
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

This section is an alphabetical list of every person who received air credit (or should have received air credit) on every program in the archive. Alphabetizing a list of names would be easy if everyone had a first and a last name. But they don't and one has to start making decisions. Alphabetized by first or last name? The "program names" are alphabetized by the actual name of the program, not a person. "The Jack Benny Show" is therefore listed under "Jack" and not "Benny." I ignore "The," "A" and "An" for greater clarity. In the "people" section, I've had to deal with those with three (or more names) like "Adam Clayton Powell," those who usually use only initials ("H.V. Kaltenborn") or a combination (like "J. David Goldin") and other variations. "Benny Goodman and His Orchestra" is filed under "Goodman," as is his trio, his quartet, etc. Caution: many names look like they are spelled incorrectly, but they may not be (then again, some of them probably are). This apparent error may in fact be a reference to someone you never heard of who spells his name differently. Steven Allen is not the same person as Steve Allen, the comedian/ musician/author. John Kennedy was both a NBC announcer in the mid-30s and a president. They were not the same guy.

I've tried to eliminate all titles. Therefore, unless I didn't know the first name, you'll see no "Generals," "Doctors," "Governors," "Bishops" or other honorifics. Hyphenated names, those that end with "Jr." and those with lineage descriptors (John Jones III) were invented just to make life difficult. I couldn't bring myself to list the king of England as "Windsor, George." You will probably agree with some of my decisions and disagree with others. At least I tried to be consistent.

Ma, John T. (1)

Maag, Peter (2)

Maas, Warren (1)

Maazel, Lorin (3)

Mabey, Judith (1)

Mabilli, Reno (1)

Mabley, Edward (10)

Mabrey, Vicki (1)

MacAdoo, Eleanor (1)

MaCalister, Ian (1)

MacAllaster, Ian (42)

Macallum, Barry (2)

MacAloon, Art (1)

Macaluso, Frank (1)

MacAndrew, James (1)

MacAndrew, William (1)

Macapagal, Diosdado (1)

MacArdle. Dorothy (1)

MacArthur, Bill (2)

MacArthur, Charles (29)

MacArthur, Douglas (49)

MacArthur, Jim (1)

MacArthur, Lawrence (2)

MacArthur, Mary (1)

MacAteer, Alan (2)

MacAulay, Richard (1)

Macaulay, Richard (1)

MacAuley, Ed (1)

Macauley, Richard (5)

MacAuliff, Arnold (1)

MacAuliffe and His Western Swing Band, Leon (3)

MacBride, Donald (2)

MacBride, Sean (2)

MacBryde, Jack (1)

MacCloy, June (1)

MacCorkell, Ronald F. (1)

MacCormack, Franklyn (161)

MacCracken, Henry (1)

MacCracken, Henry Noble (2)

MacDonald, Anthony (2)

MacDonald, Antony (1)

MacDonald, Arch (1)

MacDonald, Betty (1)

MacDonald, Broder and (2)

MacDonald, Bruce (2)

MacDonald, Dan (8)

MacDonald, Don (1)

MacDonald, Donald (13)

MacDonald, Ed (11)

MacDonald, Edmond (48)

MacDonald, Edmund (1)

MacDonald, Edward (16)

MacDonald, Frank (3)

MacDonald, Fred (1)

MacDonald, George (1)

MacDonald, George M. (2)

MacDonald, Hart (1)

MacDonald, Helen Norris (1)

MacDonald, Ian (8)

MacDonald, J. Farrell (2)

MacDonald, James (7)

MacDonald, James G. (3)

MacDonald, Jeanette (69)

MacDonald, Jim (1)

MacDonald, Kenneth (3)

MacDonald, Marcella (1)

MacDonald, Margaret (114)

MacDonald, Mary (6)

MacDonald, Mrs. William (2)

MacDonald, Norma (1)

MacDonald, Norman (3)

MacDonald, Philip (4)

MacDonald, Ralph (1)

MacDonald, Ramsay (1)

MacDonald, Ray (1)

MacDonald, Richard (1)

MacDonald, Scotty (1)

MacDonald, Seamus (1)

MacDonald, Stan (1)

MacDonald, Tom (1)

MacDonnell, Chris (1)

MacDonnell, Kyle (1)

Macdonnell, Norman (879)

MacDonnell, Ray (1)

MacDonnell, Tom (1)

MacDoran, Pete (1)

MacDougal, Bill (5)

MacDougal, Gil (4)

MacDougal, Michael (1)

MacDougal, Mickey (1)

MacDougal, Ranald (2)

MacDougall, Ranald (35)

MacDowell, Charles (1)

MacDuff, Tyler (1)

Mace, George (1)

MacEachern, Murray (1)

MacElhone, Eloise (1)

Macelli, Joe (1)

MacFadden, Gavin (1)

MacFarland, Beverly (1)

MacFarland, Bruce (1)

MacFarland, Ernest (1)

MacFarland, Mack (1)

MacFarlane, Ian Ross (7)

MacFarlane, W. E. (1)

MacFerrin, Robert (1)

MacGarry, Mack (1)

MacGemsey, Robert (1)

MacGibbon, Harriet (1)

MacGordon, Elsie (1)

MacGregor, C. P. (648)

MacGregor, C.P. (9)

MacGregor, Edna (2)

MacGregor, Evelyn (94)

MacGregor, Frances Cook (1)

MacGregor, Gloria (1)

MacGregor, Jock (166)

MacGregor, Kathy (4)

MacGregor, Kenneth (225)

MacGregor, Marjorie (3)

MacGregor. C.P. (1)

Machamer, Jefferson (1)

MacHarrie, Lindsay (204)

Machen, Arthur (1)

Machen, Eddie (3)

Macherino, Enzio (1)

Machirelli, Anthony (1)

Machito (1)

Machold, Earle J. (1)

Macias, Raton (2)

MacIlvene, John (1)

MacIntosh, Burr (1)

MacIntosh, Ezra (1)

MacIntosh, Stewart (2)

MacIntyre, Harry (1)

MacItyre, Alan (3)

MacIvitty, Thomas A. (1)

MacIvor, Robert (1)

Mack Mixed Choir, The Cecil (1)

Mack, Charles (1)

Mack, Connie (14)

Mack, Dick (120)

Mack, Ed (3)

Mack, Eddie (1)

Mack, Floyd (26)

Mack, George (1)

Mack, Gilbert (177)

Mack, Gus (2)

Mack, Haywire (1)

Mack, Heidi (1)

Mack, Helen (108)

Mack, Jerry (1)

Mack, Jimmy (5)

Mack, John (1)

Mack, Johnny (2)

Mack, Nila (40)

Mack, Peter (1)

Mack, Ted (4)

Mack, Tommy (1)

Mack, Warner (1)

Mack, Wayne (2)

Mack, Willard (3)

Mackaill, Dorothy (1)

MacKay, Bernie (1)

Mackay, Mary (1)

MacKay, Phoebe (1)

MacKay, R. W. G. (1)

MacKaye, Fred (486)

MacKben, Theo (1)

Mackel, Billy (1)

Mackenberg, Rose (1)

MacKenna, Kate (1)

MacKensie, Aeneas (2)

MacKenzie, Aeneas (2)

MacKenzie, Bob (1)

MacKenzie, Compton (1)

MacKenzie, Faye (2)

MacKenzie, Fred (1)

MacKenzie, Gisele (160)

MacKenzie, Henry (1)

MacKenzie, Jean Kenyon (1)

MacKenzie, John (3)

MacKenzie, Joyce (3)

MacKenzie, Joyce Elaine (1)

MacKenzie, Larry (1)

MacKenzie, Phillip (1)

MacKenzie, Tandy (2)

MacKenzie, Will (2)

MacKenzie-King, William (10)

Mackey, Alger (1)

Mackey, Lawrence (1)

Mackie, Peter (5)

MacKie, Peter (1)

MacKinnon, Errol (4)

Mackit, Cassie (1)

Macklemore (1)

Macklin, Justin (1)

Macklin, Katherine (1)

MacLain, Rhoda (1)

MacLaine, Rollins (1)

MacLaine, Shirley (1)

MacLamore, Morris (1)

MacLane, Barton (4)

MacLane, Fred (1)

MacLane, Roland (27)

MacLaren, Ian (9)

MacLaren, Margaret (3)

MacLaughlin, Don (90)

MacLean, Burton (1)

MacLean, Douglas (1)

MacLean, Jack (1)

MacLean, John (1)

MacLean, Josephine (1)

MacLean, Katherine (3)

MacLeish, Archibald (38)

MacLeish, Rod (3)

Macleod, Garrard (4)

MacLeod, Gerard (1)

MacLeod, Iain (1)

Macleod, Mike (1)

MacMahon, Aline (13)

MacMahon, Arthur (1)

MacMahon, Sue (3)

MacMann, Clare and (1)

MacMannus, Mary Ann (1)

MacManus, Ed (8)

MacManus, Ginger (1)

MacMaster, Frank (1)

MacMillan, Harold (2)

MacMitchell, Leslie (1)

MacMurray, Fred (112)

MacMurray, Sam (1)

MacMurray, Ted (1)

MacNamara, John (1)

MacNamara, Maggie (1)

MacNamel, John Henry (1)

MacNeice, Louis (8)

MacNeil, Cornell (6)

MacNeil, Neil (1)

MacNeil, Robert (4)

MacNeill, Don (2)

MacNeill, Don, (1)

Macollum, Barry (2)

Macon, Doris (2)

Macon, Gilda (4)

Macon, Uncle Dave (7)

MacPhail, Angus (2)

MacPhail, Douglas (14)

MacPhail, Larry (3)

MacPhee, Charles (1)

Macpherson, Jeanie (2)

MacPherson, John (1)

MacPherson, Joseph (3)

MacPherson, Stuart (1)

MacQuarrie, Haven (6)

MacQuarrie, Marie (1)

MacRae, Carmen (9)

MacRae, Ellen (7)

MacRae, Gordon (373)

MacRae, Margaret (1)

MacRae, Meredith (1)

MacRae, Sheila (5)

MacReady, George (1)

Macs, The Ray (2)

MacSoud, John (1)

MacTaggart, Malcolm (2)

MacTavish, Eustace J. (1)

Macurdy, John (10)

MacVane, John (80)

MacWalters, Virginia (1)

MacWatters, Virginia (1)

MacWerter, Rod (1)

MacWherter, Rod (5)

Macy, Bill (1)

Macy, Jerry (14)

Macy, Jimmy (1)

Macy, W. Clemson (1)

Madden, Cecil (3)

Madden, Donald (8)

Madden, Gladys (1)

Madden, J. Warren (1)

Madden, Jean (1)

Madden, Joe (1)

Madden, John (17)

Madden, Lee (1)

Madden, Maureen (1)

Madden, Paul (1)

Madden, Ray (1)

Madden, Rick (1)

Madden, Vickie (1)

Madder, Jean (1)

Madder, Kirkley (2)

Maddox, Daphne (2)

Maddox, Don (1)

Maddox, Gaynor (2)

Maddox, Lester (1)

Maddox, Pete (1)

Maddox, Rose (3)

Madenoff, Fania (1)

Madero, Leonor (1)

Maderos, John (1)

Maderos, Julio (1)

Madigan, Betty (11)

Madigan, John (4)

Madigan, Michael (1)

Madigan, Terry (1)

Madigan, Thomas (3)

Madin, Larry (1)

Madin, Viktor (1)

Madison Singers (5)

Madison, Buddy (2)

Madison, E. A. (1)

Madison, George (1)

Madison, Guy (271)

Madison, Martha (2)

Madison, Neil (1)

Madison, Noel (2)

Madison, Ruth (2)

Madison, Toni (1)

Madonick, Carl (3)

Madosc, Gaynor (1)

Madrick, Steve (1)

Madrigal Singers Of New York (2)

Madrigal Singers Of The University Of Denver, The (1)

Madriguera and His Orchestra, Enric (22)

Madriguera, Enric (5)

Madsen, Arch (1)

Madson, Al (1)

Mael, Merrill (2)

Maer, Peter (2)

Maestro and The Brooklyn Bridge, Johnny (1)

Maestro, The Music (1)

Maestros, The (1)

Maeterlinck, Maurice (1)

Maganini, Quinto (1)

Magarell, Donald (1)

Magg, Derek (1)

Maggs, Dirk (21)

Magic Key Orchestra, The (10)

Magidoff, Nile Ivanovna (1)

Magidov, Robert (33)

Magistrelli, Mark (4)

Maglie, Sal (1)

Magnani, Anna (2)

Magnante Quintet, The Charles (1)

Magnante Trio, The Charles (20)

Magnante, Charles (17)

Magnato, Barry (1)

Magner, Martin (23)

Magness, Buster (1)

Magness, Tommy (2)

Magnette, Speedy (3)

Magnin, Edgar F. (1)

Magnolia (1)

Magnolia Quartet, The (1)

Magnon, Julian (1)

Magnuson, Warren (4)

Magruder, Peyton (1)

Maguire, Amanda (1)

Maguire, Dick (1)

Maguire, Paul (2)

Maguire, Walt (1)

Magwood, Howard (3)

Mahar, Bernie (1)

Mahar, Larry (1)

Mahardy, Jack (1)

Maharis, George (5)

Maher, Ellen (2)

Maher, Mary Clare (1)

Maher, Naomi (1)

Maher, Pat (1)

Maher, Wally (534)

Mahin, Dan (1)

Mahin, John Lee (10)

Mahl, David (1)

Mahler, Donald (4)

Mahler, John (1)

Mahon, Chris (1)

Mahon, Fred (1)

Mahon, Helen (2)

Mahon, Jack (5)

Mahon, Patricia (1)

Mahoney, Claude (7)

Mahoney, Jean (3)

Mahoney, Jeremiah (2)

Mahoney, Jim (1)

Mahoney, Jock (1)

Mahoney, John (6)

Mahoney, Madeleine (3)

Mahoney, Mary (6)

Mahoney, Tom (1)

Mahoney, Ursula (8)

Mahoney, Wilkie (2)

Mahoney, Will (1)

Mahony, Roger (1)

Mahr, Beverly (3)

Mahr, Bill (21)

Mahr, Dick (1)

Mahr, Edward (2)

Mahr, Ellen (2)

Mahr, Frank (1)

Maibaum, Richard (3)

Maiden, Stewart (1)

Maids, The Moon (2)

Maids, The Swing (1)

Maier, Walter (4)

Maikl, Georg (1)

Mailer, Norman (2)

Mailey, Bob (1)

Main, Laurie (1)

Main, Marjorie (16)

Main, Sam (1)

Maine and His Orchestra, Paul (1)

Maine, Evelyn (1)

Mainer, Wade (3)

Maines, Sean (1)

Mains, Dick (4)

Mains, Frank (1)

Maio, Gia (4)

Maire, Jeanne (1)

Mairowitz, David Zane (1)

Mairs, Don (2)

Maisel, Saul (1)

Maisels, Saul (1)

Maisie (1)

Maisland, George (1)

Maison, Rene (6)

Maitland, Arthur (15)

Maitland, Marnie (2)

Maitland, Patrick (6)

Maitland-Wilson, Henry (1)

Major Minor and Marion (2)

Major, John (1)

Major, Olive (12)

Makagon, Tommy (1)

Makarios, Archbishop (1)

Makeba, Miriam (1)

Makem, The Clancy Brothers and Tommy (2)

Mako, Frederick (1)

Mako, Raymond (1)

Mala, Jane (1)

Malachovsky, Alexander (2)

Malahide, Patrick (1)

Malamud, Bernard (1)

Malandrinos, Andreas (1)

Malatesta, Pompilio (1)

Malbin, Elaine (8)

Malcolm, Artie (1)

Malcolm, Bill (3)

Malcolm, Christopher (1)

Malcolm, Hal (1)

Malcolm, Michael (1)

Malcolm, Nellie (1)

Malcolm, Phil (1)

Malcolm, William (2)

Malcolm-Smith, George (2)

Malconian, Jasmin (1)

Malden, Karl (10)

Male Choir Of St. Joseph's College, The (1)

Malek, Charles (2)

Maley, Bob (1)

Malik, Charles (1)

Malik, Jacob (7)

Maliki, Nouri Al (1)

Malinol, John (4)

Maliponte, Adriana (2)

Malka and Joso (1)

Malkames, Don (1)

Malkin, Mike (1)

Mall, Dick (1)

Mall, Harry (1)

Mall, Harry E. (1)

Mall, Michael (1)

Mallard, Ann (1)

Mallard, Oscar Ian (1)

Mallard, William (1)

Malle, Billy (2)

Mallet, Jane (1)

Malley, William (2)

Mallie, Ted (32)

Mallinson, Rory (3)

Mallon, Dwight (1)

Malloney, Carol (1)

Mallory, Boots (3)

Mallory, Burton (1)

Mallow, Gina (1)

Mallow, John (3)

Malloy, Eddie (1)

Malloy, Gardner (1)

Malloy, Mary (1)

Malloy, Simon (3)

Malloy, Terry (2)

Malloy, Tony (1)

Malneck and His Orchestra, Matty (145)

Malneck, Matty (12)

Malnick, Irving (1)

Maloll, John (1)

Malon, Dave (1)

Malone, Ben (2)

Malone, Bill (1)

Malone, Cass (3)

Malone, Dorothy (4)

Malone, Dumas (14)

Malone, Elizabeth (1)

Malone, Florence (24)

Malone, George (4)

Malone, Helen (3)

Malone, Joel (90)

Malone, Legs (1)

Malone, Lisa (1)

Malone, Liza (1)

Malone, Paul (34)

Malone, Paul B. (2)

Malone, Pick (96)

Malone, Polly (1)

Malone, Ray (7)

Malone, Shorty (8)

Malone, Ted (34)

Maloney, Francis (1)

Maloney, Franklin (1)

Maloney, James (1)

Maloney, Jim (1)

Maloney, Katherine (1)

Maloney, Mark (1)

Maloney, Martin (51)

Maloney, Michael (2)

Maloney, Mrs. William (1)

Maloney, Russell (5)

Maloney, William Brown (379)

Malotte, Albert Hay (1)

Malt, Coco and (12)

Maltby and His Orchestra, Richard (7)

Maltby Jr., Richard (1)

Maltby, Richard (2)

Malten, William (4)

Maltin, Leonard (3)

Maltz, Albert (3)

Maltz, Bob (1)

Maltz, Rosa (1)

Malvin, Artie (22)

Malyan, Eily (2)

Mamakos, Peter (9)

Mamet, David (3)

Mamiaux, Al (1)

Mamon, Mike (1)

Mamorsky (1)

Mamorsky, Morris (429)

Mamoulian, Reuben (1)

Mamoulian, Rouben (3)

Man, The Crazy (2)

Man, The Music Maids and (1)

Mana, Mel (1)

Manasco, Carter (1)

Manay, Maria (1)

Mance Trio, The Junior (1)

Mance, Junior (1)

Manches, Valerie (19)

Manchester, Herbert (1)

Manchester, William (2)

Manchini, Thomas (5)

Mancini and His Ensemble, Thomas (1)

Mancini, Al (2)

Mancini, Henry (10)

Mancini, Thomas (10)

Mancini, Virginia (1)

Manda, Frederick (1)

Mandel, Johnny (1)

Mandel, Mel (15)

Mandela, Nelson (1)

Mandelbaum, Charles (1)

Mandell, Robert (1)

Mander, Miles (2)

Mandeville, Betty (49)

Mandick, Charles (2)

Mandlebaum, Bernard (1)

Mane, Roy (1)

Manes, Artie (1)

Manes, Dick (1)

Manetta, Norman (1)

Manetti, Joseph (3)

Maney, Dick (1)

Maney, Richard (2)

Manfred, Frederick M. (1)

Mangano, Mickey (1)

Mangen, Patrick (1)

Mangen, Sherry (1)

Manger, Martin (9)

Manger, Ted (1)

Mangold, Joe (1)

Mangus, Mike (1)

Manhattan Beach Swing Quartet, The (1)

Manhattan Concert Band, The (1)

Manhattan Madcaps (1)

Manhattan Nighthawks, The (2)

Manhattan Ward Choir, The (1)

Manheim, Hett (40)

Manheim, Joseph (1)

Manheim, Manny (1)

Manhoff, Arnold (1)

Manhoff, Bill (8)

Mania, Rose (1)

Manier, William (1)

Manieri, Michael (1)

Manilow, Barry (1)

Manion, Clarence (1)

Manis, Marian (1)

Maniscalco, Albert (1)

Manke, John (2)

Mankiewicz, Don (1)

Mankiewicz, Herman (2)

Mankiewicz, Herman J. (1)

Mankiewicz, Joseph (13)

Mankiewicz, Joseph L. (2)

Mankowitz, David (1)

Manley, William Ford (3)

Manlove, Dudley (21)

Manly, Glen (1)

Mann and His Octet, Herbie (1)

Mann Jazz Ensemble, The Herbie (1)

Mann Sextette, The Herbie (1)

Mann Trio, The Herbie (1)

Mann, Cy (1)

Mann, Abby (2)

Mann, Adrian (1)

Mann, Al (1)

Mann, Alan (1)

Mann, Alfred E. (2)

Mann, Alice (6)

Mann, Alicia (1)

Mann, Arthur (22)

Mann, Cathy (1)

Mann, Charlie (1)

Mann, Conn and (1)

Mann, Delbert (6)

Mann, Erica (1)

Mann, Frankie (2)

Mann, Gloria (45)

Mann, Hanke (1)

Mann, Herbert J. (4)

Mann, Herbie (2)

Mann, Howie (1)

Mann, Iris (4)

Mann, Jack (3)

Mann, Jerry (3)

Mann, Joel (1)

Mann, Jonathan (2)

Mann, Keith (1)

Mann, Larry (2)

Mann, Lawrence (1)

Mann, Louis (1)

Mann, Marian (2)

Mann, Marion (4)

Mann, Maurice (3)

Mann, Michael (9)

Mann, Mrs. (1)

Mann, Nathan (1)

Mann, Paul (42)

Mann, Peggy (26)

Mann, Robert (1)

Mann, Shelley (1)

Mann, Theodore (1)

Mann, Thomas (10)

Mann, Virginia (1)

Mann, Zane (3)

Manna, Charlie (4)

Manne, Freddie (1)

Manne, Freddy (1)

Manne, Shelley (13)

Manne, Shelly (5)

Manner, Mel (1)

Mannering, Gwen (1)

Manners, Artie (2)

Manners, George (1)

Manners, Hartley (1)

Manners, Joyce (4)

Manners, Lucille (24)

Manners, Pam (1)

Manners, William (1)

Manners, Zeke (33)

Mannes, Marya (2)

Manney, Richard (3)

Mannhart, Renata (1)

Mannheim, Manny (3)

Manning, Bishop (1)

Manning, Bob (4)

Manning, Bruce (7)

Manning, C. L. (1)

Manning, Carl (1)

Manning, Connie (1)

Manning, Dick (1)

Manning, Harry (2)

Manning, Helen (1)

Manning, Hugh (7)

Manning, Irene (11)

Manning, Jack (41)

Manning, Joan (1)

Manning, Joe (1)

Manning, Joseph O. (1)

Manning, Knox (55)

Manning, Kyle (1)

Manning, Margaret (2)

Manning, Marie (2)

Manning, Monroe (1)

Manning, Myra (2)

Manning, Paul (15)

Manning, Paul D. V. (1)

Manning, Rob (1)

Manning, Robert (1)

Manning, Tom (8)

Manning, William (1)

Mannion, Moira (1)

Mannis, Fred (1)

Mannix, Daniel Pratt (1)

Mano, Peppy (1)

Manoff, Richard (5)

Manone and His Orchestra, Wingy (2)

Manone, Wingy (13)

Manoogian, Haig (1)

Manor House Foursome, The (1)

Manor House Quintet, The (2)

Mansar, Nicholas (1)

Mansbridge, Ronald (1)

Mansefield, Andy (1)

Mansefield, Arthur (1)

Mansefield, John (2)

Mansefield, Joseph (6)

Mansefield, Ronald (2)

Mansell, Susan (1)

Mansfield, Andy (3)

Mansfield, Bill (1)

Mansfield, Elizabeth (4)

Mansfield, Eric (1)

Mansfield, Irving (18)

Mansfield, Jayne (2)

Mansfield, John (1)

Mansfield, Joseph (89)

Mansfield, Joseph F. (57)

Mansfield, Marian (1)

Mansfield, Marion (2)

Mansfield, Mike (11)

Mansfield, Ronnie (3)

Mansfield, Rose (1)

Mansfield, Saxie (1)

Mansfield, Virginia (4)

Manski, Dorothee (1)

Manski, Inge (2)

Mansky, Bob (3)

Mansoer, Mohammed (1)

Manson and His Orchestra, Matty (1)

Manson, Alan (31)

Manson, Charlotte (29)

Manson, Eddie (1)

Manson, Edward (1)

Manson, Frances (1)

Manson, Johnny (9)

Manson, Ken (1)

Manson, Lee (1)

Manson, Marc (2)

Manson, Maurice (2)

Mantan, Caesar (2)

Mantell, Ethel (2)

Mantell, Joe (1)

Mantell, Joseph (1)

Mantle, Burns (50)

Mantle, Mickey (9)

Manton, Maria (3)

Manton, Martin (1)

Manton, Raymond (1)

Mantovani and His Orchestra (17)

Manuel, Juan (5)

Manuel, Michael (1)

Manuguerra, Matteo (1)

Manulis, Martin (27)

Manululu, Rass (1)

Manus, Marion (1)

Manville, Butler (3)

Manville, Butra (1)

Mapes, Victor (1)

Maple City Four, The (2)

Maples, Richard (2)

Maples, Terence (1)

Maples, Virginia (1)

Mar, Consuelo de la (1)

Mara, Adele (1)

Marais and Miranda, Joseph (3)

Marais, Joseph (8)

Marais, Laurentius (1)

Maran, Stephen (4)

Marand, Pat (2)

Marash, Dave (1)

Maraud, Jerome (1)

Marbell, Bill (2)

Marble, Alice (5)

Marble, Arch (1)

Marble, Harry (70)

Marbord, Carl (1)

Marcantonio, Vito (1)

Marcatel, Walter (1)

Marcelino, Muzzy (1)

Marcell, Joe (1)

Marcell, Lou (31)

Marcella, Lou (8)

Marcelle, Lou (16)

Marcelli and His Orchestra, Rico (27)

Marcelli and His Orchestra, Uldarico (4)

Marcelli, Rick (1)

Marcellino and His Orchestra, Muzzy (2)

Marcellino, Muzzy (15)

Marcello, Vincent (1)

Marcelonus, Ben (1)

Marcels, The (1)

March, David (5)

March, Fredric (96)

March, Gus (1)

March, Hal (177)

March, Howard (1)

March, Judith (2)

March, Lori (6)

March, Maxine (1)

March, Peggy (1)

March, Sonny (2)

March, William (1)

Marchand, Lea (2)

Marchand, Lou (2)

Marchand, Nancy (3)

Marche, Barbara Ben (12)

Marchiano, Sal (1)

Marciano, Lena (1)

Marciano, Rocky (16)

Marcin, Max (2)

Marco, Ann De (1)

Marco, Fatso (1)

Marco, Fletcher (1)

Marconi, Electra (2)

Marconi, Guglielmo (3)

Marconi, Joya (3)

Marconi, Marquesa (1)

Marcos, Ferdinand (3)

Marcos, Luis (1)

Marcot, Paul (1)

Marcott, Don (2)

Marcou, Henri (5)

Marcou, Lyle (1)

Marcou, Ross (1)

Marcus, Alan (4)

Marcus, Bernie (1)

Marcus, Eddie (1)

Marcus, Florence (1)

Marcus, Jacob (1)

Marcus, Jeffrey (1)

Marcus, Larry (69)

Marcus, Lawrence (1)

Marcus, Marie (13)

Marcus, Mark (1)

Marcus, Mary (2)

Marcus, Meyer (1)

Marcus, Mortimer (1)

Marcus, Paul (1)

Marcus, Stanley (1)

Marcus, Toni (1)

Marcutt, Edward (1)

Marcy, Helen (1)

Mardekian, George (1)

Marden, Adrian (1)

Marden, Adrienne (8)

Mardenborough, Harold (6)

Mardon, Adrienne (1)

Mare, Walter de la (1)

Marek, Dan (1)

Marek, George (2)

Marek, Hans-Gunther (2)

Maren, Jerry (2)

Marens, Larry (1)

Maresco, Rosalie (1)

Marfield, Dwight (1)

Margan, Bruce (1)

Margetts, Monty (42)

Margin, Martin (1)

Margo (33)

Margolies, Charles (1)

Margolies, M. Sidney (1)

Margolies, Morris (1)

Margolis, Sol (1)

Margotson, Arthur (2)

Margrin, Juliette (1)

Marguerite (1)

Margulies, Fred (1)

Margulies, Stanley (1)

Margulis, Lynn (3)

Margy, Lina (1)

Marherr, Elfriede (1)

Marhew, Dwight (1)

Mari, Rafael (1)

Maria, Korenko (1)

Marian, Clifford and (1)

Marian, Ira (1)

Marianne (3)

Maricle, Leona (1)

Mariden, Marty (1)

Marie (2)

Marie, Bill (1)

Marie, Charles (1)

Marie, Grand Duchess (1)

Marie, Lois (1)

Marie, Rose (16)

Marilla, Jose (1)

Marin, Georgie (1)

Marin, Jerry (30)

Marina, Anna (1)

Marinas, Richard (5)

Marine Service Band and Chorus, The (1)

Marine, Joe (8)

Marinelli, Novia (1)

Mariners, The (49)

Marinker, Daniel (1)

Marinker, Peter (2)

Marino, Phil (1)

Mario, Queena (2)

Marion, Charles R. (1)

Marion, Eve (1)

Marion, Floyd (2)

Marion, Frances (5)

Marion, George (1)

Marion, Ira (156)

Marion, Jim (1)

Marion, Joseph (1)

Marion, Marie (1)

Marion, Marty (3)

Marion, Paul (9)

Mariott, Gordon (1)

Maris, Roger (3)

Marisco and His Orchestra, Al (2)

Maritime Service Orchestra, The (10)

Mark, Flip (1)

Mark, Hans (4)

Mark, Herman (1)

Mark, Jason (1)

Mark, Julius (1)

Mark, Michael (1)

Mark, Peter (1)

Mark-Conkle, Edwin (1)

Marke, David (3)

Markell, Hazel (1)

Markell, Richard (1)

Markels and His Orchestra, Mike (1)

Marker, Martin (2)

Markes, Larry (2)

Markey, Ed (1)

Markey, Edward (1)

Markey, Enid (4)

Markey, Melinda (1)

Markey, Morris (1)

Markham, Emerson (210)

Markham, Marcella (1)

Markham, Monty (2)

Markham, Petra (3)

Markham, Pigmeat (1)

Markham, Steve (3)

Markham, Steven E. (1)

Markim, Al (42)

Markin, R. R. (1)

Markland, Adrian (1)

Markle, Ed (1)

Markle, Fletcher (155)

Markle, Gilbert (1)

Markle, Robert (17)

Markle, Steven (12)

Markle, Tiny (1)

Marklinger, Karen (1)

Marko, Maria (2)

Marko, Robert (1)

Marks, Arthur (1)

Marks, Babe (2)

Marks, Bruce (2)

Marks, Garnett (4)

Marks, Gerald (2)

Marks, Hilliard (358)

Marks, John (1)

Marks, Johnny (1)

Marks, Larry (21)

Marks, Leonard (1)

Marks, Marvin (2)

Marks, Maxine (1)

Marks, Sherman (81)

Marks, William (1)

Marksmen, The (1)

Markson, Ben (1)

Markson, Harry (1)

Markusson, Arnold (1)

Marle, Arnold (1)

Marleau, Ann (1)

Marley, John (4)

Marley, Lord (1)

Marlin, Sleepy (2)

Marling, Susan (1)

Marlo, Lora (1)

Marlon, Paul (1)

Marlow, Micki (1)

Marlow, Norma Jane (1)

Marlowe Octet, The Charles (3)

Marlowe, Anne (1)

Marlowe, Arthur (1)

Marlowe, Charles (1)

Marlowe, Christopher (4)

Marlowe, Faye (3)

Marlowe, Frank (2)

Marlowe, George (1)

Marlowe, Gloria (1)

Marlowe, Harvey (1)

Marlowe, Hugh (11)

Marlowe, Jan (1)

Marlowe, Jane (1)

Marlowe, Jennifer (1)

Marlowe, Jerry (1)

Marlowe, Julia (1)

Marlowe, June (2)

Marlowe, Kathy (1)

Marlowe, Lucy (1)

Marlowe, Marion (5)

Marlowe, Mary (11)

Marlowe, Nancy (1)

Marlowe, Nora (5)

Marlowe, Robert (1)

Marlowe, Scott (1)

Marlowe, Sylvia (9)

Marlowe, Van (2)

Marmarosa Trio, The Dodo (1)

Marmarosa, Dodo (5)

Marmer, Jacqueline (1)

Marmer, Mike (4)

Marmola Baritone, The (2)

Marmont, Patricia (2)

Marmont, Percy (1)

Marmur, Jacland (1)

Maron, Paul (1)

Marovitz, Abraham Lincoln (1)

Marowitz, Charles (1)

Marowitz, Sam (1)

Marquand, Adelaide (1)

Marquand, John P. (22)

Marquand, Nancy (1)

Marquand, Rube (1)

Marquel, Hazel (1)

Marquez, Juan (1)

Marquis, Arnold (186)

Marquis, Don (1)

Marquis, Rosalyn (1)

Marquith, Mal (34)

Marr, Carl (2)

Marr, Dudley (1)

Marr, Eddie (6)

Marr, Edward (530)

Marr, Ellen (5)

Marr, Getty (1)

Marr, James (2)

Marr, Randy (1)

Marr, Robert (1)

Marra, Lucina (1)

Marrias, Joan De (1)

Marrine, Joe (20)

Marriner, Nevel (1)

Marriot, Alison (1)

Marriot, John (1)

Marriott, Gordon (2)

Marriott, John (5)

Marritt, Naomi (2)

Marrow, Esther (1)

Marrow, Macklin (13)

Marryat, Frederick (1)

Marryatt, Frederick (1)

Mars, Janice (1)

Mars, Marjorie (1)

Marsac, Maurice (7)

Marsala and His Orchestra, Joe (1)

Marsala Quartet, The Joe (1)

Marsala, Joe (11)

Marsala, Marty (2)

Marsalis, Wynton (2)

Marsch, J. D. (1)

Marschack, Alexander (2)

Marschack, Les (1)

Marschak, Jacob (1)

Marsden, Don (1)

Marsden, Ian (1)

Marsden, Roy (24)

Marsh and His Orchestra, Larry (1)

Marsh, Andrea (3)

Marsh, Anthony (2)

Marsh, Arno (2)

Marsh, Audrey (3)

Marsh, Bea (2)

Marsh, Betty (1)

Marsh, Calvin (15)

Marsh, Carol (1)

Marsh, Carolyn (1)

Marsh, Daniel L. (1)

Marsh, Dauphine (1)

Marsh, Dixie (40)

Marsh, George (1)

Marsh, Jane (1)

Marsh, Jean (1)

Marsh, Joan (2)

Marsh, John (1)

Marsh, Mary (1)

Marsh, Maxine (1)

Marsh, Myra (119)

Marsh, Oliver T. (1)

Marsh, Scotty (7)

Marsh, Tani (1)

Marsh, Trudy (2)

Marsh, Walter (2)

Marsh, Warne (1)

Marsh, Warren (2)

Marsha, Milton and (1)

Marshak, Al (2)

Marshal, Alan (7)

Marshall and His Orchestra, Jack (3)

Marshall, Alan (1)

Marshall, Alfonso (1)

Marshall, Ann (1)

Marshall, Armina (76)

Marshall, Art (1)

Marshall, Barbara (2)

Marshall, Beryl (1)

Marshall, Bill (8)

Marshall, Brenda (39)

Marshall, Bruce (2)

Marshall, Catherine (2)

Marshall, Charlie (2)

Marshall, Clarence (2)

Marshall, Claudia (1)

Marshall, Connie (1)

Marshall, Dave (7)

Marshall, David (2)

Marshall, Delores (4)

Marshall, Dolores (2)

Marshall, Don (1)

Marshall, Doug (1)

Marshall, E. G. (812)

Marshall, Edwin (2)

Marshall, Edwin M. (1)

Marshall, Everett (1)

Marshall, Frank (1)

Marshall, Fred (1)

Marshall, Freddie (1)

Marshall, Garry (3)

Marshall, Gary (1)

Marshall, Gene (1)

Marshall, George (31)

Marshall, Gloria (1)

Marshall, Helen (2)

Marshall, Helene (1)

Marshall, Herbert (235)

Marshall, Howard (7)

Marshall, Jack (1)

Marshall, James (1)

Marshall, Jerry (19)

Marshall, Joan (3)

Marshall, Joe (3)

Marshall, John (3)

Marshall, Judy (1)

Marshall, Lois (1)

Marshall, Marian (1)

Marshall, Marion (2)

Marshall, Marty (2)

Marshall, Mary (1)

Marshall, Mort (4)

Marshall, Mrs. (1)

Marshall, Nancy (2)

Marshall, Peggy (19)

Marshall, Peter (5)

Marshall, Phyllis (1)

Marshall, Rex (94)

Marshall, Robert (11)

Marshall, Rosamund (1)

Marshall, Roy (1)

Marshall, Sandy (1)

Marshall, Sanford (12)

Marshall, Sidney (76)

Marshall, T. H. (1)

Marshall, Theresa (2)

Marshall, Thurgood (2)

Marshall, Tully (1)

Marshall, W. P. (1)

Marshall, Walter (1)

Marshall, Wendell (4)

Marshall, Willard (1)

Marshall, William (18)

Marshalov, Boris (3)

Marshalov, Morris (1)

Marshant, Betty Jean (1)

Marshburn, Tom (1)

Marshe, Vera (1)

Marshman Jr., D. M. (1)

Marshman, D. M. (1)

Marslow, Anthony (1)

Marson, Albert (1)

Marson, Truda (134)

Marstadt, Peter (1)

Marston, Clara (1)

Marston, Joel (8)

Marston, John (2)

Marston, Lori (1)

Martel, Bill (7)

Martel, Donna (1)

Martel, Jan (1)

Martel, Jean (2)

Martel, Johnny (1)

Martell and His Orchestra, Paul (9)

Martell, Anita (1)

Martell, Bill (6)

Martell, Bob (2)

Martell, Doug (1)

Martell, Fred (19)

Martell, Jan (1)

Martell, June (9)

Martell, Kurt (24)

Martell, Louise (2)

Martell, Raimey (1)

Martell, William (9)

Martelli, Tony (9)

Martens, Rica (1)

Marter, Ian (1)

Marterie and His Orchestra, Ralph (14)

Marterie, Ralph (3)

Marth, Frank (6)

Marti, Pete (1)

Martin and His Orchestra, Dude (1)

Martin and His Orchestra, Freddy (160)

Martin and His Orchestra, Nick (1)

Martin and His Orchestra, Paul (2)

Martin and His Orchestra, Rudy (1)

Martin and His Orchestra, Skip (23)

Martin and His Orchestra, Tommy (1)

Martin and His Roundup Boys, Dude (1)

Martin and His Transco All-Americans, Slim (4)

Martin Jr., George (4)

Martin Jr., James S. (3)

Martin Men, The (77)

Martin Singers, The Hugh (1)

Martin's Velvetones, Paul (1)

Martin, Adrian (1)

Martin, Adrienne (1)

Martin, Al (3)

Martin, Banjo (14)

Martin, Belle (1)

Martin, Ben (1)

Martin, Benny (4)

Martin, Bernice (1)

Martin, Betty (5)

Martin, Bill (35)

Martin, Billy (1)

Martin, Bob (53)

Martin, Brady (1)

Martin, Bruce (4)

Martin, Carleton W. (1)

Martin, Carol (25)

Martin, Charles (14)

Martin, Chick (1)

Martin, Chris-Pin (1)

Martin, Connie (1)

Martin, David (1)

Martin, Dean (145)

Martin, Dewey (1)

Martin, Dick (2)

Martin, Doc (14)

Martin, Doc (3)

Martin, Dolph (1)

Martin, Don (6)

Martin, Donald (2)

Martin, Dude (3)

Martin, Durville (1)

Martin, E.F. (1)

Martin, Edward (9)

Martin, Edwin (3)

Martin, Elaine (1)

Martin, Elliot (1)

Martin, Elliott (1)

Martin, Emory (2)

Martin, Ernest (1)

Martin, Eugene (3)

Martin, Francis (1)

Martin, Frank (221)

Martin, Freddy (19)

Martin, Gene (1)

Martin, George (8)

Martin, George Victor (1)

Martin, Gilbert (38)

Martin, Glenn L. (1)

Martin, Grady (9)

Martin, Gunnar (5)

Martin, Gus (1)

Martin, Harold (1)

Martin, Harry (3)

Martin, Helen (5)

Martin, Henry (2)

Martin, Hugh (5)

Martin, Ian (601)

Martin, Irene (4)

Martin, Isabel (1)

Martin, Jack (5)

Martin, Jacques (1)

Martin, James D. (1)

Martin, Jan (1)

Martin, Janis (3)

Martin, Jerry (2)

Martin, Joe (8)

Martin, John (6)

Martin, Johnny (2)

Martin, Joseph (11)

Martin, Judy (5)

Martin, Kelly (3)

Martin, Kenneth (1)

Martin, Kenny (9)

Martin, Kingsley (1)

Martin, Kitty (1)

Martin, Leona (1)

Martin, Les (1)

Martin, Lewis (3)

Martin, Lewison (1)

Martin, Louisa (1)

Martin, Luray (1)

Martin, Lynn (12)

Martin, Lynne (3)

Martin, Margarita (1)

Martin, Margie (1)

Martin, Marion (7)

Martin, Mary (80)

Martin, Mary Hale (1)

Martin, McKaye (1)

Martin, Mel (1)

Martin, Millicent (2)

Martin, Minnie (1)

Martin, Molly (1)

Martin, Mona (2)

Martin, Mora (2)

Martin, Murphy (2)

Martin, Nan (2)

Martin, Nancy (7)

Martin, Nora (81)

Martin, Odell (1)

Martin, Ory (1)

Martin, Pat (5)

Martin, Paul (2)

Martin, Pepper (1)

Martin, Pete (2)

Martin, Peter (11)

Martin, Ralph (1)

Martin, Reggie (2)

Martin, Reid (1)

Martin, Richard (3)

Martin, Robert (1)

Martin, Robert Dale (1)

Martin, Robert P. (3)

Martin, Ross (52)

Martin, Royce (4)

Martin, Ruth (3)

Martin, Sidney (1)

Martin, Skip (2)

Martin, Skippy (1)

Martin, Stanley (3)

Martin, Sylvia (1)

Martin, Ted (1)

Martin, Thomas (1)

Martin, Tina (1)

Martin, Tiny (1)

Martin, Tommy (2)

Martin, Tony (154)

Martin, Trevor (2)

Martin, Virginia (1)

Martin, Vivian (11)

Martindale, Ross (1)

Martindale, Wink (2)

Martineau, Jose (1)

Martinelli, Giovanni (11)

Martinet, Charles (1)

Martinez, Chu Chu (4)

Martinez, Chucho (4)

Martinez, Los Hermanos (1)

Martinez, Pete (2)

Martinez, Peter (2)

Martinez, Raoul (2)

Martinez, Ray (1)

Martinez, Raymond (9)

Martinez, Roger (1)

Martinez, Tony (1)

Martinez, Willie (5)

Martingales, The (2)

Martini, Nino (5)

Martini, Roland (7)

Martino, Al (4)

Martino, Gaetano (1)

Martino, Gene (1)

Martino, Joseph (1)

Martino, Peter San (1)

Martinod, Martin (1)

Martinow, Bob (1)

Martins, Les (1)

Martins, The (22)

Martinson, Leslie (1)

Marton, Frank (1)

Martone, John (1)

Martuccio, Frank (1)

Marty, Joe (1)

Martyr, Westin (2)

Martyr, Weston (1)

Martz, Charles (1)

Martz, Ernie (1)

Maruo, Takeshi (1)

Marvantiel, Helen (2)

Marvey, Gene (1)

Marvey, Jack (1)

Marvin, B. Edgar (2)

Marvin, Ed (1)

Marvin, Edgar (9)

Marvin, Frederick (2)

Marvin, H. M. (1)

Marvin, John (1)

Marvin, Ken (11)

Marvin, Lee (3)

Marvin, Mark (1)

Marvin, Matthew (1)

Marvin, Maxwell (3)

Marvin, Mia (1)

Marvin, Tony (212)

Marvintile, Helen (1)

Marvis, Kay (1)

Marwick, Julia (1)

Marwood, Linda (1)

Marx and His Orchestra, Chico (1)

Marx Brothers, The (9)

Marx, Carl (2)

Marx, Charles (1)

Marx, Chico (15)

Marx, Dave (1)

Marx, Eden (1)

Marx, Franklin (1)

Marx, Garnett (2)

Marx, Groucho (396)

Marx, Gummo (1)

Marx, Harpo (14)

Marx, Lawrence (1)

Marx, Maxine (1)

Marx, Melinda (8)

Marx, Miriam (1)

Marx, Mrs. Groucho (1)

Marx, Patricia (37)

Marx, Samuel (1)

Marx, Zeppo (1)

Mary Lou (1)

Mary, Queen (1)

Mary-Jean and Betty (1)

Maryann Lucket (2)

Marylou (1)

Maryott, Susan (1)

Maryvale, Jack (1)

Marzello, Vincent (18)

Masaryk, Jan (9)

Mascari, Chuck (1)

Masciello, Tony (1)

Masefield, John (2)

Masenaur, Adrian (1)

Mashek, John (1)

Mashel, John (1)

Masherelli, Anthony (2)

Mashulsi, J. P. (1)

Masiello, Alberta (13)

Mason, Allan (1)

Mason, Anthony (2)

Mason, Art (1)

Mason, Barry Montague (1)

Mason, Bill (11)

Mason, Brewster (5)

Mason, Buddy (1)

Mason, Don (1)

Mason, Earl (1)

Mason, Ed (1)

Mason, Ella (2)

Mason, Esta (3)

Mason, F. Van Wyck (2)

Mason, Gil (1)

Mason, Guy (1)

Mason, Harry (1)

Mason, Iris (5)

Mason, James (24)

Mason, Jana (3)

Mason, Jimmy (1)

Mason, Johnny (1)

Mason, Ken (1)

Mason, Laurel (2)

Mason, Linda (2)

Mason, Louis (2)

Mason, Lynn (1)

Mason, Marion (2)

Mason, Mary (3)

Mason, Max (1)

Mason, Michael (1)

Mason, Mike (1)

Mason, Morty (1)

Mason, Nancy (1)

Mason, Pamela (11)

Mason, Paul (6)

Mason, Paula (1)

Mason, Portland (1)

Mason, Reginald (3)

Mason, Sarah (5)

Mason, Sarah Elizabeth (1)

Mason, Sarah Y. (2)

Mason, Shorty (1)

Mason, Sidney (23)

Mason, Sully (35)

Mason, Sydney (4)

Mason, Walter (5)

Mason, William (35)

Mason, Willian (1)

Mason, Willliam (1)

Masquery, Steve (3)

Masse, Jesse (1)

Massell, Herbert (1)

Massell, Robert (7)

Massen, Osa (4)

Massena, William Le (1)

Massenet, Jules (6)

Masserman, Jules (3)

Massett, Larry (1)

Massey and The Westerners, Louise (17)

Massey, Alexandra (1)

Massey, Allen (11)

Massey, Benjamin (2)

Massey, Curt (96)

Massey, Gene (1)

Massey, Ilona (14)

Massey, Louise (11)

Massey, Raymond (103)

Massey, Vera (1)

Massey, Walter (1)

Massie, Chris (1)

Massina and His Orchestra, Frankie (1)

Massina, Lillian (2)

Massue, Nicholas (3)

Mastair, Harry (1)

Masten, Helen (1)

Master Radio Canaries, The (11)

Master, Doug (1)

Masterman, John (1)

Masters and His Orchestra, Frankie (29)

Masters, Allen (1)

Masters, Art (2)

Masters, Edgar Lee (2)

Masters, Frankie (4)

Masters, Ian (3)

Masters, Kitty (1)

Masters, Marie (2)

Masters, Monte (21)

Masters, Natalie (49)

Masters, Phyllis (1)

Masters, Sammy (1)

Masters, Shirley (1)

Masterson, Carol (1)

Masterson, Paul (43)

Masterson, William E. (1)

Mastice, Catharine (1)

Mastice, Catherine (1)

Mastren and His Orchestra, Carmen (16)

Mastren Trio, The Carmen (4)

Mastren, Carmen (2)

Masur, Richard (1)

Masursky, Harold (12)

Mata, Ruth (1)

Matalon, Frank (1)

Matelin, Arthur (1)

Mater, John (1)

Mates, Leo (4)

Matesky, Thelma (1)

Matfield, Julius (1)

Mathay, Blaine (2)

Mathe, Blain (1)

Mather, Aubrey (1)

Mather, George (1)

Mather, Jack (417)

Mather, Jim (1)

Mather, John (1)

Mather, Laurel (1)

Matheson, E. Hugh (1)

Matheson, Jim (1)

Matheson, Joan (8)

Matheson, Murray (4)

Matheson, Richard (6)

Matheson, Thora (1)

Matheson, Tim (9)

Mathews, Dorothy (1)

Mathews, James (1)

Mathewson, Carl (1)

Mathewson, Christie (1)

Mathias, Anna (1)

Mathias, Ernie (3)

Mathie, Alexandra (1)

Mathieu, Carl (1)

Mathis, Avis (1)

Mathis, Buster (1)

Mathis, Eddie (1)

Mathis, Edith (2)

Mathis, George (7)

Mathis, Joe (2)

Mathis, Johnny (15)

Mathis, Rose Lee (2)

Mathison, Murray (5)

Mathre, Diane (1)

Matijevic, Jacob (1)

Matisse, Catherine (1)

Matlin, Arthur (1)

Matlock, Matty (39)

Matouche, John (3)

Matranga, Gene (1)

Matranga, Leo V. (2)

Matsas, Alexandros (1)

Matson, Dennis (1)

Matson, Ollie (1)

Matsui, Robert (4)

Mattern, Joseph (1)

Matthau, Walter (4)

Matthew, Edward (2)

Matthews and His Orchestra, Dave (1)

Matthews and His Orchestra, Sal (4)

Matthews Quartet, The (1)

Matthews, A. E. (2)

Matthews, Ann Elstner (3)

Matthews, Bob (8)

Matthews, Carmen (14)

Matthews, Carol (1)

Matthews, Carole (3)

Matthews, Charles (7)

Matthews, Chris (1)

Matthews, Dave (3)

Matthews, Dorothy (2)

Matthews, Earl (1)

Matthews, Eddie (1)

Matthews, Edward (5)

Matthews, Francis (4)

Matthews, George (21)

Matthews, Grace (139)

Matthews, Herbert (4)

Matthews, Inez (1)

Matthews, J. B. (1)

Matthews, James (32)

Matthews, Janine (1)

Matthews, Jeffrey (2)

Matthews, Jesse (1)

Matthews, Jim (2)

Matthews, Jimmy (4)

Matthews, John (3)

Matthews, Joyce (1)

Matthews, Junior (2)

Matthews, Junius (210)

Matthews, Kenneth (2)

Matthews, Kerwin (2)

Matthews, Leah (5)

Matthews, Lester (17)

Matthews, Pete (1)

Matthews, R. J. (1)

Matthews, Richard (2)

Matthews, Tom (1)

Matthey, Nicholas (1)

Matthias, Bob (1)

Matthias, Ernie (2)

Matting, Don (1)

Mattingly, David (4)

Mattingly, Ken (5)

Mattison, Ruth (1)

Mattrew, Scotty (1)

Matty, Lou (1)

Mature, Victor (39)

Matusavitch, Boris (1)

Matyas, Maria (1)

Matz, Albert (1)

Matzenauer, Adrian (1)

Matzenauer, Margaret (1)

Mauch, Bob (1)

Mauch, Bobby (2)

Mauch, Gene (1)

Maud, Margery (1)

Maude, Beatrice (1)

Maude, Elizabeth (1)

Maude, Margery (3)

Maude, Marjorie (5)

Maude-Roxby, Roddy (2)

Mauder, Miles (1)

Mauer, Bob (13)

Mauer, Gary (1)

Mauer, Herriman (2)

Mauer, Raymond J. (1)

Mauer, Robert (1)

Maugham, W. Somerset (27)

Mauldin, Bill (2)

Mauldin, Norman (1)

Maulding, Reginald (1)

Maum, Charles (1)

Maung, Oo Tim (1)

Maunsell, Micki (1)

Maupin and His Orchestra, Rex (10)

Maupin, Rex (10)

Maur, Meinhard (1)

Mauradoff, Grant (1)

Maurer, Douglas (1)

Maurer, Edgar (1)

Maurer, Gary (1)

Maurer, Lois (1)

Maurer, Rachel (1)

Maurey, Nicole (1)

Maurice, Marilyn (1)

Mauriello, Tami (1)

Maurier, Daphne Du (2)

Mauritz, Frederick (1)

Maurois, Andre (3)

Maursac, Maurice (1)

Maury, Phil (1)

Maury, Richard (1)

Maus, Cameron (1)

Maus, Dick (1)

Maverick, Maurie (1)

Mavericks, The (1)

Mavroules, Nick (1)

Mawk, Bob (1)

Mawson, Dick (1)

Max, Edwin (233)

Max, Gus (4)

Max, Hans (1)

Maxey, Paul (7)

Maxey, Virginia (9)

Maxie, Paul (3)

Maxim, Gerald (1)

Maxim, Joey (3)

Maxin, Arnold (1)

Maxine (5)

Maxon, Chuck (1)

Maxon, Mr. (1)

Maxsted, Stanley (1)

Maxted and His Manhattan Jazz Band, Billy (8)

Maxted and His Orchestra, Billy (16)

Maxted Band, The Billy (4)

Maxted, Billy (4)

Maxted, Stanley (4)

Maxwell, Barbara (1)

Maxwell, Bobby (4)

Maxwell, Charles (28)

Maxwell, Edward (1)

Maxwell, Edwin (3)

Maxwell, Elsa (45)

Maxwell, Frank (10)

Maxwell, Jean (1)

Maxwell, Jessica (15)

Maxwell, Jim (1)

Maxwell, Jimmy (5)

Maxwell, John (2)

Maxwell, Marilyn (118)

Maxwell, Marvel (24)

Maxwell, Med (6)

Maxwell, Muriel (1)

Maxwell, Officer (3)

Maxwell, Paul (1)

Maxwell, Phillip (1)

Maxwell, Richard (9)

Maxwell, Robert (1271)

Maxwell, Roberta (16)

Maxwell, Sandy (1)

Maxwell, Ted (7)

Maxwell, Theresa (1)

Maxwell, Virginia (1)

Maxwell, William (1)

Maxwell-Conover, Theresa (1)

Maxworthy, Tony (1)

May and His Orchestra, Billy (45)

May Festival Chorus (1)

May, Albert (1)

May, Alice (2)

May, Andrew (1)

May, Andrew Jackson (2)

May, Benjamin (1)

May, Billy (34)

May, Donald (1)

May, Earl (1)

May, Elaine (23)

May, Ellery (1)

May, Foster W. (1)

May, Gene (1)

May, George (1)

May, Herbert (1)

May, Jack (3)

May, Mark A. (1)

May, Marty (2)

May, Mortimer (1)

May, Rick (2)

May, Roberta (1)

May, Roderick (3)

May, Roger (2)

May. Dick (1)

Mayall, Herschel (2)

Maybank, Burnet (1)

Maybelle and The Carter Family, Mother (1)

Mayberry, Jeanne (2)

Maybery, Jeanne (1)

Maye, Julian (1)

Maye, Marilyn (4)

Maye, Marty (1)

Mayehoff, Eddie (27)

Mayer, Arthur (3)

Mayer, Bill (1)

Mayer, Edwin (5)

Mayer, Fred (3)

Mayer, John (1)

Mayer, Ken (293)

Mayer, Louis B. (12)

Mayer, Margery (4)

Mayer, P. L. (12)

Mayer, Peggy L. (1)

Mayer, Timothy (1)

Mayer, Walter (1)

Mayeri, Bill (1)

Mayes, Bernard (16)

Mayes, Harold (1)

Mayes, Herbert (1)

Mayes, Junie (1)

Mayes, Monica (3)

Mayfair Society Orchestra, The (1)

Mayfair, Mitzi (3)

Mayfield, Cleo (1)

Mayfield, Curtis (1)

Mayfield, George (1)

Mayfield, Jerry (1)

Mayfield, Kay (1)

Mayhand, Ernest (1)

Mayhew, Babs (1)

Mayhew, Bill (1)

Mayhew, Jack (3)

Mayhew, Wendell (1)

Mayhew-Archer, Paul (6)

Mayland, Patrick Murphy (1)

Maynard, Basil (2)

Maynard, George (2)

Maynard, Ken (38)

Maynard, Kermit (3)

Maynard, Sarah (1)

Maynard, Ted (1)

Maynard, Theodora (1)

Mayne, Charles (1)

Maynor, Charles (2)

Maynor, Dorothy (11)

Mayo, Archie (1)

Mayo, Bob (1)

Mayo, Christopher (5)

Mayo, Eddie (2)

Mayo, Leonard (1)

Mayo, Margaret (2)

Mayo, Mary (9)

Mayo, Peg (1)

Mayo, Virginia (24)

Mayo, Waldo (2)

Maypo, Fred (1)

Maypole, Roy (1)

Mays, Bernard (1)

Mays, Doris (1)

Mays, Linda (1)

Mays, Willie (7)

Maytho, Fred (5)

Maytho, Frederick (2)

Mazda, Mary (1)

Maze, Jimmy (7)

Mazer, Bill (1)

Mazer, Earl (2)

Mazer, Virginia (27)

Mazeroski, Bill (1)

Mazilli, Boots (1)

Mazola, Boots (1)

Mazurik, Caroline (1)

Mazurik, Mary Jane (1)

Mazurki, Mike (8)

Mazzia, Valentino (1)

Mazzolini, Brunetta (2)

Mazzucchi, Oswaldo (1)

Mboya, Tom (2)

McAdoo, William (1)

McAfee, Buddy (1)

McAfee, Johnny (20)

McAfee, Mildred (1)

McAllan, Joanna (1)

McAllen, Jack (1)

McAllister, Bud (3)

McAllister, Daryl (2)

McAllister, Lon (1)

McAllister, Robert (1)

McAlloney, Michael (1)

McAndrew, Bill (1)

McAndrew, William (2)

McAnnally, Robert (1)

McAphee, James (1)

McArdle, Carl (1)

McArdle, Dorothy (2)

McArthur, Edmund (1)

McArthur, Edwin (3)

McArthur, Hugh (1)

McArthur, Jane (1)

McArthur, William (1)

McAuffle and His Western Swing Band, Leon (1)

McAuliffe and His Westdern Swing Band, Leon (1)

McAuliffe and His Western Swing Band, Leon (5)

McAuliffe, Christa (2)

McAuliffe, Leon (1)

McAuliffe, Terry (3)

McAvity, Thomas (3)

McAvity, Thomas A. (4)

McAvoy, Ballen and (1)

McAvoy, J. P. (1)

McAvoy, Johnny (2)

McAvoy, May (1)

McAvoy, Reynald (2)

McBain, Alistair (19)

McBeal, Avery (1)

McBirney, James H. (14)

McBothwick, Carol (1)

McBride, Dewitt (2)

McBride, Donald (1)

McBride, Hazel (1)

McBride, Jack (15)

McBride, Jean (3)

McBride, Lenny (1)

McBride, Mary Margaret (20)

McBride, Tom (1)

McBridge, Jack (1)

McBryde, John (12)

McCabe, Charles (1)

McCabe, Edward (1)

McCabe, Jack (1)

McCabe, John J. (1)

McCabe, Leo (6)

McCabe, Michael (3)

McCabe, Peter (1)

McCafferty, James (1)

McCaffrey, Elaine (1)

McCaffrey, James (1)

McCaffrey, Joe (12)

McCaffrey, John (1)

McCaffrey, John K. M. (50)

McCaffrey, Joseph (5)

McCaffrey, Shelly (1)

McCain, John (22)

McCain, Martha (1)

McCaleb, F. J. (1)

McCall and Brill (1)

McCall Jr., Mary (4)

McCall Jr., Mary C. (1)

McCall Sisters, The (1)

McCall, Andre (1)

McCall, Bridget (1)

McCall, Bruce (1)

McCall, Carl (1)

McCall, Daryl (2)

McCall, Dave (11)

McCall, Don (1)

McCall, Frank (3)

McCall, George (1)

McCall, Joan (22)

McCall, Marian (1)

McCall, Mary Ann (21)

McCall, Peggy (1)

McCall, Richard (1)

McCall, Robert (1)

McCall, Ruth (1)

McCalla, Irish (1)

McCallion, James (142)

McCallister, Lon (16)

McCallum, Barry (2)

McCallum, Charles (2)

McCallum, Heather Lee (1)

McCallum, John (1)

McCally, Jack (1)

McCambridge, (1)

McCambridge, Eddie (1)

McCambridge, Mercedes (247)

McCammon, Bess (59)

McCan, John (1)

McCance, Larry (2)

McCandless, Bruce (4)

McCandliss, Bruce (1)

McCann, David (1)

McCann, Dick (1)

McCann, Dorothy (5)

McCann, Frances (2)

McCann, James (1)

McCann, Larry (33)

McCann, Patricia (3)

McCann, Robert (2)

McCann, Robert C. C. (20)

McCann, Rosemary (1)

McCann, Sean (1)

McCardigan, Joyce (1)

McCarey, James (1)

McCarey, Leo (16)

McCarey, Ray (1)

McCarr, Max (1)

McCarr, Rosie (1)

McCarran, Pat (2)

McCarren, Dale (1)

McCarroll, Francis (1)

McCarry, Larry (1)

McCarthy, Cal (1)

McCarthy, Charles (4)

McCarthy, Charles F. (25)

McCarthy, Clem (40)

McCarthy, Dorothy (2)

McCarthy, Eugene (6)

McCarthy, Francis (2)

McCarthy, Frank (109)

McCarthy, Gene (1)

McCarthy, Glen (2)

McCarthy, Glenn (1)

McCarthy, H. L. (1)

McCarthy, Henry (5)

McCarthy, Jack (154)

McCarthy, James (9)

McCarthy, Jay P. (1)

McCarthy, Jerry (1)

McCarthy, Joe (5)

McCarthy, John (1)

McCarthy, Joseph (77)

McCarthy, Justin Huntly (4)

McCarthy, Kevin (39)

McCarthy, Lee (1)

McCarthy, Linwood (1)

McCarthy, Marvin (1)

McCarthy, Mary (3)

McCarthy, Molly (2)

McCarthy, Steve (118)

McCarthy, Tom (2)

McCarthy, W. J. (4)

McCartney, Forrest (1)

McCartney, Paul (3)

McCarty, Grace (1)

McCarty, Jerry (3)

McCarty, Mary (11)

McCaskill, Claire (1)

McCass, Joe (1)

McCaughna, David (1)

McCaul, Michael (1)

McCauley, Joe (3)

McCauley, John A. (1)

McCauley, Pat (1)

McCauley, Richard (1)

McCaulley, Ed (1)

McCauslin, Betty (1)

McCaymack, Thomas (1)

McChesney, Brunson (1)

McChord, Max (3)

McChord, Maxwell (1)

McClain, Jimmy (2)

McClain, John (1)

McClain, Mark (1)

McClain, Michael (1)

McClaine, Jack (1)

McClaine, Michael (1)

McClaren, Joseph (1)

McClark, E. R. (1)

McCleary, Albert (26)

McCleary, Dorothy (1)

McCleary, Leo (2)

McCleery, Albert (2)

McClellan, John (30)

McClellan, Lilias (2)

McClellan, Susan (1)

McClelland, Alan (2)

McClelland, Allan (2)

McClelland, Charles (1)

McClelland, Gene (1)

McClelland, Jack (1)

McClelland, L. A. (7)

McClelland, Marguerite (3)

McClelland, Marsha (1)

McClelland, Sandy (1)

McClelland, Stanley (1)

McClelland, Una (1)

McClerd, Wesley (1)

McCliment, Jack F. (1)

McClintic, Guthrie (1)

McClintock, Bill (1)

McClintock, Harry (1)

McClintock, Poley (135)

McClintock, Tom (1)

McClintock, William J. (5)

McClory, Sean (5)

McCloskey, Burr (1)

McCloskey, Robert (2)

McCloud, Artie (1)

McCloud, Mrs. Robert (1)

McCloud, Robert (1)

McCloy, John Jay (1)

McCloy, June (1)

McClune, Rick (1)

McClure, Bill (2)

McClure, Edwin (1)

McClure, Frank (1)

McClure, James (3)

McClure, Ken (1)

McClure, Ray D. (1)

McClure, Robert (1)

McClure, Ron (1)

McClurg, Bill (1)

McClurg, Edie (1)

McClury, Sean (1)

McCluskey, Ben (1)

McCluskey, George (3)

McCluskey, John (1)

McCluskey, Joyce (56)

McClusky, Blair (1)

McClusky, George (1)

McClusky, Howard (2)

McCollum, Barry (1)

McCollum, Bill (1)

McCollum, Warren (5)

McComb, Dick (1)

McComb, Kate (6)

McComb, Rudy (1)

McComb, Russ (2)

McCombe, Alec (1)

McConahee, James (1)

McConahye, Michael (1)

McConal, John Bunky (1)

McConaughy, James (1)

McCondill, Bernard (2)

McCone, John (3)

McConihye, Michael (6)

McConklin, ,Paul (1)

McConnachie, Brian (2)

McConnell, Art (6)

McConnell, Catherine (1)

McConnell, Dorothy (1)

McConnell, Ed (45)

McConnell, Grace (1)

McConnell, John (1)

McConnell, Keith (2)

McConnell, Lulu (93)

McConnell, Margaret (1)

McConnell, Mary (58)

McConnell, Mitch (12)

McConnell, Shorty (1)

McConner, Vincent (2)

McConnor, Vincent (16)

McConoughy, Brian (2)

McConsky, John (1)

McCoo, Arthur (7)

McCool (1)

McCool, Rudy (1)

McCool, William (1)

McCord, Bill (32)

McCord, Carrie (1)

McCord, J. C. (1)

McCord, Nancy (3)

McCorkindale, Don (6)

McCormack, Edward (1)

McCormack, Joe (2)

McCormack, John (14)

McCormack, Mike (2)

McCormack, Patrick (1)

McCormack, Patty (2)

McCormack, William (1)

McCormick (1)

McCormick, Ann O'Hare (1)

McCormick, Austin (1)

McCormick, Barry (1)

McCormick, Bidwell (9)

McCormick, Cami (1)

McCormick, Clifford (1)

McCormick, Donald (1)

McCormick, E. J. (1)

McCormick, F. J. (1)

McCormick, Francis (2)

McCormick, Frank (4)

McCormick, H. B. (1)

McCormick, Joe (7)

McCormick, John (12)

McCormick, Myron (57)

McCormick, Parker (1)

McCormick, Patrick (1)

McCormick, Robert (117)

McCormick, Stephen (26)

McCormick, Steve (1)

McCosker, Al (2)

McCosker, Alfred (3)

McCovey, Edward (1)

McCowan, Alec (5)

McCoy and His Orchestra, Clyde (4)

McCoy Singers, The Herman (7)

McCoy, Al (1)

McCoy, Bud (1)

McCoy, Clyde (1)

McCoy, Esther (2)

McCoy, Felicity Hayes (3)

McCoy, Frank (1)

McCoy, Gene (1)

McCoy, George (1)

McCoy, Herman (2)

McCoy, Horace (2)

McCoy, Jack (42)

McCoy, Jean (4)

McCoy, Jo Ann (2)

McCoy, Joe (1)

McCoy, Kid (1)

McCoy, Mable (1)

McCoy, Malcolm (2)

McCoy, Melvin (1)

McCoy, Pat (1)

McCoy, Ramona (1)

McCoy, Samuel Duff (1)

McCoy, Sid (3)

McCracken, Esther (2)

McCracken, Harold (1)

McCracken, Henry (1)

McCracken, James (15)

McCracken, Joseph (1)

McCracken, Paul (1)

McCracken, Richard (18)

McCracken, Rowland (1)

McCrae, Margaret (1)

McCrary, Karen (1)

McCrary, Tex (29)

McCray, Bill (1)

McCray, Charles (3)

McCrea Jeff (1)

McCrea, Carmen (1)

McCrea, Jeff (1)

McCrea, Jody (9)

McCrea, Joel (106)

McCrea, Margaret (13)

McCrea, Tom (1)

McCrea, William (1)

McCreery, Nancy (2)

McCrory, Carol (1)

McCroy, Helen (1)

McCroy, Thor (1)

McCruisey, Jack (1)

McCue, Fred (1)

McCue, Matthew (3)

McCue, Vincent (1)

McCuen, Richard (1)

McCullar, Ron (1)

McCullen, Edward (1)

McCulley, Johnson (1)

McCulley, Michael (1)

McCulloch, Robin (1)

McCullough and His Orchestra, George (1)

McCullough, Andrew (1)

McCullough, Bob (1)

McCullough, Clay (1)

McCullough, Dan (539)

McCullough, David (2)

McCullough, Jim (2)

McCullough, John (3)

McCullough, Mickey (5)

McCullough, Paul (1)

McCullough, Ruth (15)

McCullough. Ruth (1)

McCullum, Charles (1)

McCullum, John (1)

McCullum, Nancy (1)

McCullum, Warren (1)

McCune and His Orchestra, Bill (2)

McCune, Kathryn (1)

McCurdy, Jean (1)

McCurdy, John (8)

McCurty, Charles (1)

McCusick, Sal (1)

McCusick, Vincent L. (1)

McCutcheon, George Barr (2)

McCutheon, William (1)

McDaney and His Orchestra, Jack (1)

McDaniel, Barry (1)

McDaniel, Bill (1)

McDaniel, Earl (3)

McDaniel, Hattie (44)

McDaniel, Sam (5)

McDaniel, Sleepy (1)

McDaniel, Yates (13)

McDaniels, Billie (1)

McDaniels, James (2)

McDaniels, Jimmy (1)

McDaniels, Sleepy (6)

McDarra, Bob (1)

McDermott, Alvin (5)

McDermott, Ann (1)

McDermott, Arthur (1)

McDermott, Brian (1)

McDermott, Michael J. (2)

McDermott, Mickey (2)

McDermott, Paul (12)

McDermott, Ralph (1)

McDevitt, Ruth (7)

McDevitt, Varna (1)

McDivott, Leland (1)

McDonagh, Richard (10)

McDonald, Arch (1)

McDonald, Blossom (1)

McDonald, Bob (1)

McDonald, Chris (1)

McDonald, Craig (1)

McDonald, Dan (2)

McDonald, David J. (2)

McDonald, Donald (1)

McDonald, Donald J. (1)

McDonald, Ed (2)

McDonald, Edmond (2)

McDonald, Elaine (1)

McDonald, Francis (5)

McDonald, Frank (1)

McDonald, Grace (4)

McDonald, Harl (1)

McDonald, Ian (3)

McDonald, James (1)

McDonald, James G. (3)

McDonald, Jimmy (5)

McDonald, John (5)

McDonald, John J. (1)

McDonald, Larry (1)

McDonald, Marcella (1)

McDonald, Marie (10)

McDonald, Mary (1)

McDonald, Miles (1)

McDonald, Morris (2)

McDonald, Pat (1)

McDonald, Paul (1)

McDonald, Seamus (1)

McDonald, Tom (1)

McDonald, Tommy (1)

McDonald, Trish (1)

McDonell, Gordon (1)

McDonnell, Arch (9)

McDonnell, Bob (3)

McDonnell, Craig (72)

McDonnell, Gordon (2)

McDonnell, Kyle (3)

McDonnell, Norman (2)

McDonnell, William (1)

McDonnough, Dick (2)

McDonough, Dick (5)

McDonough, John (24)

McDonough, Mike (1)

McDonough, Randolph (1)

McDonough, Richard (8)

McDonough, Richard P. (24)

McDonough, Vince (1)

McDonough, Walter (1)

McDougal, Edward (1)

McDougald, Gil (1)

McDougall, Douglas (1)

McDowall, Betty (1)

McDowall, Don (1)

McDowall, Roddy (37)

McDowell, Betty (3)

McDowell, Don (1)

McDowell, John (1)

McDowell, Mrs. (1)

McDowell, Virginia (9)

McDowell, William (1)

McDuff, Roger (1)

McDunn, Richard P. (1)

McEachern and His Orchestra, Murray (10)

McEachern and The AFRS Swing Band, Murray (4)

McEachern, Murray (15)

McEdwards, Colleen (2)

McElhiney, Bill (2)

McElhone, Eloise (11)

McElligot, John (1)

McElroy, Chief (22)

McElroy, Jack (12)

McElroy, Leo (1)

McElroy, Maude (1)

McElroy, Michael (3)

McElroy, Neil (1)

McElroy, Robert (2)

McElvene, Claire (1)

McElvene, Nancy (15)

McElwain, James (1)

McElwaine, Bob (1)

McElway, Sinclair (1)

McElway, St. Clair (2)

McEnaney, Frank W. (1)

McEndree, Maurice (2)

McEnroe, Robert E. (1)

McEvoy, J. P. (1)

McEwan, Tony (3)

McEwen, Connie (1)

McEwen, Currier (1)

McFadden, Bernarr (1)

McFadden, Bob (1)

McFadden, Elizabeth (1)

McFadden, Gates (1)

McFadden, Harold (1)

McFadden, Harry (10)

McFadden, J.P. (1)

McFadden, Mike (1)

McFadden-Wright, Elizabeth (1)

McFall, Ruben (4)

McFall, Rubin (1)

McFarland and His Jazz Orchestra, Gary (1)

McFarland Twins and Their Orchestra, The (2)

McFarland, Earl (1)

McFarland, George (1)

McFault, Walter (1)

McFayden, Harry (1)

McFerrin, Bobby (1)

McGaha, Charles P. (1)

McGahey, Jeanne (1)

McGar, Mac (3)

McGar, Mack (3)

McGarity, Lou (34)

McGarr, Hank (1)

McGarr, Mark (6)

McGarrity, Everett (1)

McGarrity, Lou (7)

McGarrity, Norm (1)

McGarry, Dusty (1)

McGarry, Lou (1)

McGarry, Mack (12)

McGarry, Morris (2)

McGavin, Darren (1)

McGeachy, J. B. (1)

McGee Jr., John Gillespie (1)

McGee, Alice (2)

McGee, Dorothy H. (1)

McGee, Foghorn (1)

McGee, Frank (39)

McGee, Harold (6)

McGee, Howard (1)

McGee, James Carr (1)

McGee, Jerry (3)

McGee, John (2)

McGee, Max (1)

McGee, Patricia (1)

McGee, Ronnie (1)

McGeegee, J. B. (1)

McGeehan Bernice (1)

McGeehan, Bernice (6)

McGeehan, Pat (378)

McGeorge, James (2)

McGeorge, Roy (4)

McGhee, Brownie (5)

McGhee, Granville (1)

McGhee, Howard (3)

McGhee, Linda (1)

McGiffert, John (1)

McGifford, John (1)

McGill, Earle (105)

McGill, Edward F. (1)

McGill, Edward Vincent (1)

McGill, Jerry (37)

McGill, Maury (1)

McGill, Ralph (4)

McGill, Wally (1)

McGinn, Jim (5)

McGinn, John (1)

McGinn, Walter (1)

McGinnis and His Orchestra, Eddie (13)

McGinnis, Bob (1)

McGinnis, Pat (2)

McGinnis, William (1)

McGinniss, Helen (1)

McGiven, William (1)

McGiveny, Bill (1)

McGivern, Cecil (2)

McGivern, Geoffrey (12)

McGivern, Johnny (1)

McGivern, William (1)

McGivney, Bill (2)

McGlincy, James (1)

McGloughlan, Chuck (1)

McGloughlin, Dan (2)

McGlynn, Frank (3)

McGlynn, Jim (1)

McGlynn, Stoney (1)

McGoldrick, Donald (1)

McGoldrick, Joseph (1)

McGonnigal, Bob (6)

McGonnigle, William (3)

McGovern, George (12)

McGovern, J. Raymond (1)

McGovern, Jay Raymond (1)

McGovern, John (265)

McGovern, Johnny (2)

McGovern, Mary (19)

McGovern, Merry (1)

McGovern, Terry (2)

McGovern, William (2)

McGowan, Adair (1)

McGowan, Bill (1)

McGowan, Carl (1)

McGowan, Donald (1)

McGowan, Jack (1)

McGowan, John (1)

McGowan, Tom G. (1)

McGowanj, Oliver (1)

McGrady, Patrick (1)

McGraff, Byron (1)

McGrail, Walter (1)

McGranahan, Thomas (1)

McGranery, James (1)

McGrath, Chris (1)

McGrath, Earl (2)

McGrath, George (1)

McGrath, J. Howard (4)

McGrath, John (4)

McGrath, Joseph (2)

McGrath, Kevin (3)

McGrath, Patrick (1)

McGrath, Paul (201)

McGrath, William (1)

McGraw, Bill (1)

McGraw, Blanche (1)

McGraw, Charles (27)

McGraw, Harold (1)

McGraw, Jock (1)

McGraw, Mrs. John (1)

McGraw, Peg (1)

McGraw, Walter (36)

McGreavy, John (11)

McGreer, Walter (1)

McGreevey, Jim (1)

McGreevey, John (1)

McGreevy, John (2)

McGregor, Chummy (1)

McGregor, Evelyn (5)

McGregor, J. S. (1)

McGregor, Mary (1)

McGregor, Robert (1)

McGregor, Scott (1)

McGrew, Ted (1)

McGroaty, Grattan (1)

McGrory, Mary (1)

McGuffey, Drake (1)

McGuiness, Edith (2)

McGuinn, James (1)

McGuinness, Niles (1)

McGuire and His Harmony Rangers, Mac (6)

McGuire and His Tennessee Mountaineers, Mac (1)

McGuire Sisters, The (9)

McGuire, Arnold (1)

McGuire, Betty (7)

McGuire, Biff (1)

McGuire, Bobby (3)

McGuire, Dorothy (48)

McGuire, Edith (1)

McGuire, Edward (1)

McGuire, Felix (10)

McGuire, Harp (59)

McGuire, James (1)

McGuire, James P. (1)

McGuire, Joe (1)

McGuire, John (1)

McGuire, John McArthur (1)

McGuire, Mack (1)

McGuire, Marcy (3)

McGuire, Marty (1)

McGuire, Matthew (2)

McGuire, Paul (3)

McGuire, Phyllis (1)

McGuire, Tucker (1)

McGuire, Virginia (1)

McGuire, William (2)

McGuire, William Anthony (1)

McGunther, John (1)

McGurcher, John (1)

McGurk, Charmine (1)

McGurk, Joe (1)

McGurk, Patrick (1)

McGurn, Barrett (21)

McGurn, James (1)

McGurran, James (1)

McHale, Frances (1)

McHale, Jimmy (1)

McHale, Rosemary (2)

McHargue, Rosy (1)

McHeachy, Hamish (2)

McHenry (1)

McHenry, Frank (2)

McHue, Ellen (1)

McHugh, Bill (3)

McHugh, Edward (3)

McHugh, Frank (14)

McHugh, Jimmy (16)

McHugh, Matt (1)

McIlevey, Hugh (1)

McIlhenny, Bill (1)

McInerney, Frances (1)

McInerney, Jim (1)

McInerney, Vincent (5)

McInerny, John (1)

McIntieu, Alan (1)

McIntire, Francis (1)

McIntire, John (438)

McIntire, Mark (1)

McIntire, Polly (1)

McIntosh, Bill (1)

McIntosh, Ezra (1)

McIntosh, J. T. (1)

McIntosh, Ray (5)

McIntosh, Stuart (7)

McIntyre and HIs Orchestra, Hal (1)

McIntyre and His Orchestra, Hal (18)

McIntyre, Alan (2)

McIntyre, Dale (1)

McIntyre, Duncan (7)

McIntyre, Frank (1)

McIntyre, Hal (2)

McIntyre, J. Francis (1)

McIntyre, Jamie (5)

McIntyre, Leila Hyams (2)

McIntyre, Mitchell (1)

McIntyre, Molly (1)

McIntyre, O. (1)

McIntyre, O. O. (10)

McIntyre, Peggy (2)

McIntyre, Russ (1)

McIver and His Orchestra, Alan (3)

McIver, Alan (1)

McIver, John (2)

McIver, Ray (1)

McJimpsey, Bob (1)

McKay, Alice (1)

McKay, Ann (1)

McKay, Clark (8)

McKay, Cliff (2)

McKay, Dick (3)

McKay, Don (1)

McKay, Douglas (1)

McKay, Herbert C. (1)

McKay, Jim (1)

McKay, John (3)

McKay, Margaret (17)

McKay, Mike (1)

McKay, Norman (1)

McKay, Peggy (1)

McKay, Sandy (1)

McKay, Scott (2)

McKay, Tom (1)

McKay, Wanda (2)

McKaye, Carolyn (1)

McKaye, David (1)

McKaye, Doreen (1)

McKaye, Fulton (1)

McKaye, Marilyn (1)

McKaye, Milton (1)

McKaye, Norman (5)

McKean, Ed (2)

McKean, Jeannie (5)

McKechnie, James (1)

McKeckney, Bill (1)

McKeckney, James (7)

McKee, Alan (1)

McKee, Billie (1)

McKee, Bob (19)

McKee, Donald (2)

McKee, Eddie (1)

McKee, Elmore (13)

McKee, Frederick C. (1)

McKee, Homer (1)

McKee, James (1)

McKee, Jim (6)

McKee, John (1)

McKee, Joseph (1)

McKee, Stacey (2)

McKee, Tom (92)

McKee, Wes (1)

McKeever, E. G. (1)

McKeever, Jacquelyn (1)

McKeever, Robert M. (2)

McKeldin, Theodore Roosevelt (1)

McKell, J. B. (1)

McKell, Peggy O'Kelly (1)

McKellar, Kenneth (1)

McKellen, Ian (1)

McKelvey, Alfred (1)

McKelway, Ben (1)

McKelway, Benjamin (1)

McKenna, Aileen (1)

McKenna, Bob (4)

McKenna, Daryl (1)

McKenna, Dave (1)

McKenna, Jean (6)

McKenna, Kate (13)

McKenna, Kenneth (1)

McKenna, Marty (2)

McKenna, Scott (12)

McKenna, Stephanie (2)

McKennen, Dallas (1)

McKenney, (1)

McKenney, Ruth (4)

McKennie, Ruth (1)

McKennon, Dal (7)

McKenty, Jack (1)

McKenzie, Bob (9)

McKenzie, Charles W. (1)

McKenzie, Ed (1)

McKenzie, Fay (14)

McKenzie, Henry (1)

McKenzie, John (4)

McKenzie, Joyce (1)

McKenzie, Kenny (1)

McKenzie, M (1)

McKenzie, Murdo (531)

McKenzie, Red (23)

McKenzie, Robert (5)

McKeon, Buck (1)

McKeon, Jean (1)

McKeon, Jeannie (7)

McKeon, Richard (1)

McKern, Leon (1)

McKey, Don (1)

McKey, Tom (6)

McKeyoe, Mickey (1)

McKibbon, Al (2)

McKiernan, Buck (1)

McKiernan, Jack (1)

McKillop, Don (5)

McKillop, Donald (4)

McKim, Billee (1)

McKimmon, Jane (1)

McKimmon, Jennie (1)

McKimson, Robert (1)

McKinley and His Orchestra, Barry (1)

McKinley and His Orchestra, Ray (28)

McKinley and The American Dance Band, Ray (2)

McKinley and The Glenn Miller Orchestra, Ray (2)

McKinley Quintet, The Ray (1)

McKinley, Andrew (1)

McKinley, Barry (10)

McKinley, Chuck (1)

McKinley, J. Edward (2)

McKinley, Larry (1)

McKinley, Lucille (1)

McKinley, Mary (1)

McKinley, Ray (155)

McKinna, Jack (1)

McKinney, Dean (1)

McKinney, Ed (4)

McKinney, Evelyn (1)

McKinney, Frank (1)

McKinney, Mira (5)

McKinney, Nina Mae (1)

McKinney, Ruth (2)

McKinney, Walton (1)

McKinnon Sisters, The (1)

McKinnon, Arnett (1)

McKinnon, Dal (20)

McKinnon, Dallas (1)

McKinnon, Don (1)

McKinny, Frank (1)

McKinstry, Ray (1)

McKintrick, H. B. (1)

McKissick, Floyd (2)

McKissick, T. L. (1)

McKlendon, Norman (1)

McKnight, Anne (5)

McKnight, Dick (21)

McKnight, John (3)

McKnight, Paul (1)

McKnight, Tom (51)

McKnighter, Hanford (1)

McKonecke, Brian (2)

McKuen, Billy (1)

McKuen, Catherine (2)

McKuen, Charles (1)

McKuen, Pat (1)

McKuen, Richie (1)

McKuen, Rod (1)

McKuen, Terry (16)

McKuen, Vance (1)

McLaglen, Victor (10)

McLain, Camille (1)

McLain, Robinson (1)

McLaine, Donald (1)

McLaine, James (1)

McLaine, Jerry (1)

Mclaine, John (3)

McLane, Michael (1)

McLane, Robert (1)

McLane, Ross (1)

McLaughlin, Andra (1)

McLaughlin, Bob (1)

McLaughlin, Cele (4)

McLaughlin, Janet (1)

McLaughlin, John (1)

McLaughlin, Pat (3)

McLaughlin, Pete (1)

McLaughlin, Richard (1)

McLaughlin, Tommy (3)

McLaurie, Ed (1)

McLean, Bill (1)

McLean, Clyde (15)

McLean, Douglas (1)

McLean, Jack (1)

McLean, Josephine (2)

McLean, Kieran (1)

McLean, Lowell (1)

McLean, Mack (1)

McLean, Murray (1)

McLean, William (1)

McLeay, Jeanette (3)

McLeff, Ed (1)

McLeish, Rod (1)

McLendon, Gordon (3)

McLendon, Norwood (1)

McLeod, Bentley (1)

McLeod, Catherine (4)

McLeod, Clarence (1)

McLeod, Elizabeth (2)

McLeod, Keith (13)

McLeod, Mac (1)

McLeod, Mercer (55)

McLeod, Norman (1)

McLeod, Paul (2)

McLeod, Peter (1)

McLeod, Robert (1)

McLeod, Vivian (1)

McLerie, Allyn (1)

McLeshevsky, Jim (1)

McLevy, Jasper (1)

McLollie, Oscar (2)

McLoughlin, Bob (1)

McLoughlin, Jean (1)

McLoughlin, Maria (1)

McLoughlin, Pat (3)

McMahon, Audrey (1)

McMahon, Bill (1)

McMahon, Brian (3)

McMahon, Brien (2)

McMahon, Collette (3)

McMahon, Dallas (3)

McMahon, David (7)

McMahon, Desmond (1)

McMahon, Dick (1)

McMahon, Ed (168)

McMahon, Eileen (2)

McMahon, Elaine (2)

McMahon, Frank A. (44)

McMahon, Harry Wayne (28)

McMahon, Harvey Wayne (1)

McMahon, Horace (1)

McMahon, James Brian (1)

McMahon, James O'Brien (1)

McMahon, Jenna (1)

McMahon, Jim (1)

McMahon, Kermit (1)

McMahon, Smilin' Frank (2)

McMahon, Vincent J. (1)

McMahon, Virginia (1)

McMahon. Ed (6)

McMahone, Horace (1)

McMan, Brien (1)

McMann, Arlene (1)

McMann, Bryan (2)

McMann, Gary (1)

McMann, Jenna (1)

McMann, Patsy (1)

McMann, Pauletta (1)

McMann, Renville (1)

McMann, Solette (1)

McMann, Tom (1)

McManus, George (3)

McManus, Jean (1)

McManus, Jeannie (1)

McManus, Jim (1)

McManus, John T. (1)

McManus, Ken (3)

McManus, Kenny (1)

McManus, Marian (22)

McManus, Maureen (1)

McManus, Ownie (1)

McMartin, John (1)

McMartin, Lorraine (3)

McMaster, Frank (1)

McMaster, John (1)

McMasters, R. L. (1)

McMcormick, Austin (1)

McMechen, June (2)

McMichael, Florence (2)

McMichael, Joe (1)

McMichaels, Flo (25)

McMichen, Clayton (1)

McMickle, Dale (1)

McMillan, Alan (1)

McMillan, Alex (1)

McMillan, Donald (1)

McMillan, Dutch (2)

McMillan, George (1)

McMillan, Gloria (216)

McMillan, Lillice (1)

McMillan, Miles (1)

McMillan, Richard (4)

McMillan, Wheeler (1)

McMillin, Dutch (1)

McMonagle, Donald (1)

McMorrow, William (5)

McMorty, Frank (4)

McMullan, Nell (1)

McMullen, Douglas (1)

McMullen, Jay (3)

McMullen, Virginia (2)

McMullin, Jay (1)

McMullin, Virginia (1)

McMurtry, Tom (2)

McMurty, Tom (1)

McNair (1)

McNair, Barbara (1)

McNair, Harley F. (1)

McNair, Leslie (1)

McNair, William (1)

McNally, Billy (1)

McNally, Stephen (16)

McNally, Terrence (1)

McNamara, Maggi (1)

McNamara, Nora (2)

McNamara, Robert (9)

McNamee, Frank (1)

McNamee, Graham (231)

McNarney, Joseph (1)

McNary, Charles (2)

McNatt, Deacon (1)

McNatt, Robert (8)

McNaughton, Frank (11)

McNaughton, Harry (115)

McNay, Harry (1)

McNealy, Henry (1)

McNealy, Martin (1)

McNear, Howard (1114)

McNeeley, Howard (1)

McNeely, Arthur (7)

McNeely, Jim (1)

McNeil, Cornell (1)

McNeil, Greg (1)

McNeil, Hector (1)

McNeil, Marshall (43)

McNeil, Peter (2)

McNeil, Rod (1)

McNeill, Don (172)

McNeill, Kay Bird (1)

McNeill, Robert (2)

McNeise, Tom (1)

McNellis, Frank (1)

McNellis, Maggie (2)

McNerney, Jerry (1)

McNewman, Harry (1)

McNichols, Stephen (1)

McNider, Hanford (1)

McNierney, General (2)

McNierny, Joseph (1)

McNinch, Frank R. (1)

McNish, A. G. (1)

McNiven, Don (2)

McNulty, Bill (1)

McNulty, Dorothy (4)

McNulty, Eileen (1)

McNulty, John (19)

McNulty, Mom (1)

McNulty, Peter (1)

McNutt, Dick (1)

McNutt, Patterson (3)

McNutt, Paul (13)

McNutt, William Slavens (2)

McPartland, Jerry (1)

McPartland, Jimmy (3)

McPartland, Marian (5)

McPeak, Merrill (1)

McPeake Family, The (1)

McPhail, Douglas (1)

McPhail, Jimmy (1)

McPhatter, Clyde (3)

McPheran, Wes (1)

McPherson Quartet, The Charles (1)

McPherson, Aimee Semple (16)

McPherson, Calvin (1)

McPherson, Charles (1)

McPherson, Elaine (2)

McPherson, Graham (1)

McPherson, Russell (1)

McPherson, Stewart (7)

McPherson, Virginia (2)

McPugh, Marjorie (2)

McQuade, Arlene (13)

McQuade, J. B. (1)

McQuade, John (7)

McQuarrie, Charlie (1)

McQuayne, John (1)

McQueen, Alexander (2)

McQueen, Butterfly (52)

McQueen, Noel (3)

McQueen, Steve (5)

McQueeny, Lawrence (1)

McQuillan, L. A. (2)

McQuinn, Harry (2)

McQuirt, Doris (2)

McRae, Carmen (1)

McRae, Margaret (3)

McRae, Teddy (1)

McRae, Tom (1)

McRae, Wally (1)

McRae, Walter (1)

McRay, Norman (1)

McReynolds and The Texas Playboys, Bob (1)

McReynolds, Bob (2)

McRitchie, Barbara (1)

McSally, Martha (1)

McShane, Carol (1)

McShann and His Orchestra, Jay (4)

McShann Trio, The Jay (1)

McShann, Jay (1)

McSherry, William (2)

McSkiving, Mary (3)

McSpaden, Herb (1)

McSpaden, Jud (1)

McTaggart, Bud (3)

McTaggart, Malcomb (1)

McTaggert, Bud (1)

McTaggert, Jesse (1)

McTavish, Ian (1)

McTavish, Megan (5)

McTell, Penny (1)

McTier, Solomon (1)

McTighe, Harry (1)

Mcullough, Joan (1)

MCullough, John (1)

McVane, Don (1)

McVane, John (51)

McVea and His All-Stars, Jack (3)

McVea, Jack (6)

McVeagh, Eve (52)

McVeigh, Thomas (1)

McVeil, Lindsay (1)

McVey, Eve (19)

McVey, Francis (1)

McVey, Margaret (1)

McVey, Pat (2)

McVey, Patrick (1)

McVey, Paul (67)

McVey, Tyler (233)

McVicker, Daniel (1)

McWade, Margaret (1)

McWaters, Virginia (1)

McWethy, John (1)

McWherter, Rod (5)

McWiggen, Jack (1)

McWilliams, Carey (1)

McWilliams, Elsie (1)

McWilliams, George (1)

McWilliams, Jim (1)

Meacham, Monty (1)

Meachum, Anne (1)

Meachum, Malcolm (4)

Mead, Donald (1)

Mead, Douglas (1)

Mead, Frederick (1)

Mead, George (2)

Mead, Grace (1)

Mead, Jack (3)

Mead, Margaret (8)

Mead, Nelson (3)

Mead, Sidney (1)

Mead, Tim (1)

Mead, Warren (1)

Meade, George Gordon (1)

Meade, Harold B. (1)

Meade, Julia (10)

Meade, Kate Herd (1)

Meade, Lois (1)

Meade, Martha (5)

Meade, Mary (2)

Meade, Patrick (1)

Meader, George (4)

Meader, Phil (10)

Meader, Smiley (1)

Meader, Stephen W. (1)

Meader, William (11)

Meadow, Herb (168)

Meadow, Leon (4)

Meadow, Virginia (1)

Meadowcroft, Enid Lamont (1)

Meadowlarks, The (2)

Meadows, Audrey (44)

Meadows, Jane (3)

Meadows, Jayne (5)

Meakin and His Orchestra, Jack (1)

Meakin, Jack (689)

Mealand, Richard (1)

Mealey, Malcolm (2)

Mealy, John (1)

Means, Mary Ann (1)

Meany, George (12)

Meany, Tom (2)

Mear, Raymond (1)

Meara, Ann (5)

Meara, Anne (2)

Meara, Kathy (1)

Meara, Martha (1)

Mears, Betty (2)

Mears, Bill (2)

Mears, George (9)

Mears, Jilly (2)

Mears, Martha (119)

Mears, Walter (1)

Meck, Sue (4)

Mecklin, John (1)

Medaris, J. H. (1)

Medaris, John (1)

Medberry, John P. (1)

Medbury, John P. (2)

Medder, Marvin (1)

Medford, Harold (10)

Medhoff and His Orchestra, Sam (6)

Medhoff and The Yiddish Swingtet, Sam (4)

Medina, Harold (4)

Mednick, Stanley Robert (1)

Medoff, Jack (1)

Medwick, Joe (3)

Meecham, Malcolm (1)

Meeder, Bill (2)

Meeder, William (50)

Meegan, Jean (1)

Meehan, Charles (1)

Meehan, Danny (1)

Meehan, Don (3)

Meehan, John (1)

Meehan, Marty (1)

Meehan, Pat (1)

Meehan, Tom (49)

Meek, Allan (2)

Meek, Donald (5)

Meek, Kendrick (1)

Meeker, George (1)

Meeker, John (1)

Meeker, Ken (5)

Meeker, Ralph (5)

Meeks, George (1)

Meer, Johnny Vander (1)

Meerbach, Alexander (1)

Meers, Jillie (3)

Meese, Edwin (1)

Megalos, Bill (1)

Megedoff, Robert (1)

Megowan, Don (1)

Mehaffey, Harry (2)

Mehan, D. A. (1)

Mehegan, Peter (1)

Mehra, Lal Chand (20)

Mehrtens, Warren (2)

Mehta, Zubin (3)

Meidell, Gert (1)

Meier, Don (1)

Meighan, Howard (2)

Meighan, Jack (1)

Meighan, James (7)

Meighan, Louis (1)

Meighan, Patricia (1)

Meikle, Richard (1)

Meilan, Bill (1)

Meilion (1)

Meilion, John (19)

Meillon, John (5)

Meir, Golda (1)

Meisel, Kurt (1)

Meisels, Andrew (1)

Meiser, Edith (64)

Meisle, Catherine (1)

Meisner, Sanford (1)

Meister, Barbara (1)

Meister, Morris (1)

Meister, Sylvia (1)

Meitner, Lisa (2)

Mel, Allen (1)

Mel, Uncle (1)

Mel-Tones, The (5)

Melachrino and His Orchestra, George (6)

Melachrino and The Combined Services Orchestra, George (1)

Melachrino, George (6)

Melamed, Lou (49)

Melamin, Lou (6)

Melancon, Charlie (1)

Melatti, Jean (1)

Melba, Thomas (2)

Melcher, John (2)

Melcher, Martin (1)

Melchior, Elaine (2)

Melchior, Lauritz (54)

Meldonian, Dick (1)

Melfi, Frank (2)

Melford, Frank (1)

Melford, Jill (1)

Melford, Mary (1)

Melgard, Al (1)

Melgess, Doug (1)

Meli, Lindo (19)

Melillo, William (3)

Melin, Nels (1)

Melin, Nils (1)

Melis, Jose (2)

Mell, Dean (9)

Mell, Joseph (1)

Mellano, Frank (1)

Meller, Dorothy (1)

Mellick, Jane (1)

Mellion, John (4)

Mello-Men, The (57)

Mellolarks, The (8)

Mellon, Guy (3)

Mellon, Ida (1)

Mellon, John (10)

Mellon, Paul (1)

Melloreenees, Slim Gaillard and His (1)

Mellotones, The (1)

Mellow, Frank (2)

Mellow, Robert (1)

Mellow-Men, The (1)

Mellowlarks, The (1)

Melmar, McKnight (1)

Melnick, Bertha (1)

Melnik, Bertha (1)

Melodaires, The (1)

Melodeans, The (1)

Melodiers, The Southern (1)

Melodists, The MacAleer (1)

Melody Choristers, The (5)

Melody Girls, The (1)

Melody Maids, The (19)

Melodymen, The (1)

Melosh, Everett (4)

Melotin, Al (1)

Melson, Bill (1)

Melton Choir, The Harry (1)

Melton, Bill (2)

Melton, Frank (1)

Melton, James (162)

Melton, Sid (1)

Melton, William (1)

Melton, William Ray (1)

Meltones, The (7)

Meltzer, Bernard (1)

Meltzer, Brad (1)

Meltzer, Clarence (1)

Meltzer, Jack (1)

Meltzer, Lewis (1)

Meltzer, Lou (4)

Meltzer, Louis (3)

Meltzer, Robert (1)

Melville, Alan (6)

Melville, Herman (26)

Melvin and The Blue Notes, Harold (1)

Melvin, Allan (6)

Melvin, Edwin (1)

Melvin, Hal (1)

Melvin, Susan (3)

Melzer, Bernard D. (1)

Memory Four Quartet, The (4)

Memzik, George (1)

Men Of Melody, The (5)

Men Of Note (1)

Men, Ronnie Dee and The D (1)

Men, The Harmonica Minute (1)

Men, The Johnson Merry (1)

Men, The Key (1)

Men, The Melody (2)

Men, The Music Maids and (8)

Menafee, Seldon (2)

Menapee, Sheldon (1)

Menchotti, Esther (1)

Mencken, H. L. (3)

Mendel, Douglas (1)

Mendelbaum, Richard (1)

Mendell, Vladimir (1)

Mendell, Wendell (2)

Mendelsohn, Fred (1)

Mendelssohn Glee Club, The (1)

Mendelssohn, Felix (1)

Mendenhall, Joseph (1)

Mender, Miles (1)

Mendes-France, Pierre (2)

Mendez, Jim (1)

Mendez, Rafael (23)

Mendick, Charles (16)

Mendicks, Charles (1)

Mendis, Asoka (2)

Mendlebaum, Bernard (1)

Mendoza, Harry (1)

Mendoza, Peter (1)

Mendrick, Charles (1)

Mendrick, William (8)

Menefe, Selden C. (1)

Menefee, Peter (1)

Menefee, Selden C. (3)

Menendez, Bob (3)

Menendez, Galien and (1)

Menendez, Nino (2)

Menendez, Robert (3)

Mengelberg, Willem (2)

Mengis, Herbert (1)

Menjou, Adolphe (72)

Menken, Helen (12)

Menken, Lawrence (3)

Menken, Shepard (193)

Menkin, Arthur (2)

Menkin, Lawrence (1)

Menklen, Jules (4)

Menklin, Jules (1)

Mennin, Peter (1)

Menninger, Karl (3)

Menninger, William (1)

Menon, V. K. Krishna (3)

Menotti, Gian Carlo (3)

Menotti, Gian-Carlo (1)

Menshikov, Mikhail (1)

Mentiplay, Cedric (1)

Menuhin, Yehudi (17)

Menzies, Bruce (1)

Menzies, Robert (1)

Merande, Doro (16)

Merbold, Ulf (1)

Mercante, Al (1)

Mercante, Arthur (5)

Mercedes (1)

Mercedes, Malcolm (1)

Mercen, Isabelle (1)

Mercer, Frances (3)

Mercer, Johnny (231)

Mercer, Mary (2)

Mercer, Mary Ann (8)

Mercer, Ruby (2)

Mercer, Sid (3)

Mercer, Tommy (73)

Mercer, William (1)

Merchant, Maxine (1)

Mercier, Louis (2)

Meredith, Brian (81)

Meredith, Burgess (76)

Meredith, Charles (4)

Meredith, Cheerio (1)

Meredith, Dan (42)

Meredith, Don (2)

Meredith, Dorothy (1)

Meredith, Elaine (1)

Meredith, George (4)

Meredith, Gladys (1)

Meredith, Ioan (1)

Meredith, Iris (1)

Meredith, James (2)

Meredith, Jan (9)

Meredith, Jane (1)

Meredith, Jay (5)

Meredith, Jim (2)

Meredith, John L. (5)

Meredith, Judy (2)

Meredith, Lucille (53)

Meredith, Madge (1)

Meredith, Margaret (1)

Meredith, Morley (6)

Merelis, Johann (1)

Meremboom Jr. Symphony Orchestra, Peter (1)

Merick, Molly (1)

Meriden, Don (1)

Meriden, Elaine (1)

Merighi, Augusta (1)

Merill, Don (13)

Merimee, Prosper (2)

Merin, Eda Reiss (33)

Merinus, Richard (1)

Merival, Bernard (2)

Merivale, Philip (3)

Merivale, Phillip (3)

Merka, Praeger and (1)

Merkel, Una (78)

Merken, Geraldine (1)

Merkin, Barry (1)

Merkin, Geraldine (4)

Merkin, Sanford (2)

Merkin, Sid (6)

Merkle, Joe (1)

Merkur, Harry (2)

Merle, Leona (1)

Merlin and His Orchestra, Bing (2)

Merlin, Barbara (10)

Merlin, Jan (48)

Merlin, John (24)

Merlin, Mary (1)

Merlin, Milton (25)

Merman, Ethel (65)

Merman, Milton (1)

Mermon, Joe (7)

Merner, George (2)

Merns, David (1)

Merola, Gaetano (27)

Merriam, Charles (1)

Merriam, Eve (1)

Merriam, Frank (3)

Merrick and His Orchestra, Mahlon (5)

Merrick, David (3)

Merrick, Dick (2)

Merrick, Jim (1)

Merrick, John (1)

Merrick, Joseph (1)

Merrick, Leonard (3)

Merrick, Linn (1)

Merrick, Mahlin (1)

Merrick, Mahlon (691)

Merrick, Margaret (2)

Merrick, Nick (2)

Merrick, William (2)

Merril, Herrick (48)

Merrill, Alan (1)

Merrill, Bob (3)

Merrill, Buddy (5)

Merrill, Dan (1)

Merrill, Danny (1)

Merrill, Dick (2)

Merrill, Gary (21)

Merrill, Herbert (1)

Merrill, Howard (94)

Merrill, Jean (3)

Merrill, Joan (32)

Merrill, Ken (1)

Merrill, Larry (2)

Merrill, Lou (599)

Merrill, Mildred (133)

Merrill, Nathaniel (3)

Merrill, Ray (1)

Merrill, Red (1)

Merrill, Robert (110)

Merrill, Steve (1)

Merrill, Steven (1)

Merriman, Bob (1)

Merriman, Nan (14)

Merriman, Phil (1)

Merriman, Randy (2)

Merriman, Richard (1)

Merrimee, Prosper (2)

Merringh, P. W. (1)

Merrison, Clive (79)

Merrit, Russell (5)

Merritt, George (7)

Merritt, Walter (1)

Merriweather, Lee (1)

Merrow, Bob (1)

Merrow, Chester E. (1)

Merry Macs, The (101)

Merry, Eileen (1)

Merryfield, Mary (22)

Merrymakers, The (1)

Merrymakers, The Union Oil (2)

Merrymen, The Johnson (1)

Merryvale, Bernard (1)

Merryvale, Jack (2)

Merryvale, John (4)

Merryvale, Phillip (2)

Merton, John (3)

Mertz, Margaret (1)

Mervin, William (2)

Merwyn Gerard Seeleg Lester (1)

Mescal, Catherine (1)

Meserand, Edythe (16)

Meserve, Jeanne (2)

Meshikov, Michael (1)

Meskill, Catherine (6)

Meskill, Katherine (1)

Meskill, Kay (1)

Mesner, Clarence (3)

Mess, James (1)

Messenger, Jon (1)

Messengers Of Love, The (1)

Messer, Charlie (2)

Messer, Luker (1)

Messer, Paul (10)

Messer, R. E. (1)

Messey, Bob (2)

Messick, Don (7)

Messina, Frankie (26)

Messinee, Bud (1)

Messner and His Music Box Band, Johnny (1)

Messner and His Orchestra, Johnny (7)

Messner, Bud (1)

Messner, Johnny (7)

Messner, Marland (1)

Mesta, Perle (2)

Mestayer, Harry (2)

Mestel, Jacob (1)

Meston, John (426)

Mesurier, John Le (1)

Metaxa, Georges (1)

Metcalf, Allen Ballentine (1)

Metcalf, Jean (1)

Metcalf, Ted (1)

Metcalfe, Eddie (4)

Metcalfe, Ralph (1)

Meter, Karl Van (1)

Methot, Fred (1)

Methot, Frederick (1)

Metkin, Larry (1)

Metro Goldwyn Mayer Symphonic Orchestra, The (2)

Metropolitan Jazz Quartet, The (1)

Metrovitch, Marta (1)

Metterlinck, Maurice (2)

Mettler, Emil (1)

Mettome, Doug (3)

Metz, Bob (1)

Metz, Milt (1)

Metz, Solomon (1)

Metz, Stuart (240)

Metz, Theodore August (1)

Metz, Zachary (1)

Metzenbaum, Howard (2)

Metzger, Dorothy (1)

Meurer, Ellen (1)

Meurer, Raymond (2)

Meuw, Christian (1)

Mexican Marima Typica Band, The (1)

Mexican Symphony Orchestra, The (1)

Mexico City Symphony Orchestra, The (1)

Meyer's Orchestra, Gus (1)

Meyer, Agnes (1)

Meyer, Annie Nathan (1)

Meyer, Arthur (1)

Meyer, Bern (2)

Meyer, Bob (1)

Meyer, Dale (1)

Meyer, Dillon (1)

Meyer, Edmund (1)

Meyer, Frederick (1)

Meyer, Gerard P. (1)

Meyer, Harry (1)

Meyer, Henry (1)

Meyer, Isadore (1)

Meyer, Jean (2)

Meyer, Jerome Prebbin (1)

Meyer, Karlian (1)

Meyer, Ken (3)

Meyer, Larry (4)

Meyer, Lisa (1)

Meyer, Louis (1)

Meyer, Milton (1)

Meyer, Nicholas (2)

Meyer, Ray (2)

Meyer, Torben (2)

Meyer, Virginia (1)

Meyerbeer, Giacomo (1)

Meyers, Al (1)

Meyers, Andrew (6)

Meyers, Barbara (2)

Meyers, Bernard (1)

Meyers, Bill (4)

Meyers, Carl (2)

Meyers, Carmel (4)

Meyers, Cletis (1)

Meyers, Curley (2)

Meyers, Dale D. (6)

Meyers, David (1)

Meyers, Dickie (12)

Meyers, Ed T. (1)

Meyers, Eddie (2)

Meyers, Eric (1)

Meyers, Ethel Jane (1)

Meyers, Francine (5)

Meyers, Francis (2)

Meyers, Francis J. (1)

Meyers, George (1)

Meyers, Gustavus (1)

Meyers, J. L. (1)

Meyers, Jack (22)

Meyers, John (1)

Meyers, John B. (1)

Meyers, Johnny (2)

Meyers, Joseph (59)

Meyers, Joseph O. (2)

Meyers, Ken (1)

Meyers, Kenny (2)

Meyers, Lawrence (1)

Meyers, Marty (5)

Meyers, Nicholas (1)

Meyers, Pauline (1)

Meyers, Roland (1)

Meyers, Stan (1)

Meyers, Stanley (1)

Meyers, Ted (17)

Meyerson, Alonzo (1)

Meyerson, Harry (1)

Meyerson, Harvey (1)

Meyerson, Margery (1)

Meyerson, Martin (1)

Meyerson, Peter (2)

Meyner, Robert (3)

Mezzrow, Mezz (3)

MGM Film and Recording Orchestra, The (1)

MGM Recording Orchestra, The (1)

MGM Studio Orchestra, The (1)

Mich, Dan (1)

Michael (1)

Michael, Alma (2)

Michael, Choir Of The Capuchin Church Of St. (1)

Michael, Ed (2)

Michael, Frank (7)

Michael, Franz (1)

Michael, George (1)

Michael, Gertrude (3)

Michael, Jack (1)

Michael, Jay (992)

Michael, Joyce (2)

Michael, Kenneth (1)

Michael, Mary (14)

Michael, Ray (1)

Michael, Robert (2)

Michael, Sandra (68)

Michaelis, Adrian (1)

Michaelis, Karin (1)

Michaels, Andrew (4)

Michaels, Buss (1)

Michaels, David (1)

Michaels, Herman (2)

Michaels, Joseph (4)

Michaels, Jospeh (1)

Michaels, Mala (1)

Michaels, Mary (1)

Michaels, Noreen (2)

Michaels, Pat (1)

Michaels, Ray (3)

Michaels, Sully (1)

Michaels, Sylvia (10)

Michaels, Tony (12)

Michalopoulos, Andre (3)

Michalski, Raymond (3)

Michaud, Michael (1)

Michel, Robert (1)

Michelaire, Mishel (1)

Michelas, Adrian (1)

Michele, Phil (1)

Micheline, Dolores (1)

Michell, Keith (1)

Michelson, Bob (8)

Michelson, Charles (27)

Michelson, Dr. (13)

Michenaud, Jean-Michel (1)

Michener, Carroll K. (1)

Michener, James (13)

Michie, Lola (2)

Michie, Norman (1)

Michio, Hazama (4)

Mickelson, George (1)

Mickelson, Sig (1)

Mickens, Jan (1)

Mickey Mouse Grand Opera Company, The (1)

Mickey, Alan (2)

Mickey, Tom (1)

Mickoel, Solomon (1)

Middlebird, Marvin (1)

Middlemass, Robert (6)

Middleton, Bob (2)

Middleton, Faith (1)

Middleton, Glen (1)

Middleton, Ray (22)

Middleton, Robert (5)

Middleton, Velma (19)

Midgeley, Robin (1)

Midgely, Lesley (2)

Midgely, Robin (1)

Midgley, Robin (18)

Midler, Bette (1)

Midwesterners, The (1)

Miehle, Bob (1)

Mielke, Robert (1)

Miers, Earl (1)

Miers, Earl Schenck (1)

Miessner, John (1)

Mieux, Fred Le (1)

Mighty Clouds Of Joy, The (1)

Migliori, Jay (1)

Miguel, Lolita San (1)

Mikhailov, Pavel (3)

Mikolas, Joe (1)

Mikowski, Hans (1)

Mikoyan, Anastas (1)

Mikulski, Barbara (2)

Milam, Lorenzo (1)

Milan, Frank (1)

Milan, George (1)

Milan, Lita (1)

Milan, Mike (3)

Milander, William (2)

Milano, Bright (1)

Milano, Frank (44)

Milano, Si (1)

Milanov, Zinka (6)

Miles, Alice Lowe (1)

Miles, Allie Lowe (1)

Miles, Austin (1)

Miles, Bernard (2)

Miles, Bill (1)

Miles, Connie (4)

Miles, George (1)

Miles, Ginger (1)

Miles, Hank (1)

Miles, Jackie (4)

Miles, John (1)

Miles, Lillian (1)

Miles, Linda (1)

Miles, Maralyn (2)

Miles, Melvin (31)

Miles, Ogden (1)

Miles, Pamela (1)

Miles, Peter (2)

Miles, Phillip (1)

Miles, Phyllis (18)

Miles, Tony (1)

Miles, Vera (4)

Miles, Walter R. (1)

Miles, Warren (5)

Miles,Connie (1)

Mileston, Ken (1)

Milestone, Lewis (2)

Miley, Bubber (1)

Miley, John (1)

Miley, Thomas Jeffereson (1)

Milford, Gene (1)

Milford, Mary (5)

Milgram, Abraham (1)

Milholland, Bruce (1)

Miljan, John (2)

Milk, Ed (1)

Milland, Lynn (1)

Milland, Ray (88)

Millar Jr., Lee (159)

Millar, Gavin (1)

Millar, Lee (41)

Millard, Andre (2)

Millard, John (1)

Millard, Maurice (1)

Millard, Oscar (2)

Millard, Peter (1)

Millard, Suzanne (1)

Millay, Edna St. Vincent (7)

Millburn Jr., Deveraux (1)

Millder, Walter (1)

Mille, Mrs. Cecil B. De (1)

Millen, Sarah Gertrude (1)

Millender-McDonald, Juanita (1)

Millenson, Leslie (1)

Miller and Choir, Albert (2)

Miller and His Gang, Mitch (1)

Miller and His Orchestra and Chorus, Mitch (5)

Miller and His Orchestra, Bill (1)

Miller and His Orchestra, Glenn (138)

Miller and His Orchestra, Hap (2)

Miller and His Orchestra, Irving (29)

Miller and His Orchestra, Jack (15)

Miller and His Orchestra, Mitch (4)

Miller and His Orchestra, Ray (8)

Miller and His Orchestra, Victor (32)

Miller and Thd Band Of The AAF Training Command, Glen (1)

Miller and The AAFTC Orchestra, Glenn (6)

Miller and The American Band Of The AEF, Glenn (20)

Miller and The Army Air Force Band, Glenn (1)

Miller and The Band Of The AAF Training Command, Glenn (39)

Miller and The Band Of The AEF, Glenn (1)

Miller Army Air Force Band, The Glenn (1)

Miller Band, Members Of The Glenn (6)

Miller Jr., Walter (15)

Miller Modernaires With Paula Kelly, The Glenn (2)

Miller Orchestra, The Glenn (52)

Miller Singers, The Mitch (1)

Miller Trio, The Max (1)

Miller's Army Air Forces Overseas Orchestra, Major Glenn (5)

Miller, Admiral (1)

Miller, Albert (4)

Miller, Albert G. (6)

Miller, Alice (2)

Miller, Alice Duer (1)

Miller, Alice Newell (1)

Miller, Allan (1)

Miller, Ann (16)

Miller, Arthur (30)

Miller, Artie (1)

Miller, Ashley (1)

Miller, Barbara (19)

Miller, Barney (1)

Miller, Beatrice (4)

Miller, Bert (4)

Miller, Bill (3)

Miller, Bob (10)

Miller, Bobby (1)

Miller, Brad (1)

Miller, Brenda (1)

Miller, Brewster (1)

Miller, Brewster S. (7)

Miller, Brian (7)

Miller, Candice (2)

Miller, Carl (1)

Miller, Charles (2)

Miller, Chris (29)

Miller, Cliff (1)

Miller, Clyde (1)

Miller, Corrine (1)

Miller, Dan (1)

Miller, David (11)

Miller, Dean (3)

Miller, Dinah (1)

Miller, Doris (1)

Miller, Dorothy (1)

Miller, Douglas (6)

Miller, Ed (2)

Miller, Eddie (17)

Miller, Emma Guffey (1)

Miller, F. J. (1)

Miller, Flournoy (2)

Miller, Floyd (3)

Miller, Frank (14)

Miller, Garry (1)

Miller, George (2)

Miller, Gertrude (1)

Miller, Gladys (4)

Miller, Glenn (22)

Miller, Glenn E. (13)

Miller, H. B. (1)

Miller, Hal (1)

Miller, Harold (2)

Miller, Harvey (1)

Miller, Helen (1)

Miller, Homer (1)

Miller, Hope (2)

Miller, Howard (7)

Miller, Hugh Gordon (1)

Miller, Irving (17)

Miller, Izetta Jewel (1)

Miller, Jack (75)

Miller, Jason (1)

Miller, Jefferson (1)

Miller, Jerry (1)

Miller, Jiggs (1)

Miller, Jimmy (2)

Miller, Joan (2)

Miller, John (3)

Miller, Johnny (10)

Miller, Jonathan (3)

Miller, Joseph (2)

Miller, Julius (1)

Miller, Justin (2)

Miller, Kay (8)

Miller, Lindy (4)

Miller, Lois (1)

Miller, Lou (1)

Miller, Louis (2)

Miller, Luther (5)

Miller, Mack (1)

Miller, Marcus (1)

Miller, Marcy (9)

Miller, Margaret (2)

Miller, Marianne (1)

Miller, Marilyn (7)

Miller, Martha (1)

Miller, Marvin (1109)

Miller, Mary (1)

Miller, Mary Jean (1)

Miller, Mary Madeline (1)

Miller, Max (5)

Miller, Maxine (2)

Miller, Melina (2)

Miller, Melinda (1)

Miller, Merle (8)

Miller, Michael (8)

Miller, Mildred (7)

Miller, Milena (11)

Miller, Mitch (22)

Miller, Mrs. Peter (2)

Miller, Ned (11)

Miller, Neville (1)

Miller, Patsy Ruth (1)

Miller, Paul (3)

Miller, Pinky (1)

Miller, Punch (3)

Miller, Ray (1)

Miller, Robert (4)

Miller, Robert M. (1)

Miller, Roger (2)

Miller, Ross (2)

Miller, Sally (1)

Miller, Seton (3)

Miller, Seton I. (5)

Miller, Sheriff (1)

Miller, Sidney (189)

Miller, Sigmund (41)

Miller, Slim (6)

Miller, Sonny (6)

Miller, Steve (1)

Miller, Susan (45)

Miller, Taylor (3)

Miller, Ted (1)

Miller, Thomas (1)

Miller, Van (1)

Miller, Vernon (1)

Miller, Wade (1)

Miller, Walter (1)

Miller, Walter James (9)

Miller, William (17)

Miller, William E. (3)

Miller, William Fishbait (1)

Miller, Winston (3)

Miller, Zell (1)

Millerlilly, Cecil (1)

Millers, Milton Estes and His Musical (2)

Millers, The Musical (1)

Millet, Art (13)

Millet, Ray (3)

Millett, Lowell (1)

Millham, Charles (1)

Millhauser, Bertram (2)

Millholland, Charles (1)

Millhollin, William (1)

Milligan, Beatrice (1)

Milligan, Desmond (1)

Milligan, Harold Gibson (1)

Milligan, Jane (1)

Milligan, Laura (1)

Milligan, Sean (1)

Milligan, Shelagh (1)

Milligan, Spike (250)

Milligan, Stuart (4)

Millikan, Robert (1)

Milliken, William M. (1)

Millikin, Eugene (2)

Millin, Sarah Gertrude (13)

Millinder and His Orchestra, Lucky (8)

Milliner, B. (1)

Milliner, Gladys (1)

Millot, Albert Hay (1)

Mills and His Orchestra, Billy (662)

Mills and His Orchestra, Felix (108)

Mills and The Studebaker Strings, Felix (13)

Mills Brothers, The (86)

Mills, Allan (1)

Mills, Arthur E. (1)

Mills, Betty (2)

Mills, Billy (56)

Mills, Burly (2)

Mills, Byron (1)

Mills, Dorothy (1)

Mills, Edward (1)

Mills, Edwin (8)

Mills, Felix (163)

Mills, Frank (6)

Mills, George R. (1)

Mills, Grant (1)

Mills, Harry (1)

Mills, Jackie (3)

Mills, Jim (1)

Mills, John (2)

Mills, Juliet (5)

Mills, Karen Gordon (1)

Mills, Lenox (1)

Mills, Noel (5)

Mills, Paul (3)

Mills, Robert (1)

Mills, Rod (2)

Mills, Royce (1)

Mills, Shirley (1)

Mills, Stephanie (2)

Mills, Ted (8)

Mills, Thomas (27)

Mills, Verlye (2)

Mills, Warren (7)

Millstein, Alan (1)

Milm, Ella (1)

Milman, Martin (1)

Milne, A. A. (8)

Milne, Peter (1)

Milner, Art (2)

Milner, Lucy (1)

Milner, Martin (6)

Milnes, Sherill (5)

Milnes, Sherrill (10)

Milnick, George (1)

Milo Twins, The (14)

Milo, Henry (51)

Milo, Melitza (3)

Milo. Elissa (1)

Milos, Jana (2)

Milow, Melitza (1)

Milsap, Ronnie (1)

Milsner, Poldi (1)

Milstead, Helen (12)

Milstein, Nathan (5)

Miltner, Jay (3)

Milton and His Choir, Harry (1)

Milton Katims Robert Segal (1)

Milton, George (1)

Milton, Gerald (1)

Milton, Jack (6)

Milton, John (1)

Milton, Paul (43)

Milward (2)

Milward, Joe (2)

Milward, Kristin (1)

Mims, Bill (1)

Mims, Frances (1)

Mims, Holly (1)

Minard, Ken (1)

Mince, Elliott (1)

Mince, Johnny (11)

Minciotti, Ernestine (2)

Mindel, Joseph (146)

Mindszenty, Jozsef (1)

Mineah, Robert Barrett (1)

Mineo, Sal (5)

Mineo, Sam (4)

Miner, Ellis (3)

Miner, Jan (155)

Miner, Worthington (17)

Miners, Kenny (1)

Minerva, Harold (1)

Minet, Elissa (1)

Mineta, Norman (1)

Minevitch and The Harmonica Rascals, Borrah (2)

Minevitch, Borrah (2)

Ming, Wei Dao (1)

Mingus Quintet, The Charles (1)

Mingus, Charlie (7)

Miniciotti, Esther (1)

Miniciotti, Silvio (1)

Mink, David (5)

Mink, George (1)

Minn, Charles (1)

Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, The (1)

Minnelli, Liza (7)

Minner, Ruth Ann (1)

Minnick, Maurice (1)

Minor, Charles S. (2)

Minor, Dale (3)

Minor, Dan (1)

Minor, Peter (1)

Minors, Johnny Creach's Majors and (1)

Minos, Phillip (1)

Minot, Anna (1)

Minow, Newton (3)

Mins, Leonard (1)

Minstrels, The Midland (1)

Minstrels, The Model (1)

Minton, Paul (1)

Minton, Robert (4)

Minton, Yvonne (1)

Mintz, Eli (14)

Mirachi, Lydia (1)

Miran, Alec (1)

Mirand, Dora (1)

Miranda (4)

Miranda, Aurora (4)

Miranda, Carmen (51)

Miranda, Elsa (2)

Miranda, Isa (1)

Miranda, Mark (6)

Mirandy, Dora (1)

Miras, Maria (1)

Mirkin, Barry (1)

Miro, Don (1)

Mirscha, La Petite (1)

Mirza, Inam (1)

Mischakoff, Mischa (8)

MIschakov, Mischa (1)

Mischaux, Lightfoot (1)

Mischer, Don (1)

Misely, Catherine (1)

Misener, Sanford (1)

Miseur, Le Petite (1)

Misfits, The (1)

Mishel, Werner (15)

Mishele, Mishel (3)

Mismanno, Michael (1)

Misrock, Henry (2)

Miss Audrey (1)

Misses, The Three (1)

Mistani, Don (1)

Mister, Ruth (1)

Mistin, Baby (1)

Mistinguett (1)

Mitchel, Les (11)

Mitchel, Madeleine (1)

Mitchell and His Orchestra, Robert (1)

Mitchell and The Dolly Brothers, Bob (1)

Mitchell Boys Choir, Robert (1)

Mitchell Boys Choir, The Bob (7)

Mitchell Boys Choir, The Robert (12)

Mitchell Singers, The Roy (1)

Mitchell, Abbie (1)

Mitchell, Albert (10)

Mitchell, Andrea (2)

Mitchell, Andy (1)

Mitchell, Ann (1)

Mitchell, Barbara (9)

Mitchell, Bill (4)

Mitchell, Bob (175)

Mitchell, Broadus (8)

Mitchell, Bud (1)

Mitchell, Cameron (7)

Mitchell, Carl (1)

Mitchell, Charlotte (3)

Mitchell, Curtis (1)

Mitchell, Dolly (15)

Mitchell, Eleanor (2)

Mitchell, Esther (1)

Mitchell, Everett (54)

Mitchell, Ewing (1)

Mitchell, Frank (1)

Mitchell, Franklin (71)

Mitchell, Freddy (1)

Mitchell, George (18)

Mitchell, Greg (1)

Mitchell, Guy (4)

Mitchell, H. L. (1)

Mitchell, Harry (74)

Mitchell, Harry B. (1)

Mitchell, Helen S. (1)

Mitchell, Howard (1)

Mitchell, Irving (1)

Mitchell, Isola (1)

Mitchell, Jack (16)

Mitchell, James (13)

Mitchell, James P. (1)

Mitchell, Jim (1)

Mitchell, John (6)

Mitchell, Johnny (5)

Mitchell, Joni (1)

Mitchell, Kurt (1)

Mitchell, Laurie (1)

Mitchell, Les (126)

Mitchell, Leslie (4)

Mitchell, Madeleine (1)

Mitchell, Madeline (1)

Mitchell, Malcoln (1)

Mitchell, Margaret (4)

Mitchell, Marilyn (1)

Mitchell, Maurice B. (1)

Mitchell, Millard (7)

Mitchell, Paul (11)

Mitchell, Perry (2)

Mitchell, Robert (103)

Mitchell, Roy (2)

Mitchell, Sheila (2)

Mitchell, Shirley (487)

Mitchell, Sidney (1)

Mitchell, Silas Weir (1)

Mitchell, Skolky (1)

Mitchell, Stephen (3)

Mitchell, Stephen A. (1)

Mitchell, Steve (1)

Mitchell, Sue (1)

Mitchell, Terry (1)

Mitchell, Thomas (48)

Mitchell, Tommy (1)

Mitchell, W.H. (2)

Mitchell, Waddy (1)

Mitchell, William (1)

Mitchell. Joni (1)

Mitchelle, Jimmy (1)

Mitchman, Al (1)

Mitchum, John (1)

Mitchum, Robert (14)

Mitler, Frank (15)

Mitropoulos, Dimitri (17)

Mitrovich, Marta (3)

Mittler, Frank (2)

Mix, Mrs. Tom (1)

Mix, Tom (2)

Mixer, Robert (1)

Mixin, Danny (1)

Mixtures, The (1)

Mize, John (1)

Mize, Johnny (2)

Mizener, Arthur (1)

Mizner, Wilson (2)

Mizzy, Vic (1)

Mjelva, Gunvor (1)

Mo, Erica (1)

Moatt, Don (1)

Moazel, Marvin (1)

Mobley, Radford (1)

Mock, Alice (2)

Mockus, Tony (5)

Modarelli, Antonio (1)

Model, Lisette (1)

Models, The Singing Powers (1)

Modere, Mary (1)

Modern Choir, The (3)

Modern Jazz Quartet, The (10)

Modern Melody Trio, The (10)

Modernaires, The (153)

Modernettes, The (1)

Modi, Nissar (1)

Modiste, Silva (1)

Modlin, Jules (1)

Modner, Martin (1)

Moe, Eenie Meanie Miney and (10)

Moe, Elsa (1)

Moe, Finn (4)

Moe, Lorimer (1)

Moeberg, Robert (1)

Moebius, Hans (1)

Moebus, Hans (3)

Moedl, Martha (1)

Moeller, Henry (84)

Moench, Doug (1)

Moessinger, David (1)

Moffat, Adelaide (1)

Moffat, Joe (7)

Moffat, John (33)

Moffett, Judy (1)

Moffett, Phyllis (2)

Moffo, Anna (4)

Mogel, Bill (8)

Mogel, Len (1)

Mogel, Leonard (2)

Moger, Art (1)

Moger, M. E. (1)

Moger, Randy (1)

Moger, Stan (2)

Mognar, Martin (2)

Mogul, Fred (1)

Mohr, George (1)

Mohr, Gerald (747)

Mohr, Matt (1)

Mohr, Richard (6)

Moiler, William (1)

Moira, Robert (1)

Molander, Greta (1)

Molander, Gustav (1)

Molassas and January (1)

Molasses and January (12)

Moldaur, Edwin (1)

Moldenhauer, Julius (1)

Mole and His Orchestra, Miff (3)

Mole, Miff (40)

Moley, Raymond (3)

Moliere (7)

Molina and His Cocoanut Grove Tango and Rumba Orchestra , Carlos (1)

Molina and His Orchestra, Carlos (1)

Molinan, Ernesto (1)

Molinari, Bernardino (2)

Molinari, Susan (3)

Molinari-Pradelli, Francesco (6)

Moline, Richard (1)

Molinelli, Larry (1)

Moll, Richard (1)

Mollar and His Orchestra, Bob (1)

Mollenhoff, Clark (1)

Moller, Turk (7)

Mollet, Guy (1)

Mollineax, Charles (1)

Molnar, Clarence (1)

Molnar, Ferenc (6)

Molnar, Franz (1)

Molotov, V. M. (5)

Moman, Virginia (1)

Momand, Virginia (3)

Mona, Mel (1)

Monaco, James V. (1)

Monaco, Jimmy (1)

Monaco, Mario Del (4)

Monaghan, Frank (9)

Monaghan, George (2)

Monaghan, John (4)

Monahan, Dickie (10)

Monahan, George (1)

Monahan, Jay (1)

Monahan, Richard (1)

Monash, Paul (4)

Monaster, Nate (29)

Monchovsky, Stanislas (1)

Mondale, Mrs. Walter (1)

Mondale, Walter (30)

Mondello, Pete (1)

Mondello, Toots (15)

Mondo, Peggy (4)

Mondragon, Joe (1)

Monds, Daniel H. (1)

Mondshine, William (1)

Mone, Monty (2)

Monet, Robert (1)

Monette, Richard (1)

Monfore, Fred (1)

Monger, Roy F. (1)

Monhank, George (1)

Monica, Corbett (6)

Monica, Dominic La (1)

Monk, Allan (1)

Monk, Madison (1)

Monk, Thelonious (2)

Monk, Thelonius (1)

Monks Jr., John (4)

Monks, Bill (2)

Monks, James (137)

Monnet, Jean (1)

Monroe and His Orchestra, Ronny (1)

Monroe and His Orchestra, Vaughn (36)

Monroe, Bill (11)

Monroe, Bob (2)

Monroe, C. K. (1)

Monroe, Charles (8)

Monroe, Charles S. (12)

Monroe, Eleanor (1)

Monroe, Florence (2)

Monroe, Jim (1)

Monroe, Lucy (14)

Monroe, Marilyn (18)

Monroe, Mildred (1)

Monroe, Neil (1)

Monroe, Nettie Mudd (1)

Monroe, Paul (2)

Monroe, Pete (1)

Monroe, Robert (21)

Monroe, Ross (1)

Monroe, Sam (2)

Monroe, Thomas (4)

Monroe, Tim (2)

Monroe, Vaughn (71)

Monroe. Charles (1)

Monroney, Mike (2)

Monsarrat, Joseph (1)

Monsell, Muriel (2)

Monsies, Dave (1)

Montagu, Ashley (2)

Montague, Ashley (2)

Montague, Charles (3)

Montague, Joe G. (1)

Montague, Lee (1)

Montague, Theodore (1)

Montaigne, La (1)

Montaine, Marie (1)

Montalban, Carlos (1)

Montalban, Ricardo (8)

Montana Slim (7)

Montana Taylor (1)

Montana, Monty (11)

Montana, Patsy (1)

Montand, Yves (1)

Montane, Carlos (2)

Montano, Melvyn (1)

Monte, Eugene (1)

Monte, Norma and (2)

Montealegre, Felicia (4)

Montealegre, Flecia (1)

Monteaux, Pierre (1)

Montegu, Ashley (1)

Montel, Doug (1)

Montell, Doug (98)

Montemezzi, Italo (1)

Montesavaj, William (4)

Monteux, Pierre (3)

Montez, Christina (1)

Montez, Maria (4)

Montford, Ken (1)

Montgomery, Bernard (18)

Montgomery, Bob (3)

Montgomery, Dean (3)

Montgomery, Douglas (4)

Montgomery, Douglass (3)

Montgomery, Edward (1)

Montgomery, Elizabeth (1)

Montgomery, Garth (1)

Montgomery, Gary (5)

Montgomery, George (11)

Montgomery, James (1)

Montgomery, John (1)

Montgomery, Lee (1)

Montgomery, Lou (1)

Montgomery, Marvin (107)

Montgomery, Melva (1)

Montgomery, R. J. (1)

Montgomery, Ralph (10)

Montgomery, Ray (9)

Montgomery, Robert (77)

Montgomery, Ruth (33)

Montgomery, Sonny (1)

Monti, Eric (1)

Montoliu, Tete (1)

Montoya, Carlos (1)

Montoya, Julia (1)

Montoya, Larry (1)

Montscholl, Carrie (1)

Montserrat, Nicholas (1)

Montsos, John (1)

Monty, Harry (1)

Mony, Gloria (1)

Monzell, Specs (1)

Monzoni, Alessandro (2)

Moods, The Blue (1)

Moods, The Three (1)

Moodweavers, The (1)

Moody and The Radio Ranchmen, Clyde (1)

Moody, Blair (5)

Moody, Charles (2)

Moody, Christine (1)

Moody, Dan (1)

Moody, Greg (3)

Moody, Helen Wills (2)

Moody, Herb (1)

Moody, Howard (2)

Moody, Ida Mae (1)

Moody, James (2)

Moody, June (1)

Moody, Ralph (263)

Moody, Ron (1)

Moody, Stan (1)

Moog, Robert (1)

Moon, Bob (6)

Moon, George (1)

Moon, Henry Lee (1)

Moon, Jake (1)

Moon, Keith (4)

Moon, Robert (3)

Moon, Winifred (1)

Moonan, Bob (1)

Moonbeam Trio, The (5)

Moonbeams, The (1)

Mooney and His Orchestra, Art (24)

Mooney and His Orchestra, Harold (1)

Mooney Quartette, The Joe (2)

Mooney, Art (3)

Mooney, Gregor (1)

Mooney, Gregory (1)

Mooney, Hal (1)

Mooney, James (2)

Mooney, Joe (4)

Mooney, Martin (1)

Mooney, Tom (1)

Moonglows, The (7)

Moonier, Charlotte (2)

Moonlight Serenaders, The (29)

Moonlighters, The (1)

Moonmaids, The (9)

Moonmen, The (3)

Moor, Frances (1)

Moorad, George (11)

Moore and His Orchestra, Phil (1)

Moore and His Wah Wah Music, Carl Deacon (1)

Moore and The Three Blazes, Johnny (1)

Moore Four, The Phil (5)

Moore Trio, The Billy (2)

Moore, A. Harry (2)

Moore, Adrian (4)

Moore, Al (1)

Moore, Alan (1)

Moore, Alvy (2)

Moore, Ann (6)

Moore, Archie (5)

Moore, Bernard (1)

Moore, Bernie (1)

Moore, Bill (1)

Moore, Bob (1)

Moore, Bobby (1)

Moore, Brian (2)

Moore, Carl (2)

Moore, Cecil (1)

Moore, Charles (1)

Moore, Clayton (151)

Moore, Clement (2)

Moore, Clement Clarke (1)

Moore, Cleo (1)

Moore, Clifton E. (1)

Moore, Colleen (2)

Moore, Constance (15)

Moore, Corina (1)

Moore, Crack and (1)

Moore, Craig (1)

Moore, Curley (1)

Moore, Dan (1)

Moore, Danny (1)

Moore, Dave (16)

Moore, David (3)

Moore, De Maye and (1)

Moore, Del (1)

Moore, Dennis (7)

Moore, Dick (1)

Moore, Dickie (5)

Moore, Don (4)

Moore, Douglas (1)

Moore, Dudley (1)

Moore, Earl (1)

Moore, Earl B. (1)

Moore, Ernest (1)

Moore, Eulabelle (1)

Moore, Frank (6)

Moore, Freddie (2)

Moore, Freddy (3)

Moore, Garry (187)

Moore, Grace (27)

Moore, H. F. S. (1)

Moore, H. Napier (1)

Moore, Hal (25)

Moore, Hampton (1)

Moore, Harley (1)

Moore, Harold (1)

Moore, Harris Campbell (1)

Moore, Ida (2)

Moore, Irving (2)

Moore, Jack (1)

Moore, Jan (1)

Moore, Jerry (1)

Moore, Jesse (3)

Moore, Joanna (1)

Moore, John (23)

Moore, Juanita (1)

Moore, June (1)

Moore, Kent (1)

Moore, Kingman (2)

Moore, L. Porter (13)

Moore, Lefty Jim (1)

Moore, Lillian (1)

Moore, Louise (1)

Moore, Marilyn (1)

Moore, Mary (1)

Moore, Mary Alice (1)

Moore, Mary Ann (1)

Moore, Mary Tyler (6)

Moore, Matt (1)

Moore, Maver (9)

Moore, Melba (1)

Moore, Melvin (1)

Moore, Michael (2)

Moore, Mildred (1)

Moore, Misty (2)

Moore, Monette (2)

Moore, Mrs. Harris Campbell (1)

Moore, Mrs. Sam (69)

Moore, Mrs. Thomas (1)

Moore, Nancy (10)

Moore, Oscar (6)

Moore, Patrick (1)

Moore, Patty (1)

Moore, Percy (1)

Moore, Phil (7)

Moore, Phillip (1)

Moore, Ray (1)

Moore, Richard (11)

Moore, Robert (6)

Moore, Robin (1)

Moore, Russell (1)

Moore, Ruth (1)

Moore, Sal (1)

Moore, Sam (246)

Moore, Scamp (1)

Moore, Stephen (9)

Moore, Terry (11)

Moore, Tim (79)

Moore, Tiny (1)

Moore, Tom (11)

Moore, Tomiwitta (1)

Moore, Tommy (30)

Moore, Victor (80)

Moore, Viola (3)

Moore, Wally (1)

Moore, Willie (1)

Moore, Winnie Fields (1)

Moorehead, Agnes (268)

Moorehead, Tom (1)

Moorer, Thomas (1)

Moorhead, Jean (1)

Moorhouse, Bert (1)

Morabito, Linda (1)

Moradian, Paul (1)

Morales, Richie (1)

Moramoto, Claudia (1)

Moran and His Orchestra, Jose (1)

Moran and Mack (9)

Moran, Arthur (1)

Moran, Betty (63)

Moran, Chris (1)

Moran, Eddie (3)

Moran, Edith (1)

Moran, Eileen (1)

Moran, George (6)

Moran, Jackie (1)

Moran, Jim (2)

Moran, Joe (2)

Moran, Joseph (5)

Moran, Lois (3)

Moran, Mike (1)

Moran, Pat (1)

Moran, Patsy (15)

Moran, Polly (6)

Moran, Robert (1)

Moran, Stephen (1)

Moran, Warren (16)

Moran, Willie (1)

Morath, Anna Maude (2)

Morath, Max (13)

Moraweck, Lucien (630)

Moray, Ann (1)

Moray, Helan (1)

Moray, Helga (8)

Moray, Les (1)

Mordecai, Harry (1)

More, Chauncey (1)

Morea, Robert (5)

Morea, S. F. (2)

Moreau, Emile (1)

Moreheim, Gerald (3)

Moreheim, Lou (1)

Morehouse, Chauncey (1)

Morel, Jean (5)

Moreland Jr., Prentice (1)

Moreland, Don (8)

Moreland, Johanne (1)

Moreland, Mantan (11)

Moreland, Patricia (1)

Moreland, Peg (2)

Moreland, Prentice (1)

Morell, Barry (3)

Morell, Henry (5)

Morella, Connie (1)

Morelli, Carlo (1)

Morelli, Carlos (1)

Morello, Joe (4)

Morely, Ed (1)

Morely, Felix (1)

Morely, John (3)

Morely, Maggie (8)

Morely, Rita (3)

Morely, Victor (1)

Morency, Paul (1)

Moreno and His Orchestra, Buddy (4)

Moreno, Amerigo (268)

Moreno, Buddy (42)

Moreno, Pete (1)

Moreno, Rita (1)

Moreno, Rosita (2)

Morenus, Joe (1)

Morenus, Richard (3)

Morero, Jose Luis (1)

Morese, Carleton E. (2)

Moresier, Eduoard (1)

Moreson, Manny (1)

Moret, Elga (1)

Moretis, Rick (1)

Morgan and His Candy Kids, George (1)

Morgan and His Orchestra, Russ (108)

Morgan Brothers, The (1)

Morgan, Al (7)

Morgan, Albert (3)

Morgan, Andrew (2)

Morgan, Ben (2)

Morgan, Betty (2)

Morgan, Bill (42)

Morgan, Billy (1)

Morgan, Bobby (3)

Morgan, Brewster (22)

Morgan, Byron (1)

Morgan, Catherine (1)

Morgan, Charles (3)

Morgan, Charlie (4)

Morgan, Claudia (113)

Morgan, Cliff (1)

Morgan, Dan (11)

Morgan, David P. (1)

Morgan, Dennis (24)

Morgan, Dick (19)

Morgan, Ed (1)

Morgan, Eddie (1)

Morgan, Edward (3)

Morgan, Edward P. (14)

Morgan, Elizabeth (18)

Morgan, Ella (1)

Morgan, Ellen (50)

Morgan, Ernest (3)

Morgan, Eugene (2)

Morgan, Eula (1)

Morgan, Frank (179)

Morgan, Franklin (1)

Morgan, Freddie (18)

Morgan, Freddy (6)

Morgan, General (1)

Morgan, George (38)

Morgan, Glenda (1)

Morgan, Hal (4)

Morgan, Harry (6)

Morgan, Helen (14)

Morgan, Helen L. (1)

Morgan, Henry (206)

Morgan, Howard (1)

Morgan, Howard Moody (1)

Morgan, J. P. (1)

Morgan, Jack (6)

Morgan, Jane (412)

Morgan, Jared (1)

Morgan, Jaye P. (12)

Morgan, Jim (1)

Morgan, Joan (1)

Morgan, John (1)

Morgan, Johnny (2)

Morgan, Joy Elmer (1)

Morgan, Keith (1)

Morgan, Lee (4)

Morgan, Mac (1)

Morgan, Mack (11)

Morgan, Marian (1)

Morgan, Marion (27)

Morgan, Mary (1)

Morgan, Matthew (7)

Morgan, Maude (1)

Morgan, Michele (3)

Morgan, Michelle (4)

Morgan, Mona (1)

Morgan, Officer (1)

Morgan, Paris (1)

Morgan, Patty (1)

Morgan, Paula (1)

Morgan, Ralph (23)

Morgan, Ray (25)

Morgan, Raymond (29)

Morgan, Raymond R. (289)

Morgan, Richard (1)

Morgan, Robert (3)

Morgan, Robert W. (2)

Morgan, Robin (4)

Morgan, Russ (14)

Morgan, Talley (1)

Morgan, Tom (2)

Morgan, Tommy (4)

Morgan, Virginia (1)

Morgan, Warren (1)

Morgan. Jane (1)

Morganaires, The (10)

Morganb, Dan (1)

Morganstern, Marvin (1)

Morganthau, Hans (1)

Morgenstern, Morris (3)

Morgenstern, Sam (1)

Morgensterner, Wilhelm (2)

Morgenstierne, Wilhelm (2)

Morgenthau Jr., Mrs. Henry (1)

Morgenthau, Hans (3)

Morgenthau, Henry (23)

Morgenthau, Rita Wallach (1)

Morgolis, Herb (1)

Morhan, Jean (1)

Moriale Trio, The Pepe (1)

Moriano, Joseph (1)

Moriarity, Matthew (1)

Morica, Julia (1)

Morielli, Jimmy (1)

Morin Sisters, The (3)

Morin, Albert (2)

Morin, Alberto (3)

Moring, Bill (3)

Moring, Kansas (2)

Morini, Erica (1)

Morini, Erika (1)

Morison, Alec (1)

Moriya, Shizu (2)

Morley, Christopher (26)

Morley, Jay (1)

Morley, Karen (1)

Morley, Kay (2)

Morley, Maggie (1)

Morley, Robert (6)

Morley, Virginia (20)

Morling, Stratton (1)

Morman Tabernacle Choir, The (1)

Mormon Tabernacle Choir, The (22)

Mormon, Hal (2)

Morn, William (3)

Morner, Stanley (1)

Morningstar, Richard (1)

Morocco, Sonny (1)

Morohan, Gil (1)

Moron, Chris (1)

Moross, Joe (4)

Morra, Edgar Ansel (1)

Morrell, Ben (1)

Morrell, Sydney (1)

Morrelle, Henry (2)

Morren, Robert (1)

Morrill, John (1)

Morris and His Orchestra, Johnny (1)

Morris Sisters, The (1)

Morris, Al (1)

Morris, Ann (1)

Morris, Aubrey (2)

Morris, Audrey (15)

Morris, Ben (26)

Morris, Betty Ellen (9)

Morris, Bill (5)

Morris, Bob (1)

Morris, Bud (1)

Morris, Carl (1)

Morris, Chester (43)

Morris, Chick (1)

Morris, Clarence (1)

Morris, Claude (4)

Morris, Curt (1)

Morris, Donald (1)

Morris, E. M. (1)

Morris, Florence (2)

Morris, Frances (1)

Morris, Frank (1)

Morris, G. Michael (1)

Morris, George Q. (1)

Morris, Gouverneur (2)

Morris, Greg (1)

Morris, Harold (1)

Morris, Helen (1)

Morris, Holland (3)

Morris, Howard (10)

Morris, James (10)

Morris, James D. (1)

Morris, Jefferson (1)

Morris, Jimmy (3)

Morris, Joe (2)

Morris, Joe Alex (2)

Morris, John (36)

Morris, Jonathan (1)

Morris, Keith (4)

Morris, Lee (1)

Morris, Lester (8)

Morris, Libby (1)

Morris, Mabel (1)

Morris, Maggie (1)

Morris, Mary (2)

Morris, McKay (4)

Morris, Michael (1)

Morris, Mr. (1)

Morris, Newbold (10)

Morris, Phyllis (5)

Morris, Phyllis Christine (1)

Morris, Ray (1)

Morris, Red (1)

Morris, Richard (3)

Morris, Robert (1)

Morris, Roland (24)

Morris, Rusty (4)

Morris, Sidney (1)

Morris, Stanley (1)

Morris, Tiny (1)

Morris, Tony (2)

Morris, Vee (1)

Morris, Vernon (10)

Morris, Victoria (1)

Morris, Wayne (16)

Morris, William (7)

Morris, Willie (2)

Morris, Wolfe (1)

Morris, Wright (1)

Morrisey, Janet (2)

Morrisey, Margaret (1)

Morrisey, Marguerite (3)

Morrison and His Orchestra, Ralph (1)

Morrison, Anne (70)

Morrison, Barbara (3)

Morrison, Bill (3)

Morrison, Bob (1)

Morrison, Bret (216)

Morrison, Bryan (1)

Morrison, Charles (1)

Morrison, Charlie (1)

Morrison, Chester (23)

Morrison, David (2)

Morrison, de Lesepps (1)

Morrison, Don (21)

Morrison, Donald (72)

Morrison, Eliot (1)

Morrison, Frank (1)

Morrison, Fred (3)

Morrison, George (5)

Morrison, Gerry (1)

Morrison, Harold (1)

Morrison, Herbert (9)

Morrison, Jack (8)

Morrison, Jackie (1)

Morrison, James (1)

Morrison, Janet (11)

Morrison, Jean (1)

Morrison, Joe (2)

Morrison, John (1)

Morrison, Kellaphene (1)

Morrison, Martha (1)

Morrison, Patricia (10)

Morrison, Peck (1)

Morrison, Phil (1)

Morrison, Philip (4)

Morrison, Ralph (1)

Morrison, Russell (2)

Morrison, Scott (1)

Morrison, Shelley (1)

Morrison, Stuart (2)

Morros, Boris (1)

Morrow and His Night Train Orchestra, Buddy (4)

Morrow and His Orchestra, Buddy (14)

Morrow, Bill (788)

Morrow, Brad (2)

Morrow, Bruce (14)

Morrow, Buddy (10)

Morrow, Don (6)

Morrow, Doretta (5)

Morrow, Douglas (4)

Morrow, Eddie (1)

Morrow, Jackie (1)

Morrow, Jeff (11)

Morrow, Kay (1)

Morrow, Ken (1)

Morrow, Larry (3)

Morrow, Liza (11)

Morrow, Mary Jane (1)

Morrow, Norman (1)

Morrow, Scotty (1)

Morrow, Susan (2)

Morrow, Tommy (1)

Morrow, Vic (2)

Morrow, Walter (1)

Morrow, William (2)

Morse, Alice (1)

Morse, Athur (1)

Morse, Barry (11)

Morse, Bernard (1)

Morse, Brewster (1)

Morse, Carleton (3)

Morse, Carleton E, (2)

Morse, Carleton E. (108)

Morse, Carlton E. (372)

Morse, Edwin H. (1)

Morse, Ella Mae (27)

Morse, Jack (1)

Morse, Jean (1)

Morse, Mel (1)

Morse, Ralph (1)

Morse, Richard (1)

Morse, Robert (8)

Morse, Robin (1)

Morse, Ronald (1)

Morse, Stanley (1)

Morse, Steve (1)

Morse, Ted (1)

Morse, Tilda (1)

Morse, True D. (1)

Morse, W. J. (1)

Morse, Wayne (13)

Morstad, Pete (4)

Mort, Patricia (1)

Morteshed, Oona (1)

Mortimer, Bert (1)

Mortimer, Charles (1)

Mortimer, John (1)

Mortoliu, Tete (1)

Morton and His Orchestra, Ray (2)

Morton, Audley (1)

Morton, Benny (15)

Morton, Bob (2)

Morton, Bruce (7)

Morton, Chris (1)

Morton, Dave (1)

Morton, David (1)

Morton, Don (1)

Morton, Dudley W. (1)

Morton, Eleanor (1)

Morton, Frederic (1)

Morton, Gregory (63)

Morton, Helen (17)

Morton, Hugh (2)

Morton, Humphrey (28)

Morton, Jeff (1)

Morton, Jelly Roll (5)

Morton, Maurice (24)

Morton, Nancy Kenna (1)

Morton, Ray (1)

Morton, Robert (8)

Morton, Ruth (1)

Morton, Thruston (5)

Morwood, William (11)

Mosby, Aline (1)

Moscona (1)

Moscona, Niccola (1)

Moscona, Nicola (21)

Moscow, Warren (6)

Mose, Estelle (1)

Mosel, Tad (1)

Moseley, Don (5)

Moseley, Tom (1)

Moselle, Ben (1)

Mosely, Arthur (1)

Mosely, Jim (2)

Mosely, Leonard (1)

Moseman, Joan (1)

Moseman, John (2)

Mosener, Mason (1)

Mosenor, Marianne (1)

Moser, Bill (1)

Moser, Carol (1)

Moser, Edda (3)

Moser, Helen (86)

Moser, James (39)

Moser, James Edward (4)

Moser, Louis (1)

Moser, Margard (1)

Moser, Mike (340)

Moses, Albert (1)

Moses, Charles (1)

Moses, Grandma (3)

Moses, John (87)

Moses, John B. (2)

Moses, Kingsley (1)

Moses, Percival Robert (1)

Moses, Robert (25)

Mosher, Bob (199)

Mosher, Clint (1)

Mosher, Enid (1)

Mosher, Ira (1)

Mosier, Enid (1)

Mosk, Alice (1)

Moskowitz, Jenny (1)

Mosley, Donald (2)

Mosley, Leonard (1)

Mosley, Sidney (6)

Mosley, Walter (2)

Moss (1)

Moss, Alan (1)

Moss, Albert (1)

Moss, Arnold (225)

Moss, Bob (2)

Moss, Carl (1)

Moss, Claude (1)

Moss, Donald (1)

Moss, Galla (1)

Moss, Garland (7)

Moss, Herbert (1)

Moss, Herbert M. (2)

Moss, Hilda (1)

Moss, Jack (2)

Moss, Leslie Bates (4)

Moss, Llewellyn (3)

Moss, Lloyd (21)

Moss, Marjorie (1)

Moss, Mary Dean (2)

Moss, Maximilian (2)

Moss, Melvin (1)

Moss, Robert (2)

Moss, Russell (1)

Moss, Stella (6)

Moss, Sterling (2)

Mossbrook, John (1)

Mossen, Dick (1)

Mossen, Richard (1)

Mossman, Sterling (1)

Most, Abe (2)

Most, Johnny (1)

Mostel, Zero (14)

Motek, Frank (1)

Moten, Etta (8)

Mothe, Daniel La (1)

Mother, Diana (3)

Motian, Paul (1)

Motley, Albert (1)

Motley, Willard (1)

Mott, Bob (1)

Mott, Dave (2)

Motta, Arture (1)

Mottola and His Rhythm Group, Tony (1)

Mottola Group, The Tony (1)

Mottola Quartet, The Tony (2)

Mottola Trio, The Tony (3)

Mottola's Dance Rhythms, Tony (1)

Mottola, Tony (62)

Motz, Lloyd (1)

Moudrey, Alice (1)

Mougin, Steve (33)

Moulder, Carl (1)

Moulton, Arad (1)

Moulton, Thomas (1)

Moultrie, Fred (2)

Moultrie, James (1)

Mountain, Charles (22)

Mountaineers, Slim Rhodes and His Mother's Best (7)

Mountaineers, Sons Of The (1)

Mountaineers, The Crazy (4)

Mountaineers, The Sons Of The (1)

Mountbatten, Louis (2)

Mountbatten, Phillip (2)

Mounts, David Lee (1)

Mouquin Salon Orchestra, The (3)

Mouquin, Louis H. F. (3)

Mousheng, Lin (1)

Movshon, George (3)

Mowbray, Alan (20)

Mower, Jack (1)

Mowery, Jean (10)

Mowery, Joan (8)

Mowrer, Edgar (1)

Mowrey, Corma (1)

Mowry, Jean (26)

Moxey, Hugh (1)

Moyer, Barbara (1)

Moyer, Gene (1)

Moyers, Bill (12)

Moyers. Bill (1)

Moyes, Jack (1)

Moylan Sisters, The (6)

Moylan, Mary Ellen (1)

Moylan, Peggy (1)

Moyles, Jack (559)

Moynahan, John (2)

Moynihan, Daniel (13)

Moynihan, Patrick (1)

Moyzisch, L. C. (1)

Mozart, Wolfgang (11)

Mubarak, Hosni (1)

Muccio, Tom (1)

Mucinni, Corado (1)

Mudaliar, A. Ramaswamy (1)

Mudd Alec (1)

Mudd, Harvey (2)

Mudd, Roger (19)

Mudd, Rose Ellen (1)

Muddit, Lester (1)

Muddle, MacIntosh (1)

Muddle, McIntosh (1)

Muddy Waters (2)

Mudie, Leonard (6)

Mueller, Cliff (11)

Mueller, Don (1)

Mueller, George (2)

Mueller, Maria (1)

Mueller, Merrill (56)

Mueller, Norbert (1)

Mueller, Ray (1)

Mueller, Sally (2)

Mueller-Kray, Hans (1)

Muffielo, Frank (1)

Muggeridge, Malcolm (3)

Muggs, J. Fred (1)

Mugler, John P. (1)

Muheim, Harry (1)

Muir, Audrey (2)

Muir, Billy (2)

Muir, Ellen (7)

Muir, Florabel (1)

Muir, Frank (1)

Muir, Gavin (9)

Muir, Jean (7)

Muir, Malcolm (1)

Muirhead, Brian (2)

Mukai, Chiaki (1)

Mukasita, Violet (1)

Mukazi, Michael (1)

Mulay and His Orchestra, Johnny (3)

Mulay, Johnny (3)

Mulcahy, Jimmy (4)

Mulcahy, Mildred (4)

Mulcahy, Sean (4)

Mulcay, Jimmy (1)

Mulcay, Mildred (1)

Muldonian, Dick (1)

Muldowny, John Humphrey (1)

Mule, Francis The Talking (1)

Mulford, Clarence (108)

Mulgroo, George (1)

Mulhall, Jack (1)

Mulholland, D. (1)

Mulholland, Jim (1)

Mulholland, Mark (1)

Mulholland, Mary Eleanor (1)

Mulholland, Ross (3)

Mulholland, Tony (1)

Mullaland, Darlene (1)

Mullavey, Greg (1)

Mullen, Bill (1)

Mullen, Charles (6)

Mullen, Christopher (1)

Mullen, Hugh (1)

Mullen, Kay (1)

Mullen, Virginia (3)

Mullendore, W. C. (1)

Mullens, Ed (1)

Muller, Edward (1)

Muller, Harrison (1)

Muller, Herman (2)

Muller, Judy (2)

Muller, Norbert (1)

Muller, Romeo (12)

Muller, Stephen (2)

Mullet, Don (2)

Mulletson, Jack (1)

Mullican, Moon (9)

Mulligan, Gerry (14)

Mulligan, Richard (2)

Mulligan, Robert (27)

Mullin, Alma (1)

Mullin, Betty (1)

Mullin, Frank (1)

Mullin, Jack (1)

Mullin, Joe (2)

Mullin, Mark (17)

Mullin, Mark Wayne (1)

Mullin, Michael (17)

Mullin, Virginia (1)

Mullinax, Wally (1)

Mulliner, Betty (22)

Mulliner, Elizabeth (1)

Mullins, Bernard (11)

Mullins, Ed (1)

Mullins, Peter (1)

Mullins, Pop (1)

Mullion, Annabel (1)

Mullman, Henry (1)

Mulrain, Andrew (4)

Mulroney, Brian (2)

Multy Brothers, The (1)

Mulvahill, Joe (1)

Mulvey, Timothy (26)

Mulvoir, Andres (1)

Mumford, Elizabeth (1)

Mumford, Lewis (2)

Mumy, Bill (1)

Munch, Arthur (1)

Munch, Charles (15)

Munchan, William (1)

Munden, Herbert (1)

Mundhay, George (1)

Mundine, Del (1)

Mundorf, Bertram (1)

Mundt, Karl (32)

Mundy and His Orchestra, Jimmy (3)

Mundy, Meg (2)

Mundy, Penelope (2)

Mundy, Ruth (1)

Mungo, Johnny (1)

Muni, Paul (28)

Muni, Scott (3)

Munier, Charlotte (1)

Munier, Ferdinand (51)

Munn, Alice (1)

Munn, Billy (1)

Munn, Frank (59)

Munn, M. D. (1)

Munro, Alastair (1)

Munro, H. H. (3)

Munro, Jose (3)

Munro, Leslie (1)

Munro, Neil (6)

Munroe, D. H. (3)

Munroe, Paul (1)

Munsel, Patrice (57)

Munser, Elizabeth (1)

Munshin, Jules (5)

Munson, Alan (1)

Munson, Don (1)

Munson, Lieutenant Commander (1)

Munson, Ona (21)

Munting, George (1)

Muntz, Earl (1)

Munzak, Marcus (2)

Munzer, Cynthia (7)

Munzer, Douglas (1)

Mura, Corina (6)

Murad's Harmonicats, Jerry (2)

Murata, S. (1)

Murch, Margaret (1)

Murch, Marjorie (1)

Murchie, Nicholas (1)

Murchison, Cole (1)

Murcine, Tom (1)

Murcott, Joel (190)

Murdoch, Richard (1)

Murdock, Abe (1)

Murdock, Kermit (101)

Murdock, Orrice (1)

Murdock, Peg (1)

Murdock, Peggy (1)

Murer, Corrina (1)

Muretore, John (1)

Murfin, Jane (5)

Muriel, Diana (1)

Muries, Andre (1)

Murillo, Luis (1)

Murkland, Ed (2)

Murkowski, Frank (1)

Murkowski, Lisa (6)

Murman, Raymar (1)

Murnane, Paul (1)

Muro, Don (1)

Murphy and His Orchestra, Buddy (1)

Murphy and His Orchestra, Johnny (2)

Murphy Sisters, The (11)

Murphy's San Francisco Jazz Band, Turk (2)

Murphy, Althea (1)

Murphy, Audie (10)

Murphy, Barbara (1)

Murphy, Ben (1)

Murphy, Bob (117)

Murphy, Carol (1)

Murphy, Charles (3)

Murphy, Chris (1)

Murphy, Daniel (2)

Murphy, Dave (3)

Murphy, Dean (4)

Murphy, Dick (2)

Murphy, Dolores (8)

Murphy, Donald (1)

Murphy, Dottie (1)

Murphy, Earl (1)

Murphy, Edward (1)

Murphy, Eugene P. (1)

Murphy, Fawayne (4)

Murphy, Frank (8)

Murphy, Gardner (2)

Murphy, George (97)

Murphy, Gerald (1)

Murphy, Honore (1)

Murphy, Horace (26)

Murphy, Irish Bob (1)

Murphy, J. J. (1)

Murphy, Jack (1)

Murphy, James (9)

Murphy, Jim (2)

Murphy, Joaquin (2)

Murphy, Joe (2)

Murphy, Joseph (3)

Murphy, Larry (1)

Murphy, Lillian (1)

Murphy, Lois (1)

Murphy, Lynn (4)

Murphy, Mark (2)

Murphy, Maura (1)

Murphy, Michael (2)

Murphy, Mike (1)

Murphy, Norm (1)

Murphy, Pat (3)

Murphy, Patty (1)

Murphy, Phillip (2)

Murphy, Raoul (2)

Murphy, Ray (1)

Murphy, Richard (3)

Murphy, Robert D. (2)

Murphy, Rose Chi Chi (5)

Murphy, Rosemary (11)

Murphy, Steven (2)

Murphy, Thomas (1)

Murphy, Tim (1)

Murphy, Tiny (1)

Murphy, Turk (2)

Murphy, Wesley (1)

Murphy, William (5)

Murphy, William J. (19)

Murphy, Winifred (1)

Murphyh, Bob (1)

Murray and His Orchestra, Lyn (153)

Murray and The Hit Paraders, Lyn (2)

Murray and The Squibb Orchestra, Lyn (42)

Murray Choristers, The Lyn (1)

Murray Chorus, The Lyn (19)

Murray Jr., James F. (2)

Murray Ken (1)

Murray Quartet, The Lyn (1)

Murray Singers, The Lyn (22)

Murray The K (12)

Murray's Four Clubmen, Lyn (1)

Murray, Amanda (2)

Murray, Ann (1)

Murray, Art (2)

Murray, Arthur (1)

Murray, Bill (1)

Murray, Billy (15)

Murray, Bonnie (8)

Murray, Brian Doyle (8)

Murray, Bruce (8)

Murray, Charles (1)

Murray, Don (2)

Murray, Edith (3)

Murray, Edward (1)

Murray, Elwood (1)

Murray, Feg (3)

Murray, Forbes (1)

Murray, Fran (1)

Murray, Fred (1)

Murray, George (3)

Murray, Gertrude (1)

Murray, Gilbert (1)

Murray, Hal (8)

Murray, Hugh K. (26)

Murray, J. Harold (1)

Murray, J. Howard (1)

Murray, James E. (1)

Murray, Jan (20)

Murray, Jim (1)

Murray, Jimmy (23)

Murray, John (9)

Murray, John Fenton (2)

Murray, Johnny (9)

Murray, Ken (66)

Murray, Lyn (206)

Murray, Mae (2)

Murray, Maurice (1)

Murray, Milton (1)

Murray, Patty (5)

Murray, Phillip (9)

Murray, Ricky (1)

Murray, Rita (1)

Murray, Roseanne (5)

Murray, Ross (35)

Murray, Roy (1)

Murray, Stewart (1)

Murray, Thelma (1)

Murray, Thomas (2)

Murray, Wayne (2)

Murray, Will (12)

Murray, William (1)

Murray, William B. (3)

Murray, William Bruce (1)

Murray, William Harris (1)

Murray, Wynn (38)

Murray, Zon (5)

Murrow, (1)

Murrow, Casey (1)

Murrow, Edward R. (348)

Murrow, Mrs. Edward R. (1)

Murrow, Red (1)

Murtaugh, Danny (2)

Murtaugh, John (2)

Murtaugh, Pat (1)

Murtha, John (2)

Murtock, Joel (1)

Murton, Lionel (23)

Murville, Maurice Couve de (1)

Muse, Clarence (22)

Muse, Herb (3)

Muse, Margaret (1)

Musgrave, George (1)

Musgrave, Storey (1)

Musgrave, Story (2)

Musharraf, Pervez (1)

Mushotzky, Richard (1)

Musial, Joseph (1)

Musial, Stan (11)

Music Builders Orchestra, The (3)

Music Maids and Hal, The (25)

Music Maids and Lee, The (19)

Music Maids and Phil, The (16)

Music Maids, The (65)

Music Of Manhattan, The (2)

Musical Cooks, The (1)

Musical Millmen, The (1)

Musical Steelmakers, The (5)

Musicians, Ulanov's All-Star Modern Jazz (2)

Musick, Edwin (2)

Musicland Serenaders, The (1)

Musicmakers, The (1)

Musiker, Sam (1)

Musketeers Quartet, The (1)

Muskie, Edmund (8)

Musmanno, Michael (1)

Musmano, Michael (1)

Musner, George (1)

Musselman, M. M. (1)

Musser, Myron (1)

Musso, Vido (14)

Mussolini, Benito (11)

Mussorgsky, Modest (4)

Mussulli, Boots (3)

Mustangs, Mickey Walker and His (1)

Mustard, Harry (2)

Mustare, Terry (1)

Musten, Henry (1)

Mustie, A. J. (1)

Mustin, Bill (1)

Mustin, Burt (6)

Mustin, Kenneth (1)

Musto, Anthony (1)

Muston, Kimit (6)

Mutawakel, Wakil Ahmed (1)

Mutch, Thomas (3)

Muti, Riccardo (1)

Muzio, Claudia (1)

Muzulli, Boots (3)

Muzumdar, H. T. (5)

Muzzarelli, Alfred (1)

Muzzillo, Ralph (6)

Myers Shady Acres Ranch Boys, Curley (1)

Myers, Al (3)

Myers, Alonzo (1)

Myers, Barbara (1)

Myers, Bill (3)

Myers, Bob (2)

Myers, Carmel (3)

Myers, Curley (7)

Myers, Dale (3)

Myers, Francie (79)

Myers, Francis (1)

Myers, Frank (2)

Myers, Greta (3)

Myers, Henrietta (3)

Myers, Henry (4)

Myers, Joanna (4)

Myers, John (1)

Myers, Lisa (1)

Myers, Marty (2)

Myers, Marvel (1)

Myers, Pauline (1)

Myerson, Bess (6)

Myhal, Ivanka (3)

Myklebost, Thor (1)

Myles, Melvin (1)

Myles, Phyllis (4)

Mynhardt, Siegfried (1)

Myra (1)

Myrdal, Gunnar (5)

Myrick, Sue (2)

Myron, Joseph (1)

Myron, Mary (1)

Myrow, Joseph (1)

Myrtil, Odette (1)

Mystic Knights Of The Sea Quartet, The (14)