
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

These programs are listed alphabetically.

Programs that start with the word "The" ignore this word and add it to the end. Example: "The Lux Radio Theatre" appears under the letter "L" as "Lux Radio Theatre, The."

Programs that begin with the word "A" actually are found under the letter "A." Example: "A Critic's Toscanini."

Programs that begin with an number are found ahead of the letter "A" by clicking on the octothorp (#, often called a "number" sign). Example: "The 1956 March Of Dimes Is On The Air" is found by hitting this # sign and scrolling down "1956 March Of Dimes Is On The Air, The."

Program names are searched with initial caps on every word EXCEPT the word "and." This word is NEVER capitalized. Example: "Pat O'Brien and His Hillbilly Boys."

Programs are often known by different names. Programs are catalogued by their EXACT title. You have to look up ALL the different names to find all the shows on which Jack Benny appeared. For example, "The Jack Benny Show" seems easy to look up under "J." However, if you do, you WILL NOT get the listings for "The Jack Benny Program," or "The Jell-0 program starring Jack Benny," or "The Lucky Strike Program Starring Jack Benny, " or "The Canada Dry Program," or the eight other program names, by which "The Jack Benny Show" was known. Since most users of this database will not have this information, the easiest way to find all the Jack Benny shows is to search under the "People " listings for Benny, Jack. In that way, you get all the Jack Benny programs, whatever the name of the show. In addition, you'll find all the listings of other programs on which Jack Benny appeared as a guest. However, you won't find those few "The Jack Benny Programs" on which Jack Benny didn't appear (such as those that starred Orson Welles when Jack was out sick). Another example is programs often known as "Sherlock Holmes" or "The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes, and many other variations. Since Mr. Holmes was performed by many actors besides the well-known Basil Rathbone, you cannot get all the listings by searching "people" for Rathbone as with the Jack Benny example. You have to "think outside the box" and do a people search under the letter "D" where you'll find "Arthur Conan Doyle" and all the Sherlock Holmes listings.

W. Averell Harriman (1)

W. B. Hayes (1)

W. C. Fields On Radio (1)

W. K. Henderson (1)

W. L. MacKenzie King (1)

W. Lee O'Daniels and His Light Crust Doughboys (1)

W. P. A. Negro Radio Unit Of Southern California (1)

W.C. Fields (1)

W.P.A. (1)

W2XOR FM Transmitter Dedication (1)

W43B Salutes W71NY (1)

W47P-FM Broadcast (1)

WAAM Songs Program (1)

WABC MusicRadio Music Remembrance, The (1)

WABC, New York and The Beatles (1)

WAGE Dedication Show (1)

WBAP Morning Edition (1)

WBZ Boston Annual Grease Weekend (1)

WCAE News (9)

WCAJ Programing (1)

WCAU Career Forum, The (2)

WCAU News (4)

WCBS Blooper Reel (1)

WCBS Christmas Show (3)

WCBS-AM News (1)

WCCO 30th Anniversary Program (1)

WCCO Aquatennial Show, The (3)

WCCO Demo Tape (1)

WCCO Junior Talent Parade, The (1)

WCCO Winter Carnival, The (1)

WCKY Hayride, The (1)

WCMI Barn Dance Revue, The (1)

WCNW All Request Program (2)

WDRC-WTIC Merger (1)

WEAF News (1)

WEVD Weekly Friday Evening Service (1)

WFBR Christmas Serenade, The (1)

WFBR Handicap, The (1)

WFBR Jamboree (1)

WFIL News (1)

WGAR Orchestra, The (1)

WGBB Children's Hour, The (1)

WGN Barn Dance, The (1)

WGN Radio 40th Anniversary Special, The (1)

WGY Players, The (1)

WHAA Early Bird Show (1)

WHAM Fiftieth Anniversary Show (1)

WHAS Coverage Of The Death Of Elvis Presley (1)

WHAS Is There (1)

WHAS News (1)

WHAS-TV Tower Raising (1)

WHN Guest Disc Jockey (2)

WHN Live In Concert (1)

WINS News Conference (1)

WIS Barn Dance, The (1)

WJAS News (2)

WJSV Fifty Thousand Watt Transmitter Dedication (1)

WJZ Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Show (1)

WKBF, Indianapolis Dedication Program (1)

WKRC Victory Record (1)

WKZO Fiftieth Anniversary Broadcast (1)

WLAV Tenth Anniversary Program (1)

WLOS Barn Dance, The (1)

WLS School Time (1)

WLS Showboat, The (1)

WLW 30th Anniversary Program (1)

WLW News (1)

WLW Programs (9)

WLW Stock Company, The (1)

WMAC Anniversary Special (1)

WMAQ Excerpts (1)

WMAQ Radio Coverage Of The Richard Carpenter Case (1)

WMAQ Station Break (1)

WMAQ Twentieth Anniversary Show (1)

WMAQ Twenty Fifth Anniversary Show (1)

WMAQ...But Why? (1)

WMBI Round Table, The (1)

WMBQ Announcements (1)

WMCA Programs: 1931 (1)

WMGM Becomes WHN (1)

WMGM Radio Newsreel Theatre, The (1)

WNAX Tower Dedication (1)

WNBC, 66 New York City, The First Sixty Years (1)

WNBC: The First Sixty-Six Years (1)

WNBK Parma Plant (1)

WNEW Selling Briefs (1)

WNYC 30th Anniversary Program (2)

WNYC American Art Festival (11)

WNYC Annual Book Festival (1)

WNYC Fiftieth Anniversary Broadcast, The (1)

WNYC Forum Of The Air, The (2)

WNYC Jazz Festival (1)

WNYC News (4)

WNYC Programs: December 1, 1931 (1)

WNYC Programs: December 10, 1931 (1)

WNYC Programs: December 16 to December 29, 1931 (1)

WNYC Programs: December 2, 1931 (1)

WNYC Programs: December 3, 1931 (1)

WNYC Programs: December 4, 1931 (1)

WNYC Radio Newsreel (1)

WNYC Sign-On (1)

WNYC Sixty-Fifth Anniversary Broadcast (1)

WOR Diamond Jubilee (1)

WOR Juke Box, The (1)

WOR News (2)

WOR Newsreel, The (45)

WOR Opera Concert, The (1)

WOR Salutes Channel Nine (1)

WOR Summer Theatre (3)

WOR Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Broadcast (2)

WOR Workshop (1)

WOWO, Fort Wayne, Indiana Emergency Announcement (1)

WPA American Folk Singers Of Boston (2)

WPA Civic Orchestra, The (1)

WPA Opera Company (1)

WPA Swing Version Of The Mikado (1)

WPA War Service Band (2)

WPBC First Day On The Air (1)

WQXR Halloween Party (1)

WREN Barn Dance (1)

WSB 50th Anniversary Record (1)

WSM 1939 Retrospective (1)

WSM Early Bird (1)

WSM Variety Award Presentation (1)

WTIC 11:00 P.M. News (1)

WTIC Celebrates 35 years Of Broadcasting (2)

WTIC Goes To 50,000 Watts (1)

WTIC News (1)

WWRL Microphone Test (1)

WWRL Sign-Ons (1)

WWVA Jamboree (2)

WXYZ Bicycle Safety Program (1)

Wacky World Of Jerry Lewis, The (1)

Wade Lane's Home Folks (11)

Waikiki Wedding (1)

Waitin' For Wakely (1)

Waiting People, The (1)

Wake Island (1)

Wake Island Burial Ceremony (1)

Wake Up America (250)

Wake Up and Live (2)

Wake Up and Sing (1)

Wake Up, Kentucky (1)

Wake-Up Ranch (3)

Wake-Up Ranch Junior (1)

Waking Giant, The (1)

Walgreen Birthday Party, The (1)

Walk Softly, Peter Troy (48)

Walker's Austex Castillians (9)

Walkie Talkie (1)

Walking My Baby Back Home (1)

Wally Butterworth (23)

Wally Fowler and The Oak Ridge Quartet (28)

Walt Disney Interview (1)

Walt Maguire Sports (1)

Walt Turner and The News (1)

Walter Compton (6)

Walter Cronkite (1)

Walter Cronkite Memorial (1)

Walter Cronkite Staff (1)

Walter Gross and His Orchestra (1)

Walter Huston Dramatic Readings (1)

Walter Huston Dramatic Recitations (7)

Walter Johnson: A Biography For Radio (1)

Walter Kiernan (1)

Walter Kiernan Commentary (1)

Walter Mondale (1)

Walter O'Keefe's Almanac (6)

Walter O'Keefe's Americana (2)

Walter O'Keefe's Little Show (1)

Walter Reuther (1)

Walter Wanger's Vogues Of 1938 (1)

Walter Winchell (7)

Walter Winchell Toasts Canada (1)

Waltz Time (38)

Wanamaker Mile, The (1)

Wandering Minstrel, The (1)

Wandering Troubadors (1)

Wanted (12)

Wanted: A Constructive Silver Policy (1)

War Bond Rally (1)

War Correspondent (6)

War Fund Campaign Appeal (1)

War Goes On, The (11)

War Of The Worlds Documentary (1)

War Of The Worlds, Fiftieth Anniversary Production, The (1)

War Of The Worlds, The (1)

War Production Board's Report On The War Production Drive, The (1)

War Production Drive Program (1)

War Report (1)

War Reports (1)

War Telescope (37)

War This Week, The (3)

War Town (15)

War and Crime (1)

War and Then What?, The (1)

Ward Donovan Show, The (1)

Waring Christmas Album, The Fred (1)

Waring and His Pennsylvanians, Fred (249)

Warner Brothers Academy Theatre (9)

Warner Brothers Presents (1)

Warning Bell, The (1)

Warren Austin (1)

Warren Commission Report, The (1)

Warren Covington and His Orchestra (5)

Warren Irvin (2)

Warren Sweeney and The News (1)

Washington Capitols Vs. The Harlem Yankees, The (1)

Washington Report, The (1)

Washington Reports On Rationing (3)

Washington Scene (4)

Washington U. S. A. (1)

Washington Week (3)

Washington Wives (1)

Washington's Birthday Celebration (1)

Wasteland, The (1)

Wastelands, The (1)

Watch Mr. Wizard (2)

Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society (5)

Watch Tower Program, The (1)

Watchers, The (1)

Watchman, The (2)

Water Conservation Spot Announcement (1)

Watergate Coverup Trial, The (1)

Watts Riot Coverage (1)

Waverly Root (2)

Waverly Root and Victor Lusinchi (1)

Way Back Home (1)

Way Down East (3)

Way Dwn East (1)

Way It Was, The (35)

Way Of Life (1)

Way Of The Leibstandarte S. S. Adolf Hitler, The (1)

Way, The (1)

Wayfarin' Stranger, The (4)

Wayne Howell Show, The (1)

Wayne King Orchestra (11)

Wayne King Orchestra and Choir (1)

Wayne King Serenade (1)

Wayne King Show, The (3)

Wayne King and His Orchestra (5)

Wayne University Community Radio Theatre, The (1)

Ways Of Mankind (24)

Wayside Pulpit, The (1)

Wayside Theatre, The (9)

We Are Always Young (1)

We Are Not Alone (1)

We Came In Peace For All Mankind (1)

We Came This Way (29)

We Can Do It (1)

We Care (1)

We Deliver The Goods (1)

We Have The Ships...Send Our G. I.'s Home (1)

We Hold These Truths (2)

We Human Beings (1)

We Interrupt This Program (1)

We Know A Story (16)

We Love and Learn (19)

We Point With Pride (1)

We Refuse To Die (1)

We Remember (4)

We Six (1)

We Still Have A War To Win (1)

We Take You Back (1)

We Take Your Word (3)

We Talk 'Em Down (1)

We The Abbotts (1)

We The People (26)

We Three (1)

We Want A Touchdown (1)

We Who Are Young (1)

We Who Fight (1)

We Will Never Die (2)

We're Not Dressing (1)

We've Got Your Number (1)

Weapon For Tomorrow (1)

Weary River (1)

Webley Edwards (1)

Wedding Of Princess Elizabeth (1)

Wedding Of The Century, The (1)

Wednesday Review (1)

Wednesday With You (11)

Week In Washington, The (1)

Weekday Theatre (1)

Weekend (2)

Weekend Edition (2)

Weekend Report (2)

Weekend Sound Flights '63 (1)

Weekend Wimsey (1)

Weekly War Journal (93)

Weekly War News (1)

Wehrmacht Hour, The (9)

Weird Circle, The (79)

Weird Tales (1)

Welcome Back Baseball (1)

Welcome Back To Jessica Dragonette (1)

Welcome Home To The Twenty Eighth Division (1)

Welcome Neighbor (1)

Welcome Stranger (1)

Welcome To Newfoundland (1)

Welcome To The Freedom Train (1)

Welcome Travelers (7)

Welfare Council Of New York City (1)

Well Of Fortaleza, The (1)

Wendell Hall, The Pineapple Picador (2)

Wendell Willkie (20)

Wendell Willkie Goes To Washington/Victory For Willkie (1)

Wendell Willkie Memorial Plans (1)

Wendell Willkie Memorial Program (1)

Wendy Warren and The News (10)

Werner's Orchestra (1)

Wesley Tuttle and His Coon Hunters (2)

West End Horror, The (1)

West Haven Christmas Party (1)

West Point Story (1)

Western Caravan, The (1)

Western Dance Parade (2)

Western Serenade (1)

Western Stars (2)

Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse (1)

Westinghouse Program, The (97)

Wharf Angel (1)

What Am I Offered? (2)

What America Means To Me (3)

What America Thinks: 1976 (1)

What Are We Fighting Fior? (1)

What Are We Fighting For? (6)

What Can The U.S. Do To Help Solve The D.P. Problem? (1)

What Christmas Means To Me (1)

What Did We Learn From Apollo 13? (1)

What Do You Think? (1)

What Every Man Wants (1)

What Grand-Dad Did In The Dark (1)

What Happens Now? (1)

What I Saw In Germany (1)

What In This World Do You Want? (1)

What Is American Music? (1)

What Price America? (1)

What Should Congress Do About High Prices? (1)

What The O.P.A. Is Doing For You In Veteran's Housing (1)

What To Do Before The Doctor Comes (1)

What War Means To Me (1)

What Would You Do? (1)

What's Doing At The Farmer's Market (1)

What's Doing Ladies? (2)

What's Going On In Congress? (1)

What's Good For The Army (1)

What's Good For The Army? (1)

What's My Line? (54)

What's My Name? (1)

What's New (2)

What's New In Agriculture (1)

What's The Answer? (2)

What's The Good Word? (1)

What's The Matter With Father? (1)

What's The Name Of That Song? (1)

What's The Word (1)

What's With Herbert? (1)

What's Your Idea? (2)

Whatever Became Of... (58)

Whatever Happened To 1972? (1)

Wheat and The War (1)

Wheatena Playhouse, The (1)

Wheel Of Fortune, The (1)

Wheeling Steel Company Family Broadcast, The (4)

Wheels Go Round, The (1)

Whelan Drug Audition, The (1)

When A Girl Marries (16)

When Conventions Were Conventions (4)

When Johnny Comes Marching Home (1)

When Presses Roar (1)

When Radio Was All There Was (1)

When Television Was Young (1)

When The West Was Young (2)

Where Are They Now? (1)

Where Do We Stand? (1)

Where Is The Meat? (1)

Where There's Life (1)

Where We Stand (3)

Which Is To Say, Master (1)

Which Is Which? (4)

While Berns Roams (2)

Whippoorwills With Georgia Brown, The (2)

Whipsaw (1)

Whisper Men, The (2)

Whisperer, The (13)

Whispering Jack Smith (6)

Whispering Jack Smith and His Whispering Strings (6)

Whispering Streets (18)

Whistle That Woke The World, The (1)

Whistler, The (556)

White Banners (1)

White Cliffs, The (2)

White Fires Of Inspiration (6)

White House Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony (1)

White House Conversation: The President and Howard K. Smith (1)

White House Correspondents' Association Dinner (4)

White House Jazz Festival (1)

White House Story, The (1)

White House Tapes: On To The Grand Jury, The (1)

White House Tapes: The Nixon Decision, The (1)

White House Tapes: The President Calling (1)

White House Transcripts, The (1)

White Shirt Brigade, The (1)

White Woman (1)

Whitehall 1212 (43)

Whittaker Chambers (1)

Who Killed Michael Farmer? (1)

Who Listens To Radio? (1)

Who Said That? (2)

Who Speaks For Germany? (1)

Who Speaks For Harlem? (1)

Who's Boss (1)

Who's In Town Tonight (1)

Who's Out There? (1)

Who's Talking? (1)

Who, What, When, Where and Why With Harry Reasoner (1)

Whole Grand Family, The (1)

Whole Town's Talking, The (3)

Whole Truth Gospel Radio Hour (1)

Whoopee (1)

Whose Time Is Come (1)

Why Can't I Be President? (1)

Why Did He Do It? (2)

Why Did Lenny Bruce Die? (1)

Why Do You Worry? (13)

Why I Chose Not To Run (1)

Why The Chimes Rang (1)

Wicked Wife (1)

Wife Line (1)

Wife Vs. Secretary (1)

Wife Wanted (15)

Wild Bill Davison and His Band (1)

Wild Bill Elliott (5)

Wild Bill Hickok (269)

Wild Harvest (1)

Wild Kids, The (1)

Wild Ones, The (1)

Wild Root Cream Oil Hair Tonic Spots (1)

Wildroot Cream Oil Show, The (1)

Wiley and Gene (1)

Wiley and Gene Performances (1)

Wilkens Amateur Hour, The (2)

Will Bradley Orchestra (1)

Will Bradley and His Jazz Octet (16)

Will Bradley and His Orchestra (3)

Will Of Stratford (1)

Will Osborne Orchestra (2)

Will Osborne and His Orchestra (7)

Will Rogers (1)

Will Rogers Jr. (1)

Will Rogers Memorial Dedication (1)

Will Rogers Says... (1)

Will The Real Peter Sellers Please Stand Up? (1)

Will Toward Peace, The (1)

Willa Cather: A Look Of Remembrance (2)

Willa Cather: Days Of Remembrance (1)

Willard Tablet Program, The (1)

William B. and Company (4)

William Coolidge (1)

William Green (3)

William Hillman (1)

William Hillman and Bill Henry (1)

William Jennings Bryan (1)

William L. Hutchinson (1)

William L. Shirer (3)

William MacKenzie-King (1)

William Mallard Show, The (1)

William Manier (1)

William O'Dwyer (1)

William Wirges Orchestra (2)

Willie Pep Vs. Phil Terranova (1)

Willy Gans At The Console (1)

Willys-Overland Dealer Announcements: Aero Willys "Phyllis" (1)

Wimbledon Tennis Tournament (2)

Win The Peace (1)

Win Your Spurs (1)

Win, Place Or Show (2)

Win, Place and Show (1)

Wine Of The Country (1)

Wing Commander Kingsford-Smith (1)

Winged Victory Premier (1)

Wings For Tomorrow (3)

Wings Of Song (2)

Wings Of The Dragon (1)

Wings Over Christmas (1)

Wings Over Jordan (4)

Wings Over The West Coast (2)

Wings Over The World (2)

Wings To Victory (10)

Wingy Manone (1)

Wink Martindale Show, The (1)

Winner Take All (2)

Winner's Circle, The (1)

Winnie The Wave (2)

Winston Churchill (58)

Winston Churchill Interview (1)

Winston Churchill Press Conference Report (1)

Winston Churchill and Field Marshal Montgomery (1)

Winston Churchill's Arrival In New York City (1)

Winston County Dudes, The (1)

Wisconsin College Of The Air, The (2)

Wise Handyman Program, The (2)

Wise Up (1)

Wisecrackers, The (2)

Wishbone Party (1)

Wishing Well (1)

Wishing Well, The (1)

Wishing You A Happy New Year (1)

Wit's End (1)

Witch's Tale, The (49)

With Book and Pipe (1)

Witness! (1)

Witness, The (21)

Wittnauer Choraliers, The (2)

Wizard Of Odds, The (28)

Wizard Of Oz, The (3)

Wohl's Sophisticates (4)

Wold News Roundup (1)

Wolf Song (1)

Wolfman Jack Air Force Show, The (1)

Wolfman Jack Halloween Freakout, The (1)

Wolfman Jack Program, The (1)

Wolfman Jack Show, The (12)

Woman From Moscow, The (1)

Woman In My House (1)

Woman In My House, The (7)

Woman In White, The (5)

Woman Of Courage (1)

Woman Who Dyed Twice, The (1)

Woman's Club (1)

Woman's Magazine Of The Air (2)

Woman's Symphony Orchestra Of Chicago, The (1)

Women In The Defense Decade (1)

Women In The Defense Decade Conference (1)

Women In World Affairs (1)

Women and The News (1)

Women's Patriotic Council On National Defense, The (1)

Women's Prison (1)

Women, The (1)

Wonder Bar (1)

Wonder Man (1)

Wonder Of Vision, The (8)

Wonder Show, The (19)

Wonderful Town (1)

Wonderful Wileys, The (1)

Wonderful World (1)

Wonderful World Of Animals, The (1)

Wonderful World Of Disney, The (1)

Wonderland Of Vision, The (12)

Wonderland Tales (1)

Woodbury Double Feature, The (1)

Woodbury Hollywood News (5)

Woodbury Journal, The (1)

Woodbury Soap Show, The (7)

Woodbury's Hollywood Playhouse (2)

Wooden Fish, The (1)

Woodmen Of The World (1)

Woody (1)

Woody Herman (2)

Woody Herman Live In England (1)

Woody Herman Show, The (7)

Woody Herman and His Orchestra (18)

Woody Herman and The Third Herd (4)

Woody Woodpecker Show, The (2)

Woolworth Hour, The (4)

Word Detective (1)

Word From The People (1)

Word Game, The (2)

Word Of Life (1)

Word Story (1)

Words Are For The Wise (1)

Words At War (83)

Words Of Romance (1)

Words That Endure (4)

Words We Live By, The (48)

Words With Music (33)

Words Without Music (1)

Words and Music (2)

Words and Music By Joan Brooks (1)

Workers' Challenge (1)

Workld's Grat Novels, The (1)

Works Progress Administration Civic Band, The (1)

Workshop For War (1)

World , The (1)

World Adventurers Club, The (30)

World At Large, The (1)

World Events (2)

World Events In The Light Of The Old Family Bible (6)

World Events in The Light Of The Family Bible (1)

World Food Crisis (1)

World Front, The (1)

World In Depth, The (1)

World In Review, The (5)

World In Sound 1972, The (1)

World In Sound 1973, The (1)

World In Sound, The (4)

World In Sound...1966, The (1)

World Is Calling You, The (1)

World Is Yours, The (61)

World Jazz Series (1)

World Music Festival (1)

World News Parade (5)

World News Roundup, The (74)

World News Today (112)

World News Tonight (3)

World News Tonight, The (1)

World News With Robert Trout (1)

World Of Beachcomber, The (1)

World Of Books, The (2)

World Of Disney, The (1)

World Of F. Scott Fitzgerald, The (8)

World Of Folk Music, The (12)

World Of Jazz, The (3)

World Of Music, The (2)

World Of Religion, The (1)

World Of Rosalind Marlowe, The (1)

World Of Show Business, The (1)

World Of Song (3)

World Security Workshop (7)

World Series Game (39)

World Series Preview (4)

World Series Repeat (1)

World Stood Still, The (1)

World This Week, The (13)

World Today, The (75)

World Tomorrow, The (178)

World Tonight, The (9)

World Trade Center Coverage (11)

World War II (1)

World War II On The Air (1)

World Without End (5)

World and America, The (19)

World and You, The (1)

World's Best Novels, The (1)

World's Best Seller, The (2)

World's Best, The (1)

World's Fair Band, The (2)

World's Fair Closing Night (1)

World's Fair Event (1)

World's Fair Holiday (4)

World's Fair Song (1)

World's Great Novels, The (2)

World's Great Novels, The (135)

World's Greatest Mother, The (1)

World's Greatest Mysteries, The (2)

World's Greatest Short Stories, The (4)

World's Greatest Showman, The (1)

World's Greatest Stories, The (17)

World's Most Honored Flights, The (6)

World-Wide and Pacific Coast News (1)

Worlds Adventurers Club, The (1)

Wormwood Forest (19)

Worry Hour, The (1)

Wrap Up (1)

Wright Memorial Program (1)

Wright Mood For Dancing, The (1)

Wrigley Christmas Party (1)

Wrigley's Thanksgiving Show (1)

Writer With The Lame Left Hand, The (1)

Wurzburg Mozart Festival (1)

Wynn Show, The (2)