
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

This section is an alphabetical list of every person who received air credit (or should have received air credit) on every program in the archive. Alphabetizing a list of names would be easy if everyone had a first and a last name. But they don't and one has to start making decisions. Alphabetized by first or last name? The "program names" are alphabetized by the actual name of the program, not a person. "The Jack Benny Show" is therefore listed under "Jack" and not "Benny." I ignore "The," "A" and "An" for greater clarity. In the "people" section, I've had to deal with those with three (or more names) like "Adam Clayton Powell," those who usually use only initials ("H.V. Kaltenborn") or a combination (like "J. David Goldin") and other variations. "Benny Goodman and His Orchestra" is filed under "Goodman," as is his trio, his quartet, etc. Caution: many names look like they are spelled incorrectly, but they may not be (then again, some of them probably are). This apparent error may in fact be a reference to someone you never heard of who spells his name differently. Steven Allen is not the same person as Steve Allen, the comedian/ musician/author. John Kennedy was both a NBC announcer in the mid-30s and a president. They were not the same guy.

I've tried to eliminate all titles. Therefore, unless I didn't know the first name, you'll see no "Generals," "Doctors," "Governors," "Bishops" or other honorifics. Hyphenated names, those that end with "Jr." and those with lineage descriptors (John Jones III) were invented just to make life difficult. I couldn't bring myself to list the king of England as "Windsor, George." You will probably agree with some of my decisions and disagree with others. At least I tried to be consistent.

Tabachnik, Joseph (1)

Tabasco, Castelnuevo (1)

Tabbard, Bill (9)

Tabe Jr., Warner (1)

Taber, John (1)

Taber, Louis (2)

Taber, Richard (4)

Tabioni, Frank (1)

Tabor, Hans (1)

Tabor, Joan (1)

Tabori, George (1)

Tabori, Kris (1)

Tabori, Kristoffer (34)

Tabori, Paul (1)

Tabuois, Genevieve (6)

Tachna, Edit (1)

Tackaberry, John (404)

Tackna, Edith (6)

Tackner, Edith (1)

Tackney, Stanley (1)

Tacoma Male Quartet, The (1)

Tad, Harry (1)

Tafarella, Joe (1)

Taffler, Sidney (1)

Tafler, Jonathan (6)

Tafler, Sidney (1)

Taft Jr., Robert (1)

Taft, Bob (1)

Taft, Charles (3)

Taft, Charles P. (6)

Taft, Edward (1)

Taft, Robert (32)

Taft, Vernon (6)

Taft, William Howard (1)

Tagg, Nick (7)

Tagg, Nicky (1)

Taggard, Genevieve (1)

Taggart, Elon (6)

Taggart, Hal (3)

Taggert, Tom (1)

Tagliavini, Ferrucchio (1)

Tagliavini, Ferruccio (3)

Tagliavini, Ferrucio (3)

Tagliavini, Franco (2)

Taguchi, Roy (1)

Taie, Lin (1)

Taishoff, Saul (1)

Tait, Robert (12)

Taj Mahal (1)

Tajo, Italo (2)

Takamatsu, Prince (1)

Takei, George (1)

Talbert, Ansel (2)

Talbert, Billy (1)

Talbot and His Orchestra, Irvin (1)

Talbot Joe (1)

Talbot, Frank (4)

Talbot, Godfrey (5)

Talbot, Harold (1)

Talbot, Irving (1)

Talbot, James (2)

Talbot, James W. (5)

Talbot, Joe (4)

Talbot, John (1)

Talbot, Keith (1)

Talbot, Lyle (18)

Talbot, Nita (2)

Talbot, Paul (4)

Talbot, Slim (2)

Talbot, William (1)

Talbott, Gloria (1)

Talbus, Frank (1)

Talcott, Mancel (4)

Talent, Jim (1)

Talent, Marcella (1)

Talent, Ziggy (8)

Talfert, Frank (14)

Talisman, Cedric (1)

Tall Timber Trio, The (2)

Tall, Steven (1)

Tall, Ted (1)

Tallchief, Maria (1)

Talley, Dorothea (1)

Talley, Marion (3)

Tallins, Gwen (1)

Tallison, Horace (1)

Tallman, Gil (1)

Tallman, Robert (149)

Tallon, Ann Marie (1)

Tallone, George (1)

Tally, B.J, (1)

Tally, B.J. (1)

Talmadge, Herman (2)

Talmadge, Norma (29)

Talman, Jeanne (1)

Talme, Natya (1)

Taltin, Alix (1)

Talvertine, Rene (1)

Tamara (3)

Tambo and Bones (5)

Tamiroff, Akim (19)

Tamke, Fred (1)

Tamulis, Vito (1)

Tan, Dorothy (1)

Tancredo, Tom (1)

Tandy, Jessica (37)

Tandy, Linda (1)

Tanemoto, Kyoshi (1)

Tang, Ling Yu (1)

Tangel, Thanne (4)

Tangeman, Nell (1)

Tanguay, Adam (3)

Tanin, Eleanor (53)

Tannehill, John (1)

Tannen, Charles (2)

Tannen, Julius (1)

Tannen, Stanley (1)

Tannen, William (2)

Tannenbaum, Marc (1)

Tanner and His Solid Seven, Paul (1)

Tanner, Al (1)

Tanner, Bill (1)

Tanner, Chuck (1)

Tanner, Desmond (32)

Tanner, Earl (2)

Tanner, Elmo (74)

Tanner, John (1)

Tanner, Paul (1)

Tanner, Stella (2)

Tanner, Tommy (1)

Tanney, Arno (1)

Tanney, Ono (1)

Tanoway, Harry (2)

Tansey, James (1)

Tansey, Jim (1)

Tansey, Jimmy (2)

Tanswell, Bertram (16)

Tao-Ming, Wei (1)

Tape, Gerald F. (1)

Tapiani, Alberto (1)

Taplin, Walter (1)

Taplinger, Bob (2)

Taplinger, Sylvan (6)

Tapp, Mara (3)

Tapp, Verna (1)

Tappern, James (1)

Tappert, Horst (1)

Tapscott, Carl (1)

Tapscott, Ralph (1)

Taradash, Daniel (2)

Taranik, James (1)

Tarbuck, Barbara (1)

Tarchiani, Alberto (1)

Tarchiano (1)

Targo, Natalia (1)

Tarion, Leon (1)

Tarkington, Booth (20)

Tarkington, Rockne (1)

Tarle, Christopher (1)

Tarloff, Emanuel (1)

Tarloff, Frank (3)

Tarplin, Maurice (441)

Tarriers, The (1)

Tarry, Suzette (1)

Tars, The Jack (13)

Tarshis, Eleanor (1)

Tarshis, Elizabeth Kent (1)

Tarson, Elliot (1)

Tarter, Jill (1)

Tarteroff, Jerome (1)

Tartikoff, Sidney (2)

Tarullo, Daniel (2)

Tashin, Frank (1)

Tashlin, Frank (1)

Tashman, Ed (1)

Task, Helen (1)

Tasker, David (1)

Taslof, Jean (1)

Tasman, Abbott (1)

Tassel, George Van (1)

Tassigny, Jean DeLattre de (1)

Tassinari, Pia (1)

Tate, Buddy (3)

Tate, David (8)

Tate, Dorothy (2)

Tate, Grady (4)

Tate, John (4)

Tate, Michael (1)

Tate, Nick (1)

Tate, Randy (1)

Tate, Richard (5)

Tate, Sharon (1)

Tatman, G. S. (1)

Tatterman Marionettes, The (1)

Tatters, Carolin (1)

Tatum Jr., Clifford (1)

Tatum Trio, The Art (6)

Tatum, Art (45)

Tatum, Clifford (1)

Tatum, Dee (4)

Tatum, Dolores (1)

Tatum, Jean (84)

Tau, Patrick (1)

Taub, Harold Jedica (1)

Taub, Harry (1)

Taub, Sam (16)

Tauber, Emma (1)

Tauber, Richard (8)

Taubman Trio, The Paul (4)

Taubman, Howard (3)

Taubman, Paul (71)

Taubman, Sam (1)

Taurog, Norman (3)

Tauscher, Ellen (1)

Taussig, Frank Hart (26)

Taussig, Joseph (1)

Tauzin, Billy (1)

Tavaras, Ernie (17)

Taverniti, Helen (1)

Taxco, Ray (1)

Tayar, Graham (1)

Tayler, Tom (1)

Taylor (1)

Taylor and His Orchestra, Sam The Man (20)

Taylor Choristers, The Paul (5)

Taylor Chorus, The Paul (8)

Taylor Douglas Airenaders, The Paul (2)

Taylor Maids, The (5)

Taylor Quartet, The Paul (1)

Taylor Trio, The Billy (7)

Taylor, Al (1)

Taylor, Albert (1)

Taylor, Art (1)

Taylor, Baird (1)

Taylor, Beans (2)

Taylor, Betty (17)

Taylor, Beverly (1)

Taylor, Bill (2)

Taylor, Billy (20)

Taylor, Bob (1)

Taylor, Brian (3)

Taylor, Bruce (1)

Taylor, Bud (1)

Taylor, Carol (1)

Taylor, Cathy (6)

Taylor, Cecil (1)

Taylor, Charles (4)

Taylor, Claire (1)

Taylor, Coleridge (1)

Taylor, Dave (2)

Taylor, David (42)

Taylor, Davidson (11)

Taylor, Deems (137)

Taylor, Derek (1)

Taylor, Don (3)

Taylor, Donald (2)

Taylor, Doug (1)

Taylor, Douglas (3)

Taylor, Dwight (2)

Taylor, E. N. (1)

Taylor, Ed (3)

Taylor, Edmond (1)

Taylor, Edmund (1)

Taylor, Edward (1)

Taylor, Eleanor (1)

Taylor, Elizabeth (18)

Taylor, Eric (1)

Taylor, Estelle (2)

Taylor, F. Chase (57)

Taylor, Ferris (1)

Taylor, Forrest (15)

Taylor, Francis (1)

Taylor, G. (1)

Taylor, George (5)

Taylor, George Washington (1)

Taylor, Gil (2)

Taylor, Glen (4)

Taylor, Glenhall (64)

Taylor, Grace (1)

Taylor, Grant (4)

Taylor, Guy (1)

Taylor, Harold (2)

Taylor, Henry (14)

Taylor, Henry L. (1)

Taylor, Herb (1)

Taylor, Herman (1)

Taylor, Holland (1)

Taylor, Hugh S. (1)

Taylor, Hunter (1)

Taylor, Ian (1)

Taylor, Ida (1)

Taylor, Irene (4)

Taylor, Irving (2)

Taylor, Jack (3)

Taylor, James (3)

Taylor, Jane (1)

Taylor, Jean (1)

Taylor, Jeanne (7)

Taylor, Jerry (1)

Taylor, Joan (4)

Taylor, John (12)

Taylor, John W. (2)

Taylor, Johnny (1)

Taylor, Keith (1)

Taylor, Kent (2)

Taylor, Larry (3)

Taylor, Laurette (2)

Taylor, Lawrence Edmond (1)

Taylor, Libby (4)

Taylor, Loret (1)

Taylor, Louise (1)

Taylor, Lucy (2)

Taylor, Madeline (1)

Taylor, Marion Sayle (2)

Taylor, Marjorie (1)

Taylor, Mary (7)

Taylor, Mary Lee (26)

Taylor, Mary Terry (1)

Taylor, Matt (7)

Taylor, Maxwell (6)

Taylor, Morgan (1)

Taylor, Morry (1)

Taylor, P. A. (2)

Taylor, Patrick (1)

Taylor, Paul (1)

Taylor, Peggy (15)

Taylor, Reese (15)

Taylor, Renee (1)

Taylor, Robert (57)

Taylor, Robert Louis (1)

Taylor, Rocky (1)

Taylor, Ross (3)

Taylor, Sam (4)

Taylor, Samuel (1)

Taylor, Samuel W. (1)

Taylor, Telford (2)

Taylor, Tex (1)

Taylor, Tom (13)

Taylor, Tommy (7)

Taylor, Vaughn (4)

Taylor, Walter (1)

Taylor, Wayne (1)

Taylor, Wayne C. (1)

Taylor, Wes (1)

Taylor, William (8)

Taylor, William Allen (1)

Taylor, Willis (1)

Taylour, Hal (1)

Tayne, Wolffe (1)

Tazewell, Charles (33)

Tazwell, Bertrand (1)

Tead, Ordway (3)

Tead, Phil (9)

Tead, Philip (1)

Tead, Phillips (6)

Teagarden and His New Orchestra, Jack (2)

Teagarden and His Orchestra, Jack (23)

Teagarden, Charlie (19)

Teagarden, Jack (85)

Teagarden, Norma (6)

Teague, Bob (1)

Teague, Burton E. (1)

Teague, Charles C. (1)

Teague, Gene Slack (1)

Teague, Olin (1)

Teal, Johnny (1)

Teal, Ray (4)

Teal, Virginia (1)

Team, The Look All-America Football (1)

Team, The Marine Drum and Bugle (1)

Teaman, Ann (2)

Tearle, Conway (10)

Teas, Walter (2)

Teasdale, Jack (1)

Teasdale, Sara (1)

Teasdale, Verree (24)

Teatsorth, Ralph (1)

Tebaldi, Renata (11)

Tebbetts, Birdie (3)

Tebelak, John-Michael (1)

Tecate, Ferari Luigi (1)

Techner, Joe (1)

Tedder, Arthur (4)

Tedder, Karen (1)

Teddy, Grace (2)

Tedeschi, Alfredo (1)

Tedesco, Alfio (1)

Tedrow, Henrietta (2)

Tedrow, Irene (219)

Teehe, Maurice (1)

Teela, Dick (1)

Teeman, Anne (1)

Teen, Harold (1)

Tees, The Three (1)

Tees, Walt (1)

Teesdale, Audrey (2)

Teeter, Robert (1)

Teflitz, Saul (1)

Tegetthoff, Else (1)

Tehenberger, Lorenz (1)

Teicher, Louis (2)

Teichman, Howard (18)

Teichmann, Howard (8)

Teichner, Martha (6)

Teight, Hildegard (1)

Teitel, Carol (37)

Teitelbaum, Isidor (1)

Teiter, Lucky (1)

Teitle, Irving (1)

Tejada, Carlos (1)

Telese, Gay (1)

Telfer, James (5)

Telford, Frank (32)

Tell, Gladys (8)

Tell, Robert (1)

Teller, Edward (5)

Teller, Judy (1)

Teller, Morris (1)

Teller, Robert (1)

Teller, Robert P. (1)

Teller, Sanford (1)

Tellers, The Fortune (4)

Telva, Marion (1)

Temple, Alvina (10)

Temple, Bill (1)

Temple, Brooke (14)

Temple, Fred (1)

Temple, George (2)

Temple, Keith (1)

Temple, Martha Ross (1)

Temple, Pick (2)

Temple, Shirley (44)

Templeton, Alec (89)

Templeton, Alice (1)

Templeton, Bill (1)

Templeton, Corrine (10)

Templeton, Patrick (2)

Templeton, Rinny (11)

Templeton, William (1)

Tempo Salon Orchestra, The (2)

Tempo, Nino (1)

Tempos, The Three (1)

Temptations, The (1)

Ten Harmonaires, The (1)

Tenant, Eleanor (1)

Teneau, Dick (13)

Tenenbaum, Mr. (1)

Tenley, Ted (1)

Tenn, William (9)

Tennell, Doug (2)

Tennenbaum, Martin (1)

Tennenbaum, Muriel (1)

Tennessee Plowboys, The (1)

Tennessee Mountain Boys, The (5)

Tennessee Plowboys, The (73)

Tennessee Ramblers, The (1)

Tennessee Sweethearts, The (1)

Tennessee Three, The (1)

Tennis, Zeb (1)

Tennis, Zed (1)

Tenny, Craig (1)

Tenny, Jack (1)

Tennyson, Alfred Lord (1)

Tennyson, Jean (20)

Tennyson, Scott (74)

Tennyson, Scott (1)

Tenor, The Dixie (2)

Tenor, The Majestic (1)

Tenowich, Tom (1)

Tentoni, Rosa (1)

Tepa, J. (1)

Tepperman, Emile (23)

Terazzo, Gene (1)

Terbough, George (1)

Terence, David (1)

Terheiten, Jerry (1)

Terhune, Albert Payson (1)

Terhune, Max (1)

Terihet, Hildegarde (1)

Terkel, Hal (1)

Terkel, Studs (14)

Terlefi, Dick (2)

Terman, Lewis (1)

Termell, Kitty (1)

Tern, Bruce (1)

Terpler, Dick (1)

Terr's Choral Group, Max (1)

Terr, Bob (1)

Terr, Max (103)

Terrall, Robert (1)

Terran, Sam (1)

Terranova, Phil (1)

Terrell, Barbara (1)

Terrell, Clementine (1)

Terrell, Danny (2)

Terrell, Ernie (1)

Terrell, Garry (1)

Terrell, Irv (3)

Terrell, Jenny (1)

Terrell, Ken (1)

Terrell, Pha (4)

Terret, Louise Frances (1)

Terrific Twosome, The (1)

Terrile, Richard (1)

Terrill, Emily (1)

Terrille, Rich (1)

Terris, Dave (1)

Terriss, Mildred (2)

Terriss, Tom (32)

Terry and His Orchestra, Dave (19)

Terry and His Orchestra, David (1)

Terry and The U. S. M. S. Orchestra, Dave (1)

Terry Quintet, The Clark (2)

Terry Thompson Jock Egon (1)

Terry, Bill (4)

Terry, Clark (16)

Terry, Dave (1)

Terry, Don (2)

Terry, Doug (1)

Terry, Edith (3)

Terry, Ellen (1)

Terry, Frank (1)

Terry, Gordon (8)

Terry, Joy (177)

Terry, June (1)

Terry, Lee (2)

Terry, Luther (1)

Terry, Lynn (1)

Terry, Margaret (1)

Terry, Megan (2)

Terry, Pat (1)

Terry, Pete (1)

Terry, Philip (8)

Terry, Phillip (4)

Terry, Ralph (1)

Terry, Rea (1)

Terry, Rene (1)

Terry, Renee (3)

Terry, Ruth (2)

Terry, Sonny (6)

Terry, Suzanne (1)

Terry, Vance (1)

Terry, Vince (5)

Tervataa, Juhni (1)

Terwilliger, Daryl (8)

Terwilliger, George (2)

Terzian, Yervant (2)

Teschmacher, Margarete (1)

Tesla, Nikola (1)

Tessier, Micheline (1)

Testardi, Louis (1)

Testers, The Tune (1)

Testi, Lorenzo (1)

Tetley, Walter (1047)

Tetley-Kardo, Richard (1)

Tetra, Seymour (1)

Tetzel, Joan (12)

Tewson, Josephine (1)

Texaco Chorus, The (1)

Texaco Singers, The (3)

Texanne (1)

Texas Rangers, The (63)

Texas Troubadors, The (2)

Texas, Curly Nolan and His (1)

Textor, Keith (4)

Textor, Stella (1)

Teyte, Maggie (8)

Thackeray, Eugene (1)

Thackeray, William Makepeace (2)

Thackery, Theodore (1)

Thackery, William Makepeace (13)

Thagard (1)

Thais, Jean (12)

Thale, June Bryde (1)

Thane, Elswyth (1)

Thant, U (6)

Tharp, Louise (1)

Tharpe, Rosetta (7)

That Snappy Saxophone Eight (1)

Thatcher, Dior (1)

Thatcher, Heather (2)

Thatcher, Leora (36)

Thatcher, Lynn (2)

Thatcher, Margaret (5)

Thatcher, Torin (11)

Thatcher, Wendy (2)

Thaxter, Phyllis (9)

Thayer, Ernest L. (1)

Thayer, Ernest Lawrence (1)

Thayer, Francis (1)

Thayer, Lorna (2)

Thayer, Tiffany (1)

The Arkansas Wood Chopper, Arkie (1)

The Chorus Of The Manhattan School Of Musi (1)

The NBC Orchestra (1)

The Orchestra Of The A.A.F. (1)

The Oscar Bradley Orchestra (1)

Theatre Of Stars Orchestra, The (3)

Theatre, The Dixiana Floating (1)

Theatre, The Firesign (1)

Theberger, Frederick (1)

Thebom, Blanche (19)

Thelen, Judith (1)

Theller, Albert (1)

Theobald, John (1)

Theodore Roosevelt Jr., Mrs. (2)

Theodore, Paul (37)

Theon, John (1)

Theone, Carolina (1)

Therilson, Wanda (1)

Thery, Jacques (3)

Thew, Harvey (1)

Theyard, Harry (1)

Theyard, Henry (1)

Thez, Harry (1)

Thibault, Conrad (31)

Thiboux, Edward (1)

Thiele and His New Happy Times Orchestra, Bob (1)

Thiele, Len (1)

Thiele, Leonard (5)

Thiele, William (2)

Thielemans, Toots (3)

Thielmon, Jean (3)

Thienel, Charles (1)

Thieu, Nguyen Van (2)

Thigh, Edward (1)

Thigpen, Helen (1)

Thimig, Helene (1)

Thinnes, Roy (1)

Third Naval District Glee Club, The (1)

Thoeren, Robert (5)

Thole, John (1)

Thom, Randy (1)

Thom, Sharon (1)

Thomas (1)

Thomas and His Symphonic Swing Orchestra, Don (1)

Thomas Jr., Frank (51)

Thomas Sr., Frank (20)

Thomas, A. E. (1)

Thomas, Adrian (1)

Thomas, Al (1)

Thomas, Alan (1)

Thomas, Albert (4)

Thomas, Andy (1)

Thomas, Ann (51)

Thomas, Ben (1)

Thomas, Benjamin (1)

Thomas, Bill (3)

Thomas, Bob (4)

Thomas, Bob and Bobbie (1)

Thomas, Brandon (1)

Thomas, Bruce (1)

Thomas, Calvin (3)

Thomas, Claire J. (1)

Thomas, Clarence (1)

Thomas, Cliff (129)

Thomas, Clinton (1)

Thomas, Craig (1)

Thomas, Dana Lee (2)

Thomas, Danny (75)

Thomas, Danny Lee (1)

Thomas, Diana (1)

Thomas, Dick (1)

Thomas, Duff (1)

Thomas, Dylan (7)

Thomas, Edna (2)

Thomas, Elbert (5)

Thomas, Elmer (3)

Thomas, Elton D. (1)

Thomas, Evan (6)

Thomas, Frank (37)

Thomas, Frank M. (6)

Thomas, Frankie (5)

Thomas, Fraser (3)

Thomas, Frazier (5)

Thomas, Fred (2)

Thomas, George (8)

Thomas, Gilbert (14)

Thomas, Gretchen (8)

Thomas, Hal (1)

Thomas, Harry (1)

Thomas, Helen (2)

Thomas, Henry (1)

Thomas, Hugh (22)

Thomas, Iwan (2)

Thomas, J. Parnell (3)

Thomas, Jack (9)

Thomas, Jade (1)

Thomas, James (1)

Thomas, Jan (1)

Thomas, Janet (2)

Thomas, Jay (2)

Thomas, Jerry (1)

Thomas, Jess (5)

Thomas, Joe (8)

Thomas, John (32)

Thomas, John Charles (146)

Thomas, John Clay (1)

Thomas, Johnny (16)

Thomas, Ken (1)

Thomas, Kyle (1)

Thomas, Leo (1)

Thomas, Leon (1)

Thomas, Lowell (104)

Thomas, Mark (1)

Thomas, Marlo (1)

Thomas, Matt (3)

Thomas, Matthew (1)

Thomas, Maureen (1)

Thomas, Michael Tilson (1)

Thomas, Miles (2)

Thomas, Millard (2)

Thomas, Moses (1)

Thomas, Norman (32)

Thomas, Olive (3)

Thomas, Ollie (1)

Thomas, Pam (1)

Thomas, Patty (1)

Thomas, Pete (1)

Thomas, Peter (43)

Thomas, Phillips (16)

Thomas, R. J. (2)

Thomas, Ralph (2)

Thomas, Richard (1)

Thomas, Robert (1)

Thomas, Roland (1)

Thomas, Rollie (28)

Thomas, Rolly (1)

Thomas, Rose Fay (1)

Thomas, Russ (1)

Thomas, Ruth (1)

Thomas, Shirley (76)

Thomas, Sian (4)

Thomas, Sybil (1)

Thomas, Terry (3)

Thomas, Thomas L. (46)

Thomas, Tony (1)

Thomas, V. Fae (1)

Thomas, William (2)

Thomas, William N. (1)

Thomas, Winfred Vaughn (1)

Thomas, Winfred Von (1)

Thomas, Wynford Vaughan (1)

Thomaso, John (1)

Thomason, James (4)

Thomason, S. E. (1)

Thome, Pitt (2)

Thompkins, Elsie (2)

Thompkins, H. D. (1)

Thompson and His Brazos Valley Boys, Hank (28)

Thompson and His Orchestra, Hank (1)

Thompson and His Orchestra, Lang (1)

Thompson and The Brasos Valley Boys, Hank (1)

Thompson and The Brazos Valley Boys, Hank (2)

Thompson Jr., Frank (1)

Thompson Singers, The Kay (1)

Thompson, Alan (7)

Thompson, Anne (1)

Thompson, Arthur (1)

Thompson, Bennie (1)

Thompson, Bess (1)

Thompson, Bill (997)

Thompson, Bob (3)

Thompson, Bobby (5)

Thompson, Bud (24)

Thompson, C. Mildred (2)

Thompson, Cameron (1)

Thompson, Carla (1)

Thompson, Cecil (1)

Thompson, Charles (4)

Thompson, Chuck (4)

Thompson, Clara Belle (1)

Thompson, Cotton (1)

Thompson, D. J. (48)

Thompson, David (7)

Thompson, Dee (1)

Thompson, Dee J. (3)

Thompson, Diane (2)

Thompson, Dick (4)

Thompson, Dick J. (1)

Thompson, Don (26)

Thompson, Doris (1)

Thompson, Dorothy (11)

Thompson, Duane (133)

Thompson, Edna (1)

Thompson, Edward (1)

Thompson, Elsie (216)

Thompson, Francis (1)

Thompson, Fred (5)

Thompson, George (1)

Thompson, Glenn (10)

Thompson, Glenwood (1)

Thompson, Gwen (1)

Thompson, H. O. (1)

Thompson, Hank (3)

Thompson, Hans (1)

Thompson, Harlan (14)

Thompson, Hattie (1)

Thompson, Henry (1)

Thompson, Howard J. (1)

Thompson, Hugh (8)

Thompson, J. Lee (1)

Thompson, James (2)

Thompson, Jane (2)

Thompson, Jean (1)

Thompson, Jimmy (3)

Thompson, Joe (2)

Thompson, John (6)

Thompson, John Charles (1)

Thompson, Johnny (22)

Thompson, Josephine (1)

Thompson, Katherine (1)

Thompson, Kay (56)

Thompson, Keene (1)

Thompson, Keith (2)

Thompson, Kenneth (1)

Thompson, Lawrence (1)

Thompson, Lenore (5)

Thompson, Les (3)

Thompson, Lucky (2)

Thompson, Marshall (4)

Thompson, Milton (1)

Thompson, Mort (1)

Thompson, Nora (1)

Thompson, Palmer (20)

Thompson, Pat (1)

Thompson, Paul (2)

Thompson, Paula (4)

Thompson, Peter (1)

Thompson, Polly (3)

Thompson, Proctor (1)

Thompson, R. F. (1)

Thompson, Randall (1)

Thompson, Rex (2)

Thompson, Rob (76)

Thompson, Robert (8)

Thompson, Russ (7)

Thompson, Sada (1)

Thompson, Sally (14)

Thompson, Shelley (1)

Thompson, Shirley (2)

Thompson, Shorty (17)

Thompson, Slim (1)

Thompson, Sue (38)

Thompson, Sylvester (1)

Thompson, Sylvia (1)

Thompson, Terry (5)

Thompson, Thelma (1)

Thompson, Tommy (6)

Thompson, Vic (1)

Thompson, Virgil (3)

Thompson, Walter Henry (1)

Thomson, Barry (44)

Thomson, Elizabeth (1)

Thomson, Gordon (6)

Thomson, June (1)

Thomson, Lenore (1)

Thomson, Sedge (1)

Thomson, Virgil (2)

Thor, Jerome (4)

Thor, Larry (576)

Thorborg, Kerstin (5)

Thorely, Victor (1)

Thorgersen, Ed (4)

Thorley, Victor (2)

Thorn, Bert (2)

Thorn, Brian (4)

Thorn, Marilyn (1)

Thorn, Susan (3)

Thorn, W. L. (1)

Thornberry, Mac (1)

Thornburgh, Dick (1)

Thornburgh, Don (3)

Thorndike, George (6)

Thorndike, Oliver (1)

Thorndike, Sybil (1)

Thorndyke, Oliver (3)

Thorndyke, Sybil (1)

Thorne, Bert (1)

Thorne, Bob (3)

Thorne, John (1)

Thorne, Richard (39)

Thorne, Robert (1)

Thorne, Stephen (12)

Thorne, Steven (1)

Thorne, Susan (2)

Thorne, Virginia (1)

Thornhill and His Orchestra, Claude (27)

Thornhill, C. E. (1)

Thornhill, Claude (10)

Thornley, George H. (1)

Thornley, Gordon (1)

Thornly, Gordon (1)

Thornton, Alan (1)

Thornton, Gladys (20)

Thornton, John (2)

Thornton, Kate (1)

Thornton, Lee (1)

Thornton, Thomas (1)

Thornton, Travis (1)

Thornton, William (12)

Thornton, Wyn (1)

Thorp, Willard (1)

Thorpe, Bill (1)

Thorpe, David (7)

Thorpe, Jim (3)

Thorpe, Richard (1)

Thorpe, Virginia (2)

Thorsness, Cliff (148)

Thorson, Art (1)

Thorson, Karen (2)

Thorson, Rex (1)

Thorson, Russ (1)

Thorson, Russell (268)

Thorson, Sally (6)

Thrasher Sisters, The (8)

Three Aces, The (5)

Three Ambassadors, The (42)

Three Banjo Kings, The (1)

Three Barons, The (1)

Three Beaus and A Peep (5)

Three Berries, The (2)

Three Cats and A Canary (1)

Three Cheers, The (25)

Three Chocolates, The (1)

Three Chuckles, The (3)

Three Coquettes, The (1)

Three D's, The (3)

Three Debutantes, The (1)

Three Dollars, The (4)

Three Flames, The (7)

Three Graces (1)

Three Graces, The (4)

Three Jacks, The (1)

Three Jays, The (2)

Three Jokers, The (1)

Three Kayedettes, The (17)

Three Little Words, The (2)

Three Marshalls, The (3)

Three Merry Men, The (3)

Three Potato Bugs, The (1)

Three Rascals, The (1)

Three Rhythm Rascals (1)

Three Scamps, The (1)

Three Shades, The (1)

Three Sisters, The (5)

Three Strings, The (1)

Three Sun Bonnet Girls, The (1)

Three Suns, The (58)

Three Tones, The (2)

Three Toppers, The (2)

Three Treys and A Queen (1)

Three Treys, The (1)

Three Two-Timers, The (8)

Three, Don Juan Two and (6)

Three, The Hilly Billy (1)

Three, The Varsity (17)

Three, The Yodelers (2)

Threlkeld, Richard (6)

Thrower, Maxie (1)

Thule, Gordon (1)

Thulin, Ingrid (1)

Thumball, Loretta (1)

Thunderbird, Chief (1)

Thundercloud, Chief (3)

Thune, John (4)

Thurber, James (20)

Thurman, Beverly (1)

Thurman, Karen (1)

Thurman, Samuel (2)

Thurman, Tedi (7)

Thurmond, James (1)

Thurmond, Strom (2)

Thurston, Carol (5)

Thurston, Lucy (1)

Thurston, Philip (1)

Thye, Edward (2)

Thyssen, Greta (2)

Ti-chi, Quo (1)

Tibbets, Don (1)

Tibbets, Paul (2)

Tibbett Jr., Lawrence (1)

Tibbett, Lawrence (46)

Tibbett, Wayne (1)

Tibbetts, Don (1)

Tibbott, Christine (1)

Tibbs, Bucky (24)

Tiberi, Pat (1)

Tice, Flight Lieutenant (1)

Tice, Olin (31)

Tice, William (1)

Tichenor, (1)

Tichenor, Tom (16)

Tiddler, Irene (1)

Tidelow, Joseph (1)

Tidler, Charles (1)

Tiedi, Alexander (2)

Tierheiten, Jerry (1)

Tierney Jr., Raymond (4)

Tierney, Gene (29)

Tierney, Harry (1)

Tierney, Jack (3)

Tierney, Lawrence (2)

Tierney, Malcolm (1)

Tiers, George Van Dyke (2)

Tiffin, Pamela (1)

Tiffiny, Raymond (1)

Tigers, Bruno and His Swinging (1)

Tighe, Eileen (2)

Tighe, Elaine (1)

Tighe, Jean (1)

Tighe, Larry (18)

Tiki, Amos (1)

Tilbury, Zeffie (2)

Tilden, Bill (3)

Tilden, Carl (1)

Tilden, Lamont (1)

Tilden, Morris (1)

Tilden, Weslan (20)

Tile, Ted (7)

Tilford, Cousin (1)

Tilford, Shelby (1)

Till, George (1)

Tillar, Jack (1)

Tillbury, Zeffi (1)

Tillery, Steve (1)

Tilley, Max (1)

Tillis, Mel (2)

Tillis, Thom (1)

Tillis, Thomas (1)

Tillis, Tom (1)

Tillisch, Ingebord (1)

Tillisch, Ingeborg (2)

Tillman, Floyd (4)

Tillman, John (20)

Tillot, Douglas (1)

Tillotson, Johnny (1)

Tillstrom, Burr (25)

Tilson, Betty (1)

Tilson, Ken (1)

Tilton, Alice (3)

Tilton, Frank (1)

Tilton, George (1)

Tilton, Liz (9)

Tilton, Marilyn (1)

Tilton, Martha (204)

Tilzer, Albert Von (2)

Tim and Irene (3)

Tim, Tiny (1)

Timberlake (1)

Timberley, H. R. (1)

Timblin, Slim (2)

Time, Gwynn (1)

Timers, The Old (21)

Timers, The Tune (1)

Times Square Two, The (1)

Timianka, Henry (1)

Timmerman Jr., George Bill (1)

Timmerman, Tim (1)

Timmons, Alan (1)

Timmons, Bascom (1)

Timmons, Jimmy (1)

Timothy, Andrew (7)

Timothy, Christopher (1)

Timperley, Harold (1)

Timperley, John (2)

Timson, David (1)

Tiner, McCoy (1)

Tines, Gwen (2)

Tingwell, Charles (7)

Tinkle, Lon (1)

Tinney, Cal (9)

Tinney, Larry (1)

Tinnion, Joyce (2)

Tinsley, Charlotte (1)

Tinsley, Jack (1)

Tinsley, Wilda (1)

Tintweiss, Steven (1)

Tiomkin, Dimitri (7)

Tip Tap Toe (1)

Tipica Orchestra, The (1)

Tiplady, George (9)

Tippet, Wayne (3)

Tippett, Wayne (2)

Tipple, Warren (1)

Tirebiter, George (1)

Tirol, Bob (2)

Tirola, John (1)

Tishler, Bob (6)

Tishner, Bob (1)

Tishner, Tom (1)

Tissier, Joseph (1)

Tito (1)

Tito, Rocco (7)

Tittle, Y. A. (2)

Titus, Alan (1)

Titus, Dave (6)

Titus, David (19)

Titus, Davis (1)

Titus, Ed (1)

Titus, Frank (7)

Titus, Ralph (1)

Tizol, Juan (19)

Tjader, Cal (3)

Tlush, Alois (1)

Tober, Jan (3)

Toberg, Kirsten (1)

Tobey, Charles (1)

Tobey, Kenneth (1)

Tobias, Channing (6)

Tobias, Charles (5)

Tobias, Don (1)

Tobias, George (11)

Tobias, Harry (1)

Tobias, Rose (1)

Tobias, Sarett (1)

Tobiason, C. J. (1)

Tobiason, Dick (2)

Tobin and His Orchestra, Harry (1)

Tobin, Andy (1)

Tobin, Ann (100)

Tobin, Austin (1)

Tobin, Bill (1)

Tobin, Bob (1)

Tobin, Dan (12)

Tobin, Daniel (1)

Tobin, Daniel J. (1)

Tobin, Dick (1)

Tobin, Joe (3)

Tobin, June (4)

Tobin, Lou (18)

Tobin, Louise (3)

Tobin, Lu (1)

Tobin, Mark (1)

Tobin, Maurice (2)

Tobin, Maurice J. (1)

Tobin, Michael (1)

Tobin, Morris (1)

Tobin, Richard (2)

Tobin, Ruth (7)

Toby (1)

Toby Players, The (1)

Toby, Ken (1)

Toby, Mark (1)

Tocqueville, Alexis de (16)

Todd Trio, The Tommy (2)

Todd, Ann (10)

Todd, Arthur (5)

Todd, Beverly (1)

Todd, Bob (4)

Todd, Charles (2)

Todd, Dick (42)

Todd, Dorothy (3)

Todd, Dot (1)

Todd, Elizabeth (3)

Todd, James (3)

Todd, Jean (1)

Todd, Jim (2)

Todd, John (2286)

Todd, Mabel (8)

Todd, Martha (1)

Todd, Mike (2)

Todd, Richard (4)

Todd, Sam (1)

Todd, Tommy (4)

Todman, Bill (64)

Toeffler, Jonathan (3)

Toepfert, Ronal (2)

Toffler, Alvin (1)

Toger, Hal (2)

Tojo, Hideki (1)

Tokar, Norman (25)

Tokatyan, Armand (3)

Tolan, Michael (47)

Tolby, Alan (1)

Tolcott, Mansel (2)

Toldi and His Salon Orchestra, Julius (1)

Toldy, John S. (1)

Toleman, Phil (1)

Toler, Sidney (3)

Toler, Stephanie (1)

Tolischus, Otto (1)

Tolkien, J. R. R. (26)

Tolkin, Mel (9)

Toll, Ted (1)

Toll, W. F. (1)

Tolland, Michael (1)

Tollefson, Bud (44)

Tolley, Howard (1)

Tollin, Anthony (1)

Tollinger, Ned (2)

Tolliver, Toby (2)

Tolson, Robert (1)

Tolstoy, Leo (22)

Tom Hanlon (1)

Tom Jr., Lane (2)

Tomack, Sid (4)

Tomack, Sidney (4)

Tomail, Tiny (3)

Toman, Jerry (1)

Tomanelli, Carlo (2)

Tomaso, Arthur (1)

Tombaugh, Clyde (1)

Tombes, Andrew (2)

Tombragel, Maurice (1)

Tomen, Bonnie (1)

Tomerlane, Bill (1)

Tomes, Robert (1)

Tomic, Radomiro (1)

Tomilty, Wilma (1)

Tomlin and His Orchestra, Pinky (2)

Tomlin, Elizabeth (1)

Tomlin, Lily (1)

Tomlin, Pinky (39)

Tomlin, Stephen (1)

Tomlinson, Bob (1)

Tomlinson, Edward (83)

Tomlinson, Everett (8)

Tomlinson, H. M. (1)

Tomlinson, Tommy (5)

Tommy, Pete (1)

Tommy, Ron (1)

Tompkins, Ellsworth (1)

Tompkins, Jane (1)

Tompkins, Joan (118)

Tompkins, Junior (1)

Tompkinson, Stephen (2)

Toms, Nick (1)

Tomseth, Victor (1)

Tone, Franchot (52)

Tone, Jeff (1)

Tones, Joe (2)

Tones, The Five (1)

Tones, The Sweet (1)

Tones, The Three (1)

Toney, Jim (1)

Tong, Kam (1)

Tong, Lillian (1)

Tong, Peter (3)

Tong, Phillip (8)

Tong, Sammee (1)

Tonge, Lillian (2)

Tonge, Philip (1)

Tongue, Philip (1)

Toni, Ramona (1)

Toniff, Bob (1)

Tonken, Phil (114)

Toohey, William (1)

Took, Barry (1)

Toole, Frederick (1)

Toolie, Howard (1)

Toombs, Dave (5)

Toomey, Cornelius (5)

Toomey, Pat (10)

Toomey, Regis (10)

Toon, Brian (3)

Tooters, Del Porter and His Sweet Potato (1)

Toots, Don Bryan (1)

Topart, Jean (1)

Toplady, Augustus (1)

Topper, Hertha (1)

Toppers, The (1)

Toppers, The Tune (3)

Topping, Dan (2)

Topping, Seymour (1)

Toppings, Earle (26)

Tor, Lancelot (1)

Torborg, Kirsten (1)

Torch, Sidney (195)

Torchia, Ciro (12)

Toren, Marta (3)

Torff, Brian (1)

Torgeson, Earl (1)

Torgeson, Haaken (1)

Torin, Symphony Sid (8)

Torman, Werner (1)

Torme and The Meltones, Mel (28)

Torme, Mel (74)

Tormey, Bob (1)

Tormey, John (1)

Torn, Rip (1)

Tornabene, Russ (7)

Toronto Symphony Orchestra, The (1)

Torre, Joe (1)

Torre, Raf de la (1)

Torre-Blanca Tipica Orchestra, The (1)

Torrence, David (4)

Torres, Luis (1)

Torres, Muriel (1)

Torrey, Walter (1)

Torricelli, Robert (1)

Tors, Ivan (2)

Tortina, Harry (1)

Toscanini, Arturo (154)

Toscanini, Walter (1)

Toscanini-Horowitz, Vanda (1)

Tosen, Milt (1)

Tosley, William (1)

Totah, Kalil (1)

Totenberg, Nina (1)

Totenberg, Ramon (1)

Toth, Georgetta (1)

Toti, John (3)

Totten, Hal (5)

Totter, Audrey (38)

Touber, Selwyn (3)

Touchette, Charles (1)

Toudouze, George (6)

Touene, Jack (1)

Tough, Davey (11)

Touhy, Marguerite (1)

Tourangeau, Hugette (1)

Tourangeau, Huguette (1)

Tourart, Norma (2)

Tourel, Jennie (2)

Tourel, Jenny (3)

Touretsky, Arnold (1)

Tourette, Frank La (1)

Tours and His Orchestra, Frank (12)

Tours and His Orchestra.. Frank (1)

Tours and His Orhestra, Frank (1)

Tours, Frank (30)

Tourtellot, Arthur (1)

Tourtellotte, Wesley (10)

Tourzon, Maurice (1)

Tousho, Seymour (1)

Toussig, Charles (1)

Touten, James W. (1)

Tovey, Arthur (1)

Tovrov, Orin (1)

Towb, Harry (1)

Towb, Joshua (1)

Tower, Allan (4)

Tower, John (4)

Towers, (2)

Towers, Constance (1)

Towers, Harry (1)

Towers, Harry Alan (285)

Towers, Robert (16)

Towers, Susan (3)

Town and Country Four, The (2)

Town Criers, The (45)

Town Hall Quartet, The (53)

Town, Cy (1)

Town, The Men About (6)

Town, The Three Men About (2)

Towne and His Memphis Belle Boys, Bill (1)

Towne and His Orchestra, George (2)

Towne, Aline (5)

Towne, Gene (5)

Towne, Helen (1)

Towne, Joyce (1)

Towne, Rosella (4)

Towner, Earl (29)

Towner, Orrin (1)

Towners, Larry Murphy and His 'Round (1)

Townes, Harry (4)

Townes, John (1)

Townes, Vince (1)

Townley, B.J. (1)

Townsend Jr., Vince (2)

Townsend, B. R. (1)

Townsend, Barbara (8)

Townsend, Bill (1)

Townsend, Colleen (6)

Townsend, Dallas (31)

Townsend, David (1)

Townsend, Fawn (1)

Townsend, Francis (3)

Townsend, Jewell (1)

Townsend, Leo (1)

Townsend, M. Clifford (2)

Townsend, Richard (5)

Townsend, Vince (12)

Townsend, Vincent (11)

Townsmen Quartet, The (3)

Towsig, Billie (1)

Toynbee, Arnold (4)

Toyo, Raymond (89)

Tozair, Frederick (1)

Tozare, Frederick (2)

Tozere, Frederic (2)

Tozzi, George (2)

Tozzi, Georgio (8)

Tozzi, Giorgio (20)

Trablinsky, Stanley (1)

Trace and His Orchestra, Al (4)

Trace and His Silly Symphonists, Al (3)

Trace and His Sweet Corn Orchestra, Al (1)

Trace and Silly Symphonists, Al (2)

Trace, Gene (1)

Tracey, Charles (1)

Tracy, Arthur (15)

Tracy, Emerson (7)

Tracy, Jack (1)

Tracy, Lee (54)

Tracy, Mrs. Spencer (1)

Tracy, Pat (1)

Tracy, Patrick (1)

Tracy, Spencer (27)

Tracy, Sterling (121)

Tracy, William (79)

Traddup, Tom (1)

Traeger, Charles (1)

Traeger, Charlie (1)

Traeger, Cornelius (1)

Traeger, Norman (1)

Trafficante, Marie (1)

Traficante, Marie (1)

Trager, Frank (1)

Train, Arthur (3)

Train, Jack (4)

Train, John (1)

Trainor, Geri (1)

Trakazian, Lily (1)

Trammel, Niles (7)

Tramontozzi, Daniel (1)

Trampler, Bill (1)

Tranchina, Tony (1)

Tranoy, Knut Erik (1)

Transer, Cecil (1)

Tranter, Jim (1)

Trap, Diana (1)

Trap, Don (1)

Trap, Stella (1)

Trapani, Lou (2)

Trapner, Eugene (1)

Trapp Family Singers, The (2)

Trapp, Maria (1)

Trappe, Arthur (1)

Trappers, The Fox Fur (1)

Trares, Mildred (1)

Trask and His Orchestra, Clyde (1)

Trask, Diana (1)

Traubel, Helen (56)

Travalena, Fred (1)

Travatan, R. A. (1)

Travelers, The Pilgrim (1)

Travell, George (1)

Travers and His Orchestra, Ted (2)

Travers and His Orchestra, Vincert (1)

Travers, Billie (2)

Travers, George (1)

Travers, Joan (1)

Travers, Joel (1)

Travers, John (1)

Travers, Lawrence (1)

Travers, Maurice (1)

Travers, Morris (1)

Travers, Patricia (2)

Travers, Ray (1)

Travers, Ted (2)

Traverse, Claude (1)

Travis (1)

Travis, Bob (1)

Travis, Cecil (2)

Travis, Frank (4)

Travis, George (1)

Travis, Jean (1)

Travis, John (1)

Travis, June (1)

Travis, Merle (55)

Travis, Richard (3)

Travis, Ruth (1)

Travis, Toni (2)

Travis, Tony (2)

Traxler, Gene (10)

Traylor, William (1)

Trayner, Charles (1)

Traynor and The Crewchiefs, Tommy (1)

Traynor, Tom (4)

Traynor, Tommy (16)

Trayser, Donald (1)

Treacher, Arthur (151)

Treadway, Charlotte (27)

Treadwell, Irene (1)

Treadwell, Ken (2)

Treadwell, Sophie (1)

Treasury Hour Orchestra and Chorus, The (1)

Treasury Hour Orchestra, The (1)

Treat, Roger (2)

Treathway, John (2)

Trebeaux, Marcel (1)

Tredway, William (1)

Tree, Big (1)

Tree, Dolly (1)

Tree, Marian (1)

Tree, Toni (1)

Treen, Mary (4)

Treet, Lawrence (1)

Trefil, James (1)

Tregaskis, Richard (2)

Tregoe, William (1)

Trehy, John (4)

Trell, John (1)

Trella, Mark (5)

Trellavan Jr., Harry (3)

Trellin, Ruth (1)

Tremain, Bobbie (1)

Tremaine, C. M. (1)

Tremaine, Frank (1)

Tremaine, Judy (1)

Tremaine, Paul (2)

Tremayne, Barbara (1)

Tremayne, Les (240)

Trend, Jean (2)

Trendle, George W. (3296)

Trendler and His Orchestra and Chorus, Robert (1)

Trendler and His Orchestra, Bob (1)

Trendler and His Orchestra, Robert (5)

Trendler, Robert (73)

Trenent and His Orchestra, Billy (8)

Trenet and His Orchestra, Billy (23)

Trenet, Charles (2)

Trenier Twins, The (1)

Trenier, Charles (1)

Trenier, Claude (1)

Treniers, The (3)

Trenk-Trebitsch, Willy (1)

Trenner, Don (1)

Trenner, Mickey (16)

Trenoer, Robert (1)

Trent, Bruce (2)

Trent, Elaine (2)

Trent, John (1)

Trent, Lee (1)

Trent, Russell (6)

Trent, Sybil (42)

Trent, William (2)

Trenton, Michelle (1)

Trenton, Sybil (1)

Trepani, Sal (1)

Trepanni, Sal (1)

Trepp, Leo (1)

Tresh, Tom (1)

Treutler, Toni (1)

Trevelyan, H. B. (1)

Treves, Frederick (8)

Treves, Simon (2)

Trevilian, Roy (1)

Trevino, Dorothy (1)

Trevino, Lee (1)

Treviramus, G. (1)

Trevor, Alan (3)

Trevor, Allan (2)

Trevor, Claire (73)

Trevor, Edward (4)

Trewartha, Glenn T. (1)

Treys, The (1)

Treyz, Oliver (1)

Triano, Geri (1)

Triasof, Ivan (1)

Tribe, Laurence (4)

Trice, Diane (2)

Trichter, Jerome (1)

Triesault, Ivan (3)

Triggs, Harold (30)

Trikonis, Gus (1)

Trilling, Diana (3)

Trimble, George (1)

Trimble, Joe (1)

Trimbley, Clarence (1)

Trimbull, John (1)

Trimner, Jane (1)

Trincy, Dean (1)

Triner, Joe (2)

Trinidad Steel Drummers (1)

Trinidadians, The (1)

Trio Los Panchos (7)

Trio, Adrian Rollini and His (1)

Trio, Irving Fields and The Compos (1)

Trio, Jimmy Clark and His (1)

Trio, Los Puestos (1)

Trio, The Accordion (1)

Trio, The Al Casey (2)

Trio, The Artist's (1)

Trio, The Barbara Carroll (1)

Trio, The Barney Kessell (1)

Trio, The Ben Yost (1)

Trio, The Benny Barth (1)

Trio, The Beryl Booker (1)

Trio, The Bill Bryan (4)

Trio, The Bill Davis (1)

Trio, The Billy Strayhorn (1)

Trio, The Bud Powell (2)

Trio, The Buddy Cole (223)

Trio, The Cedric Wallace (1)

Trio, The Chad Mitchell (1)

Trio, The Cotton Club (1)

Trio, The Cy Coleman (1)

Trio, The Dave Appell (1)

Trio, The Dave Brubeck (1)

Trio, The Do Re Me (1)

Trio, The Don Hall (1)

Trio, The Earl Fatha Hines (1)

Trio, The Ecuadorian (1)

Trio, The Eddie Beal (1)

Trio, The Eddie South (2)

Trio, The Eroll Garner (1)

Trio, The Erroll Garner (2)

Trio, The Frankie Froeba (4)

Trio, The Gene Autry (1)

Trio, The Gene Krupa Jazz (1)

Trio, The George Shearing (1)

Trio, The Gildo Mahones (1)

Trio, The Glen Haber (1)

Trio, The Hartford (1)

Trio, The Helimi (1)

Trio, The Henry Hadley (1)

Trio, The Homegrown (19)

Trio, The Jimmy Smith (1)

Trio, The Jon Gart (1)

Trio, The Kenny Burrell (1)

Trio, The King Cole (3)

Trio, The Lorenzo Flennoy (1)

Trio, The Loumel Morgan (11)

Trio, The Lucky Penny (1)

Trio, The Marian McPartland (2)

Trio, The Mary Osborne (1)

Trio, The Matt Dennis (5)

Trio, The McNicholls (3)

Trio, The Mel Clement (1)

Trio, The Milton DeLugg (1)

Trio, The Mitchell (1)

Trio, The Musical Pastels (1)

Trio, The New York (1)

Trio, The Norvath (1)

Trio, The Paradise Island (6)

Trio, The Pro-Arts (1)

Trio, The Rainbow (1)

Trio, The Rainbow Ranch (1)

Trio, The Red Burt (1)

Trio, The Roberts (1)

Trio, The Roger Steele (4)

Trio, The Sal Farlow (2)

Trio, The Segal (1)

trio, The Slam Stewart (1)

Trio, The Slim Gaillard (13)

Trio, The Slim Galliard (2)

Trio, The Sonny Boy (1)

Trio, The Sweet and Low (1)

Trio, The Thomas Family (8)

Trio, The Three Star (1)

Trio, The Viennese String (2)

Trio, The Vivien Garry (1)

Trio, The Willie Peterson (1)

Trios, The Twin (1)

Tripak, Vincent (1)

Triplets, The Mack (1)

Tripp, Paul (17)

Tripp, Peter (2)

Trish, Leonard (2)

Trisk, John (1)

Trissault, Yvonne (1)

Tristan, Dorothy (1)

Tristano, Lennie (1)

Tristano, Lenny (2)

Trivers, Barry (3)

Trnka, Milan (1)

Troe, George W. S. (3)

Troeller, Beatrice (1)

Troeller, Fred (1)

Trohan, Walter (1)

Trollow, John (7)

Trombka, Jacob (1)

Trondheim Symphony Orchestra, The (1)

Troobnick, Gene (1)

Troop, Tom (5)

Troper, Morris (1)

Trosper, Guy (3)

Trost, Paul (1)

Troster, Oliver (1)

Trotman, Lloyd (1)

Trotman, William (1)

Trotschel, Elfride (1)

Trotta, Liz (1)

Trotter and His Orchestra, John Scott (535)

Trotter, Jack (1)

Trotter, John Scott (6)

Trotter, Liz (2)

Trotter, Yates (1)

Trotti, Lamar (21)

Troubador, The (3)

Troubadors Male Quartette (1)

Troubadors, Bill Hatch and His Violin (1)

Troubadors, Ernest Tubb and His Texas (4)

Troubadors, Nick Lucas and His (1)

Troubadors, The (1)

Troubadors, The Tuxedo (1)

Troubadours, Jose Areras and His Singing (1)

Troubadours, The Duke Of Iron and His Trinidad Calyso (1)

Troubadours, The Ipana (18)

Troubadours, The Texas (1)

Troubadours, William Reese and His Traveling (1)

Troughton, Michael (1)

Troup and His Quartet, Bobby (1)

Troup Group, Bobby (13)

Troup Trio, The Bobby (5)

Troup, The Dovyeko Acrobatic (1)

Trout, Dink (111)

Trout, E. Dale (1)

Trout, Kitty (1)

Trout, Paul Dizzy (2)

Trout, Robert (341)

Trout, Roger (1)

Troutman, George (1)

Troutman, Ivy (4)

Troutman, Jimmy (1)

Troutt, Edwina (1)

Trowbridge, Charles (1)

Troxel and His Orchestra, Earl (3)

Troxell, Barbara (1)

Troxell, Deborah (1)

Troxl and His Orchestra, Mark (3)

Troxl, Charles F. (1)

Troy, Cousin (1)

Troy, Helen (1006)

Troy, Homer (1)

Troy, Nicholas (1)

Troyanovsky, Oleg (1)

Truax, Anne (1)

Trudeau, Andy (2)

Trudeau, Pierre (1)

True, Harold (2)

Trueblood, Howard J. (2)

Trueman, Paula (2)

Truesdale, Ernest (1)

Truesdale, Prudence (1)

Truex, Barry (1)

Truex, Ernest (10)

Truex, James (2)

Truex, Jane (1)

Truex, Jimmy (1)

Truitt, Henry (1)

Truitt, Marjorie (1)

Truly, Richard (6)

Truman, Faith (2)

Truman, Harry (229)

Truman, Lewis (1)

Truman, Margaret (14)

Truman, Paula (3)

Truman, Rafe (5)

Trumbauer and His Orchestra, Frankie (4)

Trumbauer's Swing Seven, Frankie (1)

Trumbauer, Frankie (11)

Trumble, Bill (6)

Trumble, Walter (1)

Trumbo, Dalton (7)

Trumbull, Frank (1)

Trumbull, Maurie (1)

Trump, Donald (3)

Trumpet Choir (1)

Trumpeteers, The Four (1)

Trumpets, The Four (1)

Truscutt, Lucien (1)

Trussell, Gilbert William (1)

Truvan, John (1)

Truvey, Gene (1)

Trydon, Doreen (1)

Tryon, Tom (1)

Tsang, H. T. (1)

Tschin, Phil (1)

Tsiang, Tingfu (2)

Tsibliyev, Vasily (1)

Tsongas, Paul (3)

Tsweig, Esther (6)

Tubb, Ernest (37)

Tubb, Justin (5)

Tubeman, Raymond (1)

Tuberd, Marcello (1)

Tucci, Eric (1)

Tucci, Gabriella (2)

Tuchet, Charles (1)

Tuchman, Barbara (3)

Tuchner, Howard (1)

Tuchock, Wanda (3)

Tuck, Boris (1)

Tuck, Charles (2)

Tuck, Don (1)

Tuck, Eileen (1)

Tuck, Jay Nelson (33)

Tucker and His Orchestra, Orrin (13)

Tucker and His Orchestra, Tommy (55)

Tucker and His Symphonettes, Bobby (1)

Tucker Singers, The Bobby (2)

Tucker, Arnold (1)

Tucker, Augusta (1)

Tucker, Ben (1)

Tucker, Bobby (3)

Tucker, Dick (1)

Tucker, Forrest (6)

Tucker, Gabe (1)

Tucker, George (4)

Tucker, Glenn (1)

Tucker, Gloria (1)

Tucker, Happy Jack (5)

Tucker, Harlan (1)

Tucker, Iona (1)

Tucker, Jane (9)

Tucker, Jinx (1)

Tucker, Joe (2)

Tucker, John (1)

Tucker, John Bartholomew (11)

Tucker, Madge (10)

Tucker, Nicholas (1)

Tucker, Orrin (4)

Tucker, Ray (2)

Tucker, Richard (34)

Tucker, Richard T. (1)

Tucker, Sophie (27)

Tucker, Tommy (1)

Tucker, William (1)

Tuckerman, Earle (1)

Tuckner, Howard (1)

Tucson Boys Choir, The (1)

Tuddenham, Peter (3)

Tudor, Fred (1)

Tudor, George (1)

Tudor, Godrey (1)

Tudor, Jean (4)

Tudor, Peggy (3)

Tufeld, Dick (149)

Tuff, Jimmy (1)

Tufts, Sonny (22)

Tufty, Esther Van Wagoner (4)

Tugan, Henry (1)

Tugend, Harry (7)

Tugwell, Rexford Guy (1)

Tukasian, Lily (1)

Tulles, Alan (1)

Tullie, Howard (1)

Tully, Alice (1)

Tully, Fred (3)

Tully, Jim (2)

Tully, Lee (1)

Tully, Mark (1)

Tully, Phil (1)

Tully, Richard (1)

Tully, Tom (107)

Tuma, Cy (1)

Tuminia, Josephine (3)

Tuna, Charlie (1)

Tunberg, William (9)

Tundberg, Carl A. (13)

Tundberg, William (15)

Tune Jugglers, The (1)

Tune Twirlers, The (59)

Tune Twisters, The (26)

Tune, Mildred (1)

Tunensky and His Orchestra, Hyman (1)

Tuners, The Teen (1)

Tunesmiths, Carol Francis and The (1)

Tunesmiths, The (1)

Tunetimers, The (1)

Tunick, Gene (3)

Tunick, Irve (158)

Tunis, John R. (1)

Tunney Jr., Raymond (1)

Tunney, Gene (17)

Tunning, Edward (1)

Tunny, Jack (1)

Tupper, Howard (329)

Turcott, Ron (1)

Tureck, Rosalind (1)

Tureck, Rosalyn (1)

Tureen, Jack (3)

Turgeon, Peter (2)

Turich, Rosa (1)

Turin, Connie (1)

Turin, Mark (1)

Turing, Clark (1)

Turis, Felipe (1)

Turk, Harold (1)

Turk, Tommy (1)

Turkas, Burton (1)

Turkas, Burton B. (63)

Turlington, Edgar (1)

Turnbull, Glen (2)

Turnbull, Glenn (2)

Turnbull, Johnny (11)

Turnbull, Lee (1)

Turnbull, Robert (9)

Turner, Big Boy (1)

Turner, Clara May (4)

Turner, Claramae (7)

Turner, Dale (1)

Turner, Dean (1)

Turner, Dick (1)

Turner, Doris (1)

Turner, Frank C. (1)

Turner, Fred (7)

Turner, George (37)

Turner, Gil (1)

Turner, Grant (68)

Turner, Hal (1)

Turner, Happy Jack (1)

Turner, Harold (8)

Turner, Harold Milton (1)

Turner, Howard (2)

Turner, Ike (1)

Turner, Jane (7)

Turner, Jill (1)

Turner, Jimmy (1)

Turner, Joe (4)

Turner, John (2)

Turner, Justin (1)

Turner, Lana (30)

Turner, Lee Ray (1)

Turner, Lem (3)

Turner, Lillian (1)

Turner, Mary (1)

Turner, Maurice (2)

Turner, Michael (2)

Turner, Nancy (2)

Turner, Ray (1)

Turner, Richmond Kelly (2)

Turner, Roma (1)

Turner, Roscoe (5)

Turner, Tina (1)

Turner, Walt (1)

Turner, Walter (1)

Turner, Wayne (1)

Turner, William (2)

Turner, Zeb (2)

Turney, Catherine (5)

Turney, Norris (1)

Turnidge, Hugh (1)

Turnip, Look Big (1)

Turpin and Her Eight Jills Of Jive, Bea (1)

Turpin, Randy (1)

Turrell, Charles (1)

Turrell, Clementine (2)

Turrell, Virginia (1)

Turteltaub, Saul (2)

Tuscany, Bill (1)

Tushinsky, Joseph (10)

Tuskegee Institute Choir, The (5)

Tuthill, Betsy (2)

Tuthill, Mary (2)

Tuttle and His Coon Hunters, Wesley (2)

Tuttle, Charles (1)

Tuttle, Charles H. (1)

Tuttle, Karen (1)

Tuttle, Lurene (860)

Tuttle, Marilyn (2)

Tuttle, Roger (87)

Tuttle, Toby (4)

Tuttle, Tom (1)

Tuttle, W. C. (2)

Tuttle, Wesley (10)

Tuttle, Wilson (91)

Tuttle. Lurene (1)

Tuttlelock, Wesley (2)

Tuttleock, Wesley (1)

Tuyl, Helen Van (1)

Twain, Mark (39)

Twanley, Mack (1)

Tweddell, Frank (1)

Tweddle, Frank (1)

Tweed, Terry (1)

Tweed, Tommy (5)

Twelvetrees, Helen (3)

Twentieth Century Fox Orchestra, The (1)

Twentieth Century Fox Studio Orchestra, The (2)

Twentieth Century-Fox Studio Orchestra, The (2)

Twenty, The Top (2)

Twerp, Joe (27)

Twice, Jonathan (5)

Twigger, Norman (6)

Twin Tones, The (2)

Twin-Tones, The (4)

Twining, Nathan (2)

Twins, The Bellew (1)

Twins, The Borden (1)

Twins, The Castilla (1)

Twins, The Henderson (2)

Twins, The McQuaig (2)

Twins, The Mock (1)

Twins, The Sharp (1)

Twins, The Trenier (3)

Twiss, Buddy (30)

Twist, John (3)

Twitty, Conway (1)

Two Bees and A Honey (225)

Two Black Jacks, The (2)

Two Counts and A Countess (1)

Two Hits and A Miss (1)

Two Wives, The (1)

Two-Timers, The (2)

Two-Tones, The (1)

Twohey, Ros (1)

Twombley (2)

Twombley, Gene (47)

Twombley, Matt (1)

Tybee, Brascia and (1)

Tydeman, John (1)

Tydings, Joseph (1)

Tydings, Millard (4)

Tyler and His Band, T. Texas (2)

Tyler, Betty Jane (32)

Tyler, Beverly (4)

Tyler, Ed (1)

Tyler, Ginny (2)

Tyler, Harry (4)

Tyler, Jack (2)

Tyler, Janet (1)

Tyler, Joshua (1)

Tyler, Judy (2)

Tyler, Keith (5)

Tyler, Lelah (2)

Tyler, Leon (7)

Tyler, Margaret Carey (1)

Tyler, Noel (1)

Tyler, Richard (2)

Tyler, Steven (1)

Tyler, T. Texas (10)

Tyler, Tom (1)

Tyler, Webb (2)

Tyler, William (1)

Tyler, Willie (1)

Tymes, The (1)

Tynan, Bill (1)

Tynan, Kenneth (1)

Tyne, George (1)

Tyner, Evelyn (3)

Tyner, McCoy (1)

Tynes, Margaret (1)

Tyre, Marjorie (1)

Tyree, William (1)

Tyrell, Alice (2)

Tyrell, Ann (1)

Tyrell, David (4)

Tyres, John (2)

Tyrola, Jan (1)

Tyroliers, The Gay (1)

Tyson, Cecily (26)

Tyson, Charles (5)

Tyson, Joan (1)

Tyson, Mike (1)

Tyson, Neil (1)

Tyson, Ty (3)