Information on Searching Artists
This section is an alphabetical list of every person who received air credit (or should have received air credit) on every program in the archive. Alphabetizing a list of names would be easy if everyone had a first and a last name. But they don't and one has to start making decisions. Alphabetized by first or last name? The "program names" are alphabetized by the actual name of the program, not a person. "The Jack Benny Show" is therefore listed under "Jack" and not "Benny." I ignore "The," "A" and "An" for greater clarity. In the "people" section, I've had to deal with those with three (or more names) like "Adam Clayton Powell," those who usually use only initials ("H.V. Kaltenborn") or a combination (like "J. David Goldin") and other variations. "Benny Goodman and His Orchestra" is filed under "Goodman," as is his trio, his quartet, etc. Caution: many names look like they are spelled incorrectly, but they may not be (then again, some of them probably are). This apparent error may in fact be a reference to someone you never heard of who spells his name differently. Steven Allen is not the same person as Steve Allen, the comedian/ musician/author. John Kennedy was both a NBC announcer in the mid-30s and a president. They were not the same guy.
I've tried to eliminate all titles. Therefore, unless I didn't know the first name, you'll see no "Generals," "Doctors," "Governors," "Bishops" or other honorifics. Hyphenated names, those that end with "Jr." and those with lineage descriptors (John Jones III) were invented just to make life difficult. I couldn't bring myself to list the king of England as "Windsor, George." You will probably agree with some of my decisions and disagree with others. At least I tried to be consistent.
Gage and The Singing People, Ben (1)
Gallicchio and His Orchestra, Joseph (8)
Gallicchio and The Homesteaders, Joseph (1)
Gamble and His Orchestra, Jimmy (1)
Gang, Adrian Rollini and His Tap Room (1)
Gang, The Red River Valley (3)
Garber and His Orchestra, Jan (53)
Gardner and His Hotcha Club Orchestra, Dick (1)
Gardner and His Orchestra, Dick (1)
Garfield and His Orchestra, Jimmy (1)
Garisto and The Metropolitan Jazz Quartet, Lou (1)
Garland and The Garland Four, Hank (1)
Gart and His Orchestra, Jon (11)
Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn (3)
Gasparre and His Orchestra, Dick (1)
Gates and His Orchestra, Dick (2)
Gates and His Polish Orchestra, Dick (2)
Gatlin and The Gatlin Brothers, Larry (1)
Gayle and His Biltmore Orchestra, Al (2)
Geller and His Orchestra, Harry (1)
Genarro, Peter and His Dancers (2)
Gendron and His Blossom Time Orchestra, Henri (1)
General Electric Concert Orchestra, The (2)
General Electric Orchestra, The (5)
General Electric Symphony Orchesta, The (1)
General Electric Symphony Orchestra, The (3)
General Motors Symphony Orchestra, The (7)
Gennaro Dancers, The Peter (26)
Gennaro Dancers, The Peters (1)
George Lowther Robert Maxwell (1)
Gibson and His Orchestra, Bob (1)
Gibson, Harry The Hipster (20)
Gill and His Orchestra, Ernest (1)
Gill and His Orchestra, Ernie (3)
Gillespie and His BeBop Orchestra, Dizzy (1)
Gillespie and His Group, Dizzy (1)
Gillespie and His Orchestra, Dizzy (5)
Gillespie and His Rebop Six, Dizzy (1)
Gilman, Charlotte Curtis Stetson (2)
Ginnaro Dancers, The Peter (1)
Ginsburg and The Palmer House Concert Orchestra, Ralph (1)
Giovanni and His Highway Five, Cesar (1)
Girl's Choir Of The Sacred Heart Academy, The (1)
Girls Of The Golden West, The (1)
Girls, The Baker's Chocolate (1)
Girls, Wanda Smith's Cover (1)
Glasser and His Orchestra, Don (16)
Glub, The Oklahoma University Glee (1)
Glub, The Police Athletic League Glee (1)
Gluskin and His Orchestra, Lud (1)
Gluskin and His Orchestra, Lud (109)
Golden and His Monarchs Of Rhythm, Al (1)
Golden Group Memories, The (1)
Goldkette and His Orchestra, Jean (1)
Golley and His Orchestra, Cecil (1)
Gonzaga University Glee Club, The (1)
Gonzales and His Orchestra, Aaron (1)
Gonzaullas, M. T. Lone Wolf (90)
Good and The Buccaneers, Dolly (1)
Goodman and His Orchestra, Al (412)
Goodman and His Orchestra, Benny (174)
Goodman Quartet, The Benny (8)
Goodman Quintet, The Benny (8)
Goodman Sextet, The Benny (18)
Gordon and His Orchestra, Claude (2)
Gordon and His Orchestra, Gray (2)
Gordon String Quartet, The (1)
Gorner and The Ensemble, Joseph (1)
Gould and His Orchestra, Morton (56)
Grant and His Orchestra, Bob (4)
Gray and His Orchestra, Glen (10)
Gray and His Orchestra, Jerry (78)
Gray and The Casa Loma Orchestra, Glen (35)
Great Lakes Naval Training Center Orchestra, The (1)
Great Lakes Naval Training Command Band, The (1)
Great Lakes Orchestra, The (1)
Great Lakes Salon Orchestra, The (1)
Greeley and His Orchestra, George (3)
Green and Her Merry Men, Marie (13)
Green and His Orchestra, Bernard (56)
Green and His Orchestra, Bernie (1)
Green and His Orchestra, Jhnny (1)
Green and His Orchestra, Joe (1)
Green and His Orchestra, Johnny (58)
Green and His Orchestra, Larry (5)
Green and His Orchestra, Phil (4)
Green and His Orchestra, Urbie (4)
Green and His Sextet, Urbie (3)
Gress and His Orchestra, Louis (4)
Grier and His Orchestra, Jimmie (111)
Grofe and His Orchestra, Ferde (31)
Gross and His Orchestra, Walter (6)
Gross and His Texas Cowboys, Cliff (1)
Group, Bobby Hackett and His (1)
Group, The American Square Dance (1)
Group, The Edgewood College Chant (15)
Group, The Pauls-Jones Instrumental (2)
Grusin and The NBC Orchestra, David (3)
Guard, The All-SPAR Band Of The United States Coast (1)
Guard, The Band Of The Royal Horse (1)
Guard, The Quartet Of The U.S. Coast (1)
Guarnieri and His Orchestra, Johnny (2)
Guarnieri Quartet, The Johnny (1)
Guarnieri Quintet, The Johnny (37)
Guarnieri Trio, The Johnny (2)
Gubenko and His Orchestra, Abe (1)
Guild, The Chase and Sanborn Opera (1)
Guion and His Orchestra, King (1)
Guizar and Los Amigos Pan Americanos, Tito (1)