Cordozo, D. A. (1)

Cordray, Don (5)

Cordrey, Charles (2)

Core, Natalie (2)

Corea, Chick (3)

Corelli, Carlo (2)

Corelli, Franco (9)

Corena, Fernando (16)

Coreno, Fernando (1)

Corey, Delia (3)

Corey, Dennis (1)

Corey, George (6)

Corey, Gertrude (6)

Corey, Irwin (5)

Corey, Jeff (112)

Corey, Jill (40)

Corey, John (1)

Corey, Stephen (1)

Corey, Steven (1)

Corey, Victoria (1)

Corey, Wendell (33)

Corhan, Joe (1)

Corial, Steve (1)

Corigliano, John (2)

Coriligliano, John (2)

Corin, Phillip (1)

Corio, Ann (3)

Cork, Joe (1)

Cork, Ted (1)

Corker, Bob (2)

Corkhurst, Eric (1)

Corley, Cynthia (5)

Corley, Robert (2)

Corliss, Allene (1)

Corliss, Ken (1)

Corman, Dave (1)

Corman, Tom (1)

Cormey, Bob (2)

Corn, Bertram (1)

Corn-Poppers, Little Buster and His (1)

Corncob and Shuck (1)

Cornea, Ray (1)

Corneal, George (1)

Corneille, Pierre (2)

Cornelius, Matt (1)

Cornell Savoyards, The (1)

Cornell, Alice (1)

Cornell, Bill (1)

Cornell, Cathy Ann (1)

Cornell, Charles (14)

Cornell, Don (47)

Cornell, Gerald (3)

Cornell, Gwynn (1)

Cornell, John (7)

Cornell, Katharine (8)

Cornell, Lillian (4)

Cornell, Parker (5)

Cornell, Paul (1)

Cornells, The (1)

Cornelous, Matthew (1)

Corner, Sally (1)

Cornet, Alan (1)

Cornet, Robert (1)

Cornett, Alice (1)

Cornett, J. W. (1)

Corning, Judy (1)

Corning, Tip (22)

Cornplasters, The (1)

Cornthwaite, Robert (1)

Cornwall, J. Spencer (20)

Cornwell, Arden (302)

Cornwell, Earl (2)

Cornwell, Helen (1)

Cornwood, Scott (1)

Cornyn, John (3)

Corps, The Manhattanaires Drum and Bugle (1)

Corps, The Marine Drum and Bugle (1)

Corr, Natalie (3)

Correll, Charles (589)

Correll, Mady (1)

Correll, Rich (1)

Corri, Adrienne (1)

Corrigan, Douglas (4)

Corrigan, Jim (1)

Corrigan, Lloyd (2)

Corrigan, Ray Crash (1)

Corrigan, William (10)

Corsairs, The (1)

Corsey, Edward (1)

Corsey, Ferris (1)

Corsi, Edward (1)

Corsnick, Ruth (7)

Corso, Margie (1)

Corson, George (1)

Corson, Heath (1)

Corston, George (1)

Cort, Bob (2)

Cort, Frank (1)

Cort, Harvey (1)

Cort, Ted (3)

Cort, Van (1)

Cortes, Ferde (1)

Cortez, Eric (1)

Cortez, Joe (1)

Cortez, Leon (1)

Cortez, Ricardo (10)

Cortizal, Bob (1)

Cortland, Jerome (1)

Corts, Ernest (1)

Cortubas, Ileana (1)

Corum, Bill (58)

Corvino, Andra (1)

Corwin, Edward Samuel (1)

Corwin, Emil (1)

Corwin, Mrs. Williams H. (1)

Corwin, Norman (203)

Corwin, Tom (1)

Corwine, Tom (1)

Corzine, John (1)

Corzine, Jon (1)

Cosaro, Frank (1)

Cosby, Bill (8)

Cosby, Lou (1)

Coscia, Carlo (1)

Cosell, Howard (19)

Cosentino, Nick (1)

Cosgrove, Don (8)

Cosgrove, Sherman (1)

Cosintino, Nick (1)

Coslow, Sam (6)

Coslowe, Buckley (2)

Coslowe, Lou (1)

Coslowe, Pucky (1)

Cosma, Tibor (1)

Cosmides, Belle (1)

Cosmopolitan Singers, The (1)

Cossa, Dominic (2)

Cossack, Roger (2)

Cossert, Valerie (1)

Cossin, Bob (1)

Cossitt, Henry La (1)

Cossotto, Fiorenza (2)

Cossutta, Carlo (1)

Costa, Carmella (1)

Costa, Carmello (1)

Costa, Don (2)

Costa, Harry Da (17)

Costa, Mary (8)

Costell, Ervin (1)

Costello, Ann (6)

Costello, Bill (9)

Costello, Billy (1)

Costello, Carole (1)

Costello, Chris (1)

Costello, Danny (1)

Costello, Dolores (3)

Costello, Don (3)

Costello, Elvis (1)

Costello, Frank (2)

Costello, Helene (1)

Costello, Jack (174)

Costello, John (5)

Costello, Kay (5)

Costello, Lois (15)

Costello, Lou (238)

Costello, Maurice (1)

Costello, Pat (22)

Costello, Robert (2)

Costello, Timothy (1)

Costello, Ward (1)

Costello-Humphreys, Paddy (1)

Coster, Henry (2)

Coster, John (3)

Costigan, Tom (2)

Costikian, James (1)

Costor, Irwin (1)

Cote Choristers, The Emil (1)

Cote Glee Club, The Emil (2)

Cote Serenaders, The Emil (25)

Cote, Elizabeth (1)

Cote, Emil (13)

Cotes, J. M. (2)

Cothern, Maxine (1)

Cotner and His Orchestra , Carl (78)

Cotner and His Orchestra, Carl (17)

Cotner and His Orchestra. Carl (1)

Cotrow, Leonard (1)

Cotsworth, Staats (300)

Cott, Ted (16)

Cotten and His Orchestra, Billy (1)

Cotten, Eugene (1)

Cotten, Grace (1)

Cotten, Jimmy (1)

Cotten, Joseph (130)

Cottenham, Tom Lincoln (2)

Cotter, Alaric (2)

Cotterell, Ian (4)

Cottey, Mickey (1)

Cottingham, Rick (1)

Cottingham, Ruth (2)

Cottle, Josephine (1)

Cottler, Irv (1)

Cotton, Bob (2)

Cotton, Carolina (19)

Cotton, Charley (1)

Cotton, Charlie (1)

Cotton, Larry (11)

Cotton, Mike (2)

Cotton, R. T. (1)

Cotton, Tom (3)

Cottrell, Leonard (8)

Cottrell, Mary (1)

Cottrell, William (1)

Cottress, Bill (1)

Couch, Orville (1)

Coudert, Frederick (1)

Coughlan, Francis (4)

Coughlin, Bunny (1)

Coughlin, Charles (86)

Coughlin, Frances (3)

Coughlin, Jan (1)

Coughlin, John (1)

Coule, Helen (1)

Coules, Bert (46)

Coulet, Helen (3)

Coulner, George (1)

Coulouris, George (56)

Coulter, Dorothy (1)

Coulter, Douglas (1)

Councelman, William (1)

Counselman, Jimmy (1)

Country Cousin Chickie (1)

Country Cousins, The (2)

Counts, George (1)

Courage, Alexander (219)

Couric, Katie (4)

Courier, Cam (1)

Cournack, Richard (1)

Courrier, Isabelle (1)

Coursey, Edward (1)

Coursey, Farris (1)

Court, Andy (1)

Court, Eileen (2)

Court, Hazel (1)

Court, Ray (1)

Courtenay, Tom (1)

Courtland, Jerome (3)

Courtleigh, Patricia (9)

Courtleigh, Stephen (2)

Courtleigh, Steve (1)

Courtley, Patricia (1)

Courtley, Steven (2)

Courtly, Stephen (1)

Courtney and His Orchestra, Del (11)

Courtney, Alan (1)

Courtney, Charles (1)

Courtney, Chuck (13)

Courtney, Del (1)

Courtney, Diane (47)

Courtney, Inez (1)

Courtney, James (1)

Courtney, Jean (1)

Courtney, Margaret (1)

Courtney, Nicholas (1)

Courtney, Tom (8)

Courtney-Clack, Tom (1)

Courtright, Jorga (1)

Coury, Milly (9)

Cousin Abner (3)

Cousin Minnie Pearl (1)

Cousins, Bob (2)

Cousins, Jane (3)

Cousins, Jeff (1)

Cousins, Margaret (1)

Cousins, Micky (1)

Cousins, Norman (7)

Cousteau, Jacques (3)

Cousy, Bob (5)

Coute, Robert (2)

Covell, Henry (1)

Coveny, John (14)

Cover, Carl (1)

Coverdell, Paul (5)

Covey, Arnold (1)

Covington and His Orchestra, Warren (10)

Covington and The Commanders, Warren (1)

Covington and The Tommy Dorsey Orchestra, Warren (1)

Covington, Clark (1)

Covington, Tommy (1)

Covington, Warren (4)

Covino, Gary (11)

Covoney, Don (1)

Cowan, Elizabeth (1)

Cowan, Grant (1)

Cowan, Harry (1)

Cowan, Jean (29)

Cowan, Jerome (15)

Cowan, John (42)

Cowan, Lester (1)

Cowan, Louis (1)

Cowan, Louis G. (82)

Cowan, Polly (1)

Cowan, Royce (1)

Cowan, Ruby (1)

Cowan, Ruth (3)

Cowan, Sada (3)

Cowan, Shelia (1)

Cowan, Stan (1)

Cowan, Stanley (1)

Cowan, Tommy (53)

Cowan, Victor (13)

Coward, Noel (41)

Cowboy Copas (20)

Cowboys, Ray Whitley and His Six Bar (1)

Cowboys, The Circle Eight (2)

Cowboys, The Drifting (38)

Cowboys, The Oklahoma (1)

Cowden, J. Cheever (1)

Cowings, Patricia (3)

Cowl, Jane (29)

Cowlan, Bert (71)

Cowlan, Burt (2)

Cowlan, Don (2)

Cowland, Fred (1)

Cowle, Elizabeth (1)

Cowles, Gardner (3)

Cowley, Malcolm (1)

Cowling, Bruce (3)

Cowling, Sam (3)

Cowned, Tom (1)

Cox Jr., Earl (1)

Cox, Archibald (1)

Cox, Baby (1)

Cox, Barbara (3)

Cox, Betty (9)

Cox, Billy (2)

Cox, Christopher (2)

Cox, Coleman (1)

Cox, Fred (1)

Cox, Gene (1)

Cox, George Harmon (1)

Cox, Grace (1)

Cox, James (1)

Cox, Joseph (1)

Cox, Kenneth (1)

Cox, Leon (1)

Cox, Leonard (3)

Cox, Mary (1)

Cox, Mel (99)

Cox, Michael (1)

Cox, Slim (2)

Cox, Wally (34)

Coxe, George Harmon (85)

Coxon, Jimmy (1)

Coy, Jim (1)

Coy, Sally (1)

Coy, Ted (1)

Coy, Walter (2)

Coyne, Lelia (1)

Coys, Pop Martin and The (1)

Cozlinko, William (1)

Cozy Cole (19)

Cozzens, James Gould (1)

Crabb, Alfred (1)

Crabbe, A. L. (1)

Crabbe, Alfred Leland (1)

Crabbe, Buster (6)

Crable, Ed (1)

Crabtree, Paul (382)

Crabtree, Ted (2)

Crackerjacks, Arthur Smith and His (4)

Crackerjacks, Arthur Smith and The (11)

Crackers, The Georgia (3)

Cracknell, Ruth (3)

Crafford, F. S. (1)

Craft, Chris (1)

Craft, Edward (1)

Craft, Harold (1)

Craft, Joel (1)

Craft, Morty (1)

Cragen, Catherine (4)

Cragge, Lawrence (1)

Crago, William (2)

Crahan, Denton (1)

Craig Jr., Richie (1)

Craig, Carolyn (1)

Craig, Don (15)

Craig, Donald (2)

Craig, Francis (3)

Craig, George (1)

Craig, Gloria (1)

Craig, Gordon (1)

Craig, Helen (4)

Craig, James (11)

Craig, Joel (1)

Craig, John (3)

Craig, Joyce (1)

Craig, Katherine (5)

Craig, Larry (3)

Craig, Mary (2)

Craig, May (95)

Craig, Mayland (1)

Craig, Nancy (1)

Craig, Nick (1)

Craig, Rena (3)

Craig, Richard (1)

Craig, Rita (1)

Craig, Robin (1)

Craig, Tony (1)

Craig, Walter (9)

Craig, Wendy (2)

Craigar, Lawrence (2)

Craige, John Houston (5)

Craighead, Edith (1)

Craigie, Lawrence (1)

Craigo, Bill (8)

Craigor and His Orchestra, Manny (1)

Crain, Burton (1)

Crain, Hal (1)

Crain, Jeanne (26)

Crain, Malcolm (5)

Crain, Norma (1)

Crain, Patricia (2)

Cram, Mildred (6)

Cramer, Doc (1)

Cramer, Floyd (8)

Cramer, Harry (14)

Cramer, Jerome (1)

Cramer, Joe (1)

Cramer, Ken (1)

Cramer, Kevin (1)

Cramer, Lee (1)

Cramer, Marjorie (1)

Cramer, Norman R. (1)

Cramer, Seymour (1)

Cramer, Walt (1)

Cramoy, Michael (10)

Crandall, Brad (9)

Crandall, Joan (1)

Crandall, P. C. (55)

Crandall, Perry (57)

Crandall, Russ (1)

Crandall, Steve (1)

Crane, Bob (3)

Crane, Bobby (1)

Crane, Burton (1)

Crane, Danton (1)

Crane, Dolores (4)

Crane, Ed (2)

Crane, Frances (18)

Crane, Fred (1)

Crane, Gene (1)

Crane, Harry (9)

Crane, Hugh (1)

Crane, Jacob (1)

Crane, James (1)

Crane, John (1)

Crane, Les (1)

Crane, Martha (1)

Crane, Maurice (3)

Crane, Mickey (1)

Crane, Norma (4)

Crane, Philip (2)

Crane, Richard (7)

Crane, Sam (2)

Crane, Stephen (11)

Crane, Vernon (9)

Cranford, Eugene (1)

Cranham, Kenneth (1)

Cranshaw, Bob (1)

Cranston, Alan (8)

Cranston, Claudia (1)

Cranston, Joe (55)

Cranston, Joel (4)

Cranston, Joseph (12)

Cranston, Robert (1)

Cranz, James (1)

Crapo, Michael (1)

Crapo, Mike (2)

Cravath, Jeff (1)

Cravcenco, Angelica (1)

Craven, Avery (1)

Craven, Cicely (1)

Craven, Frank (19)

Craven, Howard (1)

Craven, James (2)

Craven, John (2)

Craven, Richard (3)

Craven, Robert (2)

Craven, Thomas (2)

Cravens, Beverly (1)

Cravens, Kathryn (1)

Craver, Tony (1)

Cravin, Robbin (1)

Crawford, Betty (1)

Crawford, Bill (2)

Crawford, Bixie (1)

Crawford, Bob (2)

Crawford, Boyd (1)

Crawford, Broderick (29)

Crawford, Cathy (1)

Crawford, Cheryl (2)

Crawford, Cynthia (1)

Crawford, David (1)

Crawford, Dick (2)

Crawford, Ella May (1)

Crawford, Eve (4)

Crawford, Fred (1)

Crawford, Harry (1)

Crawford, Harvey (6)

Crawford, Jesse (58)

Crawford, Jimmy (4)

Crawford, Joan (34)

Crawford, John (4)

Crawford, Johnny (1)

Crawford, Kenneth (9)

Crawford, Kitty (2)

Crawford, Lester (1)

Crawford, Naoma (2)

Crawford, Neoma (3)

Crawford, Oliver (1)

Crawford, Rebecca (1)

Crawford, Robert (5)

Crawford, Thelma (1)

Crawford, Virginia (1)

Crawl, Irene (1)

Crawson, Jack (1)

Cray, John (1)

Craybeal, George (1)

Crayl, Joe (1)

Craze, Peter (2)

Crazy Orchestra, The (6)

Crazy Radio Gang, The (8)

Crazy Radio Gang. The (1)

Crazy Trio, The (13)

Crazy Water Crystals Company, The (1)

Creagar, James (1)

Creatore, Giuseppe (3)

Creatore, Giuseppi (1)

Credo, Joseph (2)

Credon, Gilbert (1)

Creed, Don (3)

Creedon, Dick (1)

Creedon, Richard (2)

Creekmore, Lloyd (27)

Creel, George (1)

Creel, Hurley G. (1)

Cregar, Bert (1)

Cregar, Laird (12)

Crehan, Joseph (4)

Creighton, Bertha (1)

Creighton, Eric (1)

Creighton, Neal (1)

Creighton, Sally (7)

Crell, Pauline (1)

Crema, George (4)

Cremer, Beth (2)

Crenna, Richard (399)

Crenna, Walter (2)

Crenshaw, Ander (1)

Crenshaw, Virgil S. (1)

Creore, Phyllis (5)

Crepple, Ethel Ann (5)

Crerar, H. D. G. (3)

Crespin, Regine (3)

Cress, Carl (1)

Cresson, Margeret French (1)

Cressoy, Pierre (1)

Creston, Paul (4)

Crestonbury, Robert (1)

Creswell, Mary (1)

Creswell, Rosalyn (1)

Crevis, Peter (1)

Crew Chiefs, The (122)

Crew Cuts, The (6)

Crew, Bob (1)

Crew, Dorothy (1)

Crew, The Singing Air (1)

Crews, Albert (18)

Crews, Laura Hope (2)

Crichton, Benjamin (1)

Crichton, Robert (1)

Crider, Chester A. (1)

Crim, Mort (1)

Cripine, Ken (1)

Crippen (4)

Crippen, Gertrude (3)

Crippen, Robert (4)

Crippen, Roger (1)

Cripps, Stafford (1)

Criqui, Don (1)

Criscuono, Eduardo (1)

Crismond, Serge (1)

Crisp, Charlie (1)

Crisp, Donald (32)

Crisp, Ray (3)

Crispin, Helen (1)

Crispin, Rogine (1)

Crist, Carol (1)

Crist, Don (1)

Crist, Judith (1)

Crist, Phil (1)

Cristal, Linda (1)

Cristo, Paul (1)

Cristofect, Otto (1)

Critchlow, Stephen (3)

Crittenberger, Willis (2)

Crock, Donald (1)

Crocker, Bosworth (1)

Crocker, Emerson (7)

Crocker, Jim (2)

Crocker, Pat (1)

Crocker, W. W. (5)

Crockett, Dave (4)

Crockett, Dick (1)

Crockett, Frankie (16)

Crockett, Gene (1)

Crockett, Keane (6)

Crockett, Keene (5)

Crockett, King (1)

Crockett, Luke (4)

Crockett, Lute (1)

Crockett, Luther (1)

Croft, David (1)

Croft, F. Gills (1)

Croft, Freeman Wills (1)

Croft, Larry (2)

Croft, Mary Jane (357)

Croft, Minnie (1)

Croft, Patty (1)

Croft, Tim (1)

Crofts, Alfred (3)

Crohan, Bob (1)

Croley, Arthur (1)

Cromay, Joan (1)

Cromeck, Leon (2)

Cromell, Robert (1)

Cromer, Charles (1)

Cromer, Tex (20)

Crommelin, John (1)

Cromwell, Jean (1)

Cromwell, John (3)

Cromwell, Richard (2)

Cromwell, Robert (2)

Cronbach, Robert (1)

Cronenbold, Edward (3)

Cronigan, Lee (2)

Cronin, A. J. (26)

Cronin, Francis J. (1)

Cronin, Joe (9)

Cronkite, Kathy (1)

Cronkite, Walter (135)

Cronman, Harry (81)

Cronyn, Hume (39)

Crook, Edward (1)

Crook, George (46)

Crook, Herman (1)

Crook, Richard (1)

Crook, Tim (13)

Crooks, Richard (46)

Croonaders, The (1)

Cropper, Anna (4)

Crosby and His All-Stars, Bob (26)

Crosby and His Dixieland Band, Bob (1)

Crosby and His Dixieland Jamboree, Bob (1)

Crosby and His Orchestra (1)

Crosby and His Orchestra, Bob (47)

Crosby and The Bobcats, Bob (12)

Crosby Brothers, The (1)

Crosby Sr., Mrs. H. L. (1)

Crosby, Annette (1)

Crosby, Bing (1148)

Crosby, Bob (251)

Crosby, Catherine (7)

Crosby, Cathy (2)

Crosby, David (3)

Crosby, Dennis (9)

Crosby, Dixie Lee (4)

Crosby, Don (5)

Crosby, Everett S. (6)

Crosby, Fanny (1)

Crosby, Gary (62)

Crosby, John (6)

Crosby, June (3)

Crosby, Kathryn (3)

Crosby, Larry (1)

Crosby, Lee (1)

Crosby, Linda (1)

Crosby, Lindsay (56)

Crosby, Lindsay, (1)

Crosby, Lou (739)

Crosby, Lou (11)

Crosby, Marshall (2)

Crosby, Norm (5)

Crosby, Phil (1)

Crosby, Phillip (8)

Crosby, Steve (1)

Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young (1)

Crosby, Ted (1)

Crosby, Virginia (14)

Crosby, Wade (53)

Croser, Margaret (1)

Crosetti, Frank (2)

Crosier, Helen (1)

Crosland, Jr., Alan (1)

Crosley Melody Maids, The (1)

Crosley, Archibald (1)

Crosley, Les (2)

Crosley, Lester (3)

Crosley, Linda (1)

Crosley, Powel (2)

Cross and His Orchestra, Dale (1)

Cross, Alan (7)

Cross, Alfred (1)

Cross, Anna (3)

Cross, Carol (1)

Cross, Clifford (1)

Cross, Dennis (6)

Cross, Dick (2)

Cross, Elwin (1)

Cross, Ephraim (1)

Cross, Glenn (12)

Cross, Harry (1)

Cross, John (1)

Cross, John Keir (18)

Cross, Milton (652)

Cross, Newton (1)

Cross, Oliver (3)

Cross, Reggie (1)

Cross, Skeets (1)

Cross, Wilbur (1)

Cross,Maurey (1)

Crossan, Robert (1)

Crossen, Ken (8)

Crossfield, Scott (1)

Crossienti, Sal (1)

Crossland, Fred (1)

Crossley, Archibald (2)

Crosson, Craig (1)

Crosson, Steve (1)

Crossroads Quartet, The (2)

Crothers and His Orchestra, Scatman (1)

Crothers, Rachel (1)

Crothers, Scatman (5)

Crotty, Ron (1)

Crouch, Frederick (1)

Crouse, Harriet (1)

Crouse, Russel (1)

Crouse, Russell (15)

Crow, Helen (2)

Crow, John (1)

Crow, Phil (1)

Crow, Ted (10)

Crowboine, Mrs. Jonathan (1)

Crowcroft, Frank (1)

Crowder, Charles (25)

Crowder, Constance (17)

Crowder, Leslie (1)

Crowe, George (1)

Crowe, Thomas (1)

Crowell, George (7)

Crowell, Paul (1)

Crowell, Robert (1)

Crowlbein, Julius (8)

Crowle, George (1)

Crowle, Nathan (13)

Crowley, Candy (1)

Crowley, Dale (13)

Crowley, Jim (8)

Crowley, Kathleen (3)

Crowley, Lawrence (3)

Crowley, Marsh (1)

Crowley, Matt (178)

Crowley, Pat (4)

Crowley, Robert (1)

Crown, Charles (1)

Crown, Jack (1)

Crown, Jerry (1)

Crowther, Bosley (2)

Crowther, Charles (1)

Crowther, Geoffrey (1)

Crowther, Jeffrey (1)

Crowther, Len (1)

Crowther, Rodney (1)

Crowthers, Rachel (2)

Croy, Homer (1)

Crozier, Frank (2)

Cruce, Theresa (1)

Cruise, Katherine (1)

Cruisinberry, Jane (7)

Crum, Bartley (1)

Crum, Simon (2)

Crumb, Robert (1)

Crumb, Simon (1)

Crumit, Frank (14)

Crump, Owen (1)

Crump, Russ (2)

Crumpler, Chester (1)

Crusaders, The (5)

Crushay, Jean (1)

Crutch, Joseph Wood (1)

Crutcher, Jack (8)

Crutcher, Robert Riley (23)

Crutchfeld, Lee (1)

Crutchfield, Charles (2)

Crutchfield, Helen (1)

Crutchfield, Les (321)

Crutchley, Rosalie (1)

Crutchnick, Phillip (1)

Crutherd, Gertrude Irene (1)

Cruthers, George (2)

Cruz, Claudia (2)

Cruz, Freddy (1)

Cruz-Romo, Gilda (4)

Cryer, Katherine (2)

Crystal, Danny (1)

Crystal, Jim (1)

Crystals, The (1)

Csisbatron Group, The (1)

Cubanos, Los (1)

Cubberly, Dan (183)

Cube, J. V. (1)

Cuccinelli, Ken (1)

Cuccinello, Tony (1)

Cucinelli, Enrico (1)

Cudahy, Grace (1)

Cudahy, John (3)

Cuesta, Henry (2)

Cuevo, Margarita (1)

Cuff, Sam (1)

Cugat and His Orchestra, Xavier (103)

Cugat, Xavier (15)

Cukas, Joseph (2)

Cukor, George (3)

Culbert, Jordean (5)

Culbert, Rose (1)

Culbertson, D. Frank (1)

Culbertson, Ely (3)

Culbertson, Frank (1)

Culbertson, Joyce (1)

Culbertson, Phillip (3)

Culbertson, Wallace (1)

Culbreth, Harry (1)

Culhane, David (3)

Cullen, Bill (78)

Cullen, Edward (3)

Cullen, James (3)

Cullen, Michael (1)

Cullenan, Thomas (1)

Cullender, Mrs. Ralph (1)

Culler, Dick (2)

Culley, Fred (1)

Culley, John (1)

Culley, Wendell (2)

Cullin, James J. (1)

Cullinan, Ralph (2)

Cullis, Winifred (1)

Culliver, Jeff (2)

Cullman, Howard (2)

Cullum's Happy Jazz Band, Jim (1)

Cully, Perry (3)

Cully, Wendell (1)

Culp, Jesse (1)

Culp, Nancy (1)

Culp, Robert (4)

Culp, Rod (1)

Culshaw, John (1)

Culver, Billy (1)

Culver, Dick (2)

Culver, Howard (392)

Culver, Lillian (1)

Culver, Michael (1)

Cumagai, Ben (1)

Cumberland Ridge Runners, The (1)

Cumings, W. M. (1)

Cummerford, Janet (1)

Cummings, A. J. (1)

Cummings, Alan (1)

Cummings, Andy (1)

Cummings, Bob (4)

Cummings, Carol (1)

Cummings, Constance (3)

Cummings, Dwight (2)

Cummings, Elijah (1)

Cummings, Homer (3)

Cummings, Ina (1)

Cummings, Irving (108)

Cummings, Jay (1)

Cummings, Kay (1)

Cummings, Mary (2)

Cummings, Ralp (1)

Cummings, Ralph (19)

Cummings, Robert (49)

Cummings, Thomas (1)

Cummings, Troy (1)

Cummings, Vicki (2)

Cummings, Vickie (1)

Cummins and His Orchestra, Bernie (3)

Cummins, Jack (3)

Cundari, Emilia (2)

Cuneo, Ernest (1)

Cuniff, Bob (1)

Cunningham, Air Marshall (1)

Cunningham, Allan (1)

Cunningham, Bill (3)

Cunningham, Bob (5)

Cunningham, C. R. (2)

Cunningham, Charles (1)

Cunningham, Jack (1)

Cunningham, James (3)

Cunningham, Joe (5)

Cunningham, John (1)

Cunningham, Len (1)

Cunningham, Marjorie (1)

Cunningham, Matt (1)

Cunningham, Mr. (1)

Cunningham, Mrs. (1)

Cunningham, Owen (3)

Cunningham, Paul (3)

Cunningham, Philip (1)

Cunningham, Phillip (3)

Cunningham, Ronnie (4)

Cunningham, Scott (1)

Cunningham, Walter (4)

Cunningham, Warren (1)

Cunningham, Zamah (2)

Cunsick, Robert (1)

Cuomo, Mario (2)

Curbsitters, Chuck Davis and His (1)

Cure, Vilma (2)

Curie, Eve (4)

Curlan, Arthur (9)

Curley, Agatha (1)

Curley, John (2)

Curley, Larry (1)

Curley, Len (3)

Curley, Leo (48)

Curley, Michael (1)

Curley, Neil (1)

Curley, Virginia (1)

Curlin, David (1)

Curlin, Don (3)

Curman, David (1)

Curnan, William (1)

Curnock, Richard (1)

Curran, Edward (2)

Curran, Eileen (2)

Curran, Fred (1)

Curran, Henry (1)

Curran, Joseph (5)

Curran, Josephine (1)

Curran, Patrick (1)

Curran, Thomas J. (1)

Curren, Jack (1)

Currie, Finlay (1)

Currie, Finley (1)

Currier, Cam (1)

Curry, Ann (1)

Curry, Brainard (1)

Curry, Elsworth (1)

Curry, Hugh (74)

Curry, John (1)

Curry, Louise (1)

Curry, Mason (3)

Curry, Neil (2)

Curry, Steven M. (1)

Curt, Larry (1)

Curtin, Joseph (69)

Curtin, Robert (1)

Curtis, Alan (3)

Curtis, Barry (1)

Curtis, Bill (1)

Curtis, Billy (6)

Curtis, Calley (2)

Curtis, Carl (1)

Curtis, Charlotte (2)

Curtis, Dick (3)

Curtis, Don (2)

Curtis, Donald (10)

Curtis, Fred (1)

Curtis, George (1)

Curtis, Hal (1)

Curtis, Harold (2)

Curtis, Harry (1)

Curtis, Howard J. (1)

Curtis, Jack (8)

Curtis, Keene (13)

Curtis, Ken (48)

Curtis, King (2)

Curtis, L. L. (1)

Curtis, Laurence (1)

Curtis, Lucille (2)

Curtis, Margaret (4)

Curtis, Marie (1)

Curtis, Minnie Jo (1)

Curtis, Myrt (2)

Curtis, Nathaniel (3)

Curtis, Ralph (1)

Curtis, Tally (2)

Curtis, Theodore (1)

Curtis, Thomas Quinn (1)

Curtis, Tony (12)

Curtis, Wally (1)

Curtis, Willa Pearl (4)

Curtis, William (1)

Curtiz, Gabor (1)

Curtiz, Gabriel (9)

Curtiz, Michael (6)

Curtright, Jorja (1)

Curtsinger, Gene (1)

Curtwright, Jay (1)

Curtwright, Jorja (1)

Curwood, James Oliver (2)

Cury, Ivan (17)

Curzi, Cesare (1)

Curzon, Clifford (2)

Curzon, George (4)

Curzon,Clifford (1)

Cusack, Cyril (12)

Cusack, Neil (1)

Cusack, P. (2)

Cusak, Anja (1)

Cusell, Sally (1)

Cushing, George (6)

Cushing, Richard (3)

Cushing, Richard Cardinal (1)

Cusick, Fred (2)

Cusik, Leo (1)

Cuso, Carl Van (1)

Custer, Joe James (3)

Custer, Russell (1)

Custis, David (8)

Cuter, Jean (1)

Cuthbert, Margaret (5)

Cuthbertson, Alan (2)

Cuthbertson, Allan (6)

Cuthbertson, Iain (1)

Cuthbertson, John (1)

Cutherbertson, Alan (1)

Cuthrell, Joe (2)

Cutler, B. J. (1)

Cutler, C. E. (1)

Cutler, Larry (1)

Cutliff, Rene (1)

Cutner, Sidney (3)

Cutrer, T. Tommy (21)

Cutress, Chris (3)

Cutshall, Cutty (27)

Cutshaw, Cutty (1)

Cutshaw, H. (1)

Cutter, Bob (4)

Cutting, Dick (23)

Cutting, Helen (1)

Cutting, Phil (1)

Cutty, Jack (1)

Cuviello, Mike (1)

Cuzzi, Jeff (1)

Cvetic, Matt (2)

Cypher, Jon (1)

Cyr, Johnny St. (1)

Cyr, Lili St. (1)

Cyrell, Walter (1)

Cyril, Sylvia (1)

Cyrill, Jackie (1)

Czech Philharmonic, The (3)