Information on Searching Artists
This section is an alphabetical list of every person who received air credit (or should have received air credit) on every program in the archive. Alphabetizing a list of names would be easy if everyone had a first and a last name. But they don't and one has to start making decisions. Alphabetized by first or last name? The "program names" are alphabetized by the actual name of the program, not a person. "The Jack Benny Show" is therefore listed under "Jack" and not "Benny." I ignore "The," "A" and "An" for greater clarity. In the "people" section, I've had to deal with those with three (or more names) like "Adam Clayton Powell," those who usually use only initials ("H.V. Kaltenborn") or a combination (like "J. David Goldin") and other variations. "Benny Goodman and His Orchestra" is filed under "Goodman," as is his trio, his quartet, etc. Caution: many names look like they are spelled incorrectly, but they may not be (then again, some of them probably are). This apparent error may in fact be a reference to someone you never heard of who spells his name differently. Steven Allen is not the same person as Steve Allen, the comedian/ musician/author. John Kennedy was both a NBC announcer in the mid-30s and a president. They were not the same guy.
I've tried to eliminate all titles. Therefore, unless I didn't know the first name, you'll see no "Generals," "Doctors," "Governors," "Bishops" or other honorifics. Hyphenated names, those that end with "Jr." and those with lineage descriptors (John Jones III) were invented just to make life difficult. I couldn't bring myself to list the king of England as "Windsor, George." You will probably agree with some of my decisions and disagree with others. At least I tried to be consistent.
K C. and The Sunshine Band (1)
Kahn and His Orchestra, Roger Wolfe (1)
Kai-Shek, Mai-Ling Chiang (12)
Kalash and His String Ensemble, Carl (1)
Kanner's Little Band, Hal (25)
Kansas City Nighthawks, The (1)
Kansas City Philharmonic, The (3)
Kaplan and His Orchestra, Dave (1)
Kassel and His Orchestra, Art (1)
Kassell and His Orchestra, Art (11)
Katims and His Orchestra, Milton (10)
Katz and His Orchestra, Mickey (1)
Katzman and His Orchestra, Lou (2)
Katzman and His Orchestra, Louis (2)
Kay and His Orchestra, Edward (1)
Kay and His Orchestra, Herbie (2)
Kaye and His Orchestra, Sammy (132)
KCBS Concert Orchestra, The (1)
Kearns and His Orchestra, Joey (1)
Keen and His Orchestra, Bob (1)
Kell and His Orchestra, Reginald (1)
Kelland, Clarence Budington (8)
Keller and His Orchestra, Zeke (1)
Kellner and His Orchestra, Leon (4)
Kelsey and The Sears Orchestra, Carleton (5)
Kemp and His Hotel Astor Orchestra, Hal (1)
Kemp and His Orchestra, Hal (23)
Kendrick and His Orchestra, Merle (2)
Kenton and His Orchestra, Stan (200)
Killian and His Orchestra, Al (2)
King and His Golden West Cowboys, Pee Wee (8)
King and His Orchestra and Choir, Wayne (1)
King and His Orchestra, Henry (50)
King and His Orchestra, Joey (6)
King and His Orchestra, Pee Wee (1)
King and His Orchestra, Pete (2)
King and His Orchestra, Wayne (24)
King's Jesters and Their Orchestra, The (1)
Kingsford-Smith, Wing Commander (1)
Kinney and His Orchestra, Ray (1)
Kirby and His Orchestra, John (4)
Kirk and His Orchestra, Andy (9)
Kirk and His Orchestra, Buddy (1)
KMBC Midland Minstrels, The (1)
Knapp and His Orchestra, Orville (3)
Knight and His Orchestra, Norvell (3)
Knight and The Pips, Gladys (1)
Knight and The Sixty Piece All-Girl Orchestra, June (8)
Knotheads, Jelly Elliott and The Three (2)
Koestner and His Orchestra, Josef (9)
Kogen and His Orchestra, Harry (4)
Kogen and The Homesteaders, Harry (4)
Kogen and The Orchestra, Harry (1)
Kogen and The Treasury Orchestra, Harry (2)
Korean Children's Choir, The (1)
Kornspan and His Orchestra, Adolphe (1)
Kosaloff and his Continental Orchestra, Sergei (1)
Kostelanetz and His Orchestra, Andre (127)
Koury and His Orchestra, Rex (2)
Kraft Choral Club Of Chicago, The (1)
Kress and His Orchestra, Carl (5)
Krueger and His Orchestra, Bennie (57)
Krupa and His Orchestra, Gene (46)
Krutcher and His Orchestra, Jack (1)
Kuhn and His Orchestra, Dick (2)
Kyser and His Orchestra, Kay (96)