Information on Searching Programs
These programs are listed alphabetically.
Programs that start with the word "The" ignore this word and add it to the end. Example: "The Lux Radio Theatre" appears under the letter "L" as "Lux Radio Theatre, The."
Programs that begin with the word "A" actually are found under the letter "A." Example: "A Critic's Toscanini."
Programs that begin with an number are found ahead of the letter "A" by clicking on the octothorp (#, often called a "number" sign). Example: "The 1956 March Of Dimes Is On The Air" is found by hitting this # sign and scrolling down "1956 March Of Dimes Is On The Air, The."
Program names are searched with initial caps on every word EXCEPT the word "and." This word is NEVER capitalized. Example: "Pat O'Brien and His Hillbilly Boys."
Programs are often known by different names. Programs are catalogued by their EXACT title. You have to look up ALL the different names to find all the shows on which Jack Benny appeared. For example, "The Jack Benny Show" seems easy to look up under "J." However, if you do, you WILL NOT get the listings for "The Jack Benny Program," or "The Jell-0 program starring Jack Benny," or "The Lucky Strike Program Starring Jack Benny, " or "The Canada Dry Program," or the eight other program names, by which "The Jack Benny Show" was known. Since most users of this database will not have this information, the easiest way to find all the Jack Benny shows is to search under the "People " listings for Benny, Jack. In that way, you get all the Jack Benny programs, whatever the name of the show. In addition, you'll find all the listings of other programs on which Jack Benny appeared as a guest. However, you won't find those few "The Jack Benny Programs" on which Jack Benny didn't appear (such as those that starred Orson Welles when Jack was out sick). Another example is programs often known as "Sherlock Holmes" or "The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes, and many other variations. Since Mr. Holmes was performed by many actors besides the well-known Basil Rathbone, you cannot get all the listings by searching "people" for Rathbone as with the Jack Benny example. You have to "think outside the box" and do a people search under the letter "D" where you'll find "Arthur Conan Doyle" and all the Sherlock Holmes listings.
U. S. Naval Academy Graduation Ceremonies (1)
U. S. Naval Academy Graduation Exercises (1)
U. S. Navy Dance Orchestra Of The Liberation Forces, The (1)
U. S. Navy Symphony Orchestra (1)
U. S. Open Golf Tournament (1)
U.N.R.A.A. In The Far East (1)
U.S.O. Star Spangled Network Dedication (1)
Uncle Amby's General Store (1)
Uncle Dave Macon's 100th Birthday Party (1)
Uncle Dick Slack's Moonlight Serenade (2)
Uncle Don Reads The Comics (1)
Uncle Don Reads The Funnies (1)
Uncle Lou's Little Theatre (1)
Uncle Stan, Your Journal Funny Paper Man (1)
Undercurrents and Current Events (1)
Undersecretary Of State Sumner Welles (1)
Union Leader Tobacco Proram, The (1)
Union Oil Merrymakers, The (2)
United Airlines Inaugural Service (1)
United Jewish Appeal Program (1)
United Nations Charter Anniversary Messages (1)
United Nations Charter Anniversay (1)
United Nations Conference On International Organizations (2)
United Nations Conference Report (1)
United Nations Cornerstone Ceremony (1)
United Nations Day Concert (4)
United Nations General Assembly (1)
United Nations General Assembly Opening Session (3)
United Nations Mass Meeting (1)
United Nations Organization Conference (1)
United Nations Security Council, The (1)
United Nations Site Ground Breaking Ceremony (1)
United Nations Today, The (473)
United Nations: Status Of Women Interviews (8)
United Neighborhood Houses Of New York Annual Fall Conference (1)
United Parents Association Forum (1)
United Press Is On The Air (26)
United States Army Band, The (10)
United States General Assembly (1)
United States Government Reports (7)
United States Government Reports #11 (1)
United States Marine Band, The (1)
United States Navy Band, The (7)
United States Postal Inspector (1)
United States Steel Hour, The (4)
United States Treasury Christmas Program (1)
United States Treasury Show, The (1)
Unity In A Year Of Victory (1)
Universal Declaration Of Human Rights (1)
Universal International Film Spot Advertisements (1)
University Of Chicago Round Table, The (49)
University Of Kentucky Vs. Notre Dame Basketball (1)
University Of Michigan Vs. Iowa Prefight Naval School, The (1)
University Of Richmond Ceremonies (1)
Unopened Casebook Of Sherlock Holmes, The (6)
Unquiet Death Of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, The (1)
Unsealing Of The Robert Todd Lincoln Collection (1)
Unseen Alistair Cooke, The (2)