
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

This section is an alphabetical list of every person who received air credit (or should have received air credit) on every program in the archive. Alphabetizing a list of names would be easy if everyone had a first and a last name. But they don't and one has to start making decisions. Alphabetized by first or last name? The "program names" are alphabetized by the actual name of the program, not a person. "The Jack Benny Show" is therefore listed under "Jack" and not "Benny." I ignore "The," "A" and "An" for greater clarity. In the "people" section, I've had to deal with those with three (or more names) like "Adam Clayton Powell," those who usually use only initials ("H.V. Kaltenborn") or a combination (like "J. David Goldin") and other variations. "Benny Goodman and His Orchestra" is filed under "Goodman," as is his trio, his quartet, etc. Caution: many names look like they are spelled incorrectly, but they may not be (then again, some of them probably are). This apparent error may in fact be a reference to someone you never heard of who spells his name differently. Steven Allen is not the same person as Steve Allen, the comedian/ musician/author. John Kennedy was both a NBC announcer in the mid-30s and a president. They were not the same guy.

I've tried to eliminate all titles. Therefore, unless I didn't know the first name, you'll see no "Generals," "Doctors," "Governors," "Bishops" or other honorifics. Hyphenated names, those that end with "Jr." and those with lineage descriptors (John Jones III) were invented just to make life difficult. I couldn't bring myself to list the king of England as "Windsor, George." You will probably agree with some of my decisions and disagree with others. At least I tried to be consistent.

L'Esperance, Elise Strang (1)

La Barr, Eugene (2)

La Bell, Rupert (1)

La Belle (1)

La Belle, Rupert (1)

La Centra, Peg (53)

La Farge, Oliver (1)

La Fleur, Joy (1)

La Follette Jr., Robert M. (2)

La Follette, Philip (3)

La Fragg, Ernest (1)

La Frano, Tony (310)

La Guardia, Fiorello (224)

La Manche, Bobby (1)

La Mar, Edwin (5)

La Marche, Maurice (1)

La Neri, Madame (1)

La Pore, Joe (1)

La Roche, Mary (1)

La Rosa, Julius (21)

La Rouche, Larry (1)

La Rowe Jr, Wilbur (1)

La Rue, Carolyn (1)

La Salle and His Orchestra, Dick (3)

La Salle, Jean (1)

La Torre, Charles (4)

La Valle, Gene (4)

La Valle, Kay (1)

Laabs, Chet (1)

Labarca, Amanda (1)

Labella, Vito (1)

LaBelle, Claude (1)

LaBelle, June (1)

LaBelle, Rupert (1)

Labelle, Rupert (1)

Laboda, Samuel (3)

Labriola, Tony (2)

Labriola, Tony Oswald (2)

LaBua, Jack (1)

Lacerda, Carlos (3)

Lacey String Consort, The Butch (1)

Lacey, Arthur (1)

Lacey, Bob (1)

Lacey, Charlie (1)

Lacey, Ed (1)

Lacey, Jack (7)

Lacey, Lou (2)

Lacey, Martin (3)

Lacey, Robert (1)

Lacey, Ronald (1)

Lacey, Sam (1)

Lacey, Stan (1)

Lachman, Mort (21)

Lachman, Morton (1)

Lachman, Vera (2)

Lachmann, Lycurgis (1)

Lack, Frederick (1)

Lack, Simon (1)

Lackey, Harry (1)

Lackland, Ben (8)

Lackner, Edith (1)

Lacombie, Corinne (1)

LaConne, Julie (1)

Lacossette, Henry (7)

LaCost, Francis (1)

Lacroix, Thor (1)

LaCurto, James (3)

Lacuzzi, Jack (1)

Lacy, Ben (1)

Lacy, Jack (1)

Lacy, Philippe De (1)

Ladd, Alan (115)

Ladd, Bill (2)

Ladd, Carl Edwin (1)

Ladd, Diane (1)

Ladd, Ed (17)

Ladd, Hank (7)

Ladd, Marion (1)

Ladd, Patty (1)

Ladding, Bob (1)

LaDell Sisters, The (3)

Ladell, Vince (2)

Laden, Charles (1)

Laden, Osama bin (1)

Lader, Lawrence (1)

Laderoute, Joseph (6)

Lados, Stephen (1)

Lads Of Enchantment, The (1)

Lads, The Trad (1)

Ladwig, Alan (1)

Laeser, Dick (1)

Lafayette, Lenora (1)

LaFayve, Dick (2)

Lafeh, Pierre (1)

Lafer, Larry (1)

Laffert, Lindsey (1)

Lafferty, Fran (6)

Lafferty, Harry (1)

Lafferty, Perry (20)

Lafitte, Gene (2)

Lafornier, Gene (1)

LaFoucheus, Marie Helene (1)

LaFox, Leopold (1)

LaFrandre, Jack (50)

LaFrenier, Gene (1)

Lafrog, Ernest (1)

Lagraska, Phil (1)

Lahr, Bert (51)

Lahr, John (1)

Laidler, Harry W. (4)

Laine, Cleo (2)

Laine, Frankie (63)

Laing, Alexander (1)

Laing, John (223)

Lair, John (16)

Laird, Donald A. (1)

Laird, Effie (1)

Laird, Jack (1)

Laird, Judson (1)

Laird, Melvin (7)

Laird, Mom Ann (2)

Laird, Pat (5)

Laird, Stephen (4)

Laire, Elmer (3)

Laire, Judson (1)

Lajoie, Larry (1)

Lajolie, Larry (1)

Lake and Her Bachelors, Bonnie (1)

Lake, Arthur (57)

Lake, Barry (1)

Lake, Bonnie (8)

Lake, Charlie (2)

Lake, Florence (28)

Lake, Frederick (1)

Lake, John (58)

Lake, Liz (1)

Lake, Maggie (1)

Lake, Ronnie (2)

Lake, Stewart M. (1)

Lake, Stuart (3)

Lake, Suzanne (2)

Lake, Veronica (24)

Lakesler, Richard (1)

Lakin, R. B. (1)

LaLanne, Jack (1)

Lalli, Mario (1)

Lalloman, Irena (2)

Lally, Francis (1)

Lally, John (1)

Lally, Mike (1)

Lally, William (72)

LaMaire, Monique (1)

Lamar and Corro (1)

LaMar, Lewis (2)

Lamar, Louis (1)

Lamar, Mitzie (1)

Lamare, Nappy (11)

LaMarr, Eddie (1)

LaMarr, Freddy (1)

Lamarr, Gary (1)

Lamarr, George (1)

Lamarr, Hedy (21)

Lamarr, Nat (1)

Lamars, Charles J. (1)

Lamas, Fernando (3)

Lamasina, William (1)

Lamb, Ande (1)

Lamb, Bob (4)

Lamb, Brian (6)

Lamb, Daryn (1)

Lamb, Don (2)

Lamb, Gil (5)

Lamb, Harold (6)

Lamb, John (2)

Lamb, Karl (1)

Lamb, Rich (2)

Lamb, Richard (1)

Lambert Hendricks and Ross (1)

Lambert, Dave (1)

Lambert, Edward (1)

Lambert, Edward P. (1)

Lambert, Eleanor (1)

Lambert, Jack (1)

Lambert, Jean (1)

Lambert, John (1)

Lambert, Kent C. (1)

Lambert, Kyle (1)

Lambert, Nigel (2)

Lambert, Paul (1)

Lambert, R. S. (2)

Lambert, Scrappy (6)

Lambert, Victor (1)

Lambert, William (1)

Lamberton, Harry (1)

Lamble, Lloyd (36)

Lamborn, Doug (1)

Lambright, Rosemary (1)

Lambs Quartet, The (1)

Lamden, Al (1)

Lamer, Eddie (1)

Lamer, Jackie (1)

Lamere, Charles (1)

Lames, Charles J. (1)

Lamkin, Phil (35)

Lammermeyer, Marie (1)

Lammers, Charles J. (1)

Lammers, Thorvald (1)

Lammi, Dicki (1)

Lamond, Don (9)

Lamont, Bob (1)

Lamont, Corliss (5)

Lamont, Don (1)

Lamont, Joyce (1)

Lamont, Louise (1)

Lamont, Marcie (1)

Lamont, Marcine (1)

Lamoree, Valarie (1)

Lamorgan, Frank (1)

Lamorisse, Albert (1)

Lamott, Willis (1)

LaMotta, Jake (6)

Lamour, Dorothy (199)

Lamoy, Charles (1)

Lamoy, Olive (6)

Lamparski, Richard (59)

Lampe, Jimmy (1)

Lampell, Millard (35)

Lampert, Diane (1)

Lampkin, Chuck (1)

Lampkin, Mark (1)

Lampkin, Phil (2)

Lampman, Evelyn (1)

Lampman, Herbert S. (1)

Lampson, Les (1)

Lamson, Peggy (1)

Lamy, Gerald (1)

Lamy, Gerry (3)

Lana, Horatio and (1)

Lanauze, Yvonne (1)

Lancaster, Bruce (1)

Lancaster, Burt (24)

Lancaster, Elsa (2)

Lancaster, Eulitz (1)

Lancaster, Lucie (1)

Lancaster, Pope (1)

Lance, Mary Louise (1)

Lance, Peggy (1)

Lanceford, William (1)

Lancelot, Sir (12)

Lancers, The (1)

Lancet, Andy (11)

Lanchester, Elsa (19)

Lancie, John de (1)

Land, E. W. (2)

Land, Emory S. (3)

Land, Gail (1)

Land, Roy (1)

Land, Tiny (1)

Landaros, Pepe (1)

Landau, Irving (1)

Landau, Martin (1)

Landau, Ziegfield (1)

Landauer, Lois (2)

Landay, Gary (1)

Landay, Jerry (2)

Landen, Dinsdale (2)

Landeros, Pepe (1)

Landers, Ann (1)

Landers, Dave (2)

Landers, Muriel (11)

Landers, Paul (5)

Landers, Robert (129)

Landi, Elissa (10)

Landig, Olan (1)

Landin, Hope (1)

Landing, Alice (1)

Landis, Carole (27)

Landis, Fred (1)

Landis, Gail (6)

Landis, James (1)

Landis, Jesse Royce (2)

Landis, Jessie Royce (3)

Landis, Jill (1)

Landis, Joe (1)

Landis, Keith (1)

Landis, Kenesaw Mountain (2)

Landon, Al (3)

Landon, Alf (11)

Landon, Alice (1)

Landon, Derek (1)

Landon, Dick (2)

Landon, Margaret (2)

Landon, Ray (1)

Landon, Thomas (1)

Landon, Valerie (1)

Landor, Joan (1)

Landowska, Wanda (3)

Landrieu, Mary (1)

Landry, Anthony (1)

Landry, James (1)

Landry, John (1)

Landry, Margaret (1)

Landry, Robert (1)

Landry, Ron (1)

Landsburg, Alan (1)

Landswell, Robert (1)

Landsworth, Lew X. (11)

Landt Trio and White, The (19)

Landt Trio, The (16)

Landt, Karl (2)

Landwehr, Agnes O'Connell (1)

Landwirth, Henry (1)

Lane and The Hit Paraders, Ken (4)

Lane Chorus, The Ken (22)

Lane Singers, The Ken (3)

Lane Sisters, The (1)

Lane, Abbe (10)

Lane, Alan Rocky (1)

Lane, Allen (2)

Lane, Amanda (1)

Lane, Bert (1)

Lane, Betty (1)

Lane, Burt (1)

Lane, Burton (3)

Lane, Charles (4)

Lane, Dave (1)

Lane, Dick (94)

Lane, Elvira (1)

Lane, Estelle (1)

Lane, France (1)

Lane, Frances (5)

Lane, Francie (2)

Lane, Francine (3)

Lane, Francy (1)

Lane, Franklin (1)

Lane, Gloria (6)

Lane, Helen (1)

Lane, Judy (1)

Lane, Kathleen (1)

Lane, Ken (29)

Lane, Kenny (4)

Lane, Leota (1)

Lane, Lillian (19)

Lane, Lois (2)

Lane, Lola (4)

Lane, Lonnie (1)

Lane, Lou (2)

Lane, Marjorie (1)

Lane, Mark (1)

Lane, Martha (1)

Lane, Mary (1)

Lane, Mills (2)

Lane, Muriel (2)

Lane, Phyllis (6)

Lane, Priscilla (138)

Lane, Red (1)

Lane, Richard (8)

Lane, Robert (1)

Lane, Rose Wilder (1)

Lane, Rosemary (232)

Lane, Ruby (1)

Lane, Rusty (6)

Lane, Shirley (1)

Lane, Tommy (5)

Lane, Tony (1)

Lane, Wade (234)

Lane, Ward (7)

Lane, William (8)

Lane, Zella (14)

Laneson, Mrs. P. A. (1)

Laneson, P. A. (1)

Lanfield, Elizabeth (1)

Lanfield, Sidney (1)

Lanfrey, Kenneth (1)

Lanfrey, Trumpeter (1)

Lang and His Orchestra, Cliff (2)

Lang and His Orchestra, Lou (1)

Lang, Bob (2)

Lang, Chester (1)

Lang, Daniel (1)

Lang, Donald (1)

Lang, Doreen (1)

Lang, Dorene (1)

Lang, Dorothy (2)

Lang, Eddie (15)

Lang, Ethel (5)

Lang, Fred (1)

Lang, Fritz (1)

Lang, Gordon (1)

Lang, Harry (379)

Lang, Jane Percival (2)

Lang, Jeannie (3)

Lang, Judy (6)

Lang, June (1)

Lang, Leon (2)

Lang, Monica (1)

Lang, Muriel (1)

Lang, Ned (2)

Lang, Oscar (2)

Lang, Phillip (11)

Lang, Phyllis (1)

Lang, Ralph (1)

Lang, Robert (3)

Lang, Sally (2)

Lang, Vicki (4)

Lang, Walter (3)

Lang, William (25)

Lang, Wilson (1)

Lang-Worth Concert Orchestra (14)

Lang-Worth Foursome, The (5)

Lang-Worth Gauchos, The (6)

Lang-Worth Gypsy Orchestra (7)

Lang-Worth Gypsy Trio, The (1)

Lang-Worth Hillbillies (1)

Lang-Worth Male Choir, The (2)

Lang-Worth Military Band, The (6)

Lang-Worth Mixed Quartette (5)

Lang-Worth Mixed Quintette and Organ (2)

Lang-Worth Novelty Group (1)

Lang-Worth Singing Saxophones, The (4)

Lang-Worth Specialty Orchestra (4)

Lang-Worth Swing Orchestra, The (5)

Lang-Worth Symphony Orchestra, The (6)

Langan , Glenn (1)

Langan, , Glenn (1)

Langan, Glenn (107)

Langden, Dorothy (1)

Langden, Fred (1)

Langdon, Fred (1)

Langdon, Glenn (2)

Langdon, Paul (1)

Langdon, Sue Ane (1)

Lange, Don (2)

Lange, Ed (1)

Lange, Hallvard (2)

Lange, Halvard M. (1)

Lange, Halyard (1)

Lange, Hans (4)

Lange, Hope (1)

Langej, Halvard (1)

Langel, Robert (3)

Langen, John (1)

Langen, Tom (4)

Langendorf, Ann (1)

Langenheim, Anne (1)

Langer, Jerome (1)

Langer, William (3)

Langford, Frances (293)

Langford, Richard (1)

Langford, Robert (9)

Langley, Arthur (3)

Langley, Bob (1)

Langley, Kenneth (1)

Langley, Noel (6)

Langley, Stuart (1)

Langlie, Arthur (6)

Langlois, Cyril (1)

Langly, Ralph (1)

Langmuir, Irving (1)

Langner, Lawrence (87)

Langner, Phyllis (1)

Langon, Jack (1)

Langsam, Walter (1)

Langston, Corrine (2)

Langston, David (1)

Langton, Baden (1)

Langton, Basil (2)

Langton, David (1)

Langton, Hazel (1)

Langton, Paul (6)

Langtry, Hugh (1)

Langworthy, B. (1)

Langworthy, B. F. (1)

Lanham, Blake (1)

Lanham, Gene (1)

Lanham, Ray (1)

Lanier, Charles (1)

Lanier, Ellery (7)

Lanier, Lillian (2)

Lanier, Robert (1)

Lanigan, William (1)

Lanin and His Orchestra, Lester (5)

Lanin, Sam (1)

Lanius, Charles (44)

Lankford, James (3)

Lanning, Jerry (1)

Lanphere, Don (1)

Lanphier, Thomas (1)

Lansbury, Angela (20)

Lansbury, Carol (3)

Lansbury, Coral (5)

Lansche, Ruth (1)

Lanset, Andy (1)

Lansing, Gladys (1)

Lansing, Hal (3)

Lansing, Howard (1)

Lansing, Johnny (1)

Lansing, Joi (2)

Lansing, Mary (156)

Lansing, Robert (2)

Lansky, Arthur (1)

Lanson, Snooky (48)

Lansworth, Lew X. (4)

Lanten, Parke (1)

Lantz, Ernest G. (1)

Lantz, Larry (2)

Lantz, Walter (1)

Lanza, Leon (1)

Lanza, Mario (72)

Laparaga, Gracia (1)

Lapchik, Joe (1)

Lapenna, Anthony (1)

Lapham, Roger (3)

Lapin, Al (1)

LaPlade, Malcolm (1)

LaPonti, Jacques (1)

LaPorta, John (2)

LaPorte, Arthur E. (1)

Lapp, Ralph (2)

LaPrade, Malcolm (2)

Lapsen, Judah (1)

Lara, Lane (1)

Lara, Raymond (2)

Larabee, Leonard (1)

Larabee, Louise (3)

Larangeira, Crispin (1)

Larch, John (52)

Lardner Jr., Ring (1)

Lardner, John (1)

Lardner, Rex (1)

Lardner, Ring (27)

Larg, Eric (1)

Largay, Raymond (2)

Large, Don (12)

Large, Freddy (1)

Largent, Steve (1)

Largo, Key (1)

Larimer, Bob (3)

Larimore, Louise (2)

Lark, Hilda (1)

Lark, John (1)

Lark, Thomas (1)

Larkin Trio, The Ellis (2)

Larkin, Bill (12)

Larkin, Ellis (6)

Larkin, Jim (1)

Larkin, John (324)

Larkin, Linda (1)

Larkins, Ellis (1)

LaRocca and His Rockettes, Roxy (1)

LaRoche, Giles (1)

LaRoche, Mary (2)

LaRocque, Rod (1)

Larogo, Mike (1)

LaRouche, Lyndon (2)

LaRoy, Rita (1)

Larrabee, Louise (3)

Larrimer, Charles (1)

Larrimore, Bob (1)

Larrimore, Earle (13)

Larry Elliott Noel Langley (1)

Larry Wellington (1)

Larsen, Keith (1)

Larsen, Paul (1)

Larson, Arthur (4)

Larson, Bobby (26)

Larson, Carol (1)

Larson, Christine (2)

Larson, Don (3)

Larson, Dorothy (1)

Larson, Douglas (1)

Larson, Elaine (1)

Larson, Gerry (2)

Larson, Hank (4)

Larson, Howard (1)

Larson, Jack (26)

Larson, Jeri (2)

Larson, Jerri (3)

Larson, Jess (1)

Larson, John (1)

Larson, Juliana (2)

Larson, Larry (3)

Larson, Libby (2)

Larson, Norma (1)

Larson, Pat (1)

Larson, Priscilla (1)

Larson, Ray (1)

Larson, Richard (1)

Larson, Robert (4)

Larson, Swede (2)

Larson, T. A. (1)

LaRue, Jack (6)

LaRue, Ralph (1)

Las Cancioneras Choir (1)

LaSalle, Jean (1)

Lasalva, Vince (1)

Lascoe, Harry (1)

Lascoe, Henry (6)

Lasell, John (1)

LaSelve, Ernetta (2)

Lash, Harry (6)

LaShell and Hickey (1)

LaShell, Ralph (1)

LaShelle, Kirke (1)

Lashley, Ella (1)

Lashof, Carol (1)

Lasitch, Robert (1)

Lasker, Edward (1)

Lasker, Frank (1)

Laskey, Harold (2)

Laskier, Frank (1)

Lasko, Diane (1)

Laskowitz, Marvin (13)

Lasky Jr., Jesse (4)

Lasky, Harold (1)

Lasky, Jesse (7)

Lass, Lou (1)

Lass, Ruth (6)

Lasserson, Miriam (1)

Lassie (15)

Lassle, Anita (1)

Lasso, Raphael V. (1)

Lasswell, Harold (1)

Lastvogel, Abe (1)

Laszlo, Nikolas (1)

Laszo, Alexander (4)

Latham, (1)

Latham, Cynthia (2)

Latham, Dwight (1)

Latham, Gary (3)

Latham, George (1)

Latham, Jack (29)

Latham, Jean Lee (1)

Latham, Joe (21)

Latham, Joseph (6)

Latham, Natalie Wales (2)

Latham, Sam (1)

Latham, Stuart (1)

Latham, William (1)

Lathem, Elizabeth (1)

Lathram, Elizabeth (1)

Lathrop, Barbara (1)

Lathrop, George Parsons (1)

Lathrop, Jack (5)

Latiere, Louis (1)

Latimer, Ed (71)

Latimer, Jonathan (5)

LaTimer, Thomas (1)

Latimer, Tom (1)

Latouch, Jean (1)

Latouche, John (5)

LaTouche, John (1)

Latour, Charles (1)

Latour, Nick (1)

Latow, Herbert (2)

Lattagola, Mike (1)

Lattick, Jack (1)

Lattimer, Jonathan (1)

Lattimer, S. L. (1)

Lattimore, Harlan (1)

Lattimore, Owen (13)

Latting, Bob (3)

Lau, Patrick (1)

Lau, Wesley (2)

Laub, Morris (1)

Laubenthal, Horst (1)

Lauck, Chester (1321)

Lauder, Harry (5)

Lauderdale, Jim (1)

Lauferty, Lillian (98)

Laughlin, David (1)

Laughlin, Larry (1)

Laughrin, Frank (1)

Laughton, Charles (111)

Laughton, Donald (2)

Laughton, Ernest (1)

Laughton, Gail (2)

Lauher, Bobby (1)

Laukisch, Fritz (1)

Launer, S. John (1)

Laurel, Edith (1)

Laurel, Lois (1)

Laurel, Ralph (1)

Laurel, Stan (8)

Laurell, Delores (1)

Lauren, Jane (5)

Lauren, Janet (1)

Lauren, S. K. (2)

Laurence, Baby (2)

Laurence, Jay (3)

Laurence, Suzanne (2)

Laurence, Vincent (1)

Laurent, Stephen (2)

Laurentiis, Dino De (1)

Laurents, Arthur (2)

Lauria, Don (1)

Lauria, Lew (1)

Lauria, Lou (5)

Lauriat, Vincent (1)

Laurie Jr., Joe (59)

Laurie, Arthur (2)

Laurie, Charles (1)

Laurie, Joan (1)

Laurie, Lou (1)

Laurie, Piper (5)

Lauro, Rosa De (1)

Lausche, Frank (2)

Laushe, Frank (1)

Lausse, Eduardo (1)

Lauten, George (1)

Lautenberg, Frank (5)

Lauter, Harry (7)

Lauterbach, Richard (2)

Lautner, Joe (2)

Laux, France (8)

Lava, Wiliam (1)

Lava, William (3)

Lavacheck, John (2)

Lavagetto (1)

Lavagetto, Cookie (4)

Lavalack, Charles (3)

Lavalle and His Orchestra, Paul (85)

LaValle, Dean (1)

Lavalle, Gene (1)

Lavalle, Paul (115)

Lavell, Kay (24)

Lavell, Susan (1)

Lavella, Tony (1)

Lavelle, Jack (1)

LaVelle, Miriam (1)

LaVelle, Monsignor (1)

Lavelli, Tony (2)

Laven, Paul (11)

Lavender, David (1)

LaVere, Charles (32)

Lavere, Tony (1)

LaVerne Baker (3)

Lavery, Emmett (2)

Lavery, Mark (1)

Lavewitz, Dave (3)

LaVey, Gloria (4)

Laviere, Charles (1)

Lavin, Peggy (2)

Laviola, Laurice (1)

Lavis, Walter H. C. (1)

Lavoda, Samuel (2)

Lavoie and His Orchestra, Paul (5)

LaVois, Rene (1)

Lavore, Babe (2)

Lavory, Emmet (1)

Lavoti, Anthony (1)

Lavotie, Joe (1)

Lavotie, Vic (1)

Lavotti, Vic (3)

Law, Alex (2)

Law, Gordon (1)

Law, Jack (2)

Law, Walter (1)

Law, Warner (9)

Lawes, Eloise (1)

Lawes, Lewis (1)

Lawes, Lewis E. (2)

Lawford, Mary (1)

Lawford, Peter (20)

Lawler, Sherman (1)

Lawless, Sam (1)

Lawlor, Anderson (1)

Lawlor, Gordon (1)

Lawlor, Marie (1)

Lawnhurst, Vee (3)

Lawrence and His Orchestra, Elliot (13)

Lawrence Quartet, The (1)

Lawrence, Al (2)

Lawrence, Arthur (6)

Lawrence, Barbara (6)

Lawrence, Beverly (3)

Lawrence, Bill (92)

Lawrence, Bob (25)

Lawrence, Carol (8)

Lawrence, Charles (6)

Lawrence, Charlotte (182)

Lawrence, D. H. (7)

Lawrence, David (8)

Lawrence, Earl (27)

Lawrence, Eddie (6)

Lawrence, Elizabeth (8)

Lawrence, Elliot (5)

Lawrence, Ernest (1)

Lawrence, Ernie (3)

Lawrence, Frank (1)

Lawrence, Gertrude (26)

Lawrence, Greg (11)

Lawrence, Harry (42)

Lawrence, Heather (4)

Lawrence, Hilda (1)

Lawrence, James (8)

Lawrence, Jane (2)

Lawrence, Jay (1)

Lawrence, Jerome (295)

Lawrence, Jerry (17)

Lawrence, Jim (30)

Lawrence, Jody (1)

Lawrence, John (2)

Lawrence, Julie (6)

Lawrence, Larry (1)

Lawrence, Lee (1)

Lawrence, Margaret (7)

Lawrence, Marjorie (12)

Lawrence, Mark (17)

Lawrence, Martin (3)

Lawrence, Mary (1)

Lawrence, Monroe (1)

Lawrence, Monroe J. (2)

Lawrence, Mort (14)

Lawrence, Morton (8)

Lawrence, Newbold (1)

Lawrence, Paula (4)

Lawrence, Phillip (1)

Lawrence, Raymond (106)

Lawrence, Red (1)

Lawrence, Robert (17)

Lawrence, Shirley (1)

Lawrence, Steve (96)

Lawrence, Ted (2)

Lawrence, Vera (1)

Lawrence, Vicki (1)

Lawrence, Vincent (1)

Lawrence, Virginia (1)

Lawrence, W. A. (1)

Lawrence, Will (1)

Lawrence, William (18)

Lawrey, Ted (1)

Laws, Hubert (1)

Laws, Ronnie (1)

Laws, Sam (1)

Lawson and His Memphis Makers, Yank (1)

Lawson, Bob (1)

Lawson, Buddy (1)

Lawson, Donald (1)

Lawson, Edward (1)

Lawson, Ellen (1)

Lawson, Eric (1)

Lawson, Hal (1)

Lawson, James (1)

Lawson, John Howard (3)

Lawson, Larry (1)

Lawson, Lee (67)

Lawson, Reed (1)

Lawson, Robert (1)

Lawson, Ted (1)

Lawson, Yank (14)

Lawton, Alma (61)

Lawton, Bob (1)

Lawton, Donald (9)

Lawton, Fleetwood (2)

Lawton, George (2)

Lawton, Kenneth (3)

Lawton, Ralph (2)

Laxalt, Paul (1)

Laxalt, Robert (1)

Lay Jr., Beirne (1)

Lay, Arthur (1)

Layden, Elmer (1)

Layden, Elmer F. (1)

Laye, Evelyn (1)

Laylon, Rollo (1)

Layne, Bobby (2)

Layne, Evelyn (1)

Layne, Rex (1)

Layto, Jimmy (1)

Layton, Ben (2)

Layton, Carol (1)

Layton, Charles (1)

Layton, Gerry (1)

Layton, Jean (8)

Layton, Joe (1)

Layton, Joseph (1)

Layton, Rick (1)

Layton, Skip (1)

Layton, William (1)

Lazar, Bill (49)

Lazar, Jack (10)

Lazar, Larry (1)

Lazarac, Pierre (1)

Lazarsfeld, Paul (1)

Lazarus, Emma (1)

Lazarus, Frank (19)

Lazarus, Irna (1)

Lazarus, Milton (3)

Lazarus, Paul (2)

Lazelle, Arthur (1)

Lazelle, Perk (1)

Lazer, Joan (53)

Lazer, Peter (38)

Lazio, Rick (2)

Lazito, James (28)

Lazlo, Alexander (2)

Lazlo, Feodor (1)

Lazo, Hector (1)

Lazuktin, Sasha (1)

Lazzari, Nicola (1)

Lazzeri, Tony (1)

Le Baron and His Orchestra, Eddie (3)

Le Blanc, John (1)

Le Fanu, Sheridan (5)

Le Gallienne, Eva (20)

Le Mar Novachord Trio, The Edwin (1)

Le Mar, Edwin (5)

Le May, Curtis (2)

Le Seur, Larry (1)

Lea, Ron (1)

Lea, Terrea (2)

Leach, Albert (2)

Leach, Billy (1)

Leach, Brownie (1)

Leach, Frank (1)

Leach, Henry (1)

Leach, Jim (2)

Leach, Ken (1)

Leach, Margaret (1)

Leach, Maurice (9)

Leach, Nancy (25)

Leach, Paul (1)

Leach, Rosemary (1)

Leach, Sam (1)

Leachman, Cloris (2)

Leacock, Richard (3)

Leacock, Stephen (1)

Leadbelly (14)

Leader, Anton M. (167)

Leader, George (1)

Leader, Stan (1)

Leading Men, The (1)

Leaf, Ann (6)

Leaf, Earl (1)

Leaf, Margaret (7)

Leaf, Maurey (1)

Leahy, Edwin (3)

Leahy, Frank (9)

Leahy, Joe (5)

Leahy, Patrick (2)

Leahy, William (6)

Leake, Mark (2)

Lean, Cecil (1)

Lean, David (2)

Lear, David (1)

Lear, Evelyn (4)

Lear, Jack (2)

Lear, Norman (52)

Lear, Roy (7)

Learning, Walter (1)

Leary, Ford (3)

Leary, Melvin (1)

Leary, Nolan (1)

Lease, Rex (1)

Leashman, Lathrop (1)

Leatherwood, Ray (1)

Leaton, Anne (10)

Leaver, Philip (4)

Leavitt, Emile L. (1)

Leavitt, Mike (3)

Leavitt, Norman (2)

LeBaron, Eddie (1)

LeBaron, William (3)

Lebear, Dorothy (1)

LeBell, June (1)

Lebenthal, Louis (1)

Leberfeld, Alfred (1)

LeBey, Louis (1)

Lebine, Clem (2)

Leblanc, Maurice (1)

Lebow, Guy (5)

Lebow, Val (1)

LeBraun, Orliette (1)

Lebson, Allen (1)

Leburkien, Michael (1)

LeChanois, Jean Paul (1)

Lecheur, Leo (1)

Lechmar, Rene (1)

Lechner, Paula (1)

Lechtner, Frederick (1)

Leckner, John (1)

LeClair, Larry (2)

LeClaire, Leonard (1)

LeCraw, Roy (2)

LeCroy Sisters, The (2)

Lecuona, Ernesto (1)

Lederberg, Joshua (3)

Lederer, Carol (3)

Lederer, Charles (10)

Lederer, Francis (4)

Lederman, Joseph U. (1)

Ledford, Lily May (1)

Ledger, Russ (2)

Ledig, Howard (1)

LeDoux, Leone (64)

LeDuc, Claudine (1)

Lee IV, Robert E. (1)

Lee Morgan Bob Coapstick (1)

Lee Pat (1)

Lee Sisters, The (1)

Lee, Alan (2)

Lee, Alice (1)

Lee, Amanda (2)

Lee, Ann (3)

Lee, Anna (7)

Lee, Archie (2)

Lee, Arthur (4)

Lee, Barbara (4)

Lee, Beauregard (2)

Lee, Bert (3)

Lee, Beryl (1)

Lee, Betty (3)

Lee, Bill (5)

Lee, Billy (1)

Lee, Bob (5)

Lee, Bonnie (1)

Lee, Brenda (6)

Lee, Burr (8)

Lee, Burt (1)

Lee, C. M. (1)

Lee, Canada (58)

Lee, Carol (2)

Lee, Carolyn (2)

Lee, Charles (12)

Lee, Charlotte (1)

Lee, Chester M. (10)

Lee, Chris (1)

Lee, Clark (1)

Lee, Clete (4)

Lee, Connie (2)

Lee, Dan (1)

Lee, Davey (2)

Lee, David (1)

Lee, Dixie (1)

Lee, Doris (1)

Lee, Dorothy (1)

Lee, E. Hamilton (1)

Lee, Earl (69)

Lee, Eddie (2)

Lee, Elaine (1)

Lee, Elsie (1)

Lee, Ernie (1)

Lee, Ervin (2)

Lee, Erwin (1)

Lee, F. Peter (1)

Lee, Fred (14)

Lee, Frederic Edward (1)

Lee, Gary (2)

Lee, General (1)

Lee, George (1)

Lee, George Boling (1)

Lee, Georgia (1)

Lee, Gladys (1)

Lee, Gordon (1)

Lee, Greta (1)

Lee, Gypsy Rose (14)

Lee, Harriet (3)

Lee, Hartfield (1)

Lee, Helen (4)

Lee, Henry (1)

Lee, Howard (3)

Lee, Ira (3)

Lee, Irvin (14)

Lee, Irving (5)

Lee, Irving J. (3)

Lee, Isiah (1)

Lee, J. Rankin (1)

Lee, Jack (3)

Lee, James (7)

Lee, Jane (1)

Lee, Jenny (4)

Lee, Jessica (1)

Lee, Joanna (1)

Lee, John E. (2)

Lee, Johnny (235)

Lee, Jonas (1)

Lee, Josh (1)

Lee, Karen (2)

Lee, Kathrine (1)

Lee, Kathryn (1)

Lee, Katie (15)

Lee, Kay (1)

Lee, Leonard (2)

Lee, Lila (4)

Lee, Linda (18)

Lee, Lois (3)

Lee, Loretta (11)

Lee, Lorraine (1)

Lee, Madeline (26)

Lee, Manfred B. (76)

Lee, Margaret (1)

Lee, Margo (3)

Lee, Marjorie (27)

Lee, Marvin (1)

Lee, Mary (8)

Lee, Melba (2)

Lee, Michelle (1)

Lee, Mike (3)

Lee, Norm (3)

Lee, Norma (1)

Lee, Patricia Bowman (1)

Lee, Patsy (1)

Lee, Paul (1)

Lee, Paul Kern (1)

Lee, Peggy (190)

Lee, Penelope (3)

Lee, Penny (4)

Lee, Petra (1)

Lee, Phil (1)

Lee, Pinky (50)

Lee, R. E. (12)

Lee, Ralph (7)

Lee, Richard (2)

Lee, Richard C. (1)

Lee, Robert (2)

Lee, Robert C. (1)

Lee, Robert E. (289)

Lee, Roberta (25)

Lee, Ronald (1)

Lee, Rudy (1)

Lee, Ruta (1)

Lee, Sam (6)

Lee, Sheila Jackson (1)

Lee, Sheshe (1)

Lee, Spike (1)

Lee, Stan (1)

Lee, Sue (1)

Lee, Sylvia (9)

Lee, Terrea (6)

Lee, Thomas (1)

Lee, Tom (1)

Lee, Tommy (1)

Lee, Vera (1)

Lee, W. F. (1)

Lee, Wayne (1)

Lee, William (3)

Leech, Bill (1)

Leech, Billy (3)

Leech, Margaret (1)

Leech, Richard (3)

Leedham, Charles (4)

Leeds, Andrea (7)

Leeds, C. H. (1)

Leeds, Carole Sue (1)

Leeds, David (2)

Leeds, Howard (9)

Leeds, Peter (455)

Leeds, Phil (6)

Leeds, Steve (2)

Leeds, Thelma (2)

Leeds, Tommy (1)

Leedy, Douglas (1)

Leeman, Cliff (13)

Leemans, Tuffy (2)

Lees, Carol (1)

Lees, Duggie (1)

Leesdale, Jack (1)

Leeson, David (1)

Leestma, Dave (1)

Leever, Rosemary (4)

LeFanu, J. Sheridan (2)

Lefarge, Christopher (1)

Lefebvre, Rolf (2)

LeFevre, Ned (34)

Leff, Henry (14)

Leff, Victor (1)

Lefferts, George (183)

Lefferts, Jim (1)

Leffingwell, Cedric (1)

Leffler, Ross (2)

Lefkowitz Jr., David (1)

Lefkowitz, Louis (2)

Lefkowitz, Sidney (1)

Lefner, Fritz (2)

Lefton, Abe (1)

Leftwich, Alex (1)

Leftwich, Keven (1)

Legay, Henri (1)

Legends Of Doo Wop, The (1)

Leggio, Carmen (2)

Legionaires, The Four (1)

Legionnaire, Bob (3)

LeGon, Jeni (6)

LeGrand, Richard (726)

Lehar, Franz (4)

Lehevinne, R. (1)

Lehman, Agnes (1)

Lehman, Ernest (2)

Lehman, George (4)

Lehman, Gladys (7)

Lehman, Hal (2)

Lehman, Herbert (22)

Lehman, Irving (2)

Lehman, Jack (1)

Lehman, Maxwell (1)

Lehman, Moses (1)

Lehman, Orin (1)

Lehman, Robert (2)

Lehman, Zora (5)

Lehmann, Glyn (1)

Lehmann, Lotte (5)

Lehmann, Zora (1)

Lehne, John (1)

Lehnhoff, Sheppard (3)

Lehnmann, John (1)

Lehr, Elmer (4)

Lehr, Lew (10)

Lehr, Wilson (1)

Lehrer, Jim (12)

Lehrer, Raymond (1)

Lehrer, Tom (11)

Lehrman, Hal (2)

Lehrman, Moses (1)

Leiber Jr., Fritz (7)

Leiber, Ernest (1)

Leiber, Jerry (1)

Leiber, John (1)

Leiber, Les (2)

Leiber, Leslie (1)

Leiberman, Elias (1)

Leibert and His Orchestra, Bill (1)

Leibert and His Orchestra, Billy (2)

Leibert, Billy (1)

Leibert, Richard (31)

Leibman, Max (1)

Leicester, William (2)

Leichsenring, Barbara (1)

Leif, Alastair (1)

Leifert, John (1)

Leigh, Douglas (3)

Leigh, Jack (2)

Leigh, Janet (16)

Leigh, Lillian (21)

Leigh, Nelson (1)

Leigh, Rowland (3)

Leigh, Vivien (5)

Leigh, William (1)

Leigh-Hunt, Barbara (1)

Leighton, Ben (1)

Leighton, Bernie (1)

Leighton, Charles (2)

Leighton, Isabel (5)

Leighton, Jan (1)

Leighton, Joe (4)

Leighton, John (1)

Leighton, Margaret (1)

Leighton, Virginia (1)

Leighton, Will (4)

Leimert, Tim (12)

Leinsdorf, Erich (18)

Leinster, Murray (10)

Leisen, Mitchell (11)

Leiser, Ernest (4)

Leiser, Raymond (1)

Leishter, Otto (1)

Leisure, Clarence (2)

Leitch, Albert (2)

Leitel, Andy (1)

Leitel, Hazel (5)

Leith, Marvin (1)

Leitz, William H. (1)

Lekwitz Jr., Alexander (1)

Leland, Roland (1)

Leland, Waldo Gifford (1)

Lelyveld, Arhur (1)

LeMaire, Charles (1)

LeMaire, Rufus (1)

LeMay, Curtis (2)

LeMay, Will (5)

Lembcke, Connie (51)

Lembeck, Harvey (4)

Lembeck, Michael (1)

Lemel, Ben (1)

LeMieux, George (1)

Lemineaux, Jacques (2)

Lemmon, Brian (1)

Lemmon, Jack (13)

Lemmon, Martin F. (2)

Lemmon, Walter S. (2)

Lemnitz, Tiana (1)

Lemon, Bob (2)

Lemond, Bob (311)

Lemond, Guy (1)

Lenard, Grace (7)

Lenard, Mark (1)

Lenay, Will (21)

Lenihan, Winifred (1)

Lenioux, Alice (1)

Lennart, Isobel (5)

Lennart, LeRoy (2)

Lenner, Ann (1)

Lenner, Anne (3)

Lennert, Leroy (2)

Lenni, Francesca (27)

Lennie, Francesca (1)

Lennon Sisters, The (15)

Lennon, (1)

Lennon, John (6)

Lennon, Kathy (1)

Lennon, Roy (1)

Lennox, Jean (2)

Lenny, Saul (1)

Leno, Charles (6)

Leno, Jay (1)

LeNoir, Rosetta (1)

Lenoir, William (1)

LeNoire, Rosetta (1)

Lenox, Ben (1)

Lenox, Elizabeth (2)

Lenroot, Catherine (1)

Lenrow, Bernard (254)

Lenska, Rula (2)

Lentin, Tom (1)

Lentz, Walter (1)

Lenya, Lotte (1)

Leo, Arnold G. (2)

Leo, Brother (1)

Leon, Bene (1)

Leon, Danny (1)

Leon, Felix (1)

Leon, Joseph (2)

Leon, Ralph (3)

Leonard and His Orchestra, Hal (1)

Leonard and His Orchestra, Harlan (1)

Leonard, Richard (1)

Leonard, Benny (3)

Leonard, Bill (43)

Leonard, Bill (3)

Leonard, Bob (1)

Leonard, Charles (3)

Leonard, Commander (1)

Leonard, Dave (1)

Leonard, David (2)

Leonard, Donald (1)

Leonard, Eugenie (14)

Leonard, Gene (30)

Leonard, Grace (2)

Leonard, Harvey (1)

Leonard, Jack (18)

Leonard, Jack E. (5)

Leonard, Jackie (2)

Leonard, James (2)

Leonard, Jimmy (1)

Leonard, John (2)

Leonard, Lee (1)

Leonard, Leonard M. (1)

Leonard, Leroy (12)

Leonard, Lila (6)

Leonard, Lydia (1)

Leonard, Mrs. James (1)

Leonard, Murray (2)

Leonard, Queenie (12)

Leonard, Richard (43)

Leonard, Robert (2)

Leonard, Robert Z. (1)

Leonard, Roy (2)

Leonard, Sheldon (292)

Leonard, Sugar Ray (1)

Leonard, Thornton (1)

Leonard, Tony (7)

Leonard, Troy (1)

Leonard, Victor (2)

Leonard, Vincent (1)

Leonard, William (6)

Leonardi and His Orchestra, Leon (3)

Leonardi and The Sunset Orchestra (2)

Leonardi and The Warner Brothers Orchestra, Leo (2)

Leonardi, Leon (1)

Leonardi, Leonid (1)

Leoncavallo, Ruggero (3)

Leone, Jerry (1)

Leone, Maria (1)

Leone, Richard (5)

Leonetti, Tommy (7)

Leong, George (1)

Leoni, Danny (1)

Leonov, Alexei (4)

Leontovich, Eugenie (1)

Leopold, Grace (1)

Leopold, Tom (1)

Lepage, Al (7)

Lepaid, Benny (1)

Leporte, Rita De (1)

Lepp, Harry (1)

Lereaney, David (1)

Lerhman, Irving (1)

Lerioux, Harriet (1)

Lerner and Lowe (1)

Lerner, Alan Jay (2)

Lerner, Isiah (1)

Lerner, Max (13)

LeRoche, Giles (1)

Leronin, Hal (1)

Leroux, Gaston (2)

Leroy, Bill (1)

LeRoy, Grace (1)

LeRoy, Hal (1)

Leroy, Hal (1)

Leroy, Harvey (2)

LeRoy, Mervyn (5)

Les Compagnons de la Chanson (3)

Lesan, David (3)

Lesault, David (1)

Lesberg, Jack (29)

Lesche, Eleanor (1)

Lescoulie, Jack (20)

Lesk, Lorraine (1)

Leske, Moir (2)

Lesley, Chuck (1)

Leslie, Al (2)

Leslie, Aleen (76)

Leslie, Artemas C. (1)

Leslie, Bethel (3)

Leslie, Bill (1)

Leslie, Bob (1)

Leslie, Chuck (2)

Leslie, Dan (1)

Leslie, Ellen (1)

Leslie, Geoffrey (1)

Leslie, Joan (26)

Leslie, Laura (25)

Leslie, Moir (3)

Leslie, Nan (7)

Leslie, Noah (1)

Leslie, Noel (2)

Leslie, Phil (988)

Lesnavitch, Gus (1)

Lesner, George (7)

Lesoir, George (1)

Lesser, Bob (1)

Lesser, Bud (113)

Lesser, Jerome (1)

Lesser, Jerry (4)

Lesser, Len (2)

Lesser, Milton (1)

Lesser, Sol (1)

Lesser, Ted (1)

Lessig, Joe (1)

Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim (1)

Lessing, Norman (1)

Lessor, Jerome (2)

Lessy, Ben (3)

Lester, Bill (2)

Lester, Buddy (5)

Lester, Dick (1)

Lester, Frankie (7)

Lester, George Randolph (1)

Lester, Harry (1)

Lester, Henry (1)

Lester, Jack (48)

Lester, Jerry (36)

Lester, Richard (3)

Lester, Seeleg (15)

Lester, Selig (1)

Lester, Teddy (1)

Lester, Will (1)

LeSueur (1)

LeSueur, Larry (119)

Letelier, Claudio (1)

Letteaux, Herb (1)

Letterman, David (2)

Letterman, Michelle (1)

Lettermen, The (6)

Lettieri, Louis (2)

Letts, Bob (2)

Letts, Dominic (3)

Letts, Pauline (2)

Lettvin, Theodore (1)

Lev, Ariel (1)

Lev, Aryah (1)

Levan, Harry (161)

Levan, Ted (1)

Levang, Neil (3)

Levant and His Orchestra, Phil (1)

Levant, Oscar (245)

Levanthal, Louis (1)

Levarie, Siegmund (6)

Level, Maurice (2)

Levene, Sam (11)

Levenson, Len (1)

Levenson, Sam (17)

Levenstein, Aaron (2)

Leventhal, Harold (1)

Lever, Les (1)

Lever, Leslie (1)

LeVere, Charlie (1)

Levere, Tony (1)

Leverette, Carey (1)

Leverich, Lyle (1)

Levey and His Orchestra, Harold (12)

Levey, Harold (99)

Levey, Stan (27)

Levien, Sonya (7)

Levill, Louis (1)

Levin and His Orchestra, Sylvan (30)

Levin, A. Allen (1)

Levin, Al (1)

Levin, Anita (1)

Levin, Bernard (2)

Levin, Carl (8)

Levin, Charles (1)

Levin, Dan (1)

Levin, David (1)

Levin, Gene (2)

Levin, Gilbert (1)

Levin, Harry (1)

Levin, Herman (2)

Levin, Ira (2)

Levin, Jeff (1)

Levin, Joeph (1)

Levin, Kennedy (1)

Levin, Marlon (1)

Levin, Maurice (2)

Levin, Meyer (5)

Levin, Millea (3)

Levin, Mort (2)

Levin, Sander (1)

Levin, Stuart (1)

Levin, Sylvan (54)

Levine and His Orchestra, Henry (6)

Levine Octet, The Henry (42)

Levine, Alter (1)

Levine, Arthur (2)

Levine, Charles (2)

Levine, Charles A. (1)

Levine, Chet (1)

Levine, Don (1)

Levine, Gus (2)

Levine, Hal (1)

Levine, Harry (3)

Levine, Henry (4)

Levine, Howard (1)

Levine, Irving R. (24)

Levine, Isaac (1)

Levine, Isaac Don (2)

Levine, James (14)

Levine, Joel (1)

Levine, Leon (2)

Levine, Mel (1)

Levine, Mike (1)

Levine, Morton (1)

Levine, Mr. (1)

Levine, Mrs. Herman (1)

Levine, Nat (2)

Levine, Peyton (1)

Levine, Rosina (1)

Levine, Sam (5)

Levine, Samuel (1)

Levine, Sonya (1)

Levine, Sy (20)

Leviness, Carl (4)

Levings, Fred (1)

Levinksy and The NBC Orchestra, Walter (1)

Levinoff, Josef (1)

Levins, George (1)

Levins, Neil (1)

Levins, Peter (8)

Levinsky and The NBC Orchestra, Walter (1)

Levinsky, King (1)

Levinson, Ellis (1)

Levinson, J. J. Shelley (1)

Levinson, Joe (1)

Levinson, Len (130)

Levinson, Leonard (2)

Levinson, Leonard L. (37)

Levinson, Leonard Louis (1)

Levinson, Michael (1)

Levis, Carroll (4)

Levison, Jay (1)

Levit, Alfred (1)

Levitan, Sam (1)

Levitan, Samuel (1)

Levitow's Salon Orchestra, Bernhard (14)

Levitsky, Louis (2)

Levitsky, Mischa (3)

Levitt and His Orchestra, Rod (1)

Levitt, Alfred Lewis (1)

Levitt, Arthur (2)

Levitt, Doug (1)

Levitt, Gene (87)

Levitt, John (1)

Levitt, William (1)

Levitties, Samuel W. (1)

LeVoir, Babe (2)

LeVois, Rene (1)

Levsky, Celia (1)

Levy, Adrian (1)

Levy, Al (1)

Levy, Arthur M. (1)

Levy, Ben (4)

Levy, Charles (5)

Levy, David (10)

Levy, Diana (4)

Levy, Earl (1)

Levy, Estelle (4)

Levy, Ethel (1)

Levy, Felix (1)

Levy, Fred (2)

Levy, George (1)

Levy, Gus (1)

Levy, Hal (4)

Levy, Harold R. (2)

Levy, Harry (2)

Levy, Herbert (1)

Levy, Jacqueline (1)

Levy, John (4)

Levy, Leaping Lena (1)

Levy, Lou (2)

Levy, Louis (1)

Levy, Mark (1)

Levy, Melvin (2)

Levy, Newman (2)

Levy, Parke (71)

Levy, Ralph (118)

Levy, Raoul (1)

Levy, Robert (1)

Levy, Samuel (2)

Levy, Stan (1)

Levy, William (1)

Lewald, James (1)

Lewellen, John (2)

Lewerth, Margaret (10)

Lewin, Charles (2)

Lewin, Edmond (1)

Lewin, George (1)

Lewin, Murray (1)

Lewin, Phillip (1)

Lewin, Walter (1)

Lewine, Richard (2)

Lewinsky, Monica (1)

LeWinter, David (1)

Lewis and Doty (1)

Lewis and Her Guys, Fran (1)

Lewis and His Lone Star Cowboys, Texas Jim (4)

Lewis and His Orchestra, Benny (1)

Lewis and His Orchestra, Johnny (1)

Lewis and His Orchestra, Ted (35)

Lewis and The Playboys, Gary (1)

Lewis Jr., Fulton (105)

Lewis Jr., J. C. (1)

Lewis Trio, Ramsey (1)

Lewis Trio, The Ramsey (2)

Lewis, Abbe (17)

Lewis, Abby (73)

Lewis, Al (152)

Lewis, Allen (1)

Lewis, Andrew K. (1)

Lewis, Anne (1)

Lewis, Anthony (1)

Lewis, Archie (1)

Lewis, Arnold (1)

Lewis, Arthur (5)

Lewis, Bill (1)

Lewis, Bob (3)

Lewis, Bobby (3)

Lewis, Bobo (1)

Lewis, Boyd (2)

Lewis, Brenda (1)

Lewis, C. Day (1)

Lewis, C. S. (1)

Lewis, Carolyn (1)

Lewis, Carrington (1)

Lewis, Catherine Handy (2)

Lewis, Cathy (443)

Lewis, Cecil Day (1)

Lewis, Charles (3)

Lewis, Charley (1)

Lewis, Chris (1)

Lewis, Chuck (2)

Lewis, Curigwen (1)

Lewis, Curley (1)

Lewis, Daniel (1)

Lewis, Danny (1)

Lewis, Dave (1)

Lewis, David (5)

Lewis, Dean (1)

Lewis, Diana (8)

Lewis, Dick (3)

Lewis, Dinah (1)

Lewis, Don (2)

Lewis, Dorothea (3)

Lewis, Dorothea J. (9)

Lewis, Dorothy (12)

Lewis, Draper (66)

Lewis, Ed (2)

Lewis, Edwin (1)

Lewis, Elizabeth Forman (2)

Lewis, Elliott (1298)

Lewis, Emory (1)

Lewis, Erwin (2)

Lewis, Forrest (357)

Lewis, Fred Irving (11)

Lewis, Frederia (1)

Lewis, Frederick (5)

Lewis, G. Frederic (13)

Lewis, George (9)

Lewis, George J. (1)

Lewis, Gerald (1)

Lewis, Grende (1)

Lewis, Gwen (1)

Lewis, Gwendolyn (2)

Lewis, Hank (1)

Lewis, Harrington (1)

Lewis, Harry (4)

Lewis, Helen (12)

Lewis, Henry (6)

Lewis, Herbert (4)

Lewis, Herbert Clyde (2)

Lewis, Herbie (1)

Lewis, Herschell Gordon (1)

Lewis, Ira (12)

Lewis, Irwin (1)

Lewis, J. Arthur (3)

Lewis, J. C. (3)

Lewis, J. Frederick (1)

Lewis, Jack (24)

Lewis, Jack Weir (5)

Lewis, James (1)

Lewis, Jane (2)

Lewis, Jeanette (1)

Lewis, Jerry (144)

Lewis, Jerry D. (167)

Lewis, Jimmy (5)

Lewis, Joe (3)

Lewis, Joe E. (4)

Lewis, John (11)

Lewis, John Henry (1)

Lewis, John L (1)

Lewis, John L. (7)

Lewis, Jonathan (1)

Lewis, Joseph (3)

Lewis, Judy (1)

Lewis, Julius (1)

Lewis, Leopold (2)

Lewis, Lester (12)

Lewis, Lloyd (1)

Lewis, Louise (4)

Lewis, Mara (1)

Lewis, Margaret (2)

Lewis, Marjorie (1)

Lewis, Marlo (3)

Lewis, Martin (5)

Lewis, Marty (1)

Lewis, Maxine (1)

Lewis, Meade Lux (11)

Lewis, Mel (4)

Lewis, Melissa (1)

Lewis, Merriwether (1)

Lewis, Milton (29)

Lewis, Mitchell (1)

Lewis, Mona (2)

Lewis, Monica (29)

Lewis, Mort (48)

Lewis, Naomi (2)

Lewis, Natasha (1)

Lewis, Neil C. (1)

Lewis, Patti (15)

Lewis, Patty (1)

Lewis, Paul (7)

Lewis, Philip (10)

Lewis, Phyllis (8)

Lewis, R. Fred (6)

Lewis, R. R. (1)

Lewis, Ralph (14)

Lewis, Ray (22)

Lewis, Reginald (1)

Lewis, Richard (84)

Lewis, Robert (10)

Lewis, Robert A. (1)

Lewis, Robert Q, (1)

Lewis, Robert Q. (39)

Lewis, Ron (1)

Lewis, Rudolph (1)

Lewis, Russell (1)

Lewis, Sam (1)

Lewis, Shari (3)

Lewis, Sidney (1)

Lewis, Sinclair (22)

Lewis, Stanford (2)

Lewis, Sylvia (4)

Lewis, Ted (14)

Lewis, Terry (6)

Lewis, Texas Jim (2)

Lewis, Therese (8)

Lewis, Thomas (2)

Lewis, Tiger Al (1)

Lewis, Tim (1)

Lewis, Tom (3)

Lewis, Victor (1)

Lewis, W. B. (2)

Lewis, Warren (139)

Lewis, Wiliam (1)

Lewis, William (7)

Lewis, William Mather (1)

Lewis, Zeb (1)

Lewisohn, Ludwig (1)

Lewison, Ludwig (1)

Leworth, Margaret (2)

Ley, Robert (1)

Ley, Willy (6)

Leyden and His Orchestra, Norman (4)

Leyden, Bill (9)

Leyden, Norman (1)

Leydesorff, Samuel (1)

Leydon, Norman (1)

Leyssen, Father (1)

Leyton and His Orchestra, Bernie (1)

Leyton, Ben (4)

Leyton, Bernie (1)

Leyton, Robert (1)

Lezberg, Irwin (1)

Lhevinne, Josef (4)

Lhevinne, Rosina (1)

Libbott, Robert (49)

Libby, Fred (6)

Libby, Willard (1)

Liberace (32)

Liberace and His Orchestra, George (9)

Liberace, George (5)

Libertini, Dick (2)

Libov, Dorothy (1)

Lichstein, Joseph (1)

Licht, Albert (1)

Lichtenfeld, Leon (2)

Lichter, Benjamin (1)

Licorice, David Nathaniel (1)

Lidell, Barney (2)

Liderly, Doris (1)

Lidgate, Bill (1)

Lidgate, William (2)

Lido, Bob (9)

Lidwell, Wauna (2)

Lie, Ozzie (12)

Lie, Trygve (72)

Lieb, Fred (1)

Liebamn, Joshua (1)

Lieberfeld, Daniel (25)

Lieberman, Erwin (2)

Lieberman, Irwin (3)

Lieberman, Joseph (6)

Lieberman, Julius (1)

Lieberman, Leo (2)

Lieberson, Goddard (6)

Liebert and His Orchestra, Billy (242)

Liebert, Billy (3)

Liebert, Herman (1)

Liebling, Brenda (12)

Liebling, Jerry (1)

Liebling, Leonard (1)

Liebling, Rochelle (3)

Liebman, Jerry (6)

Liebman, Joshua (3)

Liebman, Max (9)

Liebman, Rochelle (1)

Liebowitz, Bill (1)

Liebowitz, Sam (1)

Liebowitz, Samuel (1)

Lieper, Henry Smith (1)

Lierley, Charles (5)

Lieven, Tania (7)

Lif, Liya (1)

Liff, Judy (1)

Lifko, Arthur (1)

Lifles, John (1)

Lifshin, Morris (1)

Lifson, Tol (1)

Lift, Frederick (4)

Ligatsky, Ann (1)

Liggett, Bob (1)

Light and His Orchestra, Enoch (4)

Light Crust Doughboys, The (121)

Light Jr., David (1)

Light Opera Company Of Los Angeles, The (1)

Light Trio, The Ben (2)

Light, Benny (5)

Light, Bo (1)

Light, Dave (23)

Light, David (34)

Light, Enoch (1)

Light, Judith (1)

Light, Robert (10)

Light, Robert M. (1)

Light, Robert Webster (28)

Lightburn, Ludwig (2)

Lightman, Henry (1)

Lightner and His Orchestra, Freddie (1)

Lightner, Frank (4)

Lightner, Fred (1)

Lightner, Freddy (1)

Lightoiler (1)

Lightoller, Charles (1)

Lightsey, Kirk (1)

Ligibete, Goberti (1)

Ligouri, Ann (1)

Liki, Ebalia (1)

Lil, Lovey and (6)

Lilburn, James (1)

Lilienthal, David (3)

Lill, Denis (1)

Lille, Robert (1)

Lilley and His Orchestra, Joseph (3)

Lilley, Joseph (7)

Lillian, Alico E. (1)

Lillico, Stuart (1)

Lillie, Beatrice (28)

Lillie, Bob (1)

Lillie, Charles (1)

Lillienthal, David (5)

Lillienthal, Michael (1)

Lilliquist, Clifford (1)

Lillo, Pete (1)

Lilly, B. (1)

Lilly, Everett (1)

Lilo (3)

Lim, Mrs. Vincente (1)

Lima, Tony (1)

Lime, Yvonne (2)

Limelighters, The (4)

Limerick, Kay (1)

Limited, The Honey (1)

Limpus, Lowell (3)

Lina, Ray (2)

Linard, Grace (1)

Linard, Herbert (1)

Lincoln, Abe (1)

Lincoln, Blanche (1)

Lincoln, Dan (1)

Lincoln, Glen (2)

Lincoln, James F. (1)

Lincolns, Carl (1)

Lind, Don (2)

Lind, Edna (1)

Lind, Helen (4)

Lind, Jenny (17)

Lind, Michael (1)

Lind, Peter (1)

Lind, Robert (1)

Lind, Roy (1)

Lind, Tom (1)

Lind, William E. (1)

Lindbergh, Anne Morrow (1)

Lindbergh, Charles (17)

Linde, Mary (1)

Lindell, John (2)

Lindeman, Eduard (1)

Lindeman, Mitch (123)

Lindemann, Edward C. (1)

Linden, Eric (4)

Linden, Frank Van Der (1)

Linden, Hal (1)

Linden, Joyce (2)

Linden, Lou (1)

Linden, Nat (1)

Linden, Nat S. (9)

Linder, Carl (1)

Linder, Michael (1)

Linderman, Leo (1)

Linderman, Lindy (2)

Lindfors, Viveca (1)

Lindgren, Bruce (3)

Lindgren, Chick (3)

Lindholm, Lou (1)

Lindley, Bob (1)

Lindley, Ernest (59)

Lindley, Ernest K. (3)

Lindlof, Johanna (1)

Lindner, Elyssa (4)

Lindo, Olga (1)

Lindon, Lionel (1)

Lindsay, Alice (3)

Lindsay, Howard (36)

Lindsay, Ian (6)

Lindsay, John (31)

Lindsay, Margaret (10)

Lindsay, Vachel (2)

Lindser, Val (1)

Lindsey and His Orchestra, Mort (8)

Lindsey, Bill (1)

Lindsey, Edward (1)

Lindsey, Fran (1)

Lindsey, Jake (1)

Lindsey, Mort (2)

Lindsey, Ruth (1)

Lindsey, Steve (1)

Lindsey, Virginia (1)

Lindsley, Charles Frederick (286)

Lindstrom, Robert (1)

Lindt, Edward (1)

Lindy, Betty (1)

Line, Thomas (1)

Linehan, Harriet (2)

Linenger, Jerry (1)

Linenger, Kathryn (1)

Liner, Sammy (18)

Ling, Der (1)

Ling, Peter (4)

Ling, Wade (1)

Lingren, Anna (1)

Lingwood, Leroy (2)

Link, Walter (2)

Linkletter, Art (67)

Linkletter, Jack (8)

Linkram, Richard (1)

Linn, James Weaver (1)

Linn, Ray (5)

Linnay, Will (1)

Linneas, Charles (3)

Linnehan, Rick (1)

Linneus, Charles (1)

Linoir, Rosetta (2)

Linowitz, Sol (3)

Linstead, Alec (2)

Linton, Albert (1)

Linton, Jerry (1)

Linton, Kay (15)

Lintz, Gene (2)

Lintz, R. F. (1)

Lintzer, William (5)

Linville, Joanne (1)

Linwood, Connie (1)

Linwood, Lucille (3)

Linzer, William (1)

Lion, Jackie The (1)

Lionen, Arne (1)

Lionj Orchestra, The (1)

Lions, Kay Dee and The Dan Dee (1)

Lipes, Wheeler (1)

Lipgar, Leonard (1)

Lipkus, Philip (1)

Lipman, William (2)

Lipold, John (1)

Lipp, Frederick J. (3)

Lipp, Noah (1)

Lippin, Max (1)

Lippman, Joe (2)

Lippman, Walter (5)

Lipschitz, Sam (1)

Lipscomb, George Dewey (1)

Lipscomb, W. P. (2)

Lipscott, Alan (228)

Lipsen, Paul (1)

Lipsen, Solomon (1)

Lipsin, Milton (1)

Lipsitz, Larry (5)

Lipsky, Eleazar (5)

Lipson, Perry (1)

Lipstone, Lewis (1)

Lipstone, Louis (1)

Lipton, Bill (183)

Lipton, James (8)

Lipton, Jules (1)

Lipton, Lyn (1)

Lipton, Martha (9)

Lipton, Seymour (1)

Lisa, Anna (3)

Lisa, Luba (2)

Liska, Bill (1)

Lisle, Claude Joseph Rouget de (1)

Lisle, Lucille (1)

Lisovicz, Susan (1)

Liss, Joseph (18)

Liss, Martin (1)

Liss, Rhonda (1)

Liss, Ronald (155)

Liss, Ronnie (43)

Liss, Ted (3)

Lissagor, Peter (8)

Lisser, Alan (1)

Lissing, Alan (1)

List, Emanuel (5)

List, Eugene (2)

List, Virginia (1)

Listener, John (1)

Lister, Jack (1)

Lister, Michael (3)

Listner, Will (2)

Liston, Sonny (7)

Liszt (1)

Liszt, Eugene (5)

Liszt, Margie (19)

Litaker, Miss (1)

Litauer, William (2)

Litel, William (1)

Lithgow, John (2)

Lithgow, Ray (2)

Lithicum, Walter (2)

Litoff, David (1)

Litow and His Orchestra, Joseph (1)

Litow, Joseph (2)

Litowski, Hazel (1)

Litsinger, Sam (1)

Littauer, David (1)

Little and His Orchestra, Little Jack (1)

Little Jr., Herbert (61)

Little Orchestra Society, The (2)

Little Richard (2)

Little Willie (1)

Little, Babs and (1)

Little, Ben (1)

Little, Bert (1)

Little, Bob (1)

Little, Burt (1)

Little, Charlie (1)

Little, Frank (1)

Little, George (1)

Little, Herbert (1)

Little, Jack (29)

Little, James (1)

Little, Jimmy (2)

Little, Lawson (1)

Little, Little Jack (19)

Little, Lou (6)

Little, Maria (1)

Little, Mickey (2)

Little, Rich (5)

Littledale, Clara Savage (1)

Littlefield, Cal (1)

Littlefield, Lucien (5)

Littlefield, Robert (1)

Littlejohn, Linda (1)

Littlejohn, Robert (1)

Littleton, Oliver (1)

Litton, Herb (2)

Litton, Irngarde (1)

Litton, William (1)

Littow, Herbert (22)

Littrell, Gary (1)

Litvinov, Ivy Lowe (1)

Litvinov, Maxim (2)

Litvinov. Maksim (1)

Litz, A. Walton (1)

Litzer, William (1)

Litzinger, Sam (1)

Liu, B. A. (2)

Liu, C. Y. (1)

Livesay, Frank (1)

Livesey, Edward (1)

Livesey, Jack (2)

Livid, Robert Yale (1)

Livingston, Alan (1)

Livingston, Charles D. (1)

Livingston, Jay (3)

Livingston, Jerry (1)

Livingston, Mae (1)

Livingston, Robert (2)

Livingstone and His Orchestra, Jerry (1)

Livingstone, Babe (2)

Livingstone, Bob (2)

Livingstone, Charles D (2)

Livingstone, Charles D, (7)

Livingstone, Charles D. (1)

Livingstone, Ed (1)

Livingstone, Jacob (1)

Livingstone, Mary (749)

Livingstone, Ulysses (1)

Livingstone, William (1)

Livingtone, Billy (1)

Livitsky, Bill (1)

Livsey, Jay (1)

Liwis, Jack (1)

Liza, Clara (1)

Lizak, Ruth (2)

Lizard, Sidney (1)

Lizer, Ernest (2)

Lizer, William F. (1)

Ljungberg, Gota (2)

Llendo, Paul (1)

Llewellen, John (1)

Llewellyn, Al (1)

Llewellyn, Carl (1)

Llewellyn, Richard (4)

Llewelyn, Al (1)

Llewelyn, Desmond (2)

Lloyd and His Quartet, Charlie (1)

Lloyd, Alice (4)

Lloyd, Alma (1)

Lloyd, Cathy (1)

Lloyd, Charles (1)

Lloyd, David (23)

Lloyd, David (3)

Lloyd, Doris (26)

Lloyd, Dorothy (3)

Lloyd, Elsie (1)

Lloyd, Frank (3)

Lloyd, George (5)

Lloyd, Gladys (1)

Lloyd, Harold (44)

Lloyd, Ira (2)

Lloyd, Jack (42)

Lloyd, Jimmy (1)

Lloyd, John (2)

Lloyd, Lala (1)

Lloyd, Mandred (3)

Lloyd, Mildred (1)

Lloyd, Norman (32)

Lloyd, Peggy (1)

Lloyd, Powell (1)

Lloyd, Rita (33)

Lloyd, Ruby (2)

Lloyd, Selwyn (10)

Lloyd, Shirley (1)

Lloyd, Ted (32)

Lloyd, Victor (2)

Lloyd, Vince (1)

Loan, Charles E. Van (2)

Loan, Mary (4)

Lobely, Shirley (1)

Locagnon, Emily (1)

Lochen, Bob (1)

Lochman, Walt (1)

Lochran, Tommy (1)

Lockard, Thomas (1)

Locke, Catherine (2)

Locke, Gary (2)

Locke, Harold (1)

Locke, Katherine (2)

Locke, Ned (3)

Locke, Newton (2)

Locke, Philip (1)

Locke, Ralph (12)

Locke, Russ (1)

Locke, Sam (1)

Locke, William J. (1)

Locken, Ed (1)

Lockerbie, Beth (1)

Lockerby, Bess (1)

Lockett, Ed (3)

Lockhart, Gene (61)

Lockhart, H. Bruce (1)

Lockhart, June (18)

Lockhart, Katherine (1)

Lockhart, Kathleen (30)

Lockhart, Kathryn (1)

Lockhart, Samuel (1)

Lockhart, Thomas (1)

Lockheart, Araby (1)

Lockman, James (1)

Lockman, Mort (6)

Lockman, Whitey (1)

Lockner, Don (3)

Lockner, Louis (1)

Lockner, Louis P. (4)

Lockney, Robert (1)

Lockridge, Frances (78)

Lockridge, Richard (78)

Locks, James (3)

Lockser, Judy (4)

Lockwood, Alexander (2)

Lockwood, Alyn (2)

Lockwood, Gary (1)

Lockwood, Grey (9)

Lockwood, Margaret (2)

Lockwood, Norman (20)

Lockwood, Paul (2)

Lockwood, Preston (2)

Lockwood, Roy (4)

Locust Sisters, The (9)

Loden, David (5)

Loder, John (20)

Lodge, Art (3)

Lodge, David (2)

Lodge, George Cabot (2)

Lodge, Henry Cabot (28)

Lodge, John (4)

Lodge, John Davis (1)

Lodge, Lily (1)

Lodge, Robert (1)

Loeb, Janice (1)

Loeb, Larry (1)

Loeb, Louis (1)

Loeb, Louis M. (1)

Loeb, Marshall (2)

Loeb, Marx B. (183)

Loeb, Mrs. William (2)

Loeb, Philip (3)

Loeb, Phillip (1)

Loeb, Roger (1)

Loeffler, Charles Martin (1)

Loesser, Bud (4)

Loesser, Frank (11)

Loewi, Mortimer (1)

Loewy, Otto (1)

Lofton Jr., John (1)

Lofton, Bob (1)

Lofton, Cripple Clarence (1)

Lofton, Mrs. Bob (1)

Loftus, Brenda (6)

Loftus, Cecilia (1)

Loftus, Joseph (6)

Log Cabin Boys, The (1)

Log, Jean (1)

Logan, Alan (2)

Logan, Arthur (1)

Logan, Barbara (2)

Logan, Crawford (6)

Logan, David (1)

Logan, Don (1)

Logan, Ella (38)

Logan, Gene (1)

Logan, Hazel (1)

Logan, Helen (3)

Logan, Jack (4)

Logan, James (1)

Logan, Janet (24)

Logan, Jean (1)

Logan, Johnny (1)

Logan, Joshua (2)

Logan, Linda (1)

Logan, Marjorie (16)

Logart, Isaac (1)

Logerwell, Carmelita (1)

Loggerman, John (3)

Loggia, Robert (1)

Loghran, Dick (12)

Login, Allan (2)

Lohman, Smokey (1)

Lohr, Lenox (8)

Lola, Harold and (1)

Loll, Hal (1)

Lolly Sisters, The (1)

Lomas, Jack (5)

Lomas, Marie (1)

Lomask, Milton (1)

Lomax, Alan (27)

Lomax, Bess (1)

Lomax, Elizabeth (1)

Lomax, Ellen (1)

Lomax, John (10)

Lomax, Stan (22)

Lombard, Alain (1)

Lombard, Carole (22)

Lombard, Linda (1)

Lombardi, Clyde (2)

Lombardi, Ernie (2)

Lombardi, Lou (1)

Lombardi, Vince (1)

Lombardo and His Royal Canadians, Guy (1)

Lombardo and The Royal Canadians, Guy (121)

Lombardo Trio, The (2)

Lombardo, Carmen (16)

Lombardo, Guy (25)

Lombardo, Leibert (2)

Lombardo, Rosemarie (13)

Lombardo, Victor (1)

Lomenzo, Michael (1)

Lomis, Jack (1)

Lon, Alice (10)

London Symphony Orchestra, The (4)

London, A. Allen (1)

London, Bob (2)

London, Brian (1)

London, Frank (1)

London, George (3)

London, J. J. (1)

London, Jack (6)

London, Jerry (2)

London, Julie (9)

London, Lloyd (13)

London, Lola (1)

London, Tom (2)

Londow, Dan (1)

Lone Cowboy, The (2)

Lone Star Quartet, The (1)

Long (1)

Long and His Orchestra, Johnny (25)

Long Beach Band Of The Air Transport Command, The (1)

Long, Arthur (1)

Long, Audrey (2)

Long, Avon (4)

Long, Breckinridge (2)

Long, Cecil (1)

Long, Denny (1)

Long, Gary (1)

Long, Hal (1)

Long, Huey (3)

Long, James (3)

Long, James M. (1)

Long, Janis (1)

Long, Joe (1)

Long, John Luther (1)

Long, Johnny (2)

Long, Lillian (2)

Long, Lois (3)

Long, Lucille (4)

Long, Marvin (1)

Long, Mary (1)

Long, Matt (4)

Long, Perry (1)

Long, Richard (3)

Long, Roland (1)

Long, Ronald (21)

Long, Russell (2)

Long, Sarah Hass (1)

Long, Shelly (1)

Long, Stuart (2)

Long, Vicki (1)

Long, William (1)

Long, Yvonne (1)

Longacre, Helen (1)

Longdon, Terence (1)

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (14)

Longhurst, Henry (1)

Longines Choraliers, The (2)

Longines Symphonette, The (154)

Longines World's Most Honored Music Program (1)

Longlack, Carey (1)

Longley, Jim (1)

Longmeyer, Adele (2)

Longmire, Adele (1)

Longmire, Carey (19)

Longmire, Kerry (2)

Longnecker, Bob (7)

Longnecker, Ezra (12)

Longnecker, Lettie (1)

Longshore, Herman (1)

Longstreet, Stephen (2)

Longstreth, Edward (3)

Longworth, Alice Roosevelt (1)

Lonigan, Lester (2)

Lonigan, Stan (1)

Lonsdale, David (1)

Lonsdale, Eric (1)

Lonsdale, Frederick (4)

Lonsdale, Robert (1)

Lontock, Leon (1)

Lonzo and Oscar (10)

Loo, Paul (1)

Loo, Richard (2)

Lookout, Chief (1)

Loom, Michael (1)

Loomer, Bernard (1)

Loomis, Clarence (1)

Loomis, Donald (1)

Loomis, Frederick (1)

Loomis, George (1)

Loomis, Henry (1)

Loon, Hendrik Willem von (1)

Loos, Anita (4)

Loos, Mary (4)

Loos, William (1)

Looters, The (1)

Lopat, Ed (2)

Lopat, Eddie (1)

Lopate, Leonard (1)

Lopatnikoff, Nikolai (1)

Lopes, Ivan (2)

Lopez and His Orchestra, Vincent (70)

Lopez, Al (6)

Lopez, Armand (2)

Lopez, Manuel (1)

Lopez, Nico (1)

Lopez, Trini (3)

Lopez, Vincent (13)

Lopezians, The (1)

Lor, Denise (7)

Loraine, Robert (1)

Lorand, Edith (1)

Lorant, Stephen (1)

Lord, Arthur (1)

Lord, Athena (3)

Lord, Athena Lord (1)

Lord, Bette Bao (1)

Lord, Betty (1)

Lord, Bobby (3)

Lord, Charlotte (1)

Lord, Eric (2)

Lord, George (2)

Lord, Isabel (1)

Lord, Jack (3)

Lord, Joan (4)

Lord, Margaret (1)

Lord, Marjorie (4)

Lord, Mary (1)

Lord, Mindred (6)

Lord, Mindret (1)

Lord, Mrs. Oswald (1)

Lord, Oswald (1)

Lord, Pauline (6)

Lord, Phil (1)

Lord, Philip (1)

Lord, Phillip (13)

Lord, Phillips H, (4)

Lord, Phillips H. (211)

Lord, Robert (3)

Lord, Stanley (2)

Lord, Walter (2)

Lorde, Athena (31)

Lorden, Herb (3)

Loredson, Dale (1)

Lorell, Lucille (2)

Lorena, Ada (1)

Lorengar, Pilar (3)

Lorentz, Anne (1)

Lorentz, Pare (1)

Lorenz, Carl (1)

Lorenz, John (2)

Lorenz, Lincoln (1)

Lorenz, Max (1)

Loretta, Dee (1)

Lorge, Irvine (1)

Lorge, Irving (1)

Lorick, Robert (19)

Lorie, Jim (1)

Lorimer, Graeme (2)

Lorimer, Louise (4)

Lorimer, Paul (1)

Lorin, Will (1)

Loring, Ann (1)

Loring, Eric (3)

Loring, Gloria (1)

Loring, Lynn (15)

Lormer, Jon (2)

Lorne, Marion (18)

Lorraine (1)

Lorraine, Guido (1)

Lorraine, Kay (24)

Lorraine, Lou (1)

Lorraine, Val (1)

Lorre, Peter (82)

Lorring, Ann (6)

Lorring, Eric (1)

Lorring, Estelle (2)

Lorring, Joan (188)

Lorring, Lyn (1)

Lors, Arthur (1)

Lortz, Richard (4)

Lory, Hillis (1)

Los Angeles Children's Chorus, The (1)

Los Angeles County Band, The (1)

Los Angeles Dance Band (1)

Los Angeles Folklore Choir (1)

Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, The (5)

Los Angeles Philharmonic Symphonic Orchestra, The (19)

Los Angeles Symphony Orchestra, The (6)

Los Angles Philharmonic, The (1)

Los, Yala de (1)

Loschke, Paul (1)

Losey, Joseph (17)

Lotas, John (1)

Loth, David (2)

Lotis, Dennis (7)

Lotsie, Norma (1)

Lott, Arnold (1)

Lott, Trent (18)

Lottman, Al (1)

Lotus, Dennis (1)

Lotus, Don (1)

Lotus, John (1)

Lotwick, Al (1)

Lou, Annie (1)

Lou, Gay (1)

Lou, Lexie (2)

Lou, Lindy (1)

Lou, Mandy (23)

Lou, Mary (32)

Lou, The Melody Ranch Boys and Nora (1)

Lou. Mary (1)

Louden, Dorothy (5)

Louden, John (1)

Lougher, Carl (1)

Loughery, Jackie (1)

Loughlan, Hank (5)

Loughlin, David (1)

Loughlin, Jay (2)

Loughrane, Basil (81)

Louie, Pops and (1)

Louis, Gene (1)

Louis, Jean (3)

Louis, Joe (67)

Louis, Louise (3)

Louis, The Legend Singers of St. (1)

Louis, Will (1)

Louis, Wilmot (1)

Louise (10)

Louise, Anita (16)

Louise, Dana (1)

Louise, Jean (4)

Louise, Tina (1)

Louisville Symphony, The (1)

Lounbaum, David (1)

Lounsberg, Dan (1)

Lounsbery, Dan (4)

Louray, Doris (16)

Lousma, Jack (5)

Loutier, Louis (1)

Louvin Brothers, The (6)

Louvin, Charlie (3)

Louvin, Ira (1)

Love Brothers, The (6)

Love, Andrew C. (168)

Love, Ann Lucy (1)

Love, Audrey (1)

Love, Bob (7)

Love, Dorothy (1)

Love, Edmund G. (1)

Love, Elizabeth (1)

Love, Freddy Careless (6)

Love, Helen (1)

Love, Jeannine (1)

Love, Jody (1)

Love, John (1)

Love, John A. (1)

Love, Lenny (1)

Love, Lonnie (8)

Love, Montagu (4)

Love, Montague (2)

Love, Paula (1)

Love, Robert (1)

Love, Shirley (15)

Love, Sumner (2)

Love, Sunda (2)

Lovecraft, H. P. (3)

Lovejoy, (1)

Lovejoy, Frank (430)

Lovejoy, Joan (36)

Lovel, Gay (1)

Lovelace, John (2)

Lovelace, John Hayward (1)

Lovelace, Linda (1)

Lovell, Bernard (2)

Lovell, James (5)

Lovell, Lei (1)

Lovell, Leigh (5)

Lovell, Marilyn (3)

Lovell, Nigel (6)

Lovequist, Evelyn (2)

Lover, Samuel (1)

Loveridge, Marion (2)

Loverman, Amy (2)

Loverock, Gene (2)

Loveton, John (2)

Loveton, John W. (4)

Lovett, Dorothy (139)

Lovett, Lawrence (1)

Lovett, Leroy (1)

Lovett, Walter (1)

Lovett, Wayne (1)

Loving, Pierre (1)

Lovring, John (1)

Lovring, Mrs. John (1)

Lovsky, Celia (1)

Low, George M. (2)

Low, Mary (1)

Lowe, Arthur (1)

Lowe, Bernie (1)

Lowe, Billie (1)

Lowe, Billy (1)

Lowe, Curtis (1)

Lowe, Don (16)

Lowe, Donald (1)

Lowe, Eddie (1)

Lowe, Edmund (12)

Lowe, Ellen (1)

Lowe, Harry (1)

Lowe, J. J. (1)

Lowe, Jack (6)

Lowe, James T. (1)

Lowe, Jim (27)

Lowe, Mark (4)

Lowe, Mona (1)

Lowe, Mundell (9)

Lowe, Virginia (2)

Lowell and His Orchestra, Gene (1)

Lowell, Dorothy (1)

Lowell, Eugene (2)

Lowell, Juliette (1)

Lowell, Milton (1)

Lowell, Stanley (1)

Lowenberg, Susan (1)

Lowens, Kurt (1)

Lowenstein, Allard (1)

Lowenthal, Eugene (2)

Lowenthal, Marvin (1)

Lowenthal, Raymond (1)

Lowenthal, Stuart (1)

Lowery, Aden (1)

Lowery, Arthur (1)

Lowery, Bob (2)

Lowery, Charles (2)

Lowery, Fred (17)

Lowery, Gene (1)

Lowery, John Patrick (3)

Lowery, Judith (1)

Lowery, Kenny (1)

Lowery, Malcolm (1)

Lowery, Margaret (3)

Lowery, Morton (1)

Lowery, Ned O. (1)

Lowery, Pat (4)

Lowery, Patricia (3)

Lowery, Phyllis (1)

Lowery, Robert (2)

Lowey, Anna (1)

Lowey, Sylvia (1)

Lowndes, Marie Belloc (8)

Lowndesburg, Jim (1)

Lowne, Phillip (1)

Lowrey, Marilyn (2)

Lowrey, Patricia (1)

Lowrie, Warren (1)

Lowry, Ben (1)

Lowry, Ken (1)

Lowry, McNeil (1)

Lowther, Aden (1)

Lowther, Betty (2)

Lowther, George (380)

Lowy, Otto (6)

Loxley, D. A. (1)

Loxley, Roy (1)

Loxo, Nels (22)

Loxon, Julius (1)

Loy, Myrna (47)

Luanne (1)

Lubanov-Rostovsky, Andre (1)

Luber, Bernard (26)

Luberschutz and Neminoff (1)

Lubeslska, Paula (1)

Lubin and His Orchestra, Harry (46)

Lubin and The Paramount Studio Orchestra, Harry (1)

Lubin, Isadore (1)

Lubin, Lou (132)

Lubin, Peggy (3)

Lubinsky, T. J. (1)

Lubitch, Ernst (1)

Lubitsch, Ernst (5)

Luboff Choir (1)

Luboff Choir, The Norman (22)

Luboff, Norman (243)

Lubotsky, Charlotte (1)

Luca, Giuseppe De (2)

Luca, Nino De (1)

Lucal, Jack (6)

Lucas and His Orchestra, Clyde (6)

Lucas, Al (2)

Lucas, Donny (1)

Lucas, Eddie (1)

Lucas, Edward J. (1)

Lucas, Edwin (2)

Lucas, Edwin J. (2)

Lucas, Gail (1)

Lucas, George (22)

Lucas, Giuseppe (1)

Lucas, James (1)

Lucas, Jerry (1)

Lucas, John Meredyth (1)

Lucas, Nick (4)

Lucas, Paul (5)

Lucas, Pete (1)

Lucas, Peter (1)

Lucas, Robert (3)

Lucas, Rupert (7)

Lucas, Scott (1)

Lucas, Tommy (6)

Lucas, Victor (2)

Lucas, William (4)

Luce, Charles (1)

Luce, Clare Boothe (25)

Luce, Daniel De (1)

Luce, Henry (3)

Luce, Virginia (1)

Lucey, Charles (3)

Luchezzi, Dominic (2)

Lucie, Pierre (1)

Luckenbach, Beverly (1)

Luckham, Cyril (1)

Luckman, Charles (3)

Luckman, Sid (2)

Lucky Seven, The (1)

Lucky Singers, The (1)

Lucky Strike Dance Orchestra, The (3)

Lucretia (1)

Ludden, Allen (90)

Luddy, Barbara (124)

Luddy, Catherine (1)

Ludeen, Ernest (1)

Ludell, Sam (1)

Luders, Gustave (1)

Ludlam, George (2)

Ludlow and Male Trio, Godfrey (1)

Ludlow, Ben (58)

Ludlow, Godfrey (5)

Ludlow, Wanda (1)

Ludlum, George (32)

Ludlum, Kennedy (4)

Ludlum, Mike (1)

Ludlum, Robert (1)

Ludoff, Paul (1)

Ludson, Jeff (1)

Ludwig, Augustus (1)

Ludwig, Christa (2)

Ludwig, Emil (3)

Ludwig, Frances (1)

Ludwig, Leopold (3)

Ludwig, Lyle (1)

Ludwig, Norbert (2)

Ludwig, Patsy (1)

Ludwig, Salem (1)

Ludwig, William (3)

Luez, Laurette (1)

Lufke, Tony (1)

Lufkowitz, Bernie (4)

Luft, John (1)

Luft, Sid (1)

Luftig, Don (4)

Lugar and The WLW Orchestra, Joseph (1)

Lugar, Richard (4)

Luger, Peter (2)

Lugosi, Bela (13)

Luh, Charlie (1)

Luie, Kaomoko (9)

Luine, Charles L. (1)

Lukas, Ed (1)

Lukas, Edwin J. (1)

Lukas, Karl (2)

Lukas, Paul (54)

Lukas, R. L (1)

Luke, Fred (2)

Luke, Jack (1)

Luke, Key (1)

Luke, Keye (4)

Lukins, Ed (2)

Lull, George (1)

Lulu Belle and Scotty (24)

Lum, Henry (2)

Lumb, Geoffrey (1)

Lumet, Sidney (6)

Lumley, Joanna (1)

Lummis, Dayton (3)

Lumpkin, Washington (1)

Luna, Elisabeth Perez (2)

Lunah, Elizabeth (1)

Lunceford and His Orchestra, Jimmie (19)

Lunceford, Beverly (1)

Lunceford, Jimmie (2)

Lund, Art (19)

Lund, Becky Rice (1)

Lund, Charles (2)

Lund, Dick (1)

Lund, Jenny (1)

Lund, John (152)

Lund, Lucille (1)

Lund, Roy (2)

Lund, Vin (1)

Lundberg, Ferdinand (1)

Lundberg, Valerie (1)

Lunde, Harvey (1)

Lunde, Lonny (72)

Lunde, Sheila (1)

Lunde, Solveig (1)

Lundford, Bevery (1)

Lundgren, Dan (1)

Lundgren, John (2)

Lundigan, William (35)

Lundin, Bruce (1)

Lundine, Joan (2)

Lundine, Joe (1)

Lundine, Stan (2)

Lundquist, Charles (1)

Lundquist, Henry (2)

Lundy, Benjamin (1)

Lundy, J. D. (1)

Lundy, Ron (3)

Lunet, Jimmy (1)

Lung, Charlie (141)

Lunn, Robert (1)

Lunney, Glynn (6)

Lunsden, David (1)

Lunsford, Beverly (2)

Lunt, Alfred (20)

Lupiano, Vincent (1)

Lupino, Ida (71)

Lupino, Richard (1)

Lupitan, Jeff (2)

Lupu, Radu (2)

Lupus, Peter (1)

Lurch, Don (1)

Lurch, John (1)

Luscher, Marie Louise (1)

Luscombe, Robert (10)

Lusgarten, Edgar (1)

Lush, Tillie (1)

Lusinchi, Victor (4)

Lusk, Freeman (1)

Lusking, Len (1)

Lussier, Robert (1)

Lustberg, Arch (4)

Lustgarten, Alfred (1)

Lustig, Janet (2)

Lusty, Lou (1)

Lutchen, Howard (1)

Lutcher, Nellie (5)

Lute, Harold (1)

Luther, Frank (20)

Luther, Herbert G. (1)

Luther, Paul (39)

Lutke, W. D. (1)

Lutsens, Paul (1)

Lutsky, C. Israel (5)

Lutsky, Sarah (3)

Luttrell, Woodrow (1)

Lutz, Don (1)

Lutz, Hannes (3)

Lutz, Harley L. (2)

Lutz, Harry (1)

Lutz, William (8)

Luzutkin, Luda (1)

Lydecker, Garrit (1)

Lyden, Pierce (6)

Lydenburg, Harry (1)

Lydon, Jimmy (22)

Lyle, George W. (1)

Lyle, John E. (1)

Lyles, Francis (1)

Lyman and His Californians, Abe (5)

Lyman and His Orchestra, Abe (48)

Lyman, Abe (3)

Lyman, Abe and His Orchestra (3)

Lyman, Jack (3)

Lyman, Will (1)

Lymon and The Teenagers, Frankie (8)

Lyn, Jane Vander (1)

Lynch, Andrew (3)

Lynch, Bill (20)

Lynch, Christopher (14)

Lynch, Eugene (1)

Lynch, Frank (1)

Lynch, Jasper (5)

Lynch, Jim (2)

Lynch, Joe (2)

Lynch, John (1)

Lynch, Ken (267)

Lynch, Michael (3)

Lynch, Peg (259)

Lynch, Richard (1)

Lynch, Russ (1)

Lynch, Steve (1)

Lynch, Theodora (2)

Lynch, Walter (1)

Lynd, Helen (4)

Lynde, Paul (17)

Lynde, Peter (1)

Lyndon, Barre (3)

Lyndon, Barry (1)

Lynes, Bobb (13)

Lynes, Russell (2)

Lyngas, Hauger (1)

Lynker, John (1)

Lynley, Bob (1)

Lynn, Ada (1)

Lynn, Bambi (3)

Lynn, Barbara (2)

Lynn, Bert (1)

Lynn, Betty (16)

Lynn, Betty Ann (1)

Lynn, Billy (1)

Lynn, Cecile (1)

Lynn, Chick (1)

Lynn, Daryl (1)

Lynn, Diana (41)

Lynn, Edward (48)

Lynn, Emmett (7)

Lynn, Evelyn (4)

Lynn, Frankie (1)

Lynn, George (1)

Lynn, Helen (4)

Lynn, Ima Jean (3)

Lynn, Imogene (4)

Lynn, Jack (2)

Lynn, Jay Loft (2)

Lynn, Jeffrey (18)

Lynn, Judy (5)

Lynn, Ken (2)

Lynn, Lana (1)

Lynn, Lennie (2)

Lynn, Loretta (2)

Lynn, Lorna (2)

Lynn, Margaret (1)

Lynn, Marjorie (1)

Lynn, Mary (1)

Lynn, Penny (1)

Lynn, Phyllis (2)

Lynn, Ray (2)

Lynn, Rita (29)

Lynn, Robert R. (13)

Lynn, Roberta (18)

Lynn, Sandy (1)

Lynn, Sarah (1)

Lynn, Vera (13)

Lynn, Virginia Stafford (1)

Lynn, William (2)

Lynne, Gloria (1)

Lynne, Phyllis (12)

Lynne, Sharon (1)

Lynne, Virginia Safford (25)

Lynwaugh, Rosetta (1)

Lynwood, Lucille (1)

Lyon, Barbara (7)

Lyon, Barbara Jean (1)

Lyon, Ben (10)

Lyon, Charles (465)

Lyon, Don (1)

Lyon, Earl (1)

Lyon, Helen (3)

Lyon, Jack (1)

Lyon, Jane (2)

Lyon, Jean (1)

Lyon, Jim (2)

Lyon, June (1)

Lyon, Ladd (2)

Lyon, Leverett (1)

Lyon, Mary (1)

Lyon, McDowell (1)

Lyon, Peter (58)

Lyon, Priscilla (11)

Lyon, Richard (6)

Lyon, Roger (2)

Lyon, Sam (1)

Lyon, Sue (1)

Lyon, Therese (1)

Lyon, William A. (1)

Lyon, Yvonne (1)

Lyons and His Orchestra, Al (2)

Lyons, A. (1)

Lyons, Bobby (4)

Lyons, Cliff (1)

Lyons, Dennis (1)

Lyons, Eugene (5)

Lyons, Gene (3)

Lyons, Georgie (2)

Lyons, Gordon (1)

Lyons, James (6)

Lyons, James J. (1)

Lyons, Jim (8)

Lyons, Ken (1)

Lyons, Leonard (6)

Lyons, Marjorie (1)

Lyons, Molly (2)

Lyons, Peter (1)

Lyons, Robert (1)

Lyons, Roger (14)

Lyons, Ruth (2)

Lyons, Sylvia (1)

Lyric Singers, The (2)

Lysander, Jim (1)

Lytel, Wilford (1)

Lytell and His Delta Eight, Jimmy (5)

Lytell and His Orchestra, Jimmy (101)

Lytell, Bert (15)

Lytell, Jimmy (5)

Lytell, Wilford (1)

Lyttle Sisters, The (218)

Lytton, Edward Bulwar (1)

Lytton, Herb (160)